#configuration #config-file #tracing #config-directory #toml-file #documentation-generator


Provides a configuration file approach to initializing and configuring tracing and tracing-subscriber

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Jan 27, 2025
0.1.0 Aug 24, 2024

#168 in Debugging

Used in meadows

MIT license

2.5K SLoC

Tracing Config

NOTE: For README.md viewers, the links in the documentation do not work for you. The documentation is best read online at docs.rs or locally. To generate the documentation locally :

  1. Download the source
  2. cargo doc --open

The primary purpose of this crate is to allow rust programs to configure the tracing crate using the Registry Subscriber implementation from the tracing-subscriber crate given a toml configuration file and a simple init!() macro call in main() or in any #[test] function.

This crate is not meant to be used by library authors. If your project contains a lib.rs file, remove tracing-config from your Cargo.toml project file.

Performance penalties / Memory overhead

If you use this crate to build and set up your global tracing Subscriber, the implementation will be a tracing-subscriber Registry and all Layers added to said Registry will be dynamic dispatch Box<dyn Layer>. Moreover tracing-config's own SpanRecordLayer will be added to the Registry right after the root EnvFilter which will essentially keep an in memory serde_json Value representation of all (non filtered out) Span Values practically negating any and all performance gained by tracings visitor pattern which does not keep an in-memory representation of a span data after it's been created/entered. The SpanRecordLayer visits the values and leverages tracing-subscribers span Extensions, to persist span data for the remaining of the span's lifetime.

If you suspect that your application suffers performance penalties due to how tracing is configured:

  • Submit a bug report
  • Try a stricter filter or entirely remove some high verbosity tracing events (see level_filters)
  • Consider emitting less events, you should not debug your application using tracing, use a debugger instead.
  • Try building your subscriber manually in main() doing so removes the need for dynamic dispatch layers.
  • Lastly you can remove tracing-config from your Cargo.toml project file and find a different way to configure tracing.

Note : Given that there are a myriad of programming languages that only use dynamic dispatch or heavily rely on it for logging/tracing purposes. I think that having the same in rust is no big deal especially because once your configuration is mature enough you can easily construct your subscriber without dynamic dispatch or the SpanRecordLayer.

Getting started


tracing-config = { version = "0.2" }
tracing = { version = "0.1", features = [
    "max_level_trace", # trace for debug
    "release_max_level_info" # info for release


use tracing::*;
fn main() {
    tracing_config::init!(); // panics; read the docs on why and when.
    let _main_info_span = info_span!("main").entered();
    info!("Hello World");

Environment variable tracing_config

Set the environment variable so that it points directly to the tracing.toml file.

Current directory

If setting up an environment variable is too much work, you can also place tracing.toml in the current directory (usually near Cargo.toml), cargo run as well as your IDE will both work.

Rudimentary configuration file.


title = "Pretty colored ts-fmt to stdout"

type = "fmt"
writer = "stdout"
formatter = "pretty"
span_events = "none"
ansi = true

type = "standard_output"

level = "trace"

Configuration file search path

Quick setup

  • Place tracing.toml in the current directory (near Cargo.toml) and cargo run.
  • You can set the tracing_config environment variable and have it point directly to a .toml configuration file.
  • You can set the tracing_config_test environment variable if you want a separate configuration file for tests.

Both environment variables can also point to a directory containing :

  • tracing-${name}.toml; where ${name} is replaced by the package.name in your Cargo.toml.
  • tracing.toml.
  • ... And only for tests (#[test]), files with the -test suffix are checked first (i.e.: tracing-${name}-test.toml and tracing-test.toml).

Init parameters

The init!() macro or the initialize function can be supplied with:

  • path : A Path pointing directly to a .toml configuration file or to a directory.
  • env : The key of an environment variable, pointing directly to a .toml configuration file or to a directory.
  • name defaults to package.name in your Cargo.toml.
  • qualifier defaults to an empty string (read ProjectDirs).
  • organization defaults to an empty string (read ProjectDirs).


In order to understand the directories mentioned in the following search path, please read the documentation of the directories crate. ProjectDirs is constructed by default with empty strings except for the application parameter which is the same name that you supply to the init!() macro (that defaults to package.name if not set).
qualifier and/or organization are optional but can either or both be supplied to init!() which will forward them to the ProjectDirs constructor.

The search path

The search path is an ordered list of either environment variables or files or directories. The first element in the list has the highest priority. The search function will loop trough all elements from highest priority to least priority returning the first existing .toml configuration file.

  1. path (supplied in source to the init!() macro or the initialize function).
  2. env (supplied in source to the init!() macro or the initialize function).
  3. env_parent if env is set but does not exist.
  4. only for tests: tracing_config_test environment variable.
  5. only for tests: tracing_config_test_parent if tracing_config_test is set but does not exist.
  6. tracing_config environment variable.
  7. tracing_config_parent if tracing_config is set but does not exist.
  8. project_dirs_preference_dir
  9. project_dirs_config_dir
  10. project_dirs_config_local_dir
  11. base_dirs_preference_dir
  12. base_dirs_config_dir
  13. base_dirs_config_local_dir
  14. user_dirs_home_dir
  15. base_dirs_home_dir
  16. current_exe_dir
  17. current_dir

Within each directory in the search path the first file that matches the following is accepted :

  • tracing-${name}.toml; where ${name} is replaced by the package.name in your Cargo.toml or by the name override passed to init!() or initialize.
  • tracing.toml
  • ... And only for tests (#[test]), files with the -test suffix are checked first (e.g.: tracing-${name}-test.toml)

The search path is processed as follows :

  • Environment variable entries (env, tracing_config and tracing_config_test) specifying (or pointing to) a direct .toml configuration file or directory are accepted if the file/directory exists, otherwise demoted to the directory in which the (non existing) file or directory resides (i.e.: it's parent).
  • Entries specifying (or pointing to) a directory that does NOT exist are ignored.
  • Environment variable values containing tokens in the form of ${env:key}, are resolved by replacing the token with the value of the environment variable specified by key if it exists; this is done recursively up to a certain depth (>=25).
  • If an environment variable points to an existing .toml file, said file is accepted regardless of it's name, though calling it tracing.toml is recommended.

Debugging the initialization process

By default, during initialization, tracing-config will only emit errors and warnings in ansi color to the program's standard output, this can be changed by setting a different verbosity level when calling init!() (e.g: init! { verbosity : "trace", };) or initialize(Some(verbosity)) otherwise, an environment variable tracing_config_verbosity can be set; accepted values are : trace, debug, info, warn, error, none. Setting this to debug or trace will cause the function responsible to evaluate the search path to "print" information about where it's looking and which file is accepted.

Suppressing output

Call init!() with verbosity : "none" this overrides the tracing_config_verbosity environment variable, otherwise make sure it's value is set to "none", this is not recommended though, as the default verbosity is set to warn which only outputs warnings that should be resolved and hard errors which eventually panic if initialized by macro.

Configuration file

To fully understand the nomenclature of the configuration file, a thorough read of the documentation on both tracing and tracing-subscriber crates is required; however, here is a brief summary:

  • writer is used by a layer and is responsible to write the data incoming form a layer to a destination, which can be anything, e.g.(standard_output, file, network, database, etc...). A writer as a component in the system is not strictly necessary since a layer could do the writing itself.
  • layer is something that receives structured events and spans (i.e.: all the information that event! and span! macro calls contain) and is responsible to either ignore such events and spans or format them and either directly write somewhere or send the formatted events and spans to a writer.
  • filter is a special kind of layer with the sole purpose of filtering out events and spans. A filter is exclusive, in that it allows everything by default unless there is an exclusion rule.

The "flow" that events and spans usually go trough is : filter->layer->writer.

You can find a detailed example and how the configuration file works in the docs for the config::model module.
For a full understanding of the configuration file structure, start by reading the docs for the root level configuration structure i.e.: a TracingConfig structure.

Basic configuration file mini guide.

  • Note: The configuration file can include environment variables in the form of ${env:key} tokens in any toml string in the file, they are resolved with depth=25.

In this basic example, we will configure a compact fmt layer with colors for the terminal/console.
Next we will require an environment variable named tracing_config_logs (the name is arbitrary) which will point to a directory where we will save both .log files and .json files in subdirectories (.log for humans, and .json for machines).

  • Start by setting the required title
title = "Basic configuration file"
  • Declare the layer that will output in color to the terminal/console.
  • Call it color-terminal (again, name is arbitrary).
  • The type of the layer is fmt from tracing-subscriber
  • We will have to later declare a writer but we can name it now "terminal" (name is arbitrary).
  • We want the fmt layer to use the compact formatter.
  • Since this is the terminal, we disable span_events
  • Lastly we enable ansi which means pretty colors.
type = "fmt"
writer = "terminal"
formatter = "compact"
span_events = "none"
ansi = true
  • We now have to declare the writer named terminal since the layer color-terminal is using it.
  • We wanted the console as output so set the type to standard_output no other configuration is necessary for this type of writer.
type = "standard_output"
  • Next we need to declare 2 more layers, 1 that will write .log and the other that will write .json
  • Let's start with the .log, it's the same as the color-terminal except :
  • It's called log-file
  • Set the formatter to full
  • We want active span_events since these will emit an event on span enter and exit.
  • This is a file, so we don't want ansi
  • Lastly we will have to declare another writer, in this example I will give it the same name as the layer i.e.: log-file.
type = "fmt"
writer = "log-file"
formatter = "full"
span_events = "active"
ansi = false
  • Let's also declare the layer for the json file before starting with the writers.
  • We'll use tracing-configs custom json layer, set type to json.
  • The default config for the json layer is acceptable, although the pretty flag is off by default, we set it explicitly here to show that pretty output is possible.
  • We'll call the writer machine-readable.
type = "json"
writer = "machine-readable"
pretty = false
  • Now we have to declare 2 writers, one log-file and another machine-readable.
  • Start with the log-file
  • Set the type to file
  • The output directory will be a human subdirectory inside whatever directory the environment variable tracing_config_logs points to. We set directory_path with a reference to ${env:tracing_config_logs}.
  • Set file_name and file_ext
type = "file"
directory_path = "${env:tracing_config_logs}/human"
file_name = "my_app"
file_ext = "log"
max_log_files = 7 # keep at most 7 log files
rotation = "daily" # 7 log files daily means a week of history
non_blocking = true # async writes
lossy = true # it's okay if we loose some, we still have the json
  • The json file now
type = "file"
directory_path = "${env:tracing_config_logs}/machine"
file_name = "my_app"
file_ext = "json"
rotation = "never" # This will be GB in size
non_blocking = true
lossy = false
  • Lastly the root filter.
level = "trace"
directives = [

Combining it together:


title = "Basic configuration file"

type = "fmt"
writer = "terminal"
formatter = "compact"
span_events = "none"
ansi = true

type = "standard_output"

type = "fmt"
writer = "log-file"
formatter = "full"
span_events = "active"
ansi = false

type = "json"
writer = "machine-readable"
pretty = false

type = "file"
directory_path = "${env:tracing_config_logs}/human"
file_name = "my_app"
file_ext = "log"
max_log_files = 7 # keep at most 7 log files
rotation = "daily" # 7 log files daily means a week of history
non_blocking = true # async writes
lossy = true # it's okay if we loose some, we still have the json

type = "file"
directory_path = "${env:tracing_config_logs}/machine"
file_name = "my_app"
file_ext = "json"
rotation = "never" # This will be GB in size
non_blocking = true
lossy = false

level = "trace"
directives = [
  • Test it
fn test_basic_config() {
  use tracing::*;
  std::env::set_var("tracing_config_logs", "path/to/some/dir");

  tracing_config::init! {
    path : std::path::Path::new("path/to/tracing-basic.toml")

  // do more tests here
  let _span = info_span!("my_span").entered();
  info!("Test done!");


~248K SLoC