swc_ecma_transforms_module is used at run time in 100 crates (of which 5 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 5 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 5 crates (of which 2 directly).

Number of dependers swc_ecma_transforms_module version Downloads/month
10 12.1.0 2.2K
2 10.0.0 7.7K
1 9.0.0 1.3K
2 7.0.0 600
49 5.0.0 270
2 4.0.0 550
3 3.0.0 0
1 0.186.3 45
18 0.183.1 750
2 0.180.19 69
1 0.178.19 20
1 0.175.7 0
1 0.170.21 0
2 0.158.19 42
1 0.154.25 150
3 0.154.2 0
1 0.137.2 0
1 0.130.1 3
1 0.99.0 0
1 0.74.1 6
1 0.58.3 0
1 0.56.2 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) swc_ecma_transforms_module version
30K 84 swc_core optional ^12.1.0
18K 15 swc_ecma_transforms optional ^12.0.0
1 bndl_convert ^7.0.0
1 wasm-mt-swc =0.154.2
380 1 quickjs_runtime optional =0.154.25
77K 8 swc_ecma_transforms_optimization dev ^12.0.0
swc_ecma_transforms_inferno dev ^0.175.0