11 releases

0.4.4 Nov 5, 2022
0.4.2 May 30, 2022
0.4.0 Nov 14, 2021
0.3.1 Jan 27, 2021
0.1.0 Feb 6, 2020

#455 in Parser implementations

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Supports common protocols as specified by the Pro Git book

See: 4.1 Git on the Server - The Protocols

Supports parsing SSH/HTTPS repo urls for:

  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Azure Devops

See tests/parse.rs for expected output for a variety of inputs.

URLs that use the ssh:// protocol (implicitly or explicitly) undergo a small normalization process in order to be parsed.

Internally uses Url::parse() from the Url crate after normalization.


Run example with debug output

$ RUST_LOG=git_url_parse cargo run --example multi
$ RUST_LOG=git_url_parse cargo run --example trim_auth 

Simple usage and output

$ cargo run --example readme
use git_url_parse::GitUrl;

fn main() {
    println!("SSH: {:#?}", GitUrl::parse("git@github.com:tjtelan/git-url-parse-rs.git"));
    println!("HTTPS: {:#?}", GitUrl::parse("https://github.com/tjtelan/git-url-parse-rs"));

Example Output

SSH: Ok(
    GitUrl {
        host: Some(
        name: "git-url-parse-rs",
        owner: Some(
        organization: None,
        fullname: "tjtelan/git-url-parse-rs",
        scheme: Ssh,
        user: Some(
        token: None,
        port: None,
        path: "tjtelan/git-url-parse-rs.git",
        git_suffix: true,
        scheme_prefix: false,
    GitUrl {
        host: Some(
        name: "git-url-parse-rs",
        owner: Some(
        organization: None,
        fullname: "tjtelan/git-url-parse-rs",
        scheme: Https,
        user: None,
        token: None,
        port: None,
        path: "/tjtelan/git-url-parse-rs",
        git_suffix: false,
        scheme_prefix: true,


~222K SLoC