Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

IndexMap is used at run time in 31,762 crates (of which 8,719 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 2,063 crates. It's used at build time in 1,790 crates (of which 267 optionally, 6 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 2,407 crates (of which 31 directly).

Number of dependers IndexMap version Downloads/month
24,144 2.2.6 8.1M
11,787 1.9.3 6.2M
15 1.8.2 107K
1 1.7.0 21K
1 1.6.2 38K
2 1.3.2 12K
9 0.4.1 70
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) IndexMap version
9.2M 349 toml_edit ^2.0.0
7.5M 67 h2 ^2
4.5M 591 petgraph ^2.0
3.4M 2766 serde_yaml ^2.2.1
11.7M 27093 serde_json optional ^2.2.3
8.6M 4601 toml optional ^2.0.0
6.6M 84 gimli optional ^2.0.0
6.7M 162 object optional ^2.0
1.9M 129 cbindgen ^1
1.1M 36 sqlx-core ^2.0
1.9M 919 zip ^2
4.5M 752 tower optional ^1.0.2
3.9M 1055 serde_with optional ^1.8
2.2M 680 pyo3 optional >=1.6, <3
992K 23 opentelemetry_api ^1.8
962K 9 arrow-json ^2.0
729K 86 datafusion ^2.0.0
729K 4 datafusion-optimizer ^2.0.0
729K 13 datafusion-physical-expr ^2.0.0
717K 3 datafusion-physical-plan ^2.0.0
1.1M 407 aws-smithy-runtime optional ^2
1.0M 669 config optional ^2.0.0
1.1M 209 rkyv optional ^1.7
1.5M 983 schemars optional ^1.2
1.2M 172 wasmparser optional ^2.0.0
582K syd ^2.2.6
467K 7 opentelemetry-datadog ^2.0
459K 22 async-graphql-value ^2
453K 130 async-graphql ^2
400K 94 plist ^2.1.0
357K 7 deltalake-core ^2.2.1
355K 26 wasmtime-environ ^2.0.0
353K 176 wasmtime ^2.0.0
348K 3 turmoil ^1.9
332K 57 metrics-exporter-prometheus ^2.1
989K 541 ron optional ^2.0
304K 10 wasmtime-runtime ^2.0.0
304K 51 wit-parser ^2.0.0
303K 79 priority-queue ^2
294K 2 delta_kernel ^2.2.1
274K 13 protobuf-parse ^2.0.0
256K 422 utoipa ^2
762K 221 validator optional ^2.0.0
229K 51 naga ^2
687K 39 metrics-util optional ^2.1
224K 12 wgpu-core ^2
212K 30 guppy ^2.2.2
604K 41 napi optional ^2
186K 21 polars-utils ^2
160K 13 wasm-metadata ^2.0.0
160K 43 wit-component ^2.0.0
156K 201 bson ^2.1.0
150K 18 salvo_core ^2
423K 41 cookie_store optional ^2.0.0
137K 28 polars-core ^2
135K 3 wasmtime-wit-bindgen ^2.0.0
134K 11 serde_html_form ^2.0.0
131K 13 polars-ops ^2
131K 44 swc_ecma_transforms_base ^2.0.0
131K 50 swc_ecma_utils ^2.0.0
131K 8 kuchikiki ^1.6.0
120K 62 ndarray-stats ^1.6.2
120K 115 wasmer ^1.6
119K 41 wasmer-types ^1.6
119K 450 rocket ^2
118K 22 rocket_codegen ^2
119K 21 wasmer-vm ^1.6
115K 6 rocket_http ^2
110K 1 orchestra-proc-macro ^2
110K 1 fatality-proc-macro ^2
107K cranelift-egraph ^1.9.1
106K 5 wit-bindgen-rust ^2.0.0
100K 3 sqlite3-parser ^2.0
98K 3 litep2p ^2.0.0
99K 17 webc ^1.9.2
94K 3 browserslist-rs ^2.2
85K 1 alloy-sol-macro-expander ^2
84K 6 virtual-fs ^1.9.2
254K 28 inferno optional ^2.0
83K 10 keyed_priority_queue ^2.1.0
78K 121 cargo ^2.2.6
236K 66 xmltree optional ^1.4.0
76K 5 wasmer-toml ^2
75K 21 envmnt ^1
217K 440 scraper optional ^2.2.6
69K 5 naga_oil ^2
68K 42 openapiv3 ^2.0.0
182K 3 redis-protocol optional ^2.2
178K 37 elsa optional ^2.0.2
59K 4 wasm-smith ^2.0.0
55K 35 codegen ^1.0.2
168K 89 minijinja optional ^1.9.0
54K 4 quick-junit ^2.2.6
54K 189 solana-client ^2.2.6
51K 4 pyproject-toml ^2.0.0
51K 26 solana-streamer ^2.2.6
50K 14 aide ^2.1
51K 5 egg ^1.8.1
50K 12 swc_config ^2.0.0
49K 2 aspect-weave ^1.6
49K 1 metered-macro ^1.8
49K 33 poem-openapi ^2.0.0
49K 3 poem-openapi-derive ^2.0.0
144K 120 tauri optional ^1
47K 6 sfv ^2
47K 9 solana-connection-cache ^2.2.6
47K 12 solana-tpu-client ^2.2.6
47K 8 swc_ecma_transforms_react ^2.0.0
138K 30 polars-arrow optional ^2
41K 72 juniper ^2.0
41K 45 lopdf ^2.2.3
41K 11 re_query ^2.1
41K 35 salsa ^1.0.1
40K 10 cargo-make ^2
37K 1 metrics-tracing-context ^2.1
38K 12 ordermap ^2.2.6
38K 3 oxc_resolver ^2.2.6
36K 2 nextest-runner ^2.2.6
36K 26 pathfinding ^2.2.6
35K 3 chalk-solve ^2
105K 26 jsonc-parser optional ^2.0.2
34K 3 leptos_hot_reload ^2
32K 5 leptos_dom ^2
32K 8 leptos_reactive ^2
32K 232 yew ^2
94K 68 configparser optional ^2.2.6
89K 33 arrow2 optional ^1.6
28K 2 abnf_to_pest ^1.0.2
28K 3 process-wrap ^2.2.6
26K 2 boa_ast ^2.2.6
26K 12 boa_engine ^2.2.6
27K 3 boa_interner ^2.2.6
27K 3 passkey-types ^2
80K 23 deepsize optional ^1
26K 18 cargo-tarpaulin ~1.8
26K typescript_tsconfig_json ^2.2.5
25K 5 wasmer-config ^2
24K 9 jaq-interpret ^2.0
24K 26 leptos_meta ^2
23K 41 cairo-lang-utils ^2.1.0
22K 10 cargo-generate ~2
22K 28 json-syntax ^1.9.1
23K 7 swc_ecma_transforms_optimization ^2.0.0
22K 4 swc_fast_graph ^2.0.0
19K 8 serde_valid ^2.0
19K 3 cynic-parser ^2
18K 16 solana-accounts-db ^2.2.6
18K 3 tree-sitter-cli ^2.2.6
16K 19 dprint-core ^2.0.2
17K 1 llvm_profparser ~1.8
16K 15 swc_ecma_minifier ^2.0.0
17K 20 thirtyfour ^2
49K 44 ts-rs optional ^2
15K 10 cargo-edit ^1
15K 3 grass_compiler ^2
16K 4 kafka-protocol ^2.0.0
15K 5 mrml ^2.0
15K 6 polars-json ^2
16K 27 serde_yml ^2.2.6
16K 3 swc_ecma_usage_analyzer ^2.0.0
16K 79 vulkano build ^2.0
48K 11 re_arrow2 optional ^1.6
14K 9 cfgrammar ^2
14K 5 progenitor-impl ^2.2.6
13K 3 franklin-crypto ^1.9
14K 17 oxipng ^2.2.6
13K 29 ra_ap_syntax ^2.1.0
13K 2 swc_ecma_compat_es2015 ^2.0.0
14K 12 swc_ecma_transforms_compat ^2.0.0
12K 2 symbolic-ppdb ^2.0.0
13K 3 taplo-common ^1.6.0
12K 1 watchexec-cli ^2.2.6
11K 1 rquickjs-macro ^2
11K rustworkx-core >=1.9, <3
11K 8 starknet_api ^2.1.0
11K 5 swc_ecma_preset_env ^2.0.0
36K 3 diffus optional ^1
11K 2 autocxx-parser ^1.8
11K 8 ra_ap_vfs ^2.1.0
10K 42 surrealdb ^2.1.0
10K 8 swc_ecma_transforms_module ^2.0.0
10K 5 wasm-compose ^2.0.0
10K 4 wasmer-runtime-core-near ^1.2
10K 13 solana-gossip ^2.2.6
10K 15 wasmer-types-near ^1.6
10K 12 wasmer-vm-near ^1.6
9.7K 4 autocxx-engine ^1.8
9.6K 3 cyclonedx-bom ^2.2.2
9.5K 1 derive-deftly-macros >=1.8, <3
9.2K 2 oq3_syntax ^2.0.0
9.1K 8 swc_bundler ^2.0.0
9.0K 7 apollo-compiler ^2.0.0
27K 9 implicit-clone optional ^2
27K 25 rquickjs optional ^2
27K 3 rquickjs-core optional ^2
8.9K 2 libmdbx ^2
8.7K 1 serde-bridge ^1.8.1
25K 10 parry3d-f64 optional ^2
8.6K 1 serfig ^1
8.6K 15 autocxx-build ^1.8
8.0K 4 rtic-syntax ^1.0.2
7.8K 7 lrpar ^2
7.7K 22 swc ^2.0.0
7.7K 1 debpkg ^1.6
7.7K 1 deno_config ^2
22K 16 locspan optional ^2.0
7.5K 10 pdf ^2.1.0
7.3K 3 r2r ^2.2.6
22K 15 parry3d optional ^2
7.2K 8 puffin_egui ^2.1.0
7.1K 5 serde_amqp ^2
6.9K 4 ra_ap_hir_def ^2.1.0
6.9K 1 serde-smile ^2
6.8K 3 ra_ap_hir_ty ^2.1.0
6.8K 14 ra_ap_ide_db ^2.1.0
6.7K 8 oxc_semantic ^2.2.6
6.0K 16 import_map ^2.1.0
6.0K 95 nu-protocol ^2.2
5.8K 2 oxc_transformer ^2.2.6
5.8K serde_yaml_ng ^2.2.1
5.8K 2 css-inline ^2.1
5.7K 1 cargo-component ^2.2.6
5.6K 3 warg-transparency ^2.2.4
5.6K 11 warg-protocol ^2.2.4
5.6K 31 rdf-types ^2.2.5
5.6K 1 parameterized-macro ^1.6.2
16K 3 measured optional ^2
17K 20 parry2d optional ^2
5.6K 3 warg-api ^2.2.4
5.5K 9 warg-client ^2.2.4
5.5K 1 rtic-macros ^2.0.0
16K foundations optional ^2.0.0
15K 1 iai-callgrind-runner optional ^2
15K serde_json_lenient optional ^2.2.1
5.2K 1 libsql-sqlite3-parser ^2.0
5.2K 5 dark-std ^2.2.5
5.1K 17 deno_graph ^2
5.0K 1 madato ^1.0.1
5.0K 5 biome_deserialize ^2.2.6
4.9K 4 json-proof-token ^2.0.2
4.9K 1 full_moon_derive ^1.3
4.9K 5 json-ld-syntax ^2.0
14K 14 loupe optional ^1.6
4.9K 5 json-ld-core ^2.0
4.9K 14 rattler_conda_types ^2.2.6
4.8K 2 json-ld-expansion ^2.0
4.8K 1 json-ld-compaction ^2.0
4.7K 3 blockifier ^2.1.0
4.6K 19 re_viewer_context ^2.1
4.6K 2 rustc_data_structures ^1.8.0
4.6K 4 hayagriva ^2.0.2
14K 2 serde_json_pythonic optional ^2
4.6K 1 wild-doc ^2.1.1
4.5K 1 fil_actor_multisig_state ^2
4.4K 3 rattler_shell ^2.2.6
4.4K 4 rattler ^2.2.6
4.3K 1 apollo-router ^2.2.6
4.3K 2 deno ^2
4.3K 2 apollo-federation ^2.2.6
4.3K 9 nu-command ^2.2
4.2K 1 papyrus_storage ^2.1.0
12K 5 paperclip optional ^1.0
12K 2 paperclip-core optional ^1.0
12K vrl optional ~2.2.6
4.2K 11 deno_doc ^2.0.2
4.1K 2 v8_valueserializer ^2.0.2
4.1K 1 opentelemetry-system-metrics ^1.8
4.1K 1 rust-analyzer-salsa ^2.1.0
4.0K 1 deno_cache_dir ^2.0.0
4.0K 10 amiquip ^1.6
4.0K 14 ruma-common ^2.0.0
3.9K 17 cargo-release ^2.2
3.9K 5 sauron-core ^2.2.5
3.9K 1 rattler_lock ^2.2.6
3.9K 1 starship ^2.2.6
12K 13 allocative optional ^1.9.1
3.9K 8 deno_node ^2
3.8K 14 strict_types ^2.0.2
3.7K 1 compiler-tools-derive ^2.2
3.7K vrc-get ^2.2.6
3.6K 7 faerie ^1
3.6K papyrus_common ^2.1.0
3.6K 31 hcl-rs ^2.2.6
3.6K 1 schematic_types ^2.2.6
3.6K 3 pingora-cache ^1
3.5K 8 svgbob ^2.0
10K 7 parry2d-f64 optional ^2
3.5K 2 rweb-openapi ^1.6
3.4K 4 wadm-types ^2
3.4K 24 rbs ^2.2.5
3.4K 3 iroh-gossip ^2.0
3.3K zero4rs ^2.2.6
3.3K taxy ^2.0.0
3.3K 3 fuel-etk-ops build ^1.8.1
3.3K 5 nu-cmd-base ^2.2
3.3K libpatron ^2.0.0
3.2K 4 rink-core ^2
3.2K 4 h2_imp ^2
3.2K 1 tower-balance ^1.0.2
3.1K 1 tower-ready-cache ^1.0.2
3.1K 3 cargo-component-core ^2.2.6
9.8K 1 json-spanned-value optional ^1.3
3.1K serde_yaml_with_quirks ^1.5.2
3.0K 6 dropshot ^2.2.6
2.9K laze ^2.2.3
2.9K 18 seed ^1.9.2
2.9K 5 parse-changelog ^2
2.9K 25 typst ^2
2.9K 2 railwind ^1.9.2
2.8K 2 apistos-models ^2
2.8K 1 simple-xml-builder ^1.7.0
9.0K 4 json-deserializer optional ^1.5.2
2.8K proof-of-sql ^2.1
9.0K 6 serde_json_bytes optional ^2.1
8.9K 33 speedy optional ^1
2.7K 2 apistos ^2
2.6K 10 noodles-csi ^2.0.0
2.6K dprint =2.2.6
2.6K 2 ra_ap_salsa ^2.1.0
2.5K 3 quil-rs ^2.2.6
2.4K 6 contract-transcode ^2.2.6
7.9K 3 clarabel optional ^2.2
7.9K 16 evmap optional ^1.1.0
2.4K 8 proto_core ^2.2.6
2.4K qcs ^2.2.6
2.3K 1 kitsune_p2p_fetch ^2.1.0
7.6K 18 specta optional ^1.9.1
2.3K cargo-workspaces ^1.6.0
2.3K cargo-spellcheck ^2
2.2K 2 polkadot-statement-distribution ^2.0.0
2.2K 6 ra_ap_proc_macro_api ^2.1.0
2.2K 1 nodejs_package_json ^2.2.5
2.2K photon-indexer ^2.2.6
2.2K 2 polkadot-dispute-distribution ^2.0.0
2.2K 1 gengo ^2
2.2K conan ^1.0
2.2K mise ^2.2.6
2.1K gengo-bin ^2
2.1K cornucopia ^1.9.1
2.0K 3 sqlx-build-trust-core ^2.0
2.0K 2 bevy_editor_pls_core ^2
1.9K fn_vm ^2.2.6
1.9K 1 maturin ^2.2.3
6.3K postmark optional ^2.2
1.9K 1 bevy_editor_pls_default_windows ^2
1.9K truelayer-signing ^2.2
1.8K 2 golem-wasm-rpc-stubgen ^2.2.6
1.8K 2 cfn-guard ^1.6.0
1.8K reywen ^2.2.6
1.8K 13 snarkvm-parameters ^2.0
1.8K 1 wit-smith ^2.0.0
1.8K sfm-entities ^2.2.6
1.8K 3 rweb ^1
1.7K bottom ^2.0.0
1.7K 4 biome_formatter ^1.9.3
1.7K 28 httpclient ^2.1.0
1.7K 5 wasm-wave ^2.0.0
1.7K laurel ^2
1.7K 3 biome_js_parser ^1.9.3
1.6K 1 yara-x ^2.2.6
1.6K 5 gluesql-utils ^1
1.6K 3 noodles-tabix ^2.0.0
1.6K 6 css-minify ^1
1.6K 9 ruma-events ^2.0.0
5.3K 4 struqture optional ^2
1.6K 2 noodles-gff ^2.0.0
1.6K 9 noodles-sam ^2.0.0
1.5K 6 noodles-bam ^2.0.0
1.5K 28 matrix-sdk ^2.0.2
1.5K 5 snarkvm-console-network ^2
1.5K 8 bevy_xpbd_3d ^2.0.0
1.5K 7 yazi-config ^2.2.6
1.5K 2 snarkvm-console-program ^2.0
1.4K 2 avian2d ^2.0.0
1.4K 6 noodles-vcf ^2.0.0
1.4K apollo-smith ^2.0.0
1.4K 2 tracing-timing ^1.0
1.4K 2 rustpython-codegen ^2.2.6
1.4K 9 snarkvm-circuit-environment ^2.0.0
1.4K wasmer-cli ^1.9.2
1.4K 4 sqlx-etorreborre-core ^2.0
1.4K 3 rustpython-vm ^2.2.6
4.6K 4 ckb_schemars optional ^1.2
1.3K teo-teon ^2.1.0
1.3K 1 doc-chunks ^2
1.3K 1 salvo-oapi ^2
1.3K 2 typst-ts-compiler ^1.9.3
1.3K 9 avian3d ^2.0.0
1.3K azservicebus ^2
1.3K 2 noodles-cram ^2.0.0
1.3K klickhouse ^2.2
1.3K 10 snarkvm-ledger-store ^2.0
1.3K 9 hnsw_rs ^2.2
1.3K tauri-mobile ^1.3
1.2K 2 h2_wasi ^1.5.2
1.2K 8 snarkvm-ledger-coinbase ^2.0
1.2K 7 uplc ^1.9.2
1.2K 3 golem-openapi-client-generator ^2.1.0
1.2K 4 snarkvm-ledger-narwhal-batch-certificate ^2.0
1.2K 5 snarkvm-ledger-narwhal-batch-header ^2.0
1.2K orthodoxy ^2.2.6
1.2K workshop-runner ^2.0.0
1.2K 4 snarkvm-ledger-narwhal-subdag ^2.0
1.2K 11 snarkvm-ledger-block ^2.0
1.1K 2 usage-lib ^2
1.1K 5 snarkvm-synthesizer ^2.0
1.1K 6 snarkvm-ledger-committee ^2.0
1.1K 1 json-ld-serialization ^2.0
1.1K 7 snarkvm-synthesizer-program ^2.0
1.1K mprocs ^2.0.0
1.1K 3 snarkvm-synthesizer-process ^2.0
1.1K 33 snarkvm ^2.0
1.1K 6 bevy_xpbd_2d ^2.0.0
3.9K 10 git-cliff-core optional ^2.2.6
1.1K 1 surrealdb-nightly ^2.1.0
1.1K 3 noodles-bcf ^2.0.0
3.8K 7 one_err optional ^1.9.1
1.1K 1 snarkvm-ledger ^2.0
1.0K 4 sycamore-reactive ^1.8.0
1.0K 1 reactive-mutiny ^2
1.0K gitui ^2
1.0K git-disjoint =2.2.6
1.0K 1 wit-bindgen-csharp ^2.0.0
3.6K 11 schematic optional ^2.2.6
1.0K proto_cli ^2.2.6
1.0K 2 runeauth ^2.0.0
1.0K 17 sycamore ^1.8.0
1.0K 1 sycamore-web ^1.8.1
1.0K 3 package_json_schema ^1
1.0K litesvm ^2.2.6
1.0K 2 jql-runner ^2.2.6
3.4K 7 nonempty-collections optional ^2.2.5
950 bigquery-functions ^1.9.3
950 1 pyxel-engine ^2.1
950 1 bp-derive ^2.0.0
900 3 gtest ^2.2.6
900 2 gsdk ^2.2.6
900 rapl-energy ^2.2.6
900 wgsl_bindgen ^2.2
900 12 sway-core ^2.0.0
900 2 phper ^2.0.0
900 2 endpoints ^2.2
900 18 rustc-ap-rustc_data_structures ^1.5.1
850 18 sway-types ^2.0.0
850 10 write-fonts ^2.0
850 4 zng-ext-config ^2.2
850 jj-cli ^2.2.5
850 1 revolt-models ^1.9.3
850 6 oro-common ^1.9.3
850 2 bend-lang ^2.2.3
800 thebakery ^2.0.0
800 mkrs ^2.2.6
800 bugbite-cli ^2.2.6
800 flatline ^2
800 revolt-database ^1.9.1
800 2 encoder ^2.2
800 usage-cli ^2
800 3 wac-types ^2.2.6
750 5 planus-types ^1.9.3
750 2 sway-ir ^2.0.0
750 1 lunex_engine ^2.1
750 3 planus-translation ^1.9.3
750 3 wac-graph ^2.2.6
750 nerve-ai ^2.2.6
750 2 sos-protocol ^2.2
750 1 bugbite ^2.2.6
750 rspack_resolver ^2.2.6
700 cargo-osdk ^2.2.1
700 5 nu-value-ext ^1.6.1
700 substruct ^2.2.6
700 i3stat ^2.1.0
700 2 ra-ap-rustc_serialize ^2.0.0
700 tauri-plugin-sql ^2.2.6
700 quickstatic ^2.1.0
2.6K 6 apistos-schemars optional ^1.2
650 2 symbolic-symcache ^2.0.0
650 4 sos-sdk ^2.2
650 1 postman2openapi ^1.5.1
650 3 test-span ^2.2.0
2.5K 3 gstuff optional ^2
650 ascending_graphics ^2.2.6
650 12 show-image ^2.0.0
650 aichat ^2.2.6
650 2 material-colors ^2.2.6
650 2 symbolic-il2cpp ^2.0.0
650 3 starknet-devnet-core ^2.0.0
650 1 afrim-translator ^2.2.6
650 2 rbdc-sqlite ^2.0.0
650 2 protobuf-parse2 ^1.8.0
600 surrealdb-beta ^2.1.0
600 12 mech-core ^2.2.6
600 1 sos-net ^2.2
600 2 shapes_converter ^2
600 uhg-custom-appollo-roouter ^2.2.3
600 tuisky ^2.2.6
2.4K 2 napi-ohos optional ^2
600 9 wasmer-runtime-core ^1.2
600 tlparse ^2.1.0
2.3K 3 rigetti-pyo3 optional ^2.0.0
600 sh4d0wup ^2
600 8 openapiv3-extended ^2
600 4 mzdata ^2.0.0
550 1 molt-forked ^2.2
550 5 mech-syntax ^2.2.6
550 3 nu-data ^1.6.1
550 1 validify ^2
550 4 pavex ^2
550 reflexo-world ^2
550 1 optivorbis ^2.1.0
550 surrealdb-alpha ^2.1.0
550 13 esl01-dag ^1
550 rgb-invoice ^2.0.2
550 1 salvo-compression ^2
550 Boa ^1.7.0
550 1 earendil ^1.9.3
550 1 logix-type ^2.2.6
550 1 cargo-pretty-test ^2
550 velarixdb ^2.2.5
500 darkomen ^2.2.6
500 1 rattler_installs_packages ^2.2.6
2.1K 2 small_len optional ^2.2.6
500 1 reflexo-vfs ^2
500 1 rusty_json ^2.2.6
500 serde_yaml_ok ^2.2.1
2.1K 2 topo_sort optional ^1
500 5 norad ^2.0.0
500 sos-server ^2.2
500 1 redox_pkgutils ^1
500 10 rustc-ap-rustc_serialize ^1
500 5 identity_document ^2.0
500 1 istanbul-oxide ^2.2.6
500 2 sway-lsp ^2.0.0
500 6 shapemap ^2.1
500 2 annonars ^2.2
500 6 identity_credential ^2.0
490 2 rsql_drivers ^2.2.6
490 4 cryo_freeze ^2.1.0
1.9K config-it optional ^2.0.0
480 bevy_trenchbroom ^2.2
480 1 cryo_to_df ^2.1.0
480 1 dependabot-config ^2
480 aimo ^2.2.6
480 fil_actor_multisig_v9 ^1.9
470 fil_actor_multisig_v8 ^1.9
470 2 fil_actor_multisig_v11 ^1.9
470 komac ^2.2.6
470 3 bundlr-sdk ^1.9.3
460 4 clap-v3 ^1.0.1
460 3 xrandr ^1.6.2
460 hipcheck ^2.2.6
460 1 argus-lib ^2.2
460 1 flop ^1.9.3
450 3 drone-svd ^1
450 6 gdnative-core ^1
450 1 libflatterer ^2.1.0
450 3 dctap ^2
450 4 shex_validation ^2
1.8K 26 snarkvm-algorithms optional ^2.0.0
450 1 rsql_formatters ^2.2.6
450 tracexec ^2.2.6
450 barkml ^2.2
440 2 krata-xenplatform ^2.2.6
440 tinywasm-wasmparser ^2.2
440 1 krata-xenclient ^2.2.6
440 13 radix-rust ^2.2.5
430 14 prefixmap ^2
430 solana-tokens ^2.2.6
430 11 rbson ^1.6.2
430 autocxx-gen ^1.8
430 6 near-vm-types ^1.6
430 3 necessist-core ^2.2
430 1 pavexc ^2
430 1 necessist-backends ^2.2
420 2 krata-oci ^2.2.6
420 2 clog ^1.0.1
420 5 oca-ast ^1.9.3
420 1 krata-runtime ^2.2.6
410 portable-network-archive ^2.2.6
410 aeruginous ^2.2.6
400 5 near-vm-vm ^1.6
400 9 notan_app ^2.0.2
400 7 snarkvm-r1cs ^1.9.3
390 1 ora-store-memory ^2.0.0
390 qsv ^2.2
390 1 talos_messenger_core ^2.0.0
390 nu_plugin_polars ^2.2
380 3 oca-bundle ^1.8.0
380 2 parsoid ^2.0.0
380 1 cargo-edit-9 ^1
380 ctgen ^2
380 3 wdl-lint ^2.2.6
370 1 monitord ^2.2
370 vrc-log ^2
370 2 oca-file ^1.9.3
360 garden-tools ^2.2
360 4 deno_package_json ^2
360 streampager ^1.3.2
350 1 rigz_parse ^2.2.6
1.5K 3 solvent optional ^1.7.0
350 1 da14531-sdk-macros ^2.2.2
350 1 mstickerlib ^2.0
350 protokit ^2
350 2 sqruff-lib ^2.2.6
350 3 curie ^2
350 6 obeli-sk-val-json ^2.1
340 1 bevy_animation_graph ^2.2.1
340 1 oca-dag ^1.9.3
340 2 rustc-ap-serialize ^1
340 aide-axum-typed-multipart ^2.2.2
340 2 hgvs ^2
340 tachys ^2
340 nu_plugin_xpath ^1.6.1
340 bevy_fluent ^2.2.5
340 configure-semantic-release-manifest =2.0.0
330 2 oasgen-core ^2
330 1 voxel-tiler-core ^2.2.6
330 1 intspan ^2.0.0
330 keyflux ^2.2.6
330 1 power-protobuf-lib ^2.0
330 1 earendil_topology ^1.9.3
330 1 groan_rs ^2.1.0
320 configure-semantic-release-assets =2.0.0
320 depot-js ^1
320 1 radixmap ^2.2
320 korhah ^2.2.6
320 3 sosistab ^1.9.1
320 2 oasgen ^2
320 1 spirt ^1.7.0
320 1 protokit_proto ^2
320 xplr ^2.2.6
320 chia-wallet-sdk ^2.2.6
320 1 i18n_js ^2.2.6
320 2 ghactions-core ^2.2
320 nci ^2.1.0
310 gerb ^1.9
310 ggus ^2.2
310 dynec ^1.8.1
310 viguno ^2.2
300 bulloak ^2.0.0
300 atac ^2.2.6
300 3 obeli-sk-utils ^2.1
300 1 slinky ^2.2.6
300 5 sosistab2 ^1.9.2
300 4 biocommons-bioutils ^2.0.0
300 2 obeli-sk-executor ^2.1
300 2 aleo-rust ^2.0
290 functiontrace-server ^2
290 mhost ^1
290 nix-installer ^2.0.2
290 1 fclones ^2
290 slumber ^2.0.1
290 nyaa ^2.2.6
280 git-metrics ^2.2.6
280 3 rustainers ^2.1.0
280 1 concatsql ^1.6
280 3 quickscope ^1.6.1
280 9 zebra-test ^2.2.6
270 15 miraland-streamer ^2.2.3
270 wac-cli ^2.2.6
270 13 miraland-accounts-db ^2.2.3
270 5 partiql-types ^2.2
270 2 wac-parser ^2.2.6
270 2 pretty_rdf 1.*
270 19 miraland-client ^2.2.3
260 1 argc ^2.1
260 aerostream ^2.2.6
260 fridge-backup ^1.6
260 3 libcorn ^2.0.0
260 tuxmux ^2.2.6
260 1 jarust ^2.2.6
260 rgb-runtime ^2.0.2
260 2 wac-resolver ^2.2.6
250 5 miraland-connection-cache ^2.2.3
250 2 type-sitter-gen ^2.2.6
250 talos_messenger_actions ^2.0.0
250 1 wg-toolkit ^2.2
250 snarkos-node-messages ^2.0
250 turdle ^2.2.6
250 winc ^2.2.6
250 tonytools ^2.2.5
250 skyscraper ^2.0.0
250 4 warg-server ^2.2.4
240 1 chia-sdk-test ^2.2.6
240 omnifetch ^2.2.6
240 1 typed-i18n-support ^2
240 3 wca ^2.2.6
240 1 chia-sdk-offers ^2.2.6
240 1 kassandra ^2.1.0
240 9 leo-span ^1.9
240 1 remotefs-webdav ^2.2.3
240 miraland-tokens ^2.2.3
240 nu_plugin_formats ^2.2
240 shmarks ^2.2.5
240 1 linera-alloy-sol-macro-expander ^2
240 sheldon ^2.1.0
240 word-tally ^2.2.6
240 2 monoio-http ^1.5.2
230 wadm ^2
230 1 aquatic_ws ^2
230 recmap ^2.2.2
230 sprocket ^2.1.0
230 5 algonaut_crypto ^1.6.1
230 9 miraland-tpu-client ^2.2.3
230 openapi-fuzzer ^1.9.1
220 xgboost-rs ^1.9
220 1 js-source-scopes ^2.0.0
220 keep_a_changelog_file ^2
220 3 rue-parser ^2.2.6
220 1 openapi_utils ^2.1
1.1K 4 mpsc optional ^1.9
220 4 zebra-state ^2.2.6
220 2 rue-compiler ^2.2.6
220 2 sqlx-core-oldapi ^2.0.0
210 ex-cli ^2.2.6
210 1 mech-program ^2.0.2
210 biome_fs ^1.9.3
210 1 segul 1.*
210 partiql-extension-ddl ^2.2
210 swc-plugin-inferno ^2.2.6
210 vcs2git ^2.2.3
210 3 dot_ix_model ^2.2.6
210 6 rbe ^2
210 benda ^2.2.3
210 2 rtmp ^1.9.3
200 baseic ^2.2.6
200 7 teo-result ^2.2.5
200 cog-rust ^1.9.3
200 2 polodb_core ^1.9.3
200 6 wasmer-types-x ^1.6
1.1K 2 docker-compose-types optional ^2.2
200 7 partiql-ast ^2.2
200 1 homestar-wasm ^2.2
200 9 kaspa-txscript ^2.1.0
200 1 homestar-workflow ^2.2
200 2 linera-wasmer-vm ^1.6
200 minedmap ^2.0.0
200 bevy_entitiles ^2.2
200 nu-completion ^1.6.1
200 homestar-runtime ^2.2
200 tbr ^2.0
200 1 verfs ^2.2.6
200 2 zebra-network ^2.2.6
190 1 node_engine ^2.0
190 linera-wasmer ^1.6
190 2 status ^1.3
190 underdose ^2.0
190 6 xflv ^1.9.3
190 2 serde_norway ^2.2.1
190 oreq ^2.1.0
190 2 dot_ix_rt ^2.2.6
190 leptonic ^2.2.2
190 5 wasmer-vm-x ^1.6
180 valkyrie-types ^2.2.3
180 wdl-gauntlet ^2.2.6
180 nickel-lang ^1.9.3
180 5 teo-parser ^2.2
180 5 unc-vm-types ^1.6
180 2 xc3_lib ^2.1.0
180 jawk ^2.2
180 terrabastard ^2.0.0
180 2 zebra-rpc ^2.2.6
180 laze-insights ^2.2.6
1.0K 2 nauty-pet optional ^2.2
180 nrr ^2.2.6
180 1 rustc_codegen_spirv ^1.6.0
180 senax ^1.9.1
180 uiua ^2
170 transmission-gobject ^2.2
170 2 zebra-scan ^2.2.6
170 zebrad ^2.2.6
170 16 eternaltwin_config ^2.1.0
170 1 taplo-lsp ^1.6
170 6 ergotree-ir ^1.3.2
170 1 sortmap ^2.2.6
170 1 c2rust-transpile ^1.0.1
170 repro-env ^2.1.0
170 integrationos-domain ^2.1.0
170 collective-score-client ^2.2.5
170 convertor ^2.2.2
170 3 pkgcraft ^2.2.6
160 4 teo-runtime ^2.2.6
160 clineup ^2.1.0
160 1 psibase ^2.2.6
160 4 unc-vm-vm ^1.6
160 alox-48 ^2.0
1.0K 1 serde_jsonc optional ^2
160 1 wild-doc-script-image ^2.1.1
160 1 xc3_model ^2.1.0
160 nixify ^2.2.6
1.0K bitbazaar optional ^2
160 easytier ~1.9.3
160 falcon-cli ^1.9.3
160 1 node-maintainer ^1.9.3
160 1 onechatsocial-models ^1.9.3
160 2 openapi_type ^2.0
160 oca-rust ^1.8.0
160 1 rtfm-syntax ^1.0.2
160 forest-filecoin ^2
150 1 regex-filtered ^2.2.6
150 3 wasmer-runtime-core-x ^1.2
150 4 anni-repo ^1.9.1
150 3 fil_actor_multisig ^1.8.0
150 1 flamescope ^1.0
150 2 fea-rs ^2.0
150 2 kn-graph ^2.0.0
150 15 lark-debug-with ^1.0.2
150 3 scallop ^2.2.6
150 4 qiniu-apis ^1.7.0
150 5 xmlem ^1.9.2
150 marlowe_lang ^2.0.0
150 1 cascara ^1.9
150 packfile ^2.0
150 6 aquatic_common ^2
150 cfspeedtest ^2.2.6
150 10 lark-collections ^1.0.2
140 cargo-wizard ^2.2.5
140 feos-campd ^2.2
140 1 nix-config-parser ^2
140 2 substrate-wasmtime-runtime ^1.0.2
140 3 spacetimedb-core ^2.0.0
140 datamodel ^2.2.5
140 xc3_wgpu ^2.1.0
140 2 drogue-client ^1
140 sequoia-chameleon-gnupg ^2
140 8 streamhub ^1.9.3
140 typed_graph ^2.0
140 1 mehari ^2.2
140 2 carapace_spec_clap ^2.2.5
140 6 ts_opentelemetry_api ^1.8
140 11 koto_runtime ^2.0.0
140 2 partiql-ast-passes ^2.2
140 1 jay-toml-config ^2.2.5
130 1 fracpack ^2.2.6
130 2 partiql-logical-planner ^2.2
130 3 steel-common ^2.2.2
130 1 dms-cdc-operator ^2.2.6
130 1 lace ^2.0.0
130 shm-rs ^2.1
130 eip-712 ^1.0.2
130 openconfiguration ^1.9.3
130 teo ^2.1.0
130 11 waffles-solana-tpu-client ^1.9.1
130 cargo-prebuilt ^2.2.6
130 2 cargo-web ^1
130 pkgcruft ^2.2.6
130 5 snarkos-node-sync-locators ^2.1
130 4 peace_rt_model_core ^2.1.0
130 pkgcraft-tools ^2.2.6
130 1 teo-generator ^2.2.6
130 1 enumx_derive ^1.4
130 trippy ^2.2.6
130 1 valence_registry ^1.9.3
130 acceptxmr ^2
130 jay-compositor ^2.2.0
130 oxyromon ^2.2.6
130 4 promkit ^2.2.3
130 1 restify-openapi ^2
120 14 netidx-core ^2
120 1 teo-sql-connector ^2.2.3
120 9 wasmer-runtime-core-fl ^1.2
120 wit ^2.2.6
120 1 teo-mongodb-connector ^2.2.5
120 9 ergo-lib ^1.3.2
120 samling ^2.2.6
120 5 waffles-solana-connection-cache ^1.9.1
120 autosar-data ^2.2.0
120 metrics-exporter-influx ^1.9.3
120 1 polytype ^2.1.0
120 2 ambient_ui ^2.0
120 eip_712_utils ^2.2.6
120 1 grovedb-merk ^2.2.6
120 2 snowchains_core ^1.7.0
120 1 httpsig ^2.2.6
120 1 jetty ^2.0
120 10 nyar-error ^2.2.6
120 1 obeli-sk-wasm-workers ^2.1
120 competitive-hpp ^1.3.2
120 1 compose_spec ^2.2.3
120 1 gluon-salsa ^1.0.1
120 leo-test-framework ^1.9
120 1 rdp-rs ^1.3
120 tesuto ^2.2.6
120 meplang ^2.1
120 nyauser ^1.9
120 spytrap-adb ^2
110 4 peace_cmd_model ^2.1.0
110 2 vec-x ^2.2.6
110 yaml2lua ^2.2.6
110 15 fil_actors_runtime ^1.8.0
110 metaboss ^1.9.3
110 series-troxide ^2.2.3
110 spry ^2.0
110 swc-vue-jsx-visitor ^2.1
110 wt_blk ^2.0.0
110 13 etwin_config ^1.9.2
110 1 steel-engine ^2.2.2
110 8 df_st_core ^1.4
110 cargoman ^1.6.0
110 egui_clickpack_db ^2.2.6
110 1 nodui_egui ^2
110 1 leptos_form_core ^2
110 1 qiniu-objects-manager ^1.7.0
110 3 safecoin-client ^1.9.1
110 cargo-compete ^1.8.0
110 4 vsvg ^2.0.2
110 2 editpe ^2.1
110 1 gchemol-neighbors ^1
110 1 race-bundlr-sdk ^1.9.3
100 moexpr ^2.2
100 nifty-cli ^2.1.0
100 superviseur ^1.9.2
100 10 waffles-solana-streamer ^1.9.1
100 2 etk-ops build ^1.8.1
100 grovedb ^2.2.6
100 12 xio_base_datatypes ^1.0.2
100 9 actori-http ^1.3
100 deno_workspace ^2
100 helm-templexer ^1
100 ragtime ^2.2.6
100 2 snarkos-node-bft-events ^2.1
100 1 wdl-analysis ^2.2.6
100 eip712_enc ^2.2.6
100 5 netidx-netproto ^2
100 10 ambient_ui_native ^1.8.2
100 15 netidx ^2
100 dufs ^2.2
100 let-engine ^2.2
100 matugen ^2.2.2
100 pican ^2.2.6
100 1 safecoin-streamer ^1.9.1
100 2 arnalisa ^1.0.2
100 1 ergotree-interpreter ^1.3.2
100 4 nickel-lang-core ^1.9.3
800 3 serde-lite optional ^2
terminusdm ^2.2.6
1 clparse ^1.2.0
mergui ^1.3.0
moeval ^2.2
2 numbat ^2.2.6
3 snarkos-node-bft-ledger-service ^2.1
7 waffles-solana-client ^1.9.1
wspick ^2.0.0
9 coasys_juniper ^2.0
envhub ^2.2.3
10 eternalfest_core ^1.9.1
13 leo-ast ^1.9
egglog ^2.0
1 palkia ^1.9.1
2 anndata ^2.2
1 weresocool_core ^1.7.0
1 melib ^1.5
aleo-wasm ^2.0.0
arrs ^2.1.0
kay_codegen ^1.0.2
re2 ^1.8.1
roklang ^2.0.0
8 miraland-gossip ^2.2.3
10 librashader-reflect ^2.1.0
2 snarkos-node-bft-storage-service ^2.1
1 librqbit-dht ^2
6 pdbtbx ^2.0
tracing-fluentd ^1.7
idna-cli ^2.2.6
agprefs ^1.9.1
4 floem ^2
pacman-repo-builder ^2.2.5
sauce ^1.6.1
wlr-which-key ^2.0
6 feos-core ^2.0
x64_asm ^1.5.1
3 snarkos-node-sync ^2.1
deno_3p_lib ^1.8.1
1 motion_list_rs ^1.2
1 ryan ^1
xiod ^1.0.2
5 kaspa-database ^2.1.0
2 data_doc ^1.9.1
fibra ^2.2
5.1M 19 sharded-slab dev ^1
188K 24 schnellru dev ^1.9.2
53K 17 intmap dev ^1.8.2
11K 8 apollo-parser dev ^2.0.0
12K 17 velcro dev ^1.6.0
10K 3 teloxide-core dev ^1.9
8.3K 3 swc_css_modules dev ^2.0.0
7.4K 2 keycloak dev ^2
6.3K 3 tfrecord dev ^2.0.0
5.3K 3 resolvo dev ^2
5.2K 1 wasmbin dev ^2.1.0
4.6K 1 typos-dict dev ^2.2.6
2.3K 1 differential-dataflow-master dev ^2.1
1.5K 4 snarkvm-console-collections dev ^2.0.0
500 idr-ebr dev ^2
350 nu_plugin_selector dev ^1.7
340 8 differential-dataflow dev ^1.0.1
320 2 ockam_api dev ^2.2.6
190 raknet-rs dev ^2
160 rattler_libsolv_rs dev ^2.0.0
100 inttable dev ^1.8.2
1 growth-ring dev ^2.2.2