ipfs-api-backend-hyper is used at run time in 41 crates (of which 14 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 12 crates.

Number of dependers ipfs-api-backend-hyper version Downloads/month
33 0.6.0 8.0K
2 0.5.0 98
1 0.4.0 37
5 0.2.0 27
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) ipfs-api-backend-hyper version
7.2K 18 switchboard-common optional ^0.6
3.0K 11 ipfs-api optional ^0.6
450 8 forc-pkg ^0.6
140 5 trustchain-ion ^0.6
datam ^0.6
ipfs-webdav ^0.6
1 fractal-storage-client ^0.5.0
depi ^0.4.0
ic-storage-module ^0.2
4 intel-cache-lib ^0.2
fractal-storage-tool ^0.5.0
homestar-runtime optional ^0.6