Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

pin-project is used at run time in 9,095 crates (of which 2,378 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 751 crates. It's used at build time in 39 crates (of which 33 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 857 crates (of which 16 directly).

Number of dependers pin-project version Downloads/month
9,383 1.1.5 4.4M
3 1.0.12 679K
605 0.4.30 182K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) pin-project version
3.5M 798 tonic ^1.0.11
3.5M 669 tower optional ^1
1.7M 291 tracing-futures optional ^1.0
693K 461 warp ^1.0
650K 55 tokio-retry ^1.0.5
441K 4 multistream-select ^1.1.0
330K 5 yamux ^1.1.0
951K 428 snafu optional ^1.0.2
310K 40 hyperlocal ^1.0
284K 57 libp2p-core ^1.1.3
271K 121 libp2p ^1.0.0
255K 21 rw-stream-sink ^1.1.0
251K 53 tokio-serde ^1
247K 1 libp2p-metrics ^1.0.0
227K 18 kube-runtime ^1.0.4
225K 1 jsonrpsee-server ^1.1.3
208K 34 ethers-providers ^1.1
202K 44 lambda_runtime ^1
194K 19 ethers-contract ^1.1
154K 18 salvo_core ^1
153K 33 tracing-actix-web ^1.0.0
145K 12 backon ^1
137K 20 stream-cancel ^1.0.0
133K 2 smoldot-light ^1.1.3
129K 2 orchestra ^1.0
121K 318 azure_core ^1.0
109K 39 tarpc ^1.0
103K 20 async-scoped ^1.0
285K 24 jsonrpsee-core optional ^1
93K 26 async-h1 ^1.0.2
90K 41 mysql_async ^1.0.2
257K 3 jsonrpsee-client-transport optional ^1
75K 17 tonic-web ^1
199K 5 failsafe optional ^1.0
65K 20 cucumber ^1.0
65K 107 deno_core ^1
190K 35 gloo-net optional ^1.0
185K 4 allo-isolate optional ^1.0.8
60K 18 futures-concurrency ^1.0.8
55K 34 tower-test ^1
53K 12 azure_identity ^1.0
52K 11 postage ^1
51K 83 futures-test ^1.0.11
51K 1 tokio-tfo ^1.0
51K 8 tokio-tower ^1.0
152K 1 salvo_extra optional ^1
49K 8 eventsource-client ^1.0.10
47K 80 web3 ^1.0
47K 21 worker ^1.1.0
46K 31 async_zip ^1
133K 5 smoldot optional ^1.1.3
42K 74 octocrab ^1.0.12
39K 11 wasmer-wasix ^1.0.12
38K 21 tendermint-rpc ^1.0.1
37K 7 leptos_reactive ^1
32K 1 hyper-unix-connector ^1.0
32K 4 openssh-sftp-client ^1.0.10
31K 1 openssh-sftp-client-lowlevel ^1.0.10
97K 1 sentry-tower optional ^1.0.10
31K 2 containers-api ^1
29K 10 tower-util ^0.4
29K 3 tower_governor ^1.0.12
28K 8 minitrace ^1
27K 9 futures-async-stream ^1.0.11
81K 16 ogg optional ^1
25K 14 futures_codec ^0.4.22
25K 4 prokio ^1.0.11
24K 2 shadowsocks ^1.1
68K 54 hyper-openssl optional ^1.1.3
20K 2 await-tree ^1
20K 2 axum-prometheus ^1.0.12
19K 1 shadowsocks-service ^1.1
58K 36 bytecodec optional ^1
17K 4 graphql-ws-client ^1
17K 4 libp2p-pnet ^1.1.3
16K 1 libp2p-webrtc ^1.0.10
50K 13 bluer optional ^1
16K 2 thingbuf ^1
12K 5 redis-async ^1.0
37K 10 suppaftp optional ^1
11K 16 age ^1
11K 41 teloxide ^1.0
11K 3 teloxide-core ^1.0.12
10K 12 i-slint-core ^1
11K 35 sc-network ^1.0.12
11K 19 sc-telemetry ^1.0.12
10K 18 sc-service ^1.0.12
9.7K 1 tower-limit ^0.4
9.7K 2 tonic-web-wasm-client ^1.1.4
9.6K tower-retry ^0.4
9.5K 10 async-tar ^1.0.8
9.5K recloser ^1
9.4K 5 motore ^1
9.4K 3 tower-discover ^0.4
9.4K tower-load-shed ^0.4
9.4K 1 tower-buffer ^0.4
9.4K tower-timeout ^0.4
9.1K 3 tower-load ^0.4
8.9K 9 volo ^1
8.8K 25 futures-signals ^1.0.2
8.6K 3 volo-thrift ^1
8.4K 12 async_executors ^1
7.9K 1 tower-balance ^0.4
7.8K 4 quic-rpc ^1
7.7K 1 futures-retry-policies-core ^1
7.6K 1 conjure-runtime ^1.0
7.3K tower-abci ^1
7.1K 3 jwt-authorizer ^1.0
21K 29 fluvio-future optional ^1.0.8
19K 1 subxt-lightclient optional ^1.1.5
6.3K 4 iroh-io ^1
6.1K 18 deno_fetch ^1.0.11
5.7K 3 bach ^1
5.5K 4 async-smtp ^1
5.3K 1 muxado ^1.0.12
5.3K 14 deno_net ^1.0.11
5.1K tower-actor ^1.0.12
14K 7 fastwebsockets optional ^1.0.8
4.9K 1 witchcraft-server ^1
4.6K 8 lance-core ^1.0
4.6K 8 deno_http ^1.0.11
4.5K 2 deno ^1.0.11
4.5K 1 merge-streams ^1.0.8
4.4K 23 tor-rtcompat ^1
4.3K 3 lance ^1.0
4.2K 13 tor-async-utils ^1
4.1K 11 tor-proto ^1
4.1K 4 tor-guardmgr ^1
4.1K 6 tor-circmgr ^1
4.1K 4 lance-io ^1.0
4.0K 1 stream-flatten-iters ^0.4
4.0K 5 rustyline-async ^1.0
4.0K 7 tor-rtmock ^1
4.0K 1 roboplc ^1.1.5
11K 5 shuttle-common optional ^1.0.12
3.9K 8 tide-websockets ^1.0.7
3.8K 1 actix-web-prometheus ^1.0.12
3.8K 11 arti-client ^1
10K 3 tfrecord optional ^1.1.3
3.5K 7 songbird ^1
3.4K 21 polkadot-node-subsystem-util ^1.0.9
3.3K 4 tikv-client ^1
3.2K 10 shiplift ^1.0
3.1K 23 gotham ^1.0.0
3.0K 7 dav-server ^1.0.4
3.0K 21 irc ^1.0.12
3.0K 4 polkadot-node-core-pvf ^1.0.9
3.0K 1 futures-diagnose ^0.4.2
9.3K rmesg optional ^1.0.8
2.9K 6 surrealdb-tikv-client ^1
2.7K 7 agnostic-lite ^1
2.6K 3 axum-server-dual-protocol ^1
2.6K 5 gluesql-utils ^1
8.4K 14 partial-io optional ^1.0.4
2.6K bndl ^1
8.2K 3 i-slint-backend-qt optional ^1
2.4K libp2p-secio ^1.0.0
2.1K 1 async-memcached ^1.0
2.0K 3 barter-integration ^1.1.5
2.0K 2 par-stream ^1.0.10
1.9K safe_drive ^1.0
1.7K 1 futuristic ^1.0.12
5.7K 2 dioxus-fullstack optional ^1.1.2
1.7K 1 cumulus-relay-chain-rpc-interface ^1.1.3
5.6K 4 iota_stronghold optional ^1.0.10
1.6K ostree-ext ^1.0
1.6K 4 queue-ext ^1
1.6K 5 sosistab2 ^1.0.12
1.5K 1 apistos-core ^1
1.4K mountpoint-s3-client ^1.0.12
1.4K tower-serve-static ^1
1.4K 216 mz_rusoto_core ^1.0
1.4K 1 mz_rusoto_signature ^1.0
1.4K 2 mz_rusoto_credential ^1.0
4.6K 2 snowstorm optional ^1
1.2K 4 dominator ^1.0.1
1.2K 1 hiramu ^1.1.5
1.2K kble ^1
1.0K 10 product-os-router ^1.0.12
1.0K ya-sb-router ^1.0.7
1.0K 7 async_ftp ^1.0.0
1.0K 1 memberlist-net ^1
950 3 eventsourced ^1.1
950 4 memberlist-core ^1
900 toy-rpc ^1.0
850 tonic-async-interceptor ^1.1
800 10 rune ^1.1.0
800 1 split-stream-by ^1
750 2 rune-alloc ^1.1.0
750 1 memberlist-quic ^1
750 1 tetsy-multistream-select ^1.0.0
750 25 tetsy-libp2p-core ^1.0.0
700 4 fluvio ^1.1.0
650 lancedb ^1.0.7
650 voice_activity_detector ^1.1.3
600 8 fluvio-socket ^1.1.0
600 1 lune ^1.0
550 ruchei ^1
550 prometheus-utils ^1.0.8
550 8 fedimint-server ^1.1.5
550 2 tokio-zookeeper ^1.0.12
550 8 tetsy-libp2p ^1.0.0
550 3 osauth ^1.0
550 clust 1.1.*
500 1 lending-stream ^1.1.3
500 5 melnet2 ^1.0.12
500 3 typed-sled ^1
500 synd-api ^1.1.4
2.1K 2 wasm-rs-async-executor optional ^1.0.5
500 multiplex-tonic-hyper ^1.0.12
500 wiring ^1.1
490 navipod ^1.1.5
1.9K integrationos-domain optional ^1.1.4
480 1 stack-queue ^1
470 6 garage_net ^1.0.12
470 volo-http ^1
460 silent ^1.1
450 wait-on ^1.1.5
450 tokio-postgres-extractor ^1.0.12
450 1 futures-timeout ^1
440 3 sillad ^1.1.4
430 tower-jwt ^1.1.5
430 13 ambient_sys ^1.1
420 1 blockscout-tracing-actix-web ^1.0.0
420 firestore-db-and-auth ^1.0
410 1 ambient_asset_cache ^1.1
410 2 ethers-flashbots ^1
400 1 libprotonup ^1.1.5
390 ruw ^1
1.6K 2 dencode optional ^1
360 agnostik ^1.0.2
350 1 mysql_async_wasi ^1.0.2
350 2 stream-future ^1.0
350 1 maelstrom-client-process ^1
340 12 maelstrom-util ^1
340 2 garage_api ^1.0.12
340 2 tokio-listener ^1.1.2
330 tower-default-headers ^1
320 20 actori-service ^0.4.6
310 and-then-concurrent ^1
310 sshx ^1.1.3
310 jay-compositor ^1.1.4
310 axum-util ^1.0
300 bevy_web_asset ^1.1.3
300 1 samotop-smime ^1.0
300 11 actori-utils ^0.4.6
290 rants ^1.0
290 4 exocore-transport ^1.0.12
290 s3sync ^1.1.5
290 18 tet-libp2p-core ^1.0.0
290 hyperdriver ^1
290 17 scrappy-service ^0.4.6
290 1 tet-multistream-select ^1.0.0
280 17 requiem-service ^0.4.6
280 1 ruchei-extra ^1
280 1 samotop-with-spf ^1.0
270 1 fluence-fork-multistream-select ^1.0.0
260 21 fluence-fork-libp2p-core ^1.0.0
260 1 samotop-delivery ^1.0
260 10 scrappy-utils ^0.4.6
260 9 requiem-utils ^0.4.6
260 2 tower-fallback ^1.1.5
250 balter ^1.1.2
1.2K 3 exon optional ^1.1.5
250 1 tower-batch-control ^1.1.5
250 1 toy-rpc-ha421 ^1.0
240 1 distill-daemon ^1.0
240 1 cyper-core ^1.1.3
240 gitlab-runner ^1.0.7
240 2 retina ^1.0.7
240 1 tower-reqwest ^1.0
240 2 ic-web3-rs ^1.0
240 1 sillad-sosistab3 ^1.1.4
230 vsock-proxy ^1.1.3
230 12 tc-telemetry ^0.4.6
230 rabbitmq-stream-client ^1.0.0
1.2K 2 ya-sb-util optional ^0.4
220 3 arti-hyper ^1
220 15 libp2prs-core ^0.4
220 2 zebra-network ^1.1.5
220 wapo ^1
220 1 webrtc-unreliable ^1.0
220 5 tbon ^1.0
210 riot-wrappers ^1.0.11
210 9 actori-http ^0.4.6
210 3 cyfs-async-h1 ^1.0.2
200 zebrad ^1.1.5
200 3 hydroflow_cli_integration ^1
200 geph4-client ^1.1.3
200 8 tari_comms ^0.4.17
200 3 volo-grpc ^1
200 2 tokio-serde-json ^0.4
190 hyper-throttle ^1
190 x_util ^1
190 paladin-core ^1.1.3
180 oaapi 1.1.*
180 1 pithos_lib ^1.1.4
180 beid_api ^1
170 1 async-hofs ^1
170 kucoin_rs ^1.0.5
170 nyauser ^1.0
170 openstack ^1.0
170 2 lumina-node ^1.1.3
170 8 scrappy-http ^0.4.6
160 5 sixtyfps-corelib ^1
160 1 arti-rpcserver ^1
160 1 finito ^1
160 7 amadeus-core ^0.4
160 tower-worker ^1
160 litep2p ^1.1.0
160 static-web-server ^1.1
160 10 actori-web ^0.4.6
150 1 actix-slog ^0.4.23
150 8 requiem-http ^0.4.6
150 1 quinn_runtime_bevy ^1.0
140 tower-github-webhook ^1.1.3
140 pychan ^1.1.5
140 8 bramble-common ^1.0
140 1 ruserf-core ^1
140 tower_allowed_hosts ^1.1.3
140 8 tc-finality-grandpa ^0.4.6
140 2 tokio-openai ^1.1.3
130 celestia-core-rpc ^1.0.1
130 15 tc-service ^0.4.8
130 15 tc-network ^0.4.6
130 7 requiem-web ^0.4.6
130 1 deepgram ^1
130 8 elfo-core ^1.0.8
130 8 kalosm-streams ^1
130 3 rorm-db ~1
120 under ^1.0.12
120 4 tc-collection ^1.1
120 6 arpy ^1.0.12
120 structured-spawn ^1.1.2
110 1 easyfix-session ^1.0
110 6 kalosm-language-model ^1
110 tinychain ^1.1
110 async_smux ^1.1
110 6 agner-utils ^1
110 4 ipfs-embed ^1.0.10
100 deribit ^1
100 3 fabruic ^1
100 7 mezzenger ^1.1.3
100 1 tc-tensor ^1.0
hedwig ^1
1 tetsy-libp2p-pnet ^1.0.2
1 eusb ^1.1
fluxion build ^1.1.3
6 agner-actors ^1
futures-scopes ^1.0.12
tokio-stream-extra ^1.0
axum-range ^1.1
async-time-mock-tokio ^1
2 maitake-sync ^1
3 cometbft-rpc ^1.0.1
fork_stream ^1.1.3
miraie ^1
1 turntie ^1.0.12
4 azure_core_mirror ^1.0
4 elor ^1.0.12
6 scrappy ^0.4.6
2 async_singleflight ^1
1 deno-utils ^1.0.12
ratsio ^1
8 netcore ^1.0.10
2 rorm ~1
multipart-stream ^1.0.7
threadalone ^1.0.12
1 tokio-childstream ^1.0.12
netapp ^1.0.10
1 futures-stopwatch ^0.4.6
2 b-tree ^1.0
casper-node ^1.0.6
till ^1.1.3
tonic-web-arcanyx-fork ^1
6 dialectic ^1
6 lifeline ^0.4.23
tower-etag-cache ^1.0
bonsai-ethereum-relay ^1
doomsday-clock ^1
5 abcperf ^1.0
devops-metrics-tools ^1.1.0
1 mysql_async_uu ^1.0.2
1 mezzenger-utils ^1.1.3
lamellar ^1.0.12
1 async-tar-wasm ^1.0.8
bench-rs ^0.4.23
violet ^1.1
epics-ca ^1.0.12
ic-web3 ^1.0
mpdpopm ^1.0
tasky ^1.0.10
1 stream-ws ^1
1 b-table ^1.1
code ^1.1.0
futures-ratelimit ^1.1.3
troupe ^1.1
1 v-clickhouse-rs ^0.4.23
euphony ^1
3 noria ^0.4.17
streams ^1
3 actix-wamp ^0.4.6
1 amadeus-commoncrawl ^0.4
easyops_deno ^1.0.7
ghosttext-any ^1.0.12
realm_core ^1
docker-sdk ^1.0
sync_stream ^1.1.2
2 butane_core ^1
http_dir ^1
makiko ^1.0
nuclear ^1.0.7
3 agner-init-ack ^1
denog ^1.0.11
1 json-stream ^1.1
4 smtp-message ^1.0
1 zipfs ^1
1 gl-client ^1.1.3
grr-plugin ^1.0
openssh-tmux ^1.1.3
1 webdav-handler ^1.0.4
measured-future-rs ^1
3 actori ^0.4.6
mhost ^1
no-std-async ^1.1.3
pin ^1.0.12
socks-router ^1.0.12
gsfw ^1
http-serve ^1.0.6
2 mfio ^1.0
moby ^1.0
2 destream_json ^1.1
future-local-storage ^1.1.3
handoff ^1.0.12
6 runestick ^1.0.5
cozal ^0.4.23
2 eternal ^0.4.6
1 mezzenger-channel ^1.1.3
tower-spawn-ready ^0.4
fluence-fork-libp2p ^1.0.0
noria-server ^0.4.0
pcap-async ^0.4
tl-async-runtime ^1.0
1 warp-fix-171 ^1.0
warp_wasi ^1.0
1 kalosm-language ^1
phd2 ^1.1.0
5 tari_comms_dht ^0.4
1 ara ^0.4.23
1 bincode-sled ^1
futures_retrying ^0.4
1 hybrid-service ^1
tower-otel ^1.1.3
1 bandsocks ^1
dlpackrs ^1.0
erkpht-tower ^0.4
fathom_web3 ^1.0
flash_rust_ws ^1.0
deno_3p_lib ^1.0.11
forked-tarpc ^1.0
ftp-rs ^1.0.10
future-wrap ^1.0.10
1 keebrs ^0.4.23
1 amadeus-postgres ^0.4
fake-socket ^1
libp2p-grpc-rs ^1.0
1 spirit-hyper ^1
sqlx-exasol ^1.1.5
tokio-transports ^1
4 af-core ^1
deno_cli_lib_windmill ^1.0.11
futures-prio ^0.4.3
hyperbole ^0.4.22
2 kucoin_api ^1.0.5
mezzenger-udp ^1.1.3
nephele ^1.0.2
percolate ^1.0.7
1 yarapi ^1.0.2
3 libp2prs-yamux ^1
actix-interop ^1.0.8
bitmex ^0.4
denox ^1.0.11
2 dubbo ^1.0
fb_futures_ext ^0.4.30
http_file_uploader ^1.0.12
origin_check ^1
swarm-host ^1.0.12
yeet-yoink ^1.1.4
1 anywhere ^1
caco3-web ^1
carton ^1
1 foreback ^1.0.7
1 li-async-h1 ^1.0.2
1 libp2prs-websocket ^1
omaha_client ^1.0.11
1 yielding-executor ^1.0
600 9 collate optional ^1.0
dominator2 ^1.0.1
impedance ^1
mainline-dht ^1.0.8
p2p-net-oura ^1.0.0
pinwheel ^1
tackt ^1.0
task_scope ^0.4.6
1 async_zip2 ^1
containers-api-conn ^1
ragequit ^1.0.12
s3-mpu ^1
scrappy_do ^1
1 tetsy-libp2p-relay ^1
tokio-snappy ^1
1 arpy-client ^1.0.12
2 debian-packaging ^1.1.3
holes ^1
hyper-futures ^1.1.3
interlock ^1.0.8
lazy-queue ^0.4.6
1 mezzenger-tcp ^1.1.3
mezzenger-websocket ^1.1.3
todc-net ^1.1.3
tide-tracing-middleware ^1.0
18 aptos-network ^1.0.10
1 gsfw-util ^1
2 libp2prs-plaintext ^1
1 mimicaw ^0.4
1 multi_stream ^1.0.12
2 navajo ^1.0
septid ^1
tetsy-libp2p-secio ^1.0.0
tower-http-metrics ^1.0
1 fluence-fork-libp2p-pnet ^1.0.2
4 libp2prs-secio ^1
4 lipl-gatt-bluer ^1.0
2 scrappy-actor ^0.4.6
stronghold-p2p ^1.0.8
treasury-server ^1.0
2 agner-sup ^1
2 async_ui_web_core ^1.0
fluence-fork-libp2p-secio ^1.0.0
generatox ^1.1.3
2 requiem ^0.4.6
rye ^0.4
1 bramble-transport ^1.0
coap-server ^1.0.10
dbfs-client ^1
1 libp2prs-noise ^1
1 netgauze-bmp-service ^1.1
smooth-stream ^1.0.12
bandsocks-sand ^1
clickhouse-readonly ^1.0.12
endless-web ^0.4.6
flood ^0.4
1 minidsp ^1.0.10
nats-aflowt ^1.0
1 tonic-arcanyx-fork ^1.0
backup-cli ^1.0.10
deno_cli_lib ^1.0.5
graphql-ws-client-old-protocol ^1
1 hive-asar ^1.0.10
keclc-framed ^0.4.6
keclc-ioframe ^0.4.6
ratsio_fork_040 ^1
1 rpm-repository ^1.1.3
secio ^1.0.0
clarinet ^1.0.5
denow ^1.0.11
evermore ^1.0
hyperapi ^1
longshoreman ^0.4.10
neo-web3 ^1.0
rosu-render ^1.1
solarsail ^1.0
1 worker-plus ^1.0.12
hashing-reader ^1.1
hyper-tor-connector ^1.0
scrappy-ioframe ^0.4.6
sgrankin-tacho ^0.4.23
simple-generators-util ^0.4.23
1 afarray ^1.0
r-u-still-there ^1.0.8
tide-websockets-sink ^1.0.2
web3_fe ^1.0
ws-async ^0.4.6
amadeus ^0.4
1 burble ^1.0.12
http-pipe ^1.0
informalsystems-tonic ^1.0
kache ^1
localghost ^1.0.5
reqwest-file ^1.0.10
2 runa-core ^1.0.12
scrappy-framed ^0.4.6
1 tet-libp2p-pnet ^1.0.2
tokio-tungstenite-keepalive ^1.0.12
1 ubio ^0.4.23
yxorp ^1.1.0
zestors ^1
blockz-futures ^1.0
1 crusty-core ~1.0.7
socket_config ^1.1.3
tet-libp2p ^1.0.0
1 treasury-store ^1.0
wiki ^1.0.10
1 abel-core ^1.0.10
1 buildkit-frontend ^0.4
change_stream ^1.0.12
hyperlocal-v07 ^0.4.6
panorama ^1.0.4
scrappy-web-actors ^0.4.6
sidevm ^1
1 twinkle_client ^1.1.0
zzrpc ^1.1.3
arpy-reqwasm ^1.0.12
axum_guard_combinator ^1.0.11
lol-io ^1
routerman ^1.0.10
1 silkenweb-signals-ext ^1.0.12
1 actix-ioframe ^0.4.6
chadgpt ^1.1
netgauze-bgp-speaker ^1.1
pink-web3 ^1.0
requiem-ioframe ^0.4.6
ss-light ^1.0.10
turbofish ^1.0.1
avassa-client ^1
delta-sharing-server ^1.1.2
proa ^1.1
request-pretreat ^1
stringsext ^1.0.8
1 summer-boot ^1.0.2
actori-framed ^0.4.6
actori-ioframe ^0.4.6
actori-web-actors ^0.4.6
batch_queue ^1.0.8
1 cancellable ^1.1.2
clamav-stream ^1
commons-net ^1.0.10
requiem-framed ^0.4.6
requiem-web-actors ^0.4.6
retry-strategy ^1
stry-evermore ^1.0
sync-async-runner ^0.4.20
tsyncp ^1
alternator ^1.0
1 async_ui_web_html ^1.0
rivers ^1
1 shared-files ^1.1.3
ssb-box-stream ^1
barter-execution ^1.0.10
1 silkenweb ^1.0.12
stream-broadcast ^1
stream-merge ^0.4.23
allochronic-util ^1
1 aptos-rate-limiter ^1.0.10
1 ax_core ^1.0.10
blaze-rs ^1.0.12
cli_lib ^1.0.11
lvp ^1.0
rivulet ^1
rust-quiz ^1.0
amaurymartiny-async-smtp ^0.4.5
apache-dubbo ^1.0
async-google-apis-common ~1.0
async-read-util ^1.0.7
async-svc ^1.0.1
deluge ^1.0
eff ^0.4.5
reset-router ^0.4.7
1 self-reference ^1.0.12
skua-voice ^1
aruna-file ^1
binance_api_async ^1.0.5
clickhouse-srv ^1.0.4
1 spx ^1.1.2
suricata-ipc ^0.4
wm ^1.1.3
1 acril-http ^1.0.2
actix-mqtt ^0.4.6
async-metronome ^1.1
async_flag ^0.4
async_repeat ^1.0.12
bitcoins-provider ^0.4.20
rumqttc-async-std ^1
1 acril ^1.1.3
pink-sidevm ^1
rcopy ^1.1.0
restartables ^0.4
subshell =1.0.10
actix-amqp ^0.4.6
actix-elastic ^0.4.26
actix-framed ^0.4.6
actix-web-stackdriver-middleware ^0.4.8
actix_web_metrics_mw ^1
agora ^1.0.7
aio-cli ^1.1
async-http-body ^1.0.12
axum_guard_logic ^1.0.12
gmf ^1.1.0
paxakos ^1
praiya ^1.0
retry_future ^1.0.12
rkyv_codec ^1.0
rust-stream-ext-concurrent ^1.0.12
async_zip_futures ^1
atomic-actor ^1.0.10
remop ^1.0
async-instrumenter ^1.1.3
460 1 ya-gcp optional ^1.0.11
380 2 keri optional ^1
330 1 protect-endpoints-core optional ^1.1.3
260 metrics_cloudwatch_embedded optional ^1
210 5 bolt-client optional ^1.0.0
1 par-dfs optional ^1
tower-fallthrough-filter optional ^1.1.4
10 newrelic optional ^0.4
vg-batteries optional ^1
11 aptos-time-service optional ^1.0.10
2 spirit-tokio optional ^1
2 fd-queue optional ^0.4.22
1 blez optional ^1
libp2p-auto-relay optional ^1
actix-toolbox optional ~1
bitendian optional ^1.1.3
2 bytelinebuf optional ^1.0.12
chacha20stream optional ^1.0.6
csv-stream optional ^1
1 expected optional ^0.4
leanify-many optional ^0.4
message_db optional ^1.0
messagedb optional ^1.0
narwhalol optional ^0.4.16
near-paperclip-core optional ^1.0
1 opentelemetry-spanprocessor-any optional ^1.0.2
2 product-os-proxy optional ^1.0.12
pyo3-async optional ^1
raze optional ^1.0
reducer optional ^1.0.10
repeating_future optional ^1.0.10
rings-node optional ^1
scuffle-utils optional ^1.0
sever optional ^0.4.26
speakeasy-rust-sdk optional ^1
tca optional ^1.1.0
teloc optional ^1
timeout-iterator optional ^1.0.8
tryagain optional ^1.0.4
write-hasher optional ^1.0.12
write-monitor optional ^1.1.3
6.9M 10356 futures dev ^1.0.11
889K 25 wasm-streams dev ^1.1.3
26K 17 leaky-bucket dev ^1.0.12
11K 5 qcell dev ^1
5.4K 5 pin-init dev ^1
4.4K 3 asserhttp dev ^1.1
3.1K 2 s2n-quic-tls dev ^1
1.4K msft dev ^1
240 fauxgen dev ^1.1.0
210 4 pinned-aliasable dev ^1.0.7
170 tiptoe dev ^1.0.8
110 1 cordyceps dev ^1
100 2 twitter-stream dev ^1
chunked-bytes dev ^1.0
1 vapix dev ^0.4
reception dev ^1.1.2
propertybindings dev ^0.4.1
bpxe dev ^1
1 selectme dev ^1.0.10