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Xy Rpc


  • Over any transport By implementing AsyncReadAsyncWrite
  • Bidirectional RPC
  • No Proto File. Define the schema through Trait
  • Any Serde format can be used
  • The Asynchronous Runtime is Agnostic
  • Call the RPC method, the argument uses a reference, call multiple times, and clone is not required
  • Support without Send

Simple Example

Define your Service in a public lib

use xy_rpc::{formats::JsonFormat, rpc_service};

pub const PORT: u16 = 30003;
pub type FormatType = JsonFormat;

pub trait ExampleService: Send + Sync {
    async fn hello(&self, content: String, param2: u32) -> String;


use crate::proto::*;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::time::Duration;
use xy_rpc::tokio::ChannelBuilderTokioExt;

#[path = "proto.rs"]
mod proto;

pub async fn main() {
   let stream = tokio::net::TcpStream::connect(SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], proto::PORT)))
   let (channel, future) = xy_rpc::ChannelBuilder::new(proto::FormatType::default())
   let replay = channel
      .hello(&"Hello. I am Caller".into(), &39)
   println!("Reply: {:?}", replay);



use crate::proto::*;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use xy_rpc::tokio::ChannelBuilderTokioExt;

#[path = "proto.rs"]
mod proto;

pub struct ExampleServiceImpl {}

impl ExampleService for ExampleServiceImpl {
    fn hello(&self, content: String, param2: u32) -> impl Future<Output = String> + Send {
        println!("receive call hello. content: {content:?}, param2: {param2}");
        async move { format!("your params: {content:?},{param2}") }

pub async fn main() {
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], proto::PORT)))
    let (stream, addr) = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
    println!("Accept connection from {:?}", addr);
    let (_channel, future) = xy_rpc::ChannelBuilder::new(proto::FormatType::default())
        .only_serve(|_channel| ExampleServiceImpl {})

Bidirectional RPC Example

Define services for both parties

use xy_rpc::{formats::JsonFormat, rpc_service};

pub const PORT: u16 = 30002;
pub type FormatType = JsonFormat;

pub trait ClientService: Send + Sync {
   async fn say(&self, content: String) -> String;

   async fn repetition(&self, content: String);

pub trait ServerService: Send + Sync {
   async fn say(&self, content: String) -> String;


use crate::proto::*;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::time::Duration;
use xy_rpc::XyRpcChannel;
use xy_rpc::tokio::ChannelBuilderTokioExt;

#[path = "proto.rs"]
mod proto;

pub struct ClientServiceImpl {
   channel: XyRpcChannel<proto::FormatType, ServerServiceSchema>,

impl ClientService for ClientServiceImpl {
   async fn say(&self, content: String) -> String {
      println!("Server said to me: {:?}", content);
      format!("You say: {:?}", content)

   async fn repetition(&self, content: String) {
      println!("Server wants me to repeat this {:?}", content);

pub async fn main() {
   let stream = tokio::net::TcpStream::connect(SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], proto::PORT)))
   let (channel, future) = xy_rpc::ChannelBuilder::new(proto::FormatType::default())
      .call_and_serve(|channel| ClientServiceImpl { channel })
   let say_content: String = "Hello. I am Client".into();
   let replay = channel.say(&say_content).await.unwrap();
   println!("Server reply: {:?}", replay);

   // task.await.unwrap();


use crate::proto::*;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use xy_rpc::XyRpcChannel;
use xy_rpc::tokio::ChannelBuilderTokioExt;

#[path = "proto.rs"]
mod proto;

pub struct ServerServiceImpl {
   _channel: XyRpcChannel<proto::FormatType, ClientServiceSchema>,

impl ServerService for ServerServiceImpl {
   async fn say(&self, content: String) -> String {
      println!("Client said to me: {:?}", content);
      format!("You say: {:?}", content)

pub async fn main() {
   let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], proto::PORT)))
   let (stream, addr) = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
   println!("Accept connection from {:?}", addr);
   let (channel, future) = xy_rpc::ChannelBuilder::new(proto::FormatType::default())
      .call_and_serve(|channel| ServerServiceImpl { _channel: channel })
   let task = tokio::spawn(future);
   let say_reply = channel.say(&"Hello. I am Server".into()).await.unwrap();
   println!("Client reply: {:?}", say_reply);
      .repetition(&"Repeat the content".into())

   let _ = task.await.unwrap();




~296K SLoC