1 unstable release

0.1.0 Oct 10, 2020

#1668 in Hardware support

Used in axctl




Client for AXIS Communications devices' VAPIX API. Bullet points:

  • Async
  • #![forbid(unsafe_code)]


  • axis::Device monitors and controls devices running AXIS firmware >= 5.00
  • axis::Transport decouples the library from http

Optional features:

  • hyper: HTTP via axis::HyperTransport (enabled by default)

Basic use

// Instantiate a Device using `hyper` to communicate
let uri = http::Uri::from_static("http://user:pass@");
let device = axis::Device::new(axis::HyperTransport::default(), uri);

// Probe for VAPIX APIs supported by this device
let services = device.services().await?;

// If it supports the basic device info service...
if let Some(basic_device_info) = services.basic_device_info.as_ref() {
    // ...ask for those properties
    let properties = basic_device_info.properties().await?;
    println!("product_full_name: {:?}", properties.product_full_name);
    println!("    serial_number: {:?}", properties.serial_number);
} else {
    // If not, assume it supports the legacy parameters API, and retrieve those parameters
    let parameters = device.parameters().list(None).await?;
    println!("product_full_name: {:?}", parameters["root.Brand.ProdFullName"]);
    println!("    serial_number: {:?}", parameters["root.Properties.System.Soc"]);


Use cargo test, cargo check, cargo clippy, rustfmt as usual. Open issues with issues, open PRs with changesets.

Many API tests use crate::mock_device(), bound to a testing Transport which goes to a block instead of to the network. If you want to ensure that a function sends the right request or does the right thing with a certain response, mock up a test which covers exactly that.

async fn update() {
    let device = crate::mock_device(|req| {
        assert_eq!(req.method(), http::Method::GET);
            req.uri().path_and_query().map(|pq| pq.as_str()),

            .header(http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain")

    let response = device
        .update(vec![("foo.bar", "baz quxx")])
    match response {
        Ok(()) => {}
        Err(e) => panic!("update should succeed: {}", e),

Tests covering safe-to-call APIs use create::test_with_devices() to test against recordings of actual devices. test_with_devices() takes an async block which gets called repeatedly with various TestDevices, containing metadata and a Device. Tests are free to fail with Error::UnsupportedFeature, but assertion failures or other errors will cause the containing test to fail.

fn test_something() {
    crate::test_with_devices(|test_device| async move {
        // This block is called with various test_devices. If the block fails for any device, the
        // test will fail. If the test depends on particular device features, the test must probe
        // for those features, and it must succeed if the feature is missing.
        // test_device.device_info.{model, firmware_version, ..} describe the test device
        // test_device.device is a crate::Device<_> and can make arbitrary calls

        let parameters = test_device.device.parameters();
        let all_params = parameters.list_definitions(None).await?;

        // assert!() things which should always be true on every device ever
        // If behavior depends on firmware version, inquire about test_device's metadata

Recordings are produced using the test suite itself. When RECORD_DEVICE_URI is set, each test_with_devices() block is additionally run against the live device, and a fixture is produced.

$ RECORD_DEVICE_URI=http://user:pass@ cargo test

$ git status
On branch master

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
	fixtures/recordings/ACCC8EF7DE6B v9.80.2.2.json

It is desirable to collect recordings from devices in the field, so test_with_devices() blocks must avoid modifying the device state.


~261K SLoC