Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

URL is used at run time in 22,976 crates (of which 2,108 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 5,395 crates. It's used at build time in 623 crates (of which 167 optionally, 5 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1,622 crates (of which 70 directly).

Number of dependers URL version Downloads/month
22,073 2.5.0 6.4M
1 2.3.1 580K
11 2.2.2 153K
8 2.1.1 11K
15 2.1.0 3.2K
3,027 1.7.2 329K
4 1.5.1 500
1 1.4.1 320
1 1.2.4 190
1 1.1.1 320
30 0.5.10 850
2 0.5.5 0
47 0.2.38 1.1K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) URL version
5.0M 8524 reqwest ^2.2
1.0M 612 aws-config ^2.3.1
1.0M 52 trust-dns-proto ^2.4.0
1.2M 769 ureq ^2
1.0M 878 git2 ^2.0
2.3M 258 tungstenite optional ^2.1.0
981K 36 sqlx-core ^2.2.2
842K 122 aws-sdk-s3 ^2.3.1
812K 943 actix-web ^2.1
803K 3 sqlx-macros-core ^2.2.2
764K 3 sqlx-sqlite ^2.2.2
1.4M 87 opentelemetry_sdk optional ^2.2
1.1M 913 schemars optional ^2.0
617K 98 object_store ^2.2
605K 112 http-types ^2.1.1
592K 406 redis ^2.1
556K 203 validator ^2
522K 2 sentry-types ^2.1.1
513K 73 jsonschema ^2.2
428K 23 sourcemap ^2.1.1
416K 168 wiremock ^2.2
409K 158 swc_common ^2.4.0
402K 7 opentelemetry-datadog ^2.2
379K 112 oauth2 ^2.1
364K 91 sea-orm ^2.2
355K 7 gix-url ^2.5.0
331K 38 cookie_store ^2.3.1
293K 71 attohttpc ^2.2.2
293K 28 valico ^2
289K 113 lsp-types ^2.0.0
271K 43 cargo-lock ^2
801K 696 rusqlite optional ^2.1
258K 71 bollard ^2.2
257K 19 hickory-proto ^2.4.0
245K 221 webbrowser ^2
241K 4 jsonrpsee-ws-client ^2.4.0
234K 10 jsonrpsee-http-client ^2.4.0
227K 135 yup-oauth2 ^2
674K 704 color-eyre optional ^2.1.1
220K 16 fred ^2.4
215K 74 datafusion ^2.2
215K 5 datafusion-execution ^2.2
208K 4 libp2p-websocket ^2.4
206K 35 ethers-providers ^2.4
598K 38 zvariant optional ^2.5.0
187K 128 isahc ^2.1
186K 35 rouille ^2
156K 8 pyroscope ^2.2.2
141K 5 git2-curl ^2.0
141K 27 tao ^2
135K 7 ethers-middleware ^2.4
132K 1 sea-orm-cli ^2.2
130K 15 tauri-utils ^2
381K 64 opener optional ^2
125K 39 ammonia ^2
122K 52 async-native-tls ^2.1.1
122K 98 tauri ^2.3
121K 318 azure_core ^2.2
360K 27 multiaddr optional ^2.1.0
118K 5 tauri-runtime ^2
117K 45 solana-clap-utils ^2.5.0
117K 15 solana-net-utils ^2.5.0
117K 4 svm-rs ^2.5
348K 363 diesel optional ^2.1.0
113K 125 httpmock ^2.4
337K 126 async-graphql optional ^2.2.1
109K 5 solana-pubsub-client ^2.5.0
105K 4 amq-protocol-uri ^2.0
103K 4 igd-next ^2
101K 11 azure_storage ^2.2
100K 5 google-storage1 =1.7
100K 9 azure_storage_blobs ^2.2
98K 8 google-cloud-storage ^2.4
97K 58 solana-cli-config ^2.5.0
94K 22 lambda_http ^2.2
91K 6 refinery-core ^2.0
89K 41 mysql_async ^2.1
86K 119 cargo ^2.5.0
86K 10 crates-io ^2.5.0
85K 63 wasmtime-wasi ^2.3.1
84K 5 aws-creds ^2
254K 3 jsonrpsee-client-transport optional ^2.4.0
81K 25 elasticsearch ^2.1
81K 2 jsonrpc-client-transports ^1.7
81K 32 rust-s3 ^2
76K 11 gcp_auth ^2
75K 7 openid ^2
73K 9 ashpd ^2.3
73K 27 async-nats ^2
73K 12 rustsec ^2
68K 3 gcp-bigquery-client ^2
64K 107 deno_core ^2
196K 3 utoipa-gen optional ^2
63K 27 nats ^2.2.2
63K 26 openidconnect ^2.4
189K 3 ethers-contract-abigen optional ^2.4
59K 95 serenity ^2.4.1
59K 8 stun ^2
57K 5 rustify ^2.2.2
56K 3 prometheus-http-query ^2.5
54K 6 vaultrs ^2.3.1
53K 12 azure_identity ^2.2
53K 3 juniper_codegen ^2.0
52K 36 deno_ast ^2.3.1
153K 18 salvo_core optional ^2
50K 1 sqlx-cli ^2.2.2
49K taplo-cli ^2.2.2
49K 8 urlpattern ^2.2.2
48K 21 worker ^2.4.0
144K 11 google-cloud-auth optional ^2.4
45K 15 webc ^2.2.2
44K 1 cargo-deny ^2.1
42K 74 octocrab ^2.2.2
42K 6 server_fn ^2
125K 29 scylla optional ^2.3.1
41K 4 compact_jwt ^2.2.2
41K 321 google-apis-common =1.7
41K 4 tracing-loki ^2.2.2
40K 3 sdp ^2
40K 6 web3-async-native-tls ^2.1.1
40K 3 webrtc-ice ^2
39K 4 sendgrid ^2.5
39K 4 tendermint-config ^2.2
39K 11 wasmer-wasix ^2.3.1
39K 23 webrtc ^2
38K 1 diesel_cli ^2.2.2
37K 21 tendermint-rpc ^2.4.1
36K 7 heed ^2.2.0
36K 5 pep508_rs ^2.5.0
36K 3 taplo-common ^2.2.2
35K 5 http-cache ^2.4.0
35K 20 igd ^2
33K 2 webauthn-rs-proto ^2
104K 54 rumqttc optional ^2
33K 108 mysql ^2.1
33K 1 webauthn-rs-core ^2
32K 7 webdriver ^2.4
97K 1 sentry-tower optional ^2.2.2
31K 2 containers-api ^2.1
95K 117 lettre optional ^2.4
29K 10 docker-api ^2.1
29K 22 axum-test ^2.5
29K 19 http-cache-reqwest ^2.4.0
29K 2 opensearch ^2.1
29K snowflake-api ^2
27K 6 pulsar ^2.4.0
27K 28 subxt ^2.5.0
27K 4 cargo-util-schemas ^2.5.0
27K 6 clickhouse ^2.1.1
27K 14 env_proxy ^2
25K 26 fantoccini ^2.2.2
25K 38 trash ^2.4.1
76K 11 polars-io optional ^2.4
24K 1 goose ^2
21K 1 cargo-component ^2.5.0
22K 7 google-drive3 =1.7
22K 26 ldap3 ^2.3.1
22K 2 shadowsocks ^2.5
66K 24 totp-rs optional ^2.4
19K 59 websocket ^1.0
18K 7 gcloud-sdk ^2.5
18K 9 cloudflare ^2.2
54K 69 juniper optional ^2.0
16K 1 aur-fetch ^2.3.1
16K 30 crates_io_api ^2.1.0
16K 3 dhall ^2.1
16K 3 dhcproto ^2.2.2
16K 21 ic-agent ^2.1.0
16K 9 serde_dhall ^2.1
17K 3 slack-morphism ^2.5
17K 19 thirtyfour ^2.5
50K 3 deno_media_type optional ^2.3.1
15K 29 headless_chrome ^2.3
15K 2 surrealdb-core ^2.5.0
15K 4 tough ^2
15K 49 url_serde ^1.0.0
16K 2 yaup ^2
47K 80 web3 optional ^2.1
15K 4 paperclip >=1.7, <3
44K 1 opentls optional ^2.1.1
44K 26 promptly optional ^2.2.2
44K 82 rss optional ^2.1
13K 17 cloudevents-sdk ^2.1
13K 20 hyper-staticfile ^2.1.0
13K 38 surrealdb ^2.5.0
13K cargo-vet ^2.2.2
13K 139 iron ^1.1
13K 11 oxide-auth ^2.2.2
38K 3 substrait optional ^2.5.0
38K 34 ts-rs optional ^2
11K 9 cargo-edit ^2.4.0
11K 3 ocipkg ^2.5.0
11K 5 shuttle-common ^2.4.0
12K svix ^2.2
11K 8 tugger-common ^2.3.1
10K cargo-update ^2.3
11K 4 fe2o3-amqp ^2
10K 7 i-slint-compiler ^2.2.1
10K 12 librespot-core ^2.1
11K 3 octorust ^2
10K 9 rocket_cors ^2.3.1
10K 16 serde_url_params ^2.1.1
10K 1 sspi ^2.4
10K 41 teloxide ^2.2.2
10K 3 teloxide-core ^2
10K 2 dump_syms ^2.2
10K 1 ssstar ^2.3
10K 56 ws ^2.0.0
29K 5 tracing-stackdriver optional ^2.5.0
9.9K 3 pgrx-pg-config ^2.4.1
9.9K 1 tauri-cli ^2.4
9.8K 7 rkv ^2.0
29K 19 leptos_router optional ^2
9.6K 5 starknet-providers ^2.3.1
27K 32 poem-openapi optional ^2.2.2
9.3K 4 edge-schema ^2.3.1
27K 29 parse_link_header optional ^2.2.2
8.7K 8 solana-clap-v3-utils ^2.5.0
8.7K 2 databend-client ^2.5
8.7K 3 apple-xar ^2.5.0
8.6K 2 librespot ^2.2
8.5K 22 reqwest_cookie_store ^2.2.2
8.4K 2 coap ^2.2
8.2K 15 import_map ^2.3.1
8.1K 17 deno_graph ^2.2.2
8.1K 3 livekit-api ^2.3
8.0K 21 swc ^2.4.0
7.9K 5 deno_semver ^2.3.1
7.9K cargo-pgrx ^2.4.1
7.9K 11 contract-metadata ^2.5.0
7.8K cargo-about ^2.2
7.6K 2 rust_engineio ^2.4.1
7.6K 9 rust_socketio ^2.4.1
7.6K 4 ra_ap_ide ^2.3.1
7.4K 3 databend-driver ^2.5
7.4K 1 databend-sql ^2.5
7.4K 2 conjure-runtime-config ^2.0
7.3K 12 fastly ^2.2.2
7.3K 1 conjure-runtime ^2.0
7.3K 44 anchor-client ^2
7.2K 7 dioxus-router ^2.3.1
7.1K 4 tldextract ^2
7.1K cf-reqwest ^2.2
7.0K 3 fs-hdfs3 ^2.2
7.0K 2 rtsp-types ^2.0
20K 3 schema_registry_converter optional ^2.3
6.8K 6 spider ^2
6.6K samael ^2.1.1
6.4K 13 extism ^2
6.4K 8 contract-build ^2.5.0
6.4K 22 rspotify ^2.2.2
6.2K 5 mime-sniffer ^1.2
6.2K 9 git-cliff-core ^2.5.0
6.1K 6 binstalk-types ^2.3.1
6.1K 1 bitwarden-api-api >=2.3.1, <3
6.1K 1 bitwarden-api-identity >=2.3.1, <3
6.1K 1 webauthn-rs ^2
6.1K 4 binstalk-downloader ^2.3.1
6.0K 4 google-sheets4 =1.7
6.0K 9 trillium-server-common ^2.5.0
5.9K 3 tauri-plugin-fs ^2
5.9K 13 ruma-common ^2.2.2
5.8K weer_api ^2.2.2
5.8K 3 kittycad ^2
5.8K 5 dash-mpd ^2.5.0
5.8K 58 router ^1.1
5.7K 8 nu-command ^2.2
5.7K 9 deno_emit ^2.3.1
5.7K 8 eszip ^2.2.2
5.6K 2 wcgi ^2
5.6K 1 deno_config ^2.3.1
5.6K 2 rweb-openapi ^2
5.6K 2 manganis-common ^2.4.0
5.6K 2 codespan-lsp ^2
16K 10 clio optional ^2.3.1
5.5K 2 tokio-rustls-acme ^2.2.2
5.5K 2 fs-hdfs ^2.2
5.5K 21 nickel ^1.0
5.5K content-security-policy ^2
5.4K 1 cd ^2.1
5.4K 26 feed-rs ^2.5.0
5.4K 1 apollo-federation ^2
5.4K 7 bollard-next ^2.2
5.4K 1 deno_cache_dir ^2.3.1
5.3K 2 denokv_remote ^2
5.3K 6 memcache ^2.1
5.3K 16 gitlab ^2.1
5.3K 4 parity-ws ^2.0.0
15K 13 duckdb optional ^2.1
5.2K 2 binstalk ^2.3.1
5.2K 1 binstalk-fetchers ^2.3.1
5.2K 1 binstalk-manifests ^2.3.1
5.2K 1 binstalk-registry ^2.3.1
5.1K 1 passkey-client ^2
5.0K 1 oxide-auth-async ^2.3.1
15K 5 mrml optional ^2
15K 2 paperclip-core optional ^2
4.9K 8 axoasset ^2.3.1
4.8K 20 git-url-parse ^2.2
4.8K 5 zellij-utils ^2.2.2
4.7K 7 rusty-s3 ^2.2.0
4.7K 5 breezyshim ^2
4.7K 9 webpage ^2
4.6K 8 lance-core ^2.3
4.5K 3 rattler ^2.5.0
4.5K 12 rattler_conda_types ^2.5.0
4.4K datadog-logs ^2.1
4.4K 14 chromiumoxide ^2
4.4K 2 vaultrs-login ^2.3.1
4.3K 8 deno_node <2.5.0
4.3K 2 css-inline ^2
4.3K 4 rattler_solve ^2.5.0
4.3K 3 rattler_package_streaming ^2.5.0
4.3K 1 google-fcm1 =1.7
4.3K 4 rattler_repodata_gateway ^2.5.0
4.3K 3 lance ^2.3
13K 9 garde optional ^2
4.2K 6 rattler_networking ^2.5.0
4.2K 2 zellij-server ^2.2.2
4.2K 2 zellij-client ^2.2.2
4.1K hurl ^2.5.0
4.1K 4 lance-io ^2.3
4.1K workos ^2.2
4.1K 1 www-authenticate ^1.5
4.0K 2 lance-table ^2.3
4.0K 2 manganis-cli-support ^2.4.0
4.0K 2 c2pa ^2.2.2
4.0K 12 neo4rs ^2.0.0
4.0K 1 couch_rs ^2
12K 4 libreauth optional ^2.3.1
11K 6 parity-multiaddr optional ^2.1.0
11K 437 version-sync optional ^2.2.2
3.8K 1 rattler_lock ^2.5.0
3.7K 1 apollo-router ^2.5.0
3.7K 1 deno_kv <2.5.0
3.7K 3 hayagriva ^2.4
3.7K 1 boon ^2
3.7K 1 zenoh-link-ws ^2.3.1
3.7K postmark ^2.4
3.7K 4 trillium-testing ^2.5.0
3.6K 6 pact_mock_server ^2.5.0
3.6K 4 janus_messages ^2.5.0
3.6K 5 deltalake-core ^2
3.6K 2 http-request-derive ^2
11K sccache optional ^2
11K 4 typesize optional ^2.4
10K zenohd optional ^2.3.1
3.4K 1 google-secretmanager1 =1.7
3.4K 2 pact_consumer ^2.5.0
3.4K 1 tauri-plugin-updater ^2
3.3K azure_data_cosmos ^2.2
3.3K 39 rust-htslib ^2.1
3.3K twilio-async ^2.2
3.2K 1 debian-control ^2.4.1
3.2K 3 gouth ^2.2
3.2K 1 async-wsocket ^2.5
3.1K 3 hashicorp_vault ^2.3
3.1K nomad-client ^2.2
3.1K 5 influxdb2 ^2.1.1
3.1K lsd ^2.1
3.1K 10 shiplift ^2.1
3.0K 7 lair_keystore_api ^2.3.1
3.0K 20 urlencoded ^1.6
3.0K nel ^2.2.2
3.0K prima-tracing ^2.5.0
3.0K 1 reqwest_dav ^2.3
2.9K laze ^2.5.0
2.9K 7 dav-server ^2.2.0
2.9K maturin ^2.5.0
2.9K 7 sea-streamer-types ^2.2
2.9K 10 lnurl-rs ^2.3.1
2.8K 2 switchboard-solana ^2.4
2.8K 12 url2 ^2.1
2.8K 10 amiquip ^2.2.2
2.8K scaleway_api_rs ^2.3.1
2.8K 4 tame-gcs ^2.2
2.8K 7 warg-client ^2.5.0
2.7K 7 jsonschema-valid ^2.1
2.7K 20 staticfile ^1.1
2.7K 4 dockworker ^2
2.7K 10 iroh-net ^2.4
2.6K stedi-sdk-client-guides ^2.4.1
8.5K vrl optional ^2
2.6K 1 wtransport-proto ^2.4.0
2.6K 4 taos-query ^2.2.2
2.6K 2 twilio ^2.0
2.6K 2 tauri-plugin-http ^2
2.6K 6 wtransport ^2.4.0
2.6K jwks_client_rs ^2.3
2.5K 7 sitemap ^2
8.2K 2 jsonptr optional ^2
2.5K 11 languageserver-types ^1.1.0
2.5K 2 cacaos ^2.2
2.5K 1 forc-wallet ^2.3
2.4K ppaass-agent ^2.4
2.4K 4 sigstore ^2.2.2
2.4K kubewarden-policy-sdk ^2.5.0
2.4K 12 kitsune_p2p_types ^2
2.3K 7 tx5-core ^2.3.1
2.3K 9 ruma-events ^2.2.2
2.3K 1 linkcheck ^2
2.3K 5 pkarr ^2.4.1
2.3K mise ^2.5.0
2.3K 4 webrtc-sdp ^2.1.0
2.3K 28 matrix-sdk ^2.2.2
2.3K langchain-rust ^2.5.0
2.3K 1 google-iamcredentials1 =1.7
2.2K 3 near-workspaces ^2.2.2
2.2K semantic-release-cargo =2.5.0
2.2K clippy_lints ^1.7.0
2.2K 1 deltalake-azure ^2
2.2K 1 deltalake-aws ^2
2.2K hexpm ^2.2
2.2K 7 sequoia-net ^2.1
2.1K 1 tx5-go-pion ^2.3.1
2.1K 1 tx5-signal ^2.3.1
2.1K 3 cargo-component-core ^2.5.0
2.1K sass-embedded ^2
2.1K 8 proto_core ^2.5.0
2.1K 1 divviup-client ^2.5.0
2.1K 2 iced_web ^2.0
2.1K 2 tx5 ^2.3.1
2.1K 3 barter-integration ^2.5.0
2.0K 3 trillium-proxy ^2.5.0
2.0K vmemcached ^2
2.0K 1 google-pubsub1 =1.7
2.0K 1 consul ^2.1
2.0K 2 hawk ^2.1
2.0K 2 hdfs-native ^2
1.9K RuStream ^2.5.0
1.9K 1 google-workflowexecutions1 =1.7
1.9K 2 pulldown-cmark-mdcat ^2.3.1
1.9K 15 exon-common ^2.5.0
1.9K cargo-shuttle ^2.4.0
1.9K 1 validify ^2.3.1
1.8K 1 tauri-plugin-notification ^2
1.8K dd-rust-license-tool ^2.5.0
1.8K cve ^2
1.8K reqwest-impersonate ^2.2
1.8K 7 clickhouse-rs ^2
1.8K opentalk-nextcloud-client ^2
1.8K 15 egg-mode ^2.1.1
1.7K 3 video-rs ^2
5.8K 44 ntex optional ^2.4
1.7K 2 rustis ^2.5
1.7K liboxen ^2.2.2
1.7K 3 atomic_lib ^2
1.7K 6 holochain ^2.4
1.7K cargo-spellcheck ^2
1.7K debian-watch ^2.4.1
1.7K 1 cumulus-relay-chain-rpc-interface ^2.4.0
1.7K opentalk-etherpad-client ^2
1.7K 1 asyncgit ^2.5
1.7K 5 cumulus-client-cli ^2.4.0
1.7K 39 fedimint-core ^2.5.0
1.6K 1 google-logging2 =1.7
1.6K 3 eventstore ^2
5.3K 12 specta optional ^2.3.1
1.5K 1 exon-io ^2.5.0
1.5K 1 wkhtmltopdf ^2.1
5.1K 6 tame-oauth optional ^2.2
1.5K 1 surrealdb-core-nightly ^2.5.0
1.5K 2 websocket-lite ^2
1.5K zero4rs ^2.5.0
1.5K 6 chatgpt_rs ^2.4.1
1.5K 2 gnostr-types ^2.4
1.5K 3 graph-error ^2
1.5K 4 ethcontract-generate ^2.1
1.5K 1 qcs-api ^2.2.2
1.5K 5 oxhttp ^2.4
1.5K 1 dragonfly-client-backend ^2.4.0
1.4K 2 dragonfly-client-util ^2.4.0
1.4K 6 activitypub_federation ^2.5.0
1.4K 7 diqwest ^2.4
1.4K 1 qcs-api-client-grpc ^2.3.1
1.4K 2 rbatis-codegen ^2.2.2
1.4K boomnet ^2.5.0
1.4K 1 qcs-api-client-openapi ^2.2.2
1.4K 1 surrealdb-nightly ^2.5.0
1.4K aws-sign-v4 ^2.5.0
1.4K 1 graph-oauth ^2
1.4K 1 postgresql_embedded ^2.5.0
1.4K 2 janus_core ^2.5.0
1.4K 1 crux_http ^2.5.0
1.4K xh ^2.2.2
1.4K 2 google-bigquery2 =1.7
1.4K 1 cobalt-aws ^2.5
4.7K confik optional ^2
1.3K sqlx-rxqlite ^2.2.2
1.3K wamp_async ^2
1.3K 1 dragonfly-client ^2.4.0
1.3K 4 vending-minter ^2.2.2
1.3K scim_proto ^2.3.1
1.3K sn_faucet ^2.5.0
4.5K 7 nydus-api optional ^2.1.1
4.5K 4 nydus-storage optional ^2.1.1
1.3K 3 exon ^2.5.0
1.3K drivel ^2.5.0
1.3K janus_client ^2.5.0
1.2K 6 rbdc-mysql ^2.2.2
1.2K janus_collector ^2.5.0
1.2K 1 hiramu ^2.5.0
1.2K 1 tide-disco ^2.5.0
1.2K 2 google-cloudprofiler2 =1.7
1.2K 1 webauthn-authenticator-rs ^2
1.2K rbw ^2.5.0
1.2K dragonfly-client-init ^2.4.0
1.2K 2 fedimint-wallet-common ^2.5.0
1.2K 16 maidsafe_utilities ~1.7.2
1.2K 5 fedimint-bitcoind ^2.5.0
1.2K sn_cli ^2.4.0
1.2K 1 http-types-red-badger-temporary-fork ^2.1.1
1.2K 2 twapi-oauth ^2.1
1.2K 6 fedimint-ln-common ^2.5.0
1.2K 3 payjoin ^2.2.2
1.2K 4 mqtt-async-client ^2.2.2
1.2K 11 readability ^2.4
1.2K 6 texting_robots ^2.2.2
1.2K 1 rsql_core ^2.5.0
1.2K 6 zino-core ^2.5.0
1.2K 2 google-cloudkms1 =1.7
1.2K speedtest-rs ^2.1.1
1.2K 5 reqwest-oauth1 ^2.2.0
1.2K kble ^2
1.2K 2 ya-sb-proto ^2.1.1
1.2K 5 cbor-diag ^2.3.1
1.1K 18 ckb-app-config ^2.2.2
1.1K 6 fedimint-wallet-client ^2.5.0
1.1K taxy ^2.4.0
1.1K 6 fedimint-ln-client ^2.5.0
1.1K 1 novel-api ^2.5.0
1.1K 1 graph-http ^2
1.1K hcaptcha ^2.5.0
1.1K 4 rustube ^2.2.2
4.0K 29 nostr optional ^2.5
1.1K 3 podman-api ^2.1
1.1K graph-rs-sdk ^2
1.1K 2 ya-service-bus ^2.1.1
1.1K 2 auxon-sdk ^2.1
1.1K 13 reqwest_wasi ^2.2
1.1K 6 reqwest-wasm ^2.2
1.1K websocat ^1.7.1
1.1K telegraf ^2.1.1
1.1K oha ^2.4.0
1.1K 2 vcr-cassette ^2.2.2
1.1K 1 viceroy-lib ^2.3.1
1.1K 5 krata ^2.5.0
1.1K pesde ^2.5.0
1.0K 2 axoproject ^2.5.0
1.0K 6 restson ^2
1.0K 1 astarte-device-sdk ^2.2.2
1.0K 12 sg721-base ^2.2.2
1.0K 4 twitch_oauth2 ^2.3.1
1.0K 3 li-http-types ^2.1.1
1.0K trane ^2.4.1
1.0K 1 lychee-lib ^2.5.0
1.0K 2 krata-oci ^2.5.0
1.0K 1 oauth2-types ^2.5.0
1.0K 1 mas-oidc-client ^2.5.0
1.0K overtls ^2.5
1.0K solana-install ^2.5.0
1.0K ya-sb-router ^2.1.1
1.0K novel-cli ^2.5.0
1.0K 1 vectordb ^2
1.0K 2 librsvg ^2
1.0K twitter-v2 ^2.2
1.0K marker ^2.4.1
3.5K 7 songbird optional ^2
1.0K wash-cli ^2
1.0K cargo-contract ^2.5.0
1.0K cargo_auto_github_lib ^2.3.1
3.5K httpc-test optional ^2.4.0
950 7 forc-pkg ^2.2
950 3 rhai-url >=2.0
950 14 ucan ^2.0
950 3 mas-jose ^2.5.0
950 1 webmention ^2.2
950 release-plz ^2.5.0
950 2 sqlx-sqlite-cipher ^2.2.2
950 1 google-bigtableadmin2 =1.7
950 19 tectonic ^2.0
950 data-faking ^2.5.0
950 1 fuel-core-relayer ^2.2
950 wasmer-cli ^2.3.1
900 1 pgmq ^2.3.1
900 2 tardis ^2.2
900 trading212 ^2.5
900 1 wash-lib ^2
900 axum-token-auth ^2
3.3K 2 uniresid optional ^2.2
900 cargo-sync-rdme ^2.5.0
3.3K 3 hwaddr optional build >=2.0.0, <3.0.0
900 1 teo-sql-connector ^2.5
900 toy-rpc ^2.2
900 1 google-drive ^2
900 1 dco3 ^2
900 1 lightstreamer-client ^2
900 stytch ^2.2.2
900 2 forc ^2.2
900 1 pict-rs ^2.2
900 1 sqlx-macros-oldapi ^2.2.2
900 1 unc-cli-rs ^2
900 opentalk-types ^2
900 4 oauth-lib ^2.3
850 agave-install ^2.5.0
850 fwupd-dbus ^2.3.1
850 qv ^2.5
850 5 veryl-metadata ^2.5
850 journal-forwarder ^2.3.1
850 curl-http-client ^2.4
850 1 url_encoded_data ^2.2.0
850 antimatter ^2.5.0
850 2 google-gmail1 =1.7
850 3 spiffe ^2
850 async-oauth2 ^2.5.0
850 2 magic-wormhole ^2.2.2
850 1 parse_postman_collection ^2.2
850 2 clerk-rs ^2.2
800 1 release_plz_core ^2.5.0
3.0K 11 starbase_utils optional ^2.5.0
800 opcua ^1.6
800 1 rusty_dl ^2.5.0
800 vending-minter-wl-flex ^2.2.2
800 golem-cli ^2.5.0
800 1 ldap3_client ^2.2.2
800 evzht9h3nznqzwl ^1.6
800 1 antimatter_api ^2.2
800 35 libimagutil ^2
800 1 sos-net ^2
800 key ^2.5.0
800 1 veilid-igd ^2
2.9K 3 doku optional ^2
800 5 warc ^2
750 cloud-storage-signature ^2.5.0
750 1 dataurl ^2.2.2
750 4 pact_verifier ^2.5.0
750 1 fnm ^2.4.0
750 5 mangadex-api-types-rust ^2.5
750 1 parsec-client ^2.2.0
750 3 base-minter ^2.2.2
750 monolith ^2.5.0
750 4 mangadex-api-schema-rust ^2.5
750 thegraph-core ^2.5
750 4 rusty_ytdl ^2.5.0
750 bendsql ^2.5
750 4 discord-sdk ^2.2
2.7K 4 ckb_schemars optional ^2.0
700 lichess-api ^2.5.0
2.7K 5 txoo optional ^2.2
2.7K 1 schematic_types optional ^2.5.0
700 1 vending-minter-merkle-wl ^2.2.2
700 2 mangadex-api ^2.5
700 tun2proxy ^2.5
700 3 ezsockets ^2.2.2
700 velopack ^2.5
700 2 sqlx-core-oldapi ^2.2.2
2.6K 1 bhttp optional ^2
700 theory_grabber ^2.5.0
700 3 cargo-geiger-serde ^2.3.1
700 erniebot-rs ^2.5.0
700 1 bugbite ^2.5.0
700 14 dmntk-common ^2.5.0
700 1 proxy_cfg ^2
700 2 adblock ^2.2
700 2 phyllo ^2.2.2
700 4 bc-components ^2.4.1
700 4 megalodon ^2.5.0
650 okta ^2
650 2 rsql_drivers ^2.5.0
650 lancedb ^2
650 favilib ^2
650 2 sos-sdk ^2
650 8 safe_core ^2.1.0
650 dbg-swc ^2
650 2 datafusion-cli ^2.2
650 1 open-edition-minter ^2.2.2
650 1 walletconnect-client ^2.4
650 2 whitelist-mtree ^2.2.2
650 2 geckodriver ^2.4
2.5K 4 service_conventions optional ^2.5.0
650 1 reinfer-client ^2.3.1
650 aws-sdk-s3control ^2.3.1
650 flipkart_scraper ^2.5.0
650 1 system_proxy ^2.3.1
650 mangadex-api-input-types ^2.5
650 vending-minter-featured ^2.2.2
650 pingap ^2.5.0
650 2 did-tz ^2.2.1
650 2 golem-common ^2.5.0
600 dprint ^2.5.0
600 archwiki-rs ^2.4.1
600 solv =2.5.0
600 elv ^2.3.1
600 1 cargo-like-utils ^2.4.1
600 qsv ^2.5
600 4 radicle-surf ^2.5
600 4 holochain_client ^2.2
600 5 sylvia-iot-corelib ^2.5.0
600 2 reduct-base ^2.5.0
600 vrchatapi ^2.2
600 4 librqbit-core ^2
600 1 pling ^2
600 12 identity_core ^2.4
600 limo ^2.5.0
600 2 cacao ^2.1.1
600 18 miraland-clap-utils ^2.5.0
600 1 cargo-deadlinks ^2
600 1 longport-wscli ^2.2.2
600 2 trotter ^2.4
600 cargo-local-registry ^2.1.1
600 1 v-common ^2.1.1
600 nostro2 ^2.5.0
600 tauri-plugin-cors-fetch ^2
600 3 mediawiki ^2.5
550 notedown-wasi ^2.5.0
550 5 git-url ^2.1.1
550 5 walker-common ^2
550 2 contract-extrinsics ^2.5.0
550 2 lade-sdk ^2.5.0
550 1 pgmq-core ^2.3.1
550 2 librqbit ^2
550 2 near-socialdb-client ^2
550 dtn7 ^2.2.2
550 1 article_scraper ^2.5
550 3 fedimint-ln-server ^2.5.0
550 8 fedimint-server ^2.5.0
550 synd-term ^2.5.0
550 rwalk ^2.4.1
550 1 ydb ^2.2
550 gemfreely ^2.5.0
550 3 fedimint-wallet-server ^2.5.0
550 mangadex-desktop-api2 ^2.4.1
550 slumber ^2.5.0
550 metalink ^2.2
550 3 pgx-pg-config ^2.3.1
550 3 fedimint-ln-gateway ^2.5.0
2.2K 12 product-os-request optional ^2.4.1
550 twitch_api ^2.3.1
550 sylvia-iot-data ^2.5.0
550 9 miraland-net-utils ^2.5.0
550 4 pgp-lib ^2.4
550 29 etwin_core ^2.3.1
550 1 aigis ^2.5.0
550 1 askar-storage ^2.1
550 3 osauth ^2.2
550 14 iron-test ^1.6.0
550 rsgmo ^2.5.0
550 2 binance-rs-async ^2.5
550 1 consulrs ^2.2.2
500 1 jsonrpc-quic ^2.1.1
500 2 debian-analyzer ^2.4
500 sylvia-iot-sdk ^2.5.0
500 3 libsql-client ^2.3.1
500 2 google-calendar3 =1.7
500 descord ^2.5.0
500 5 stac ^2
500 valorant_api_official ^2.5.0
500 11 lemmy_db_schema ^2.5.0
500 chromadb-rs ^2.5.0
500 s3-tokio ^2
500 1 golem-test-framework ^2.5.0
500 my-iot ^2.2.0
500 kcl-lib ^2.5.0
500 1 opentalk-client-shared ^2
500 teo ^2.5
500 fedimint-cli ^2.5.0
500 favicon-picker ^2
500 fedimint-testing ^2.5.0
500 sergeant ^2.5.0
500 2 rookie ^2
500 fedimintd ^2.5.0
500 2 endpoints ^2.5
500 tg-flows ^2.3.1
500 drill ^2.1.1
500 1 iconify ^2.5.0
500 wiring ^2.5
500 fedimint-gateway-cli ^2.5.0
500 nakadion ^2.2
500 13 product-os-configuration ^2.2.2
500 unc-workspaces ^2.2.2
500 ory-client ^2.2
500 object-store-wasm ^2.5.0
490 generic-db-observer ^2.4.1
490 sendgrid-api ^2
490 pgcat_config ^2.5
490 1 librqbit-tracker-comms ^2
480 1 mstickerlib ^2.2
480 2 cargo_utils ^2.5.0
480 sn_metrics ^2.4.1
480 htmlq ^2.2.2
480 pws ^2.4
480 1 sylvia-iot-coremgr ^2.5.0
480 6 oro-common ^2.3.1
470 5 document_tree ^2.1.0
470 2 csaf-walker ^2.3.1
470 2 kuma-client ^2.5.0
470 3 rbdc-pg ^2.2.2
470 1 rattler_installs_packages ^2.5.0
470 2 sbom-walker ^2.3.1
470 6 buttplug ^2.5.0
460 silent ^2.5.0
460 mstickereditor ^2.2
460 1 opentalk-controller-settings ^2
1.9K 7 sn_peers_acquisition optional ^2.4.0
460 easytier ^2.5
460 4 m3u ^1.2.4
450 3 websockets ^2.1.1
450 lnurlkit ^2.5.0
450 stedi-sdk-client-tokens ^2.4.1
450 3 polywrap-jsonref ^2
450 1 modality-ingest-client ^2.1
450 2 ockam_api ^2.4.1
1.8K 6 iroh-base optional ^2.5.0
440 3 near-cli-rs ^2
440 2 veruna-kernel ^2.3.1
440 jacs ^2.5.0
440 2 nix_rs ^2.4
440 2 sylvia-iot-auth ^2.5.0
440 centraldogma ^2
440 2 synd-feed ^2.5.0
440 blutgang ^2.4.0
440 cargo-liner ~2.5
440 3 modality-reflector-config ^2.1
430 4 drawbridge-jose ^2.5.0
430 tame-oidc ^2.3
1.8K 1 legion_prof_viewer optional ^2
430 2 sylvia-iot-broker ^2.5.0
430 filigree-cli ^2.5.0
430 1 gouqi ^2.3.1
430 titans ^2.5.0
420 cloudinary ^2.4.1
420 7 slack ^2.1.0
420 git_lab_cli ^2.1.1
420 4 oro-package-spec ^2.3.1
420 1 rbatis_sql_macro ^2.2.2
420 1 taxy-api ^2.4.0
420 libxinux ^2.5.0
410 cryptr ^2.5.0
410 1 google-plusdomains1 =1.7
410 3 google-youtube3 =1.7
410 4 miraland-pubsub-client ^2.5.0
410 1 oauth2-core ^2
410 tinty ^2.5.0
410 3 jsonrpc_client ^2
410 3 quilt-rs ^2.5.0
410 cargo-pants ^2.2.2
410 11 lemmy_utils ^2.5.0
410 grawler ^2.5
410 depo ^2.4.1
410 duvet ^2
410 1 flowc ^2.2
410 2 ethers-flashbots ^2.3.1
400 1 google-gamesmanagement1_management =1.7
400 eren ^2.5.0
400 1 mio_httpc ^2
400 5 oas3 ^2
400 8 lemmy_api_common ^2.5.0
400 1 web-transport-proto ^2.4.0
400 1 fever_api ^2.5
400 1 google-adsensehost4d1 =1.7
400 1 vrc-get-vpm ^2.5.0
400 1 launchpadlib ^2.4.1
400 casdoor-sdk ^2.2
400 4 web-transport-quinn ^2
1.7K 1 activitystreams-kinds optional ^2
390 26 reproto-core ^1.7
390 commafeed_api ^2.5
390 1 google-doubleclicksearch2 =1.7
390 1 google-adsense1d4 =1.7
390 ockam_command ^2.4.1
390 tfct ^2.5.0
390 airshipper ^2.2.2
390 12 pagetop ^2.5.0
390 1 feedly_api ^2.5
390 1 google-gamesconfiguration1_configuration =1.7
390 4 arangors ^2
390 1 google-games1 =1.7
390 1 webtransport-proto ^2.4.0
390 1 google-appsactivity1 =1.7
390 agate ^2.5.0
380 1 google-qpxexpress1 =1.7
380 1 google-analytics3 =1.7
380 1 google-androidpublisher2 =1.7
380 1 google-androidenterprise1 =1.7
380 shuttle-turso ^2.3.1
380 1 transmission-client ^2.5
380 vigil-server ^2.2
380 1 google-adexchangebuyer1d3 =1.7
380 1 google-fusiontables2 =1.7
380 3 http-cache-surf ^2.4.0
380 1 miniflux_api ^2.2
380 1 feedbin_api ^2.5
380 1 google-content2 =1.7
380 hcloud ^2.2
380 1 modio ^2
380 1 skar-client ^2
380 ttfb ^2.5.0
380 1 google-autoscaler1_beta2 =1.7
380 1 mackerel_client ^2.5.0
380 normalize-url-rs ^2.3.1
380 teslatte ^2.5.0
380 1 solaredge ^2
380 3 stac-api ^2.3
380 vertx-rust ^2.3
380 firebase-rs ^2.2.2
380 1 google-appstate1 =1.7
380 tplay ^2.3
380 1 greader_api ^2.5
380 1 nextcloud_news_api ^2.5
380 spark-connect-rs ^2.5
370 ethers-web ^2.5
370 1 google-books1 =1.7
370 1 google-drive2 =1.7
370 3 uclient ^2
370 verbs-rs ^2
370 2 drawbridge-client ^2.5.0
370 1 google-cloudmonitoring2_beta2 =1.7
370 tokio_telegraf ^2.5
370 1 google-mirror1 =1.7
370 1 google-pagespeedonline2 =1.7
370 4 ruma-identifiers ^2.2.2
370 2 tremor-common ^2.2
370 1 google-customsearch1 =1.7
370 1 google-fitness1 =1.7
370 1 binance ^2.5.0
370 13 hubcaps ^2
360 1 google-groupsmigration1 =1.7
360 1 google-groupssettings1 =1.7
360 1 google-plus1 =1.7
360 novelai_api ^2.5.0
360 seekstorm ^2.5.0
360 1 google-adexchangeseller2 =1.7
360 4 wasmer-registry ^2.3.1
360 1 odra-vm ^2.4.1
360 1 routerify-query ^2.2
360 aerostream ^2.5.0
350 hcterm ^2
350 1 google-doubleclickbidmanager1 =1.7
350 1 tracing-modality ^2
350 1 mysql_async_wasi ^2.1
350 namecheap-ddns ^2
350 propelauth ^2.2
1.5K 4 dylint optional ^2.5
350 6 fugue-db ^2.2
350 1 turbofuro_runtime ^2.4.0
350 2 coinbase-pro-rs ^2.1.0
350 1 google-prediction1d6 =1.7
350 1 google-replicapoolupdater1_beta1 =1.7
350 mailslurp ^2.2
350 1 apollo-client ^2.2.2
350 1 filigree ^2.5.0
350 emuman ^2.5
2.1M 563 tokio-tungstenite dev ^2.3.1
954K 669 sqlx dev ^2.2.2
633K 132 quinn dev ^2
258K 252 smol dev ^2
230K 111 async-tungstenite dev ^2.0.0
77K 32 tiberius dev ^2.2.2
65K 42 smoltcp dev ^2.0
48K 13 eventsource-stream dev ^2.2
39K 18 routerify dev ^2
33K 11 cargo-generate dev ~2.5
22K 9 quiche dev ^2.5
14K 3 juniper_warp dev ^2.0
13K 8 ws_stream_tungstenite dev ^2
11K 3 httpbis dev ^1
9.9K 8 swc_bundler dev ^2.4.0
9.3K 4 starknet-accounts dev ^2.3.1
9.1K 3 starknet-contract dev ^2.3.1
9.1K 13 nipper dev ^2.1.1
8.7K 1 async_http_range_reader dev ^2.4.1
8.5K 13 starknet dev ^2.2.2
5.9K 5 packageurl dev ^1.7.0
4.8K 31 enigo dev ^2
4.7K 1 connector_arrow dev ^2.5.0
3.5K 15 musli dev ^2.5.0
3.2K cargo-lambda dev ^2.5.0
3.0K 20 read_input dev ^2.2
2.9K 10 schematic dev ^2.5.0
2.6K 1 yerpc dev ^2.2.2
2.0K 1 iroh-gossip dev ^2.4.0
1.8K 4 sophia dev ^2.4.1
1.7K musli-serde dev ^2.5.0
1.7K 2 cumulus-client-network dev ^2.4.0
1.6K 7 hyper_wasi dev ^2.2
1.5K 3 hyper_imp dev ^2.2
1.5K 5 crux_core dev ^2.5.0
1.5K 3 bgpkit-parser dev ^2.1.0
1.1K ya-smoltcp dev ^2.0
1.0K 3 test-suite dev ^2.2.2
900 investments dev ^2.5.0
800 viceroy dev ^2.3.1
650 miniserve dev ^2
600 2 rvcr dev ^2.4
600 2 sqlx-oldapi dev ^2.2.2
490 1 veilid-async-tungstenite dev ^2.0.0
480 passkey dev ^2
460 2 juniper-from-schema dev ^2
460 3 moq-transport dev ^2
370 2 http-endpoint dev ^2.0