2 releases
new 0.1.1 | Mar 1, 2025 |
0.1.0 | Feb 28, 2025 |
#5 in #neo
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NeoRust is a comprehensive Rust SDK for interacting with the Neo N3 blockchain. It provides a complete set of tools and utilities for building applications on the Neo ecosystem, including wallet management, transaction creation, smart contract interaction, and more.
- Complete Neo N3 Support: Full compatibility with the Neo N3 blockchain protocol
- Wallet Management: Create, manage, and secure Neo wallets with support for NEP-6 standard
- Transaction Building: Construct and sign various transaction types
- Smart Contract Interaction: Deploy and interact with smart contracts
- RPC Client: Connect to Neo nodes via JSON-RPC
- NEP-17 Token Support: Interact with NEP-17 compatible tokens
- Neo Name Service (NNS): Resolve and manage domain names on the Neo blockchain
- Cryptographic Operations: Secure key management and cryptographic functions
- Modular Architecture: Well-organized codebase with clear separation of concerns
- Famous Neo N3 Contracts: Direct support for popular Neo N3 contracts like Flamingo Finance, NeoburgerNeo, GrandShare, and NeoCompound
- Neo X Support: EVM compatibility layer and bridge functionality for Neo X, an EVM-compatible chain maintained by Neo
Add neo3 to your Cargo.toml
neo3 = "0.1.0"
For the latest development version, you can use the Git repository:
neo3 = { git = "https://github.com/R3E-Network/NeoRust.git" }
Comprehensive documentation is available at:
- Online Documentation: https://r3e-network.github.io/NeoRust/docs/
- PDF Documentation: https://r3e-network.github.io/NeoRust/docs/pdf/neorust-sdk-documentation.pdf
- API Reference: https://docs.rs/neo3
Quick Start
use NeoRust::prelude::*;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Connect to Neo N3 TestNet
let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443");
let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
// Get blockchain information
let block_count = client.get_block_count().await?;
println!("Current block height: {}", block_count);
// Create a new wallet
let wallet = Wallet::new();
println!("New wallet created with address: {}",
Usage Examples
Connecting to Neo Nodes
use neo::{
neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
async fn connect_to_nodes() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Connect to MainNet
let mainnet_provider = HttpProvider::new("https://mainnet1.neo.org:443");
let mainnet_client = RpcClient::new(mainnet_provider);
// Connect to TestNet
let testnet_provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443");
let testnet_client = RpcClient::new(testnet_provider);
// Get blockchain information
let block_count = testnet_client.get_block_count().await?;
let latest_block_hash = testnet_client.get_best_block_hash().await?;
Wallet Management
use neo::{
neo_wallets::{Wallet, WalletBackup, WalletTrait},
prelude::{NeoNetwork, ScryptParamsDef},
async fn manage_wallets() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Create a new wallet
let mut wallet = Wallet::new();
// Configure wallet properties
let wallet = wallet.with_network(NeoNetwork::TestNet.to_magic());
// Create and add a new account
let new_account = Account::create()?;
let mut wallet = wallet;
// Encrypt accounts in the wallet
// Backup and recover wallet
let backup_path = std::path::PathBuf::from("wallet_backup.json");
WalletBackup::backup(&wallet, backup_path.clone())?;
let recovered_wallet = WalletBackup::recover(backup_path)?;
Creating and Sending Transactions
use neo::{
neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
neo_builder::transaction::{Transaction, TransactionBuilder},
prelude::{RpcClient, Signer, WalletTrait},
async fn create_transaction() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Connect to TestNet
let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443");
let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
// Create accounts
let sender = Account::create()?;
let receiver = Account::create()?;
// Build a transfer transaction
let tx = TransactionBuilder::new()
.valid_until_block(client.get_block_count().await? + 100)
// Sign and send the transaction
let signed_tx = tx.sign(&sender).await?;
let tx_hash = client.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx).await?;
Interacting with Smart Contracts
use neo::{
neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
neo_contract::{ContractManagement, SmartContract},
neo_types::contract::{ContractParameter, ContractParameterType},
prelude::{RpcClient, Signer},
async fn interact_with_contract() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Connect to TestNet
let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443");
let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
// Load a contract by its script hash
let contract_hash = "0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5".parse()?;
let contract = SmartContract::new(contract_hash, client.clone());
// Call a read-only method
let result = contract.call_function("balanceOf", vec![
// Invoke a contract method that changes state
let account = Account::create()?;
let invoke_result = contract.invoke(
Working with NEP-17 Tokens
use neo::{
neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
prelude::{RpcClient, Signer},
async fn work_with_nep17_tokens() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Connect to TestNet
let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443");
let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
// Create an account
let account = Account::create()?;
// Connect to a NEP-17 token contract (e.g., NEO)
let neo_token_hash = "0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5".parse()?;
let neo_token = Nep17Contract::new(neo_token_hash, client.clone());
// Get token information
let symbol = neo_token.symbol().await?;
let decimals = neo_token.decimals().await?;
let total_supply = neo_token.total_supply().await?;
// Get account balance
let balance = neo_token.balance_of(account.get_script_hash()).await?;
// Transfer tokens
let recipient = "NZNos2WqTbu5oCgyfss9kUJgBXJqhuYAaj".parse()?;
let transfer_result = neo_token.transfer(
Using Neo Name Service (NNS)
use neo::{
neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
prelude::{RpcClient, Signer},
async fn use_neo_name_service() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Connect to TestNet
let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443");
let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
// Create a NameService instance
let nns = NameService::new(client);
// Resolve a domain name to a script hash
let domain = "example.neo";
let script_hash = nns.resolve(domain).await?;
println!("Domain {} resolves to: {}", domain, script_hash);
// Get the owner of a domain
let owner = nns.get_owner(domain).await?;
println!("Domain {} is owned by: {}", domain, owner);
// Check if a domain is available
let is_available = nns.is_available("newdomain.neo").await?;
println!("Domain is available: {}", is_available);
Working with Famous Neo N3 Contracts
use neo::{
neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
neo_contract::famous::{FlamingoContract, NeoburgerContract, GrandShareContract, NeoCompoundContract},
prelude::{RpcClient, Signer},
use std::str::FromStr;
async fn interact_with_famous_contracts() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Connect to MainNet
let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://mainnet1.neo.org:443");
let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
// Create an account
let account = Account::create()?;
// Interact with Flamingo Finance
let flamingo = FlamingoContract::new(Some(&client));
// Get Flamingo swap rate
let token_a = ScriptHash::from_str("d2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf")?; // GAS
let token_b = ScriptHash::from_str("ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5")?; // NEO
let swap_rate = flamingo.get_swap_rate(&token_a, &token_b, 1_0000_0000).await?;
println!("Swap rate: {} NEO per GAS", swap_rate as f64 / 100_000_000.0);
// Interact with NeoburgerNeo (bNEO)
let neoburger = NeoburgerContract::new(Some(&client));
// Get bNEO exchange rate
let rate = neoburger.get_rate().await?;
println!("bNEO exchange rate: {} bNEO per NEO", rate);
// Wrap NEO to bNEO
let wrap_tx = neoburger.wrap(1, &account).await?;
// Interact with GrandShare
let grandshare = GrandShareContract::new(Some(&client));
// Submit a proposal
let proposal_tx = grandshare.submit_proposal(
"My Proposal",
"This is a proposal description",
1000_0000_0000, // 1000 GAS
// Interact with NeoCompound
let neocompound = NeoCompoundContract::new(Some(&client));
// Get APY for a token
let gas_token = ScriptHash::from_str("d2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf")?;
let apy = neocompound.get_apy(&gas_token).await?;
println!("Current APY for GAS: {}%", apy);
Using Neo X EVM Compatibility and Bridge
use neo::{
neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
neo_x::{NeoXProvider, NeoXTransaction, NeoXBridgeContract},
prelude::{RpcClient, Signer, ScriptHash},
use primitive_types::H160;
use std::str::FromStr;
async fn use_neo_x() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Connect to Neo N3
let neo_provider = HttpProvider::new("https://mainnet1.neo.org:443");
let neo_client = RpcClient::new(neo_provider);
// Initialize the Neo X EVM provider
let neo_x_provider = NeoXProvider::new("https://rpc.neo-x.org", Some(&neo_client));
// Get the chain ID for Neo X
let chain_id = neo_x_provider.chain_id().await?;
println!("Neo X Chain ID: {}", chain_id);
// Create an EVM transaction
let destination = H160::from_str("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")?;
let data = vec![/* transaction data */];
let transaction = NeoXTransaction::new(
0, // Value
21000, // Gas limit
20_000_000_000, // Gas price
// Use the Neo X Bridge to transfer tokens between Neo N3 and Neo X
let bridge = NeoXBridgeContract::new(Some(&neo_client));
// Get the GAS token script hash
let gas_token = ScriptHash::from_str("d2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf")?;
// Get bridge information
let fee = bridge.get_fee(&gas_token).await?;
let cap = bridge.get_cap(&gas_token).await?;
println!("Bridge fee: {} GAS", fee as f64 / 100_000_000.0);
println!("Bridge cap: {} GAS", cap as f64 / 100_000_000.0);
// Deposit GAS from Neo N3 to Neo X
let account = Account::create()?;
let neo_x_address = "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
let amount = 1_0000_0000; // 1 GAS
let deposit_tx = bridge.deposit(
// Withdraw GAS from Neo X to Neo N3
let neo_n3_address = "NbTiM6h8r99kpRtb428XcsUk1TzKed2gTc";
let withdraw_tx = bridge.withdraw(
NeoRust provides configuration options for different network environments and blockchain parameters:
use neo::{
neo_config::{NeoConfig, NeoConstants, NEOCONFIG},
fn configure_neo() {
// Access global configuration
let mut config = NEOCONFIG.lock().unwrap();
// Set network to MainNet
// Configure transaction behavior
config.allows_transmission_on_fault = true;
// Use predefined constants
let max_tx_size = NeoConstants::MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE;
let mainnet_magic = NeoConstants::MAGIC_NUMBER_MAINNET;
let testnet_magic = NeoConstants::MAGIC_NUMBER_TESTNET;
// Create a custom configuration for MainNet
let mainnet_config = NeoConfig::mainnet();
Project Structure
NeoRust is organized into several modules:
- neo_builder: Transaction and script building utilities
- neo_clients: Neo node interaction clients (RPC and WebSocket)
- neo_codec: Encoding/decoding for Neo-specific data structures
- neo_config: Network and client configuration
- neo_contract: Smart contract interaction
- neo_crypto: Neo-specific cryptographic operations
- neo_protocol: Neo network protocol implementation
- neo_types: Core Neo ecosystem data types
- neo_wallets: Neo asset and account management
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
Supported by R3E Network and GrantShares. Additional support is welcome.
~1M SLoC