dprint-core is used at run time in 35 crates (of which 5 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 18 crates.

Number of dependers dprint-core version Downloads/month
9 0.66.1 5.9K
4 0.63.3 950
4 0.62.1 1.0K
4 0.60.0 84
5 0.59.1 220
2 0.58.3 33
1 0.50.1 12
1 0.46.4 12
1 0.44.0 3
4 0.35.3 64
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) dprint-core version
8.5K 16 dprint-plugin-typescript ^0.66.1
4.8K 11 dprint-plugin-json ^0.66.1
4.8K 10 dprint-plugin-markdown ^0.66.1
4.0K 1 dprint-plugin-jupyter ^0.66.1
600 dprint ^0.66.0
dprint-plugin-jsonc ^0.35.0
dprint-plugin-toml ^0.66.1
frizz ^0.46.4
dprint-plugin-css ^0.50.0
dprint-plugin-sexpr ^0.62.1
dprint-plugin-deno-base ^0.62.1
dprint-plugin-dockerfile ^0.58.3
dprint-plugin-sql ^0.62.1
dprint-plugin-biome ^0.63.3
dprint-plugin-stylua ^0.59.0
dprint-plugin-ruff ^0.63.3
dprint-plugin-ebnf ^0.59.0
sane-fmt =0.66.1