alloy-primitives is used at run time in 98 crates (of which 9 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 60 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 1 crate.

Number of dependers alloy-primitives version Downloads/month
36 0.7.1 51K
16 0.6.4 40K
7 0.5.4 10K
28 0.4.2 117K
11 0.3.3 1.5K
1 0.2.0 110
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) alloy-primitives version
174K 24 alloy-sol-types ^0.7.1
47K 7 revm-primitives ^0.7
41K 14 alloy-json-abi ^0.7.1
28K 8 alloy-dyn-abi ^0.7.1
21K 3 alloy-trie ^0.7
11K 2 foundry-block-explorers ^0.7
11K 1 foundry-compilers ^0.7
8.7K 1 mev-share-sse ^0.7.0
5.1K alloy-core ^0.7.1
4.6K 1 dotrain ^0.6.3
4.3K 1 rain-metadata ^0.5.0
2.2K dotrain-lsp ^0.6.3
1.4K 5 stylus-sdk ^0.3.1
1.4K 2 stylus-proc ^0.3.1
1.2K 2 snowbridge-pallet-inbound-queue ^0.4.2
800 thegraph-core ^0.7
750 uniswap-v3-sdk ^0.7
650 1 tap_core ^0.6.0
600 tap_aggregator ^0.6.0
550 2 uniswap-sdk-core ^0.7
2.2K 2 wormhole-io optional ^0.4.0
410 inkmate ^0.3.1
410 1 forge-fmt ^0.3
370 verbs-rs ^0.7.0
310 styluszeppelin ^0.3.1
280 uniswap-v2-sdk ^0.7
270 simular-core ^0.7.0
1.3K 4 wormhole-raw-vaas optional ^0.4.0
230 alloy_serde_macro ^0.6
200 2 hdp-primitives ^0.6.2
180 2 inkmate-common ^0.3.1
160 risc0-ethereum-view-call ^0.6.4
160 inkmate-contracts ^0.3.1
140 2 rtvm-primitives ^0.7
140 1 eigensdk-client-wallet ^0.7.0
140 eigensdk-client-avsregistry ^0.7.0
120 kona-mpt ^0.7.0
120 alloy-dyn-parser ^0.6.4
uniswap-sdk-core-rust ^0.5.4
2 hdp-provider ^0.6.2
1 hdp-core ^0.6.2
cargo-stylus ^0.4.0
wormhole-vaas ^0.2.0
1 alloy-merkle-tree ^0.6.2
1 axos-primitives ^0.4.2
3 chainthru-primitives ^0.4.2
risc0-steel ^0.6.4
3 eventify-primitives ^0.4.2
alloy-ethers-typecast ^0.5.4
1 chainthru-index ^0.4.2
ducketh ^0.3.3
1 eventify-idx ^0.4.2
2 aori_types ^0.4.2
chainthru ^0.4.2
eventify-cli ^0.4.2
uniswap-core ^0.5.4
1 aori_requests ^0.4.2
stylus-hello-world ^0.3.1
akli ^0.6.4
rustmate ^0.3.1