Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Base64 is used at run time in 36,290 crates (of which 4,144 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 5,429 crates. It's used at build time in 500 crates (of which 165 optionally, 5 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1,474 crates (of which 130 directly).

Number of dependers Base64 version Downloads/month
13,235 0.22.1 9.5M
12,503 0.21.7 7.9M
131 0.20.0 494K
1 0.20.0-alpha.1 1.0K
7,616 0.13.1 4.8M
8 0.13.0 298K
1,813 0.12.3 700K
429 0.11.0 482K
1,276 0.10.1 89K
1,043 0.9.3 80K
21 0.8.0 1.9K
19 0.7.0 3.7K
125 0.6.0 7.4K
19 0.5.2 2.4K
9 0.4.2 1.2K
2 0.3.1 290
13 0.2.1 1.1K
1 0.1.1 350
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Base64 version
9.9M 11311 reqwest ^0.22
5.5M 214 pem ^0.22.0
5.6M 1625 tonic ^0.22
2.6M 172 headers ^0.21.3
3.0M 503 jsonwebtoken ^0.22
2.9M 962 ureq ^0.22.1
6.9M 1565 axum optional ^0.22.1
1.2M 33 arrow-cast ^0.22
1.1M 112 http-types ^0.13.0
1.4M 111 jsonschema ^0.22
1.3M 201 k8s-openapi ^0.22
1.9M 624 ron ^0.21
1.8M 7 sqlx-mysql ^0.22.0
1.9M 8 sqlx-postgres ^0.22.0
1.5M 227 wiremock ^0.22
6.1M 1922 serde_with optional ^0.22.1
4.5M 626 tower-http optional ^0.22
3.0M 240 cookie optional ^0.22
893K 37 postgres-protocol ^0.22
730K 50 datafusion-common ^0.22.1
712K 41 pbjson ^0.21
699K 9 biscuit-auth ^0.13.0
1.3M 161 actix-http optional ^0.22
1.7M 81 hdrhistogram optional ^0.21
1.3M 5 kube-client optional ^0.22.1
1.2M 149 object_store optional ^0.22
2.0M 22 opentelemetry-proto optional ^0.22.1
1.1M 126 parquet optional ^0.22
682K 26 soketto ^0.22
666K 141 async-graphql ^0.22.0
638K 182 libsecp256k1 ^0.13
635K statsig ^0.21.6
608K 30 valico ^0.21.0
575K 29 elasticsearch ^0.22
557K 76 metrics-exporter-prometheus ^0.22
555K 107 plist ^0.22.0
501K 101 bollard ^0.22
456K substrait-validator ^0.22
400K 153 oauth2 >=0.21, <0.23
396K 177 httpmock ^0.21
377K 5 wasmtime-cache ^0.21.0
358K 11 jsonrpsee-http-client ^0.22
317K 105 usvg ^0.22
297K 80 tantivy ^0.22.0
294K 5 smoldot ^0.22.0
294K 2 smoldot-light ^0.22.0
871K 31 rustls-platform-verifier optional ^0.22
282K 56 lambda_runtime ^0.22
283K 732 yup-oauth2 ^0.22
265K 44 base64-url ^0.22
265K 12 gcp_auth ^0.22
265K 51 utoipa-swagger-ui ^0.22.1
263K 40 mysql_common ^0.22
260K 228 bson ^0.13.0
258K 43 wry ^0.22
257K 3 spm_precompiled ^0.13
247K 14 google-cloud-auth ^0.22
242K 29 aws_lambda_events ^0.22
723K 14 datafusion-functions optional ^0.22
233K 3 tauri-codegen ^0.22
231K 6 coins-core ^0.21
222K 4 enr ^0.22
215K 13 docker_credential ^0.21.7
215K 100 rust-argon2 ^0.21
208K 120 bcrypt ^0.22
622K 26 cucumber optional ^0.22
204K 8 solana-zk-token-sdk ^0.22.1
201K 21 alloy-transport ^0.22
201K 10 charset ^0.22.1
194K 12 smpl_jwt ^0.21
582K 23 prost-reflect optional ^0.22.0
193K 395 rusoto_core ^0.13
190K 30 lambda_http ^0.22
188K 12 rusoto_signature ^0.13
184K 53 jwt ^0.13
178K 10 google-cloud-storage ^0.21
525K 4 gix-transport optional ^0.22.1
171K 61 async-nats ^0.22
171K 38 ethers-providers ^0.21
166K 33 tonic-web ^0.22
494K 71 attohttpc optional ^0.22.0
162K 95 awc ^0.22
162K 205 mongodb ^0.13.0
156K 41 rouille ^0.13
153K 1 salvo-jwt-auth ^0.22
136K 22 wasm-bindgen-cli-support ^0.22
405K 68 spl-token-2022 optional ^0.22.1
400K 4 jsonrpsee-client-transport optional ^0.22
132K 7 sfv ^0.22.1
130K 1 email-encoding ^0.22
130K 109 serenity ^0.22.0
128K 44 actix-web-httpauth ^0.22
126K 1 snowflake-jwt ^0.22
120K 12 base64urlsafedata ^0.21
119K 124 cargo ^0.22.1
120K 6 cloud-storage ^0.13
119K 1 snowflake-api ^0.22
118K 119 octocrab ^0.22.0
117K 35 solana-program-runtime ^0.22.1
116K 9 jsonwebkey ^0.13
116K 5 rfc2047-decoder ^0.22
114K 7 swift-rs ^0.21.0
112K 8 openid ^0.22
113K 109 solana-account-decoder ^0.22.1
111K 3 reqsign ^0.22
110K 41 pgp >=0.21.7, <0.23
110K 40 solana-rpc-client-api ^0.22.1
110K 35 openidconnect ^0.21
109K 50 solana-rpc-client ^0.22.1
106K 494 anchor-lang ^0.21
106K 38 rust-s3 ^0.22
105K 67 tiktoken-rs ^0.21.5
103K 114 solana-transaction-status ^0.22.1
102K 66 opendal ^0.22
100K 8 serde_dynamo ^0.21.0
289K 174 fake optional ^0.22.1
95K 1 spl-token-confidential-transfer-ciphertext-arithmetic ^0.22.1
94K 4 libp2p-gossipsub ^0.22.1
95K 15 tower-sessions-core ^0.22.0
91K 9 polars-parquet ^0.22.0
91K 10 swc_ecma_transforms_react ^0.21.0
90K 712 cosmwasm-std ^0.22.0
87K 1 salvo-csrf ^0.22
85K itsdangerous ^0.10.1
85K 10 ssri ^0.21.0
84K 23 arrow-flight ^0.22
252K 369 bitcoin optional ^0.21.3
83K 56 embed-doc-image ^0.13
82K 167 google-cloud-gax ^0.22.1
82K 2 rs-consul ^0.22
248K 8 http-auth optional ^0.22.0
81K 2 opensearch ^0.22
77K 30 termwiz ^0.21
76K 2 bevy_gltf ^0.22.0
76K 7 webdriver ^0.21
75K 6 compact_jwt ^0.21.5
71K 16 josekit ^0.22
211K 16 polars-ops optional ^0.22.0
69K 5 webauthn-rs-core ^0.21
69K 4 webauthn-rs-proto ^0.21
206K 42 opentelemetry-jaeger optional ^0.21.0
65K 1 leptos_server ^0.22.1
65K 5 virtual-net ^0.22.0
65K 15 wasmer-wasix ^0.22.0
64K 604 google-apis-common ^0.22
64K 1 salvo-oapi ^0.22
64K 1 wasmer-journal ^0.22.0
63K 21 cloudevents-sdk ^0.22
59K 36 fantoccini ^0.22
59K 42 poem-openapi ^0.22.0
54K 20 async-session ^0.13.0
156K 24 subxt-signer optional ^0.22.1
154K 4 zipsign-api optional ^0.22.0
154K 163 lettre optional ^0.22
153K 32 scylla optional ^0.22.1
50K 28 nats ^0.13.0
50K 12 oxide-auth ^0.21
50K 9 stun ^0.22.1
49K 1 ureq-proto ^0.22.1
48K 90 async-openai ^0.22.1
46K 1 solana-transaction-metrics-tracker ^0.22.1
46K 3 webauthn-authenticator-rs ^0.21
137K 106 minreq optional ^0.12
135K 45 axum-test optional ^0.22
44K 13 solana-zk-sdk ^0.22.1
43K 5 slack-morphism ^0.22
43K 6 solana-account-decoder-client-types ^0.22.1
43K 4 solana-transaction-status-client-types ^0.22.1
42K 15 picky-asn1-x509 ^0.22
128K 29 arrow2 optional ^0.21.0
41K 8 leptos_reactive ^0.22
41K 1 moosicbox_lofty ^0.21.5
41K 37 swc_ecma_transforms_testing ^0.21.0
40K 3 turn ^0.22.1
40K yubico ^0.13
38K 60 solana-runtime ^0.22.1
35K 53 ibc-proto ^0.22
108K 80 gltf optional ^0.13
34K 12 svgbobdoc >=0.5.2, <0.14
34K 1 winauth ^0.10
33K 6 instant-acme ^0.22
31K 2 maturin ^0.21.0
32K 67 sequoia-openpgp >=0.21, <0.23
32K 175 solana-program-test ^0.22.1
30K 2 tauri-plugin-updater ^0.22
30K 4 duckscriptsdk ^0.22
87K 36 jsonrpc optional ^0.13.0
28K 20 starknet-core ^0.21.0
27K 12 tonic-web-wasm-client ^0.22
27K 3 shadowsocks ^0.22
26K 13 solana-sysvar ^0.22.1
80K 19 webc optional ^0.22.0
26K 6 informalsystems-pbjson ^0.21
79K 77 poem optional ^0.22.0
78K 14 tokio-websockets optional ^0.22
25K 13 near-primitives-core ^0.21
23K 34 near-primitives ^0.21
24K 24 thirtyfour ^0.22
22K 10 axum-auth ^0.22.1
22K 11 docker-api ^0.13
23K 14 ion-rs ^0.12
22K 10 age-core ^0.21
21K 8 dropshot ^0.22.1
21K 17 gitlab ~0.22
22K 43 headless_chrome ^0.22.1
22K 5 http-auth-basic ^0.22.1
22K 1 libsql-hrana ^0.21
22K 11 picky ^0.13
21K 19 salvo_core ^0.22
67K 45 deno_ast optional ^0.21.6
67K 4 secret-vault-value optional ^0.22
65K 186 leptos optional ^0.22.1
21K 25 hyperx >=0.10.1, <0.14
21K 3 ic-http-certification ^0.22
21K 2 maybenot ^0.22.0
21K trunk ^0.22
20K 30 age ^0.21
20K 4 dioxus-fullstack ^0.22.1
19K jsonata-rs ^0.22.1
18K 9 captcha ^0.13
18K 1 community-id ^0.21.0
19K 1 http-types-red-badger-temporary-fork ^0.13.0
19K 2 magic_string ^0.13
18K 47 near-sdk ^0.22
18K 3 apple-xar ^0.22.1
18K 11 fernet ^0.22
17K 3 form-data-builder ^0.13
17K 3 ocipkg ^0.22.1
18K rs-firebase-admin-sdk ^0.22
18K 1 swc_compiler_base ^0.21.0
53K 1 dyer optional ^0.13.0
17K 2 engineioxide ^0.22
17K 27 solana-cli-output ^0.22.1
16K 4 thirtyfour_sync ^0.13
15K actix-csrf ^0.21.0
15K 3 espflash ^0.22.1
15K 5 extism-manifest ~0.22
15K 7 openssh-keys ^0.21
16K 9 pocket-ic ^0.13.1
16K 18 rustls-acme ^0.22
16K 10 shiplift ^0.13
15K 2 solana-lattice-hash ^0.22.1
16K 2 surrealdb-core ^0.21.5
15K 24 swc ^0.21.0
16K 1 tauri-cli ^0.22
15K 3 extism-convert ~0.22
14K 3 ic-response-verification ^0.22
14K 14 ruma-common ^0.22.0
14K sccache ^0.21
15K 38 viuer ^0.22
45K 28 skia-safe optional ^0.22.0
13K 1 content-security-policy ^0.22
13K 9 email ^0.11.0
14K 4 hdfs-native ^0.22
13K 22 imap ^0.13
13K 12 lettre_email ^0.10
14K 21 magic-crypt ^0.22
13K 7 pkce ^0.21
14K 7 runtimelib ^0.22
13K 16 soroban-spec ^0.13.0
13K 1 zenoh-link-quic ^0.22.1
13K 1 zenoh-link-tls ^0.22.1
42K 9 tink-proto optional ^0.22
12K 7 alcoholic_jwt ^0.13
12K 1 build-info-proc ^0.22
12K 4 kittycad ^0.22
13K 8 mail-send ^0.22
12K 1 spider_chrome ^0.22
13K 10 sshkeys ^0.22
37K 6 codee optional ^0.22
12K 6 apple-codesign ^0.22.1
11K aws-msk-iam-sasl-signer ^0.22
12K 10 build-info-build ^0.22
11K 10 extism-pdk ^0.22.1
11K 1 kbs-types ^0.22.1
11K 16 librespot-core ^0.22
11K 9 mpl-core ^0.22.0
12K 5 stun-rs ^0.22.0
12K 3 websocket-base ^0.10.0
36K 9 jaq-std optional ^0.22
36K 27 passwords optional ^0.21
33K 17 fastwebsockets optional ^0.21.0
10K cf-reqwest ^0.22
10K 6 cyclonedx-bom ^0.21.2
10K 10 image_hasher ^0.22.0
10K 6 serde-bytes-repr ^0.22.1
10K 9 sev ^0.22.1
10K 1 svix ^0.13
10K 15 dioxus-desktop ^0.22.1
10K 17 grpc ^0.9
10K 49 ntex ^0.22
9.9K 3 typed-headers ^0.11
9.9K 1 oxide-auth-async ^0.21
9.8K 5 portmapper ^0.22.1
9.7K 10 rust_socketio ^0.21.5
9.7K 5 sigstore ^0.22
9.7K 2 rust_engineio ^0.21.5
9.5K 6 celestia-types ^0.22.1
9.4K 2 app-store-connect ^0.22.1
9.4K mise ^0.22
9.2K 18 chromiumoxide ^0.22
9.2K 1 oxc_transformer ^0.22.1
9.1K 11 warg-crypto ^0.21.7
9.1K 11 warg-protocol ^0.21.7
9.0K 7 near-workspaces ^0.22
9.0K 3 plotly_kaleido ^0.22
8.9K dittolive-ditto ^0.21.7
8.9K 5 async-smtp ^0.13
8.6K 31 ssi-jwk ^0.22
8.5K 4 zksync_consensus_network ^0.22.1
8.5K 18 solana-rpc ^0.22.1
8.5K 7 wasm-pkg-client ^0.22
24K 89 web3 optional ^0.21
8.3K 3 ece ^0.21
8.3K nimiq_rpc ^0.22
8.3K samael ^0.22.0
8.2K 12 ipfs-api-backend-hyper ^0.13
8.2K 10 vtkio ^0.13
8.1K 3 cddl-cat ^0.13.0
8.1K 2 gnip44 ^0.21
8.1K 7 vodozemac ^0.22.1
8.0K 16 ibc-core-host-types ^0.22
7.9K 19 textnonce ^0.12
7.9K 28 rspotify ^0.22.0
7.8K 4 ssi-vc ^0.22
22K 25 libsql optional ^0.21
7.6K 5 near-vm-logic ^0.13
7.6K 4 tonlib-core ^0.22
7.6K 10 docx-rs ^0.13.1
7.5K 4 boon ^0.22
7.3K 1 spacetimedb-jsonwebtoken ^0.22
7.3K spacetimedb-jwks ^0.22.1
22K 6 fe2o3-amqp optional ^0.22
7.3K spl-token-cli ^0.22.1
7.2K 18 switchboard-common ^0.21.5
7.1K 7 typst-pdf ^0.22
7.0K 16 solana-core ^0.22.1
7.0K 2 hyper-old-types ^0.9
6.8K 1 poem-grpc ^0.22.0
6.7K 2 apollo-router ^0.22.0
6.7K 13 solana-test-validator ^0.22.1
6.6K 5 dash-mpd ^0.22.1
6.6K 27 http_req ^0.22.1
19K 27 iota-crypto optional ^0.21
20K 7 re_arrow2 optional ^0.22.0
6.5K 6 rquest ^0.22
6.4K 2 jwtk ^0.13.0
18K 5 pgwire optional ^0.22
19K 2 salvo_extra optional ^0.22
18K 1 vrl optional ^0.22
18K 8 yellowstone-grpc-proto optional ^0.22.1
6.2K 1 ssi-vc-jose-cose ^0.22
6.2K 21 deno_fetch ^0.21.7
6.1K 22 deno_crypto ^0.21.7
6.0K 8 async-imap ^0.21
17K 8 spider optional ^0.22
17K 31 stellar-xdr optional ^0.13.0
5.9K azure_devops_rust_api ^0.22
5.9K 11 oauth1-request ^0.22
5.7K 15 nu-command ^0.22.1
5.6K 7 jsonwebtokens ^0.20
5.6K dabih ^0.21.2
5.5K 25 swagger ^0.13
5.5K 10 okstd ^0.22.0
5.5K 8 tide-websockets ^0.13.0
5.4K wasmcloud-component-adapters build ^0.21
5.4K 7 rattler_networking ^0.22.1
5.3K 18 ssi-jws ^0.22
5.3K 3 aurora-engine-types ^0.22
5.3K 5 tokio-rustls-acme ^0.22
5.3K gnostr-xq ^0.13.0
5.3K 1 ngrok ^0.13.1
16K 38 nostr optional ^0.22
15K 4 python-packaging optional ^0.20.0
15K sn_faucet optional ^0.22.0
5.2K scram-2 ^0.22
5.2K 1 ssi-ucan ^0.22
5.2K 2 aurora-engine-sdk ^0.22
5.0K 1 surrealdb-core-nightly ^0.21.5
4.9K 5 influxdb2 ^0.13
4.9K 1 google-cloud-bigquery ^0.21
4.9K base64-bytes ^0.22
14K 1 qrcodegen-image optional ^0.22
4.9K 2 tagged-base64 ^0.22
4.7K secret_rs ^0.22
4.7K 7 websocket-codec ^0.13
4.7K 2 swc_emotion ^0.22
4.6K 4 qapi-spec ^0.22.0
4.6K 11 baid64 ^0.22.1
4.6K 11 deno_http ^0.21.7
4.6K truelayer-signing ^0.22
4.5K 3 web-push ^0.13
4.5K mesa ^0.13.1
4.5K 6 frank_jwt ^0.13.0
4.5K 4 k8-client ^0.22.1
4.4K 1 vss-client ^0.21.7
4.4K s3sync ^0.22.1
4.4K 5 authenticator ^0.21
4.4K 8 rhaki-cw-plus ^0.21.2
4.4K 2 websocket-lite ^0.13
4.4K 2 hawk ^0.22
4.3K azservicebus ^0.22
4.3K 7 alacritty_terminal ^0.22.0
4.2K 23 gotham ^0.22
4.2K 2 zellij-server ^0.13.0
12K 20 copypasta-ext optional ^0.21
13K 2 devserver_lib optional ^0.11.0
13K 13 fuel-core-client optional ^0.22.1
12K 4 livekit-api optional ^0.21
13K 5 rsasl optional ^0.22.1
4.2K 11 deno_node ^0.21.7
4.2K 1 httpsig ^0.22.1
4.2K prigen-cli ^0.22.1
4.1K httpsig-hyper ^0.22.1
4.1K 3 base64-stream ^0.22
4.1K photon-indexer ^0.21.0
4.0K 9 axum_session ^0.22.1
4.0K 8 deno_cache ^0.21.7
4.0K 13 iroh-net ^0.22.1
4.0K 8 tx5-core ^0.22.1
3.9K 1 xml-rpc ^0.22.1
3.9K 3 blob-uuid ^0.13.0
3.9K 14 pact_models ^0.22.1
3.9K 2 dicom-json ^0.22
3.8K substreams-entity-change ^0.13
3.8K 1 monolith ^0.22.1
3.8K 7 bitwarden-crypto >=0.22.1, <0.23
3.8K excalivator-client ^0.22.1
3.8K 5 librespot-discovery ^0.22
3.8K 3 surrealdb-jsonwebtoken ^0.21.0
3.7K 10 tarantool ^0.13
3.7K jmap-client ^0.13
3.7K 9 pact_matching ^0.22.0
3.7K 4 deno_kv ^0.21.7
3.7K 6 bitwarden-core >=0.22.1, <0.23
3.6K airmoney-cli ^0.22.1
3.6K sshcerts ^0.13
3.6K dbcrossbar ^0.21
3.6K 2 yara-x ^0.22.1
3.6K 1 gcp-sdk-auth ^0.22
3.6K 2 deno ^0.21.7
3.6K 7 did-ion ^0.22
3.6K sigstat ^0.22.1
3.6K 2 zip321 ^0.22
3.5K 3 dxr ^0.22
3.5K 26 ratatui-image ^0.21.2
3.5K 2 ssi-di-sd-primitives ^0.22
3.5K 1 ssi-data-integrity-suites ^0.22
10K 2 opentelemetry-contrib optional ^0.13
3.5K 2 ssi-sd-jwt ^0.22
3.5K netidx-browser ^0.22
3.5K 1 ssi-status ^0.22
3.5K 4 zcash_client_backend ^0.22
3.5K statusline ^0.22
3.4K axum-containerssh ^0.21
3.4K 9 kitsune_p2p_bin_data ^0.22
3.4K 1 lightspeed_hash ^0.22
3.4K 4 rusty_paseto ^0.22
3.4K 1 jdt_activity_pub ^0.22.1
3.4K fbtoggl ^0.22
3.3K zero4rs ^0.22.1
3.3K 4 aliri_base64 ^0.22
3.3K 2 rops ^0.22
3.2K 9 umya-spreadsheet ^0.22.1
3.2K coldsnap ^0.22
3.2K 6 askar-crypto ^0.22
3.2K 1 fhir-model ^0.22.0
3.2K 1 celery ^0.21
3.2K 4 near-o11y ^0.21
3.2K 5 pulldown-cmark-mdcat ^0.22.1
3.1K minio-rsc ^0.22
3.1K 1 dapr ^0.22.1
3.1K 4 wasmcloud-provider-sdk ^0.22
3.1K 3 ldap3_proto ^0.21
3.1K 7 lair_keystore_api ^0.22.1
3.1K elusion ^0.22.1
3.1K 4 yazi-adapter ^0.22.1
3.1K 1 k8s-openapi-ext ^0.22
3.1K 1 tremor-script ^0.13
3.1K 1 cloudfront_sign ^0.21
3.1K 1 ostree ^0.20.0
3.0K 1 cloudproof_anonymization ^0.21.7
3.0K 15 egg-mode ^0.13
9.7K 2 iref-core optional ^0.22.1
3.0K krill ^0.13
2.9K 3 yazi-plugin ^0.22.1
2.9K 2 sshkey-attest ^0.21
2.9K 4 ibc-client-wasm-types ^0.22
2.9K captcha-rs ^0.21.0
2.9K 2 rust-crypto-wasm ^0.5
2.8K 3 probe-rs-target ^0.22.1
2.8K 1 ibc-app-nft-transfer-types ^0.22
2.8K 7 multiversx-sdk ^0.22
2.8K 5 osshkeys ^0.21.0
8.9K twapi-v2 optional ^0.22
8.9K 6 deno_cache_dir optional ^0.21.7
8.9K 3 near-vm-runner optional ^0.21
2.8K 7 matrix-sdk-store-encryption ^0.22.1
2.7K 4 tx5 ^0.22.1
2.7K 2 fuel-core-shared-sequencer ^0.22
2.7K 2 google-cloud-spanner ^0.21
2.7K serde_bytes_base64 ^0.13
8.7K 6 prometheus_exporter_base optional ^0.13.1
2.7K antimatter ^0.21.2
8.7K 2 nimiq-jsonrpc-client optional ^0.22
2.7K shadowsocks-rust ^0.22
2.7K encoded-words ^0.12.0
2.7K google-oauth ^0.22
2.6K 3 hurl ^0.22.1
2.6K 2 gremlin-client ^0.21.4
2.6K 2 minio ^0.21.3
2.6K 4 dockworker ^0.21
2.6K aerospike ^0.11
2.6K 1 reqwless ^0.21.0
2.6K yaml-include ^0.21.2
2.5K 6 argonautica ^0.10
2.5K bpe-openai build ^0.22.1
2.5K 1 matrix-sdk-indexeddb ^0.22.1
2.5K 1 tx5-go-pion-sys ^0.22.1
2.4K 3 pyth-lazer-protocol ^0.22.1
2.4K 3 eventstore ^0.22
2.4K 1 restate-sdk-shared-core ^0.22
2.4K attestation-doc-validation ^0.21
2.4K 5 janus_messages ^0.22.1
2.4K 2 geckodriver ^0.21
2.3K 5 typst-svg ^0.22
2.3K 7 multiversx-sc-scenario ^0.22
2.3K tauri-plugin-sentry ^0.22
2.3K switchboard-on-demand ^0.21.4
2.3K 11 deep_space ^0.22
2.3K forest-filecoin ^0.22
2.2K 12 jrsonnet-evaluator ^0.13.0
2.2K 1 gemini-ai ^0.22.1
2.2K 27 embedded-graphics-simulator ^0.22.1
2.2K 8 tiled ^0.22.1
2.2K fum-player ^0.22.1
2.2K netsblox-vm ^0.22.1
2.1K 3 ldap3_client ^0.21
2.1K 10 holochain_keystore ^0.22
2.1K 2 sbd-client ^0.22.0
2.1K 6 restson ^0.13
2.1K 4 holochain_sqlite ^0.22
2.1K 2 tx5-go-pion-turn ^0.22.1
2.1K 25 holochain_types ^0.13
2.1K dwh ^0.21.3
2.1K ntdsextract2 ^0.22.1
2.1K 4 souvlaki ^0.22.1
2.1K 1 arrow-udf-macros ^0.22
2.1K 1 iggy ^0.22.1
2.1K 10 lnurl-rs ^0.22.0
2.0K 1 siwe-recap ^0.12
2.0K cargo-near ^0.22.1
2.0K 10 xmlrpc ^0.13.0
2.0K RuStream ^0.22.1
2.0K mindus ^0.21
6.6K 11 tari_utilities optional ^0.13
2.0K 3 c2pa-crypto ^0.22.1
2.0K 1 a2 ^0.21
2.0K 2 wapm-targz-to-pirita ^0.21.0
2.0K 7 fbthrift ^0.11.0
2.0K 1 boringtun-easytier ^0.13
1.9K 1 cdoc ^0.22.1
1.9K snowflake-connector-rs ^0.22
1.9K 6 dns-message-parser ^0.22
1.9K 1 influxive-downloader ^0.22
1.8K 17 cnidarium ^0.21.7
1.8K 10 sbd-server ^0.22.0
1.8K 7 fluvio-controlplane-metadata ^0.22.0
1.8K 7 ructe ^0.22.1
1.8K 5 hashicorp_vault ~0.13
1.8K 1 helium-crypto >=0.21
1.8K arrow-udf-wasm ^0.22
1.8K nixpacks ^0.20.0
1.8K 3 adblock ^0.13
1.8K 6 age-plugin ^0.21
1.7K wasmo ^0.21.5
1.7K dmntk ^0.22.1
1.7K 2 rbatis-codegen ^0.22
1.7K hrobot ^0.22.0
1.7K 1 rusty_paserk ^0.22.1
1.7K sergeant ^0.21.7
1.7K 1 deft ^0.22.0
1.7K 17 kitsune_p2p_types ^0.22
5.7K actix-web-rust-embed-responder optional ^0.21
1.7K 15 af-sui-types ^0.22
1.7K criticaltrust ^0.21.2
1.7K probe-rs-tools ^0.22
1.7K 1 ear ^0.22.1
1.7K 6 activitypub_federation ^0.22.1
1.7K 3 did-key ^0.13
1.7K rsllm ^0.22.0
1.7K putioarr ^0.22.0
1.7K fire-postgres ^0.22
1.7K wasm_client_anchor ^0.22
1.7K afterburn ^0.22
1.7K 2 runeauth ^0.21.0
1.7K ttvendor ^0.22.1
1.7K release-plz ^0.22.1
1.6K broot ^0.21
1.6K oatmeal =0.21.5
1.6K 1 manganis-common ^0.21.5
1.6K bndl ^0.21
1.6K jwks ^0.21.7
5.4K 1 cloudproof_findex optional ^0.21.7
1.6K aleph-alpha-client ^0.22.0
1.6K 3 dcap-qvl ^0.22.1
1.6K paferafileserver ^0.22.1
1.6K 1 sheets ^0.21
5.4K 4 nydus-storage optional ^0.21
1.6K 1 kcl-lib ^0.22.1
1.6K zenoh-plugin-rest ^0.22.1
1.6K 4 graph-error ^0.21.0
1.5K 4 multiversx-sc-snippets ^0.22
1.5K 4 vercel_runtime ^0.22
1.5K 2 file_shred ^0.22.1
1.5K 2 janus_core ^0.22.1
1.5K rust-xfinal ^0.13.0
1.5K horaedb-client ^0.22.1
1.5K 5 holochain ^0.22
1.5K 1 graph-oauth ^0.21.0
1.5K evzht9h3nznqzwl ^0.8
1.5K 4 lambda-web ^0.13
1.5K 1 typst-ts-compiler ^0.21.0
1.5K 3 graph-core ^0.21.0
1.5K 9 psbt ^0.21.4
1.5K opcua ^0.21
1.5K 8 sequoia-net >=0.21, <0.23
1.5K cdx ^0
1.5K 3 rustpython-stdlib ^0.13.0
1.5K 4 zff ^0.13.0
1.5K 5 rpki ^0.22
1.5K 4 dragonfly-client-util ^0.22.1
1.5K 2 amtrak-gtfs-rt ^0.22
1.5K 1 dataurl ^0.13.0
1.5K i3status-rs ^0.22.1
1.5K 2 rbx_types ^0.13.0
1.4K 3 ratchet_core ^0.22
1.4K tidploy =0.21.7
1.4K 1 pagefind ^0.21
1.4K 1 divviup-client ^0.22.1
1.4K ricat ^0.22.0
1.4K ch4 ^0.22.0
1.4K 1 sev-snp-utilities ^0.20.0-alpha.1
1.4K 4 workflow-store ^0.22.1
1.4K 1 cargo-lambda-invoke ^0.21.2
1.4K 1 cargo-lambda-watch ^0.21.2
1.4K 5 norad ^0.22
1.4K 4 twitch_oauth2 ^0.22.0
1.4K anychain-ton ^0.22.1
1.4K 2 actix-middleware-etag ^0.22.1
1.4K 14 farmfe_utils ^0.21.0
1.4K reqwest_mock ^0.12.0
1.4K 2 biscotti ^0.22.0
1.4K leptos-keycloak-auth ^0.22.1
1.4K 28 secret-cosmwasm-std ^0.13.0
1.4K 4 hrana-client-proto ^0.21.0
1.4K 1 nullnet-libfireparse ^0.22.1
1.4K 43 casper-types ^0.13.0
1.3K 1 binwalk ^0.22.1
1.3K 4 glassbench ^0.13
1.3K 9 eszip ^0.21.0
1.3K 2 rust-nebula ^0.11.0
1.3K gcs-rsync ^0.22
1.3K 2 elevated-command ^0.21.5
1.3K ocipkg-cli ^0.22.1
1.3K ic-verifiable-credentials ^0.22
1.3K mlua-socket ^0.22.1
1.3K 8 keepass ^0.22
1.3K 6 kitsune_p2p ^0.22
1.3K 1 anchor-cli ^0.21
1.3K seekstorm ^0.22.1
1.3K 6 photon-rs ^0.13.0
1.3K 2 heckcheck ^0.13.0
4.5K 24 holo_hash optional ^0.22
1.3K 6 llm ^0.22.1
1.3K llama-core =0.22.1
4.5K opa-wasm optional ^0.22
1.3K prediction-guard ^0.22.1
1.3K 3 helius ^0.22.1
1.3K 1 enhanced-magic-string ^0.22.0
1.3K asfa ^0.13.1
1.3K cala-server ^0.22.1
1.3K rustyproxy ^0.22.0
1.2K 1 release_plz_core ^0.22.1
1.2K 2 coinbase-pro-rs ^0.13.0
1.2K 1 taxy-api ^0.22.1
1.2K 1 kitsune_p2p_mdns ^0.22
1.2K cawg-identity ^0.22.1
1.2K 1 deno_npm_cache ^0.21.7
1.2K transmission_rs ^0.22
1.2K 7 rbx_xml ^0.13.0
4.2K 12 async-http-proxy optional ^0.13.0
1.2K 4 affinidi-messaging-didcomm ^0.22
1.2K 1 libhimmelblau ^0.22.0
1.2K br-web-server ^0.22.1
1.2K 2 netidx-container ^0.21
1.2K 2 rwf ^0.22
1.2K idempotent-proxy-server ^0.22
1.2K 4 affinidi-messaging-sdk ^0.22
1.2K 1 wasmcloud-provider-http-server ^0.22
1.2K 9 fyrox-core ^0.22.1
1.2K 16 penumbra-sdk-num ^0.21.2
1.2K hiddenlink ^0.22.1
1.2K 17 penumbra-sdk-asset ^0.21.2
4.1K 3 efivar optional ^0.21.2
1.2K atuin ^0.22
1.2K paypal-rs ^0.22.1
1.1K 4 atomic_lib ^0.21
1.1K 3 obws ^0.22.1
1.1K libside ^0.13
1.1K 5 ellipsis-client ^0.22.1
1.1K azeventhubs ^0.22
1.1K 3 amtk ^0.13
1.1K 6 boringtun ^0.13
1.1K 15 penumbra-sdk-keys ^0.21.2
1.1K vproxy ^0.22.0
1.1K open-wechat ^0.22.1
1.1K couchbase-lite ^0.22.0
1.1K moros ^0.22.1
1.1K parrot-network ^0.22.1
1.1K 1 affinidi-messaging-mediator ^0.22
1.1K 10 deno_emit ^0.21.5
1.1K websocat ^0.10
1.1K 2 twilio ^0.12
1.1K rocket-authorization ~0.21
1.1K 1 ldk-node ^0.22.1
1.1K tmi-ord ^0.22.0
3.9K merkle-search-tree optional ^0.22.0
1.1K 1 google-drive ^0.21
1.1K mprocs ^0.22.0
1.1K 1 ncmc_lib ^0.22.1
1.1K redacter ^0.22
1.1K 3 bip322 ^0.22.1
1.1K 5 did-peer ^0.22
1.1K cfun ^0.22
1.1K flute ^0.22
1.1K 7 penumbra-sdk-ibc ^0.21.2
1.1K portable-network-archive ^0.22.1
1.0K 6 cw-orch-daemon ^0.22.1
3.7K idevice optional ^0.22
1.0K 14 penumbra-sdk-shielded-pool ^0.21.2
1.0K ovunto-security ^0.22
1.0K fomo3d-raydium-cp-swap-client ^0.22.1
1.0K encrypted_fs =0.13.1
1.0K 1 poston ^0.22
1.0K rusty_vault ^0.22
1.0K kos ^0.22
1.0K 6 ezsockets ^0.21.0
1.0K 7 img_hash >=0.10, <0.14
1.0K 3 quilt-rs ^0.22.1
1.0K async-oauth2 ^0.22.0
1.0K 1 adb_client ^0.22.1
1.0K 8 zng-ext-image ^0.22
1.0K 6 cbor-data ^0.13.0
1.0K 1 kitsune_p2p_proxy ^0.22
1.0K zero-cli ^0.22.1
1.0K 6 walker-common ^0.22
1.0K spawn-access-control ^0.21
3.5K 7 rusty-s3 optional ^0.22
1.0K 1 svg-hush ^0.13.0
1.0K 7 atuin-common ^0.22
1.0K 2 icechunk ^0.22.1
1.0K voxelize ^0.22.0
1.0K ocpp-client ^0.22
1.0K oha ^0.22.1
1.0K zenoh-plugin-mqtt ^0.22.1
1.0K 3 barter-integration ^0.22.1
1.0K 4 blue-build-utils ^0.22
950 portier_broker ^0.22.0
950 keystore-rs ^0.22.1
950 solana-genesis ^0.22.1
950 10 penumbra-sdk-dex ^0.21.2
950 4 atuin-client ^0.22
950 3 jupiter-swap-api-client ^0.13.1
950 11 penumbra-sdk-stake ^0.21.2
950 10 reflexo ^0.22
950 cratery ^0.22
3.4K 1 wechat-vendor-sdk optional ^0.22.1
950 1 atuin-server ^0.22
950 cscart-rs ^0.21.0
950 2 atuin-history ^0.22
950 snpguest ^0.22.1
950 2 async-ws ^0.13.0
950 9 penumbra-sdk-governance ^0.21.2
950 jawk ^0.22
950 novax-account ^0.21.5
3.3K 2 vaultrs-login optional ^0.21
900 1 data-faking ^0.22.0
900 4 libpep ^0.22
900 affinidi-messaging-helpers ^0.22
900 2 taskcluster ^0.22.0
900 1 codesnap ^0.22.1
900 3 mavinspect ^0.22.1
900 dihardts_omicstools ^0.21.5
900 48 miraland-program ^0.22.1
900 10 dockertest ^0.22.1
900 1 http-ws ^0.21.0
900 uhg-custom-appollo-roouter ^0.22.0
900 aichat ^0.22.0
900 mcp-core ^0.22.1
900 8 lwk_common ^0.21.4
900 5 penumbra-sdk-community-pool ^0.21.2
900 11 rbson ^0.13.0
900 1 typst-ts-svg-exporter ^0.22
900 107 miraland-sdk ^0.22.1
900 4 scram ^0.13.0
900 ash_cli ^0.21.4
900 solagent ^0.22.1
900 hoenir-core ^0.22.1
900 tiktok-business ^0.22
900 tokengeex ^0.21.7
850 3 penumbra-sdk-auction ^0.21.2
850 1 transformrs ^0.22.1
850 genius-core-client ^0.21.5
850 2 ra_ap_rust-analyzer ^0.22
850 2 checksumdir ^0.10
850 pegination ^0.22.0
850 svg2gcode-web ^0.21
3.1K 1 cosmian_cover_crypt optional ^0.21.0
850 1 vade-jwt-vc ^0.13.0
850 4 lwk_signer ^0.13.0
850 wecom-crypto ^0.21.7
850 paas-client ^0.22.1
850 6 xdr-rs-serialize ^0.13.0
850 taskcluster-upload ^0.22.0
850 1 golem-cli ^0.22.1
850 rush ^0.22.1
850 3 subplot ^0.22.1
850 1 edgee-server ^0.22.1
850 1 waterfalls ^0.21
850 coldcard-cli ^0.21.7
850 7 penumbra-sdk-transaction ^0.21.2
800 twars-url2md ^0.22
800 clubcard-crlite ^0.21
800 snowflake_me ^0.22.1
800 10 myc-core ^0.22
800 1 ruma-signatures ^0.22.0
800 1 chat-prompts =0.22.1
800 kaput-cli ^0.22.1
800 zenoh-plugin-remote-api ^0.22.1
800 2 ansi2 ^0.22.1
800 7 acme-lib ^0.21.5
800 2 mercy ^0.13.0
800 2 astarte-device-sdk ^0.22.0
800 1 pallas-configs ^0.22.0
800 3 geph4-protocol ^0.13.0
800 firestore-db-and-auth ^0.21
800 toggl ^0.21.0
800 cloud-storage-signature ^0.22.1
800 2 penumbra-sdk-app ^0.21.2
800 2 wasmcloud-host ^0.22
800 crisp-status-local ^0.13
800 rings-node ^0.13.0
800 2 test-tube ^0.22.1
800 axum-reverse-proxy ^0.21
800 coc-rs ~0.21.3
750 ones-oidc ^0.22.1
750 zhipuai-rs ^0.22.1
750 21 miraland-program-runtime ^0.22.1
750 1 couch_rs ^0.22
750 axum-tungstenite ^0.21.0
750 megaphone-broker ^0.22.0
750 vertigo-cli ^0.22
750 1 allms ^0.13.0
750 2 penumbra-sdk-custody ^0.21.2
750 1 ruts ^0.22.1
750 5 arangors ^0.22
750 2 fyrox-impl ^0.22.1
750 6 vcard4 ^0.22.0
750 6 concordium-contracts-common ^0.21
750 jsonwebtoken-aws-lc ^0.22
750 1 nethsm-sdk-rs ^0.21
750 notblib ^0.21.0
750 parsec-tool ^0.13.0
750 1 dusk-wallet ^0.13
750 tes ^0.21
750 swiftui-skia ^0.22.1
700 1 eppo_core ^0.22.1
700 appium-client ^0.21.3
700 trunk-ng ^0.21
700 ali-oss ^0.22
700 2 retina ^0.22.0
700 2 serde_xmlrpc ^0.22
700 derrick ^0.22
700 2 tlb-ton ^0.21
700 pleezer ^0.22
700 3 stubr ^0.21
700 usso ^0.22
700 tauri-plugin-drag ^0.21
700 txtx-core ^0.22.1
700 anychain-filecoin ^0.21.5
700 metaboss ^0.13.1
700 4 rocket-basicauth ^0.13
700 7 subplotlib ^0.22.1
700 4 filigree ^0.21.7
700 affinidi-messaging-text-client ^0.22
700 3 dagger-sdk ^0.21.6
700 6 transmission-rpc ^0.22.1
700 1 s3-simple ^0.22.0
700 add-remote ^0.22.1
700 atomic_web_push ^0.22.1
2.6K 5 avalanche-types optional ^0.21.2
700 meteoritus ^0.22.1
700 parsec-service ^0.21.0
700 zugriff =0.22.1
700 1 shortguid ^0.22.1
700 dfns-sdk-rs ^0.22.1
700 1 mdbook-pdf-headless_chrome ^0.22.1
700 tiny-encrypt ^0.22
700 2 async-acme ^0.22
700 2 naia-server-socket ^0.13
700 3 zrpc ^0.22.0
2.6K 1 opentalk-types-api-v1 optional ^0.22
650 xan ^0.22.1
650 1 perspective-js ^0.13.0
650 potato ^0.22.1
650 1 cozo ^0.21.0
650 1 gauthenticator ^0.22
650 uefi-eventlog ^0.13
650 1 zng-view-prebuilt build ^0.22
650 acsrs ^0.21.0
650 tauri-plugin-clipboard ^0.22.1
650 18 zino-core ^0.22.1
650 ogk ^0.22.1
650 bpx-api-client ^0.22.1
650 tsdb_timon ^0.22.1
650 ic-auth-client ^0.22
14.1M 1023 rustls dev ^0.22
11.6M 71 rustls-webpki dev ^0.22
5.4M 160 base64ct dev ^0.21
1.6M 518 aws-smithy-types dev ^0.13.0
1.5M 24 aws-smithy-xml dev ^0.13.0
1.8M 33 base64-simd dev ^0.20.0
1.2M 77 ttf-parser dev ^0.22.1
1.3M 156 webpki dev ^0.9.1
853K 7 opentelemetry-datadog dev ^0.13
683K 12 rasn-pkix dev ^0.22
384K 98 libp2p-identity dev ^0.22.1
315K 21 spade dev ^0.22.1
297K 27 spl-pod dev ^0.22.1
158K 8 vaultrs dev ^0.21
148K 120 keyring dev ^0.22
141K 44 swc_ecma_codegen dev ^0.21.0
100K 20 actix-web-lab dev ^0.22
90K 9 cosmwasm-crypto dev ^0.22.0
62K 15 wasmtime-wasi-http dev ^0.21.0
49K 7 oxc_codegen dev ^0.22.1
48K 32 base64-serde dev ^0.22.1
44K 16 picky-asn1-der dev ^0.22
43K 11 lzzzz dev ^0.22.1
34K 8 const-decoder dev ^0.22.1
33K 13 progenitor dev ^0.22.1
31K 1 wireguard-uapi dev ^0.13.0
30K 7 papaya dev ^0.22
30K 6 radix64 dev ^0.10.1
26K 2 dnssec-prover dev ^0.21
20K 48 plotly dev ^0.22
18K 3 neutron-sdk dev ^0.21.7
16K azure_jwt dev ^0.13.0
15K 6 dtparse dev ^0.21.0
12K 4 iota_stronghold dev ^0.13.0
11K 5 fastcrypto dev ^0.21.0
10K 4 sspi dev ^0.22
9.2K 3 libcryptsetup-rs dev ^0.22.0
8.0K 4 netlink-packet-wireguard dev ^0.13.0
6.2K 15 ollama-rs dev ^0.22.0
6.0K 10 bls-signatures dev ^0.13.0
5.9K 4 octorust dev ^0.21
5.5K 12 fast_qr dev ^0.21.3
4.9K 8 prio dev ^0.22.1
4.7K 1 pythnet-sdk dev ^0.21.0
3.4K 15 rig-core dev ^0.22.1
3.1K 1 hc_seed_bundle dev ^0.22.1
2.7K 1 vegafusion-runtime dev ^0.21.0
2.0K 2 clerk-rs dev ^0.22.1
1.7K deoxysii dev ^0.13
1.7K 6 wu-diff dev ^0.9.0
1.6K 2 psa-crypto dev ^0.12.3
1.5K 9 elements-miniscript dev ^0.13.0
1.5K 2 langchain-rust dev ^0.22.1
1.5K okta dev ^0.21
1.5K graph-rs-sdk dev ^0.21.0
1.4K 1 janus_collector dev ^0.22.1
1.4K 1 cargo-lambda-deploy dev ^0.21.2
1.4K cw-ica-controller dev ^0.13.1
1.4K 1 bmp-monochrome dev ^0.13.0
1.3K 5 genai dev ^0.22.0
1.0K garage dev ^0.21
1.0K 1 sddl dev ^0.22
1.0K 1 near-runtime dev ^0.11
1.0K origin-trial-token dev ^0.13
900 iotscape dev ^0.22
850 4 lwk_jade dev ^0.21.4
850 1 loro-internal dev ^0.21.5
750 dmzj dev ^0.22
750 apicize_lib dev ^0.22.1
700 1 u8g2-fonts dev ^0.22.1
700 2 odoh-rs dev ^0.21.0
700 1 secret-cosmwasm-crypto dev ^0.13.0
700 pake-kem dev ^0.22