swc_ecma_transforms is used at run time in 81 crates (of which 4 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 9 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 8 crates (of which 6 directly).

Number of dependers swc_ecma_transforms version Downloads/month
12 14.0.0 0
1 13.0.0 0
2 11.0.0 7.3K
1 10.0.0 1.2K
2 8.0.0 550
18 5.0.0 280
2 4.0.0 850
3 3.0.0 2
18 0.232.1 270
3 0.220 160
1 0.218.26 0
4 0.199.27 130
3 0.198.64 4
1 0.181.0 9
1 0.174.0 2
1 0.160.0 0
2 0.154.0 31
1 0.139.0 0
1 0.113.7 0
2 0.90 0
1 0.88.0 2
1 0.63.0 0
2 0.38.1 0
4 0.31.2 0
2 0.20 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) swc_ecma_transforms version
14K 5 swc_ecma_preset_env ^14.0.0
13K 24 swc ^14.0.0
3.1K 2 swc_emotion ^14.0.0
3.1K 1 binding_macros optional ^14.0.0
800 1 swc_node_bundler ^14.0.0
1.1K 12 swc_ecmascript optional ^14.0.0
16 farmfe_toolkit ^0.232.1
swc_jni ^0.227.19
350 1 quickjs_runtime optional =0.199.27
2.8K 2 styled_components dev ^14.0.0
2.6K 2 styled_jsx dev ^14.0.0
310 1 swc_estree_compat dev ^13.0.0
swc-plugin-inferno dev ^14
swc_babel_compat dev ^0.95
swc_ecma_scope dev ^0.20.0