Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

HMAC is used at run time in 11,046 crates (of which 1,757 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 1,039 crates. It's used at build time in 10 crates (of which 3 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 384 crates (of which 26 directly).

Number of dependers HMAC version Downloads/month
155 0.13.0-pre.5 2.2K
22 0.13.0-pre.4 12K
8,075 0.12.1 8.8M
924 0.11.0 327K
568 0.10.1 216K
101 0.9.0 16K
1,130 0.8.1 554K
426 0.7.1 84K
39 0.6.3 900
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) HMAC version
5.7M 235 hkdf ^0.12.1
4.5M 9 rfc6979 ^0.12
2.3M 39 aws-sigv4 ^0.12
2.6M 7 sqlx-mysql ^0.12.0
2.6M 8 sqlx-postgres ^0.12.0
1.3M 184 aws-sdk-s3 ^0.12
1.3M 37 postgres-protocol ^0.12
5.6M 1115 zip optional ^0.12
3.6M 243 cookie optional ^0.12.0
4.0M 253 pbkdf2 optional ^0.12
1.4M 357 azure_core optional ^0.12
629K 7 hmac-drbg ^0.8
283K 5 smoldot ^0.12.1
265K 13 ed25519-dalek-bip32 ^0.12.0
260K 10 coins-bip32 ^0.12.1
260K 4 coins-bip39 ^0.12.1
253K 39 bip32 ^0.12
231K 25 subxt-signer ^0.12.1
210K 18 eth-keystore ^0.12.0
201K 53 jwt ^0.12
195K 212 mongodb ^0.12.1
180K 4 reqsign ^0.12
173K 6 substrate-bip39 ^0.12.1
168K 10 hpke ^0.12
156K 37 rust-s3 ^0.12
150K 41 totp-rs ^0.12
145K 12 rusoto_signature ^0.11
135K itsdangerous ^0.7.0
133K 27 starknet-crypto ^0.12.1
124K 3 p12-keystore ^0.12
106K 35 openidconnect ^0.12.1
107K 6 solana-seed-phrase ^0.12.1
78K 125 cargo ^0.12.1
75K 16 pwhash ^0.10
67K 3 passkey-types ^0.12
67K 2 tink-prf ^0.12.1
59K 8 p12 ^0.12
57K 20 async-session ^0.11.0
57K 2 str0m ^0.12.1
166K 1 salvo-csrf optional ^0.12
54K 33 russh ^0.12
53K 9 stun_codec ^0.12.1
51K 12 oxide-auth ^0.12.0
47K 1 zenoh-crypto ^0.12.1
45K 20 hmac-sha1 ^0.12.1
43K 21 russh-keys ^0.12
41K 4 hdfs-native ^0.12
121K 68 opendal optional ^0.12.1
38K yubico ^0.12
37K 5 webrtc-dtls ^0.12
32K 4 webrtc-srtp ^0.12
27K 16 libsystemd ^0.12
26K 11 totp-lite ^0.12
25K 6 bip0039 ^0.12
24K 35 age ^0.12
19K 10 jwt-compact ^0.12.0
55K 6 async-stripe optional ^0.12
16K 11 soroban-env-host ^0.12.1
49K 5 slack-morphism optional ^0.12
15K 4 picky-krb ^0.12
13K 5 tonlib-core ^0.12
12K 4 sspi ^0.12
12K 10 yubikey ^0.12
10K 16 librespot-core ^0.12
29K 6 fe2o3-amqp optional ^0.12
8.8K 7 vodozemac ^0.12.1
8.3K 5 machineid-rs ^0.12.1
8.2K 3 gnostr-types ^0.12
8.1K 2 gnip44 ^0.12
7.3K 2 gel-auth ^0.12.1
21K 27 iota-crypto optional ^0.12
20K 2 oo7 optional ^0.12
6.8K 5 slipped10 ^0.9
20K 11 fernet optional ^0.12
6.4K 1 httpsig ^0.12.1
6.3K 7 opaque-ke ^0.12
6.0K 2 sphinx-packet ^0.12.1
17K 1 regorus optional ^0.12.1
17K 1 vrl optional ^0.12
16K 5 yubihsm optional ^0.12
5.5K 5 s3s ^0.12.1
5.5K 1 nam-tiny-hderive ^0.12
5.4K 5 tentacle-secio ^0.12.0
5.2K 2 apollo-router ^0.12.1
5.2K 17 tor-proto ^0.12.0
5.2K 1 axum_csrf ^0.12.1
4.9K 9 umya-spreadsheet ^0.12.1
4.6K 9 axum_session ^0.12.1
13K 1 internal-russh-forked-ssh-key optional ^0.12
4.5K 1 musig2 ^0.12
4.5K 8 tiny-hderive ^0.7.0
4.4K 2 ansible-vault ^0.10
4.3K 2 parity-crypto ^0.10.1
12K twapi-v2 optional ^0.12
4.2K 6 hkd32 ^0.12
4.1K 7 rusty-s3 ^0.12.1
4.1K minio-rsc ^0.12.0
3.9K 19 thrussh-keys ^0.11
3.6K dbcrossbar ^0.12.0
3.5K azservicebus ^0.12
3.5K 6 matrix-sdk-crypto ^0.12.1
3.5K 5 librespot-discovery ^0.12
3.5K libp2p-secio ^0.9.0
3.3K zero4rs ^0.12.1
10K 6 gcloud-auth optional ^0.12
3.1K fiber-sphinx ^0.12.1
3.1K 2 embedded-tls ^0.12.1
3.0K gel-jwt ^0.12.1
9.5K 6 rsasl optional ^0.12.1
2.9K 7 bitwarden-crypto >=0.12.1, <0.13
2.9K 7 matrix-sdk-store-encryption ^0.12.1
2.8K 6 bitwarden-core >=0.12.1, <0.13
2.7K 8 multiversx-sdk ^0.12.1
2.7K 3 surrealdb-jsonwebtoken ^0.12.1
2.3K 3 mas-jose ^0.12.1
2.3K 2 ssi-di-sd-primitives ^0.12.1
2.3K 5 openmls_rust_crypto ^0.12
2.3K 14 egg-mode ^0.11
2.2K upbit ^0.12.1
2.2K qiniu-download ^0.12.0
2.2K 2 minio ^0.12.1
2.1K 1 boringtun-easytier ^0.12
2.1K 15 penumbra-sdk-keys ^0.12.0
2.0K 1 snmp_usm ^0.8.1
6.6K 4 nydus-storage optional ^0.12.1
1.9K 2 ezk-stun-types ^0.12
6.0K 8 prio optional ^0.12.1
1.7K 4 bc-crypto ^0.12.1
1.7K evcxr_jupyter ^0.12.0
1.7K 1 askar-storage ^0.12
1.7K ttvendor ^0.12.1
1.7K 6 boringtun ^0.12
1.6K 5 grammers-crypto ^0.12.1
1.6K 10 myc-core ^0.12
1.6K 3 barter-integration ^0.12.1
1.6K 2 biscotti ^0.12.1
1.6K 1 liboscore-cryptobackend ^0.12
1.6K binance-sdk-rs ^0.12.1
1.5K rust-xfinal ^0.12.1
5.1K 11 oauth1-request optional ^0.12.1
1.5K 1 kdbx-rs ^0.12.1
1.5K t-rust-less-lib ^0.12
1.4K 2 bitcoin-hpke ^0.12
1.2K 3 csrf ^0.12
1.2K 1 binance ^0.12.1
1.2K 8 keepass ^0.12
1.2K 3 cocoon ^0.11
4.1K 6 libreauth optional ^0.12.1
1.2K azeventhubs ^0.12
1.2K 14 curv-kzen ^0.11
1.2K 2 sn_curv ^0.11
1.1K 2 twilio ^0.12
1.1K git-next-forge-github ^0.12
1.1K bore-cli ^0.12.1
1.1K open-wechat ^0.12.1
1.1K garage_api ^0.12
1.1K messagesign ^0.12
1.1K typesensei ^0.12
1.1K http-sig ^0.12
1.0K ovunto-security ~0.12
3.7K opa-wasm optional ^0.12
1.0K fache ^0.12.1
1.0K rs_bybit ^0.12.1
950 4 challenge_response ^0.12
950 7 slip10 ^0.9
900 bevy_jornet ^0.12
3.2K 4 rusty_paseto optional ^0.12
900 1 makiko ^0.12
850 2 cipherstash-client ^0.12.1
850 spark-rust ^0.12.1
800 2 coinbase-pro-rs ^0.10.1
800 remoteit-api ^0.13.0-pre.4
800 aichat ^0.12.1
750 9 ic_cose_types ^0.12
750 1 jws ^0.12.0
750 git-next ^0.12
750 narrowlink-agent ^0.12.1
2.7K 4 coerce optional ^0.12.1
700 turn-server ^0.12
700 edgerc ^0.12.1
700 1 ipmi-rs ^0.12.1
700 7 txtx-addon-kit ^0.12.0
650 narrowlink-client ^0.12.1
650 smb ^0.12.1
650 11 deep_space ^0.12
600 1 s3-simple ^0.12.1
600 bls_on_arkworks ^0.12.1
600 1 s3v4 ^0.12
600 1 tofn ^0.12
600 1 s3-presign ^0.12
600 thumbor ^0.12.1
2.3K 1 rusty_paserk optional ^0.12.1
2.3K 5 askar-crypto optional ^0.12
550 ali-oss-rs ^0.12.1
550 password-encryptor ^0.12.1
550 scram-rs ^0.12
550 webbase ^0.12.1
550 1 dingtalk-sdk ^0.12.1
550 1 airlab-lib ^0.12
500 oss-sdk-rs ^0.12
2.1K 1 ieee80211 optional ^0.12.1
500 18 zino-core ^0.12.1
500 binance_spot_connector_rust ^0.12.0
500 1 cot ^0.12
500 1 keepass-ng ^0.12
500 1 novel-api ^0.12.1
500 pwtool ^0.12.1
500 rsiot-auth ^0.12.1
500 1 v_exchanges_adapters ^0.12.1
490 1 mz_rusoto_signature ^0.10
490 rbw ^0.12.1
480 1 bp-derive ^0.12.1
1.9K gearbox optional ^0.13.0-pre.3
450 aliyun-oss-rust-sdk ^0.12.1
450 cas-lib ^0.12.1
450 xmpp-http-upload ^0.12.1
440 2 wagyu-ethereum ^0.7.0
430 4 async-opcua-crypto ^0.12
420 3 zino-auth ^0.12.1
420 axum-csrf-simple ^0.12.1
420 2 rustls-rustcrypto ^0.12.1
410 rustfs-rsc ^0.12.0
1.7K 1 oauth10a optional ^0.12.1
410 pop-test ^0.12
400 ohkami ^0.12
390 mnemonic39 ^0.12.1
380 4 rbdc-pg ^0.12.0
370 1 fi-digital-signatures ^0.12.1
370 clavis ^0.12
370 1 br-pgsql ^0.12.1
370 3 himmelblau_kerberos_crypto ^0.12.1
370 tencent_im_rs ^0.12.1
360 tonlib ^0.12
360 1 tetcore-bip39 ^0.7.1
360 hmac-predicate >=0
360 volcengine-rs ^0.12.1
360 line-bot-sdk-rust ^0.12.1
360 octoapp ^0.12
360 na-kraken-client ^0.12
360 volcengine-rust-sdk ^0.12
350 107 miraland-sdk ^0.12.1
350 RustGLM ^0.12.1
340 bybit-sdk-rs ^0.13.0-pre.4
1.5K traefikctl optional ^0.12.1
330 derivation32 ^0.12.1
330 2 ntlmclient ^0.12
330 calamari ^0.12
320 5 libpep ^0.12
320 7 battler-wamp ^0.12.1
1.4K medullah-web optional ^0.12.1
310 5 cs_epic_keychain ^0.11
310 3 amtk ^0.11
300 nu-jupyter-kernel ^0.12.1
290 1 machineid-crystal ^0.12.1
290 1 rdp-rs ^0.7
290 wasefire-stub ^0.12.1
290 tinkerforge ^0.11
290 ve-tos-rust-sdk ^0.12
280 4 oath ^0.1
280 1 faster-stun ^0.12.1
280 aws-cognito-srp ^0.12.1
280 kucoin_rs ^0.7.1
1.3K 1 foxtive optional ^0.12.1
270 3 usig ^0.12
260 challenge-bypass-ristretto ^0.12
260 dswt ^0.12.1
260 kwi-kraken-rest ^0.12.1
1.2K seshat optional ^0.11.0
250 txtx-addon-network-evm ^0.12.0
240 tma-init-data ^0.12.1
240 1 cipherstash-core ^0.12.1
240 upyun-sdk ^0.12.1
240 oss-rust-sdk ^0.12
240 4 hmac-sha ^0.11
240 minotp ^0.12
240 3 qiniu-credential ^0.11.0
220 dex-connector ^0.12
1.2K 1 twitch_api optional ^0.12.1
220 gitlab-runner ^0.12.1
220 bot_sdk_line ^0.12.1
220 tower-github-webhook ^0.12.1
210 letterboxd ^0.12.0
200 tencent-sdk ^0.12.1
200 1 steamguard ^0.12
200 1 osentities ^0.12.1
190 8 safe_core ~0.7.1
190 lb-rs ^0.11.0
190 1 longport-httpcli ^0.12.1
190 1 upload-things ^0.12.1
190 dbcrossbarlib ^0.12.0
190 cognito_srp ^0.12.1
180 polycrypt ^0.12
180 1 thotp ^0.12.1
180 pubnub ^0.12
180 encrypted-message ^0.12.1
180 gemina ^0.12.1
180 1 p12_q3 ^0.12
180 elf_utils ^0.13.0-pre.4
1.0K versa optional ^0.12.1
180 lockstitch ^0.13.0-pre.4
180 renegade-sdk ^0.12
170 1 ethsign-crypto ^0.12.0
1.0K 4 sasl optional ^0.12
1.0K axum-util optional ^0.12
170 2 nostro2-signer ^0.12
170 2 wasi-crypto ^0.12.1
160 5 garage_api_common ^0.12
160 nyx ^0.12
160 50 safecoin-sdk ^0.12.1
160 scuffle-rtmp ^0.12
160 1 typesense ^0.12
160 1 hydra ^0.12
160 kraken-async-rs ^0.12.1
160 64 waffles-solana-sdk ^0.12.1
160 5 rml_rtmp ^0.10
160 mega-security-rs ^0.13.0-pre.4
160 presigned-post-rs ^0.12.1
160 zip-password-finder ^0.12.1
160 cryptographic_primitives ^0.12.1
160 1 ironcore-documents ^0.12
150 1 jwt-compact-frame ^0.12.0
150 1 lightspark ^0.12.1
150 11 grin_keychain ^0.11
150 xrc_cli =0.12.1
150 3 cryptimitives ^0.12
150 s3-wasi-http ^0.12.1
150 5 mediawiki ^0.12
150 aliyun-sts-rust-sdk ^0.12.1
150 openmood ^0.12.1
150 1 lesspass ^0.11
140 aliexpress-sdk ^0.12.1
140 intl-cli ^0.12
140 cos_upload ^0.12.1
140 totp ^0.12.1
140 1 lpc55 ^0.12
140 cdviz-collector ^0.12
130 bitsrun ^0.12
130 1 sssmc39 ^0.7
130 1 jwt-rustcrypto ^0.12.1
130 rust-auth-utils ^0.12
130 sagapay-sdk ^0.12
130 slip-10 ^0.12
130 totp-sos ^0.12.1
130 s3-server ^0.12.1
900 tiktok-business optional ^0.12
120 1 lockbook-shared ^0.11.0
120 5 avalanche-types ^0.12.1
120 kr ^0.12
120 totpc ^0.12
120 iop-sdk-rust ^0.12.1
110 jsonwebtoken-rustcrypto ^0.12.1
110 wpa_passphrase ^0.12.1
110 2 hdbconnect_impl ^0.12
110 huxi-server ^0.12
110 tinkerforge-async ^0.12.1
110 2 hpke_pq ^0.12
110 okx-rs ^0.12.1
110 small_jwt ^0.12
110 yunoss ^0.12
100 shr_aliyun_api ^0.12.1
100 1 cefi-rs-binance ^0.12.1
100 1 cefi-rs-bybit ^0.12.1
100 address-artisan ^0.12.1
100 6 mwc_keychain ^0.11
100 pbcli ^0.11.0
100 pusher ^0.12
100 sd-jwt-rs ^0.12
2 recs_lib ^0.12.1
lumni ^0.11
2 sfr-core ^0.12
1 ddk ^0.12.1
rusty-oss ^0.12.1
sm9 ^0.12.1
jocker ^0.12.1
ruswacipher ^0.12.1
mongodb_cwal ^0.6.2
signway-server ^0.12.1
crypto-glue ^0.12
1 stun-types ^0.12
47 gemachain-sdk ^0.11.0
threema-gateway ^0.12.1
4 srt-protocol ^0.12.0
s3-tokio ^0.12
750 4 hd-wallet optional ^0.12
1 github-webhook-extract ^0.12.1
3 syndicate ^0.12
mls-rs-crypto-rustcrypto ^0.12
mexc-rs ^0.12.1
coinnect ^0.4.2
rooster ^0.12
mx-tester ^0.12.0
2 another-steam-totp ^0.12
700 ark-ec-vrfs optional ^0.12
1 kdbx4 ^0.11
stripe_wh_verify ^0.9.0
ibmcloud-cos ^0.12.1
apple_auth ^0.12.1
yescrypt ^0.13.0-pre.4
binance-async-api ^0.12
1 laron-crypto ^0.12.1
multihook ^0.12.1
700 ursa optional ^0.11.0
1 polipo ^0.10.1
1 yacme-schema ^0.12.1
4 yubico_manager ^0.11.0
1 hedera ^0.12.1
1 ic-secp256k1 ^0.12
azure_iot_sdk ^0.11
corund ^0.12.1
9 ergo-lib ^0.12
2 rosetta-crypto ^0.12.1
krakenrs ^0.10
ptvrs ^0.12.1
1 kraken_rest_client ^0.12
nucleus-http ^0.12.1
1 smb3_client ^0.12
cnctd_server ^0.12.1
2 s3handler ^0.12
8 streambed ^0.12.1
1 drt-sdk ^0.12.1
jupyter ^0.12.1
postoffice ^0.7.1
2 rtmp ^0.11.0
2 sphinxcrypto ^0.7.1
alibabacloud ^0.12.1
datahub ^0.12.1
1 emerald-vault ^0.12.0
6 stack_test_epic_keychain ^0.11
line_bot_sdk ^0.12
dydx-v3-rust ^0.12.1
git-remote-codecommit ^0.12.1
shadow-tls ^0.12
1 sqlx-etorreborre-postgres ^0.12.0
24 tetsy-crypto ^0.10.1
aliyun-oss-client ^0.12
2 ope ^0.12.1
8 solana_libra_crypto ^0.7.1
cbpro ^0.7.1
13 iop-keyvault ^0.12.1
cpchain-rust-sdk ^0.12.1
1 qiniu-upload ^0.11.0
solxact =0.12.1
600 1 wtx optional ^0.12
2 wagyu-bitcoin ^0.7.0
altcha-lib-rs ^0
object-storage ^0.12.1
anychain-kms ^0.12.1
5 kaspa-bip32 ^0.12.1
tracing-aliyun-sls ^0.12
3 noah-ed25519-dalek ^0.12.1
1 zenlayercloud-sdk ^0.12
5 eternaltwin_password ^0.12.1
fair ^0.7.1
otp ^0.12.1
wiretun ^0.12
double-ratchet-2 ^0.11.0
slauth ^0.12
aliyun-openapi-core-rust-sdk ^0.12
1 cableguard ^0.12
3 clarinet-utils ^0.12.0
init-data-rust ^0.12.1
1 slh-dsa ^0.12.1
binance-async ^0.12
hextacy ^0.12.1
pusher-rs ^0.12.1
rust_upbit_api ^0.12.1
sardine ^0.11
2 lune-std-serde ^0.12.1
600 2 sqlx-core-oldapi optional ^0.12.0
600 5 torut optional ^0.11
gritlab ^0.11.0
otpauth-uri ^0.6.2
1 class_group ^0.11
crypto-botters-binance ^0.12.1
json-web-token ^0.12
lohr ^0.10.1
bsv ^0.11.0
2 emerald-rs ^0.6
fisher ^0.7.1
genius-rs ^0.12.1
lakestream ^0.11
4 secret-keeper ^0.8
wacr ^0.12
warp_github_webhook ^0.12.0
smartcar ^0.12.1
1 three-commas-client ^0.12
5 any-object-storage ^0.12.1
otp-std ^0.12.1
remitano-api ^0.12
1 s3compat ^0.10
crypto-botters-bybit ^0.12.1
tokio-binance ^0.10.1
4 aigc_keychain ^0.11
crypto-botters-bitflyer ^0.12.1
ed25519-hd-key ^0.12
1 exc-okx ^0.12.1
8 koibumi-core ^0.12.1
totp-qr ^0.12
3 dharitri-sdk ^0.12.1
lunanode ^0.12.1
5 stack_epic_keychain ^0.11
union_sdk ^0.11.0
1 webrtc-unreliable-client ^0.10.1
1 exc-binance ^0.12.1
houndify ^0.7.1
jtm ^0.8
2 stacks-rpc-client ^0.12.0
3 substrate-crypto-light ^0.12.1
ably ^0.12.1
bookkeeper-client ^0.12.1
buttercup-crypto ^0.6.2
exoscale-rs ^0.12.1
2 sentc-crypto-std-keys ^0.12.1
sqlcrypto ^0.10.1
totpgen ^0.10.1
webhook-httpd ^0.12.1
bybit_rs ^0.10.1
envault ^0.12.1
2 mwc-wagyu-ethereum ^0.7.0
1 ntge-core ^0.7.1
1 tonlib-core-anychain ^0.12
bittrex-api ^0.4.2
cyfs-cip ^0.12
1 eggbug ^0.12.1
gritea ^0.11.0
jwt-compact-preview ^0.8.0
3 kaspa-wallet-keys ^0.12.1
keyplace ^0.9
1 msf-stun ^0.12
4 mugle_keychain ^0.11
obg ^0.12.1
sshx-server ^0.12.1
tdn_did ^0.11
8 webrtc-rs-util ^0.10.1
anyotp ^0.12.1
1 asuran-core ^0.8.1
authoscope ^0.11
1 azure_cosmos_mirror ^0.12
1 barter-integration-copy ^0.12.1
2 blobd-token ^0.12
1 botx-api ^0.12
4 cbe-sdk ^0.12.1
crypto-botters-coincheck ^0.12.1
fair-baccarat ^0.7.1
ifdyndnsd ^0.12
pw_hash ^0.12.1
qiniu-ng ^0.7.1
rdp-rs-2 ^0.7
6 sylvia-iot-corelib ^0.12.1
aiot ^0.12
akkorokamui ^0.11
amiitool-rs ^0.12.1
1 bsv-wasm ^0.11.0
1 crypt_guard_sign ^0.12.1
devolutions-crypto ^0.12
4 etwin_password ^0.12.1
kosei ^0.12
laron-wallet ^0.12.1
lugnut ^0.10.1
mpw ^0.4.2
1 mtotp-lib ^0.12.1
1 steam-vent-crypto ^0.12.1
web3-keystore ^0.12.0
yubikey-hmac-otp ^0.12
crypt_guard_kyber ^0.12.1
kraken_sdk_futures_rest ^0.10
2 kucoin_api ^0.7.1
license-server ^0.10.1
4 mwc_wallet_libwallet ^0.11
rust-async-tuyapi ^0.12.1
tower-surf ^0.12.1
unid ^0.11.0
actix-web-middleware-slack ^0.12
aliyun_dns ^0.12
arq ^0.8
3 deadbolt-crypto ^0.12.1
1 fortresscrypto ^0.12.1
gmusic ^0.7
luks2 ^0.11
mellon ^0.12.1
msecret ^0.12
2 rtc-srtp ^0.12.1
stegcloak ^0.12.1
xotp ^0.12.0
api-signature ^0.12.0
axum-signed-urls ^0.12.1
binance_connector ^0.12.1
blobd ^0.12.1
coinbase-api ^0.6
coinbase-rs ^0.7
covidcotra ^0.7.1
homegate ^0.12
1 i6-pack ^0.12
integrationos-domain ^0.12.1
laqf2 ^0.10.1
netstack ^0.7
2 scryptenc ^0.12.1
septid ^0.12
4 walletd_hd_key ^0.12.1
3 actix-wamp ^0.7.0
contact-tracing ^0.7.1
ethereum-rust-utils ^0.6
ftx_async ^0.12
1 hdkey ^0.12
hmac-cli ^0.13.0-pre.4
open-lark ^0.12.1
pooly ^0.12
registry-s3 =0.12.1
s3rs ^0.12.1
yatotp ^0.12
amiibo ^0.12.1
1 apolloconfig-sig ^0.12
borev6-cli ^0.12.1
coinbase_pro ^0.12
coinchecker ^0.11
crypto-pay-api ^0.12.1
iop-client ^0.12.1
500 jetkvm_control optional ^0.12.1
key-derive ^0.12.1
kraken_client ^0.10
3 letmein-proto ^0.12
matc ^0.12.1
perimeterx-fastly-enforcer ^0.12.1
sidemash-sdk ^0.9.0
tls_sig_api ^0.7
blockchyp ^0.12
coinbase ^0.10.1
cryptojs_rust ^0.12
fluence-fork-libp2p-secio ^0.9.0
5 fluentci-core ^0.12.1
goofy ^0.7.1
1 lnk-thrussh-keys ^0.11
1 mycrl-stun ^0.12
no-way ^0.12.1
pwsafe ^0.6.3
ruotp ^0.12.1
2 sunset ^0.12
tencent_sms ^0.10
tide-github ^0.12
aliyun-mns ^0.12.1
bandurria ^0.12
bittrex ^0.9.0
bloblock ^0.10.1
bwtui ^0.7.1
clarity-jupyter-kernel ^0.7.1
1 elrond-sdk-erdrs ^0.11.0
jwt-next ^0.12
kraken-websockets-token ^0.7.1
lakefuse ^0.11.0
libtad-rs ^0.11
1 line-messaging-api-rust ^0.6.2
1 liserk-ope ^0.12.1
py-bip39-bindings ^0.7.0
quad-image ^0.7
1 rwarden_crypto ^0.11.0
stripe-integration ^0.10.1
tencent3 ^0.12.1
aimo ^0.12.1
antelope-client ^0.12.1
binance-api ^0.12
crabtoken ^0.12.1
dezoomify-rs ^0.12
easy_password ^0.12.1
exoscale ^0.12
fcoin-rust-sdk ^0.5
github_webhook_message_validator ^0.12.1
jwt_hmac ^0.12.1
kraapi ^0.10.1
m365 ^0.12.1
mys_villa ^0.12.1
netctl2iwd ^0.7.0
nttb-api ^0.12.1
preshot ^0.12.1
1 psibase ^0.12
rusty_password ^0.7.1
secio ^0.9.0
simple_azure_monitor_data_collector ^0.7.1
submillisecond-live-view ^0.12.1
4 susyp2p-secio ^0.7.0
tiny-dynamo ^0.11
totp_store ^0.12
3 trussed ^0.11
uhg-custom-appollo-roouter ^0.12.1
wagyu-hdk ^0.7.0
1 avail-subxt-light-core ^0.12.1
camo-url ^0.10.1
cexio ^0.8.1
crypto-botters ^0.12.1
ether-keystore ^0.6
4 gringron_keychain ^0.11
5 kaspa-wallet-core ^0.12.1
4 keybob ^0.8
1 longbridge-httpcli ^0.12.1
ms-offcrypto-writer ^0.12
1 musixmatch-inofficial ^0.12.0
ncryptf-rs ^0.12
notes_r_us ^0.12.1
1 openlimits-binance ^0.8.1
over-there ^0.7.1
postgres-protocol-sm3 ^0.12
pwsafer ^0.11.0
1 secured-cipher-key ~0.12.1
signal-backup-decode ^0.10
tdns-cli ^0.7.1
1 threema ^0.12.1
thruster-session ^0.12.1
1 tiny-sdk ^0.12.1
1 turbofuro_runtime ^0.12.1
1 yandex-music ^0.12
yubi_opt ^0.12.1
1 atm0s-custom-str0m ^0.12.1
aws-s3-presign ^0.12.1
azure-ecs-rs ^0.12
binance-client ^0.12
binance_api_async ^0.10.1
ceresforge ^0.12.1
comproxity ^0.12.1
1 cpc-bip39 ^0.7.0
cw-axe ^0.12
django-signing ^0.12.0
1 earthbucks_rfc6979 =0.13.0-pre.4
enard ^0.12
1 facebook-webhook ^0.12
flashbang ^0.12
flickr-api ^0.12.1
flvparser ^0.6.2
golemcli ^0.7.0
jupyterm ^0.10.1
kraken_rust_api_client ^0.5
libflv ^0.6.2
linkr ^0.7.0
ni_ce ^0.5.0
1 nostr-types ^0.12
nu_plugin_hmac ^0.12.1
1 oauth1-header ^0.7.1
1 openlimits-coinbase ^0.8.1
1 pbkdf2-identifier ^0.7.1
1 playit-agent-proto ^0.12
r-u-still-there ^0.11.0
rs-pwsafe ^0.12.1
2 rtc-dtls ^0.12.1
rust_filen ^0.12
sn0int ^0.12
1 steam-totp ^0.7.1
super-spotify-core ^0.12
tetsy-libp2p-secio ^0.9.0
1 tor-client-lib ^0.12.1
zawk ^0.12
2 bitwarden-vault >=0.12.1, <0.13
bustabit ^0.7.0
cardseed ^0.12.1
common-s3-headers ^0.12.1
duo-auth ^0.12
1 genius-rust ^0.12.1
hubhook ^0.12.0
2 idk ^0.12.1
labrador ^0.12
lastpass ^0.7.1
5 narrowlink-types ^0.12.1
one-time ^0.11
ope-simplified ^0.12.1
patreon ^0.12
polymarket-rs-client ^0.12.1
r3ma_backup ^0.7.1
radius-rust ^0.12.1
rust-s3-async ^0.12
slack-auth-middleware ^0.12.1
sn_api ~0.10
2 solana_libra_nextgen_crypto ^0.7.1
stripe-rust-fgribreau ^0.1
svanill-vault-server ^0.7.1
testcontainers-avk ^0.12
tiny-bip39-yp ^0.7.0
totp_embed ^0.12
1 w5500-tls ^0.12
walutomat ^0.7.0
webhook-server ^0.11
1 wx-core ^0.12.1
aliyun-log-sdk ^0.10
bip39_rs ^0.7.0
1 crypto-com-exchange ^0.12.1
2 curv-lsc ^0.11
dingtalk_robot ^0.12
drogue-tls ^0.10.1
dydx-v3-blocking ^0.12.1
1 ecbt-binance ^0.12
1 ecbt-coinbase ^0.12
1 ed25519-dalek-bip32-feeless ^0.9.0
1 ella-server ^0.12.1
emerald-vault-core ^0.7.1
1 erbium-core ^0.12.1
espocrm-rs ^0.12
estel_secp256k1 ^0.11.0
jupyter-client ^0.7.0
jwt_hs256_parse ^0.11.0
kraken_api ^0.7.1
les ^0.8.1
2 opengauss-protocol ^0.11
otp-rs ^0.11
otp-simple ^0.12
1 pass-fxa-lib ^0.11.0
rolling-token-auth ^0.12
seedpass ^0.12.1
shopify-rust ^0.10.1
4 solomka-sdk ^0.12.1
solsign =0.12.1
tencentcloud ^0.12
tencentcloud-sdk-rs ^0.12.1
1 widevine ^0.12
async-psec ^0.11
awis-rs ^0.7.0
azure-app-configuration ^0.7.1
btcturk_websockets ^0.12.1
cargo-faircode ^0.4.2
2 cjwt ^0.12.1
1 crypt_guard ^0.12.1
crypto-seal ^0.12
curv-embedded ^0.11
curv-test ^0.11
deevee ^0.12.1
3 df-crypto ^0.12.1
dingtalk ^0.7.1
discretionary_engine ^0.12.1
encrypted_images ^0.12.1
1 envault-cipher ^0.12.1
ironcore-alloy ^0.12.1
1 keyphrase ^0.7.0
1 klever-vm-sdk ^0.11.0
kraken_sdk_rest ^0.10
lsys-lib-sms ~0.12.1
myna-utils ^0.12.1
nervemq ^0.12.1
omglib ^0.12.1
otp2 ^0.12.1
pkcs-12 ^0.11.0
prometheus-weathermen ^0.12.1
ptv ^0.12.1
ruipay ^0.12
rusotp =0.12.1
simple-aws-s3 ^0.11.0
stun-coder ^0.9.0
webrtc-rs-dtls ^0.10.1
webrtc-rs-srtp ^0.10.1
bian-rs ^0.10.1
birdie ^0.12
bitwarden-pin ^0.12.1
btcturk ^0.12.1
civic_sip ^0.7
clarinet ^0.10.1
cloudconvert ^0.12
ecbt ^0.8.1
2 eosio-client-keys ^0.7.1
iyzipay-rust ^0.9.0
libasuran ^0.7.1
maicoin_max ^0.11
nobrain ^0.7.1
qiniu_v1 ^0.7.1
rdeploy ^0.11.0
2 rusher-core ^0.12.1
rust-ipmi ^0.12.1
scp03 ^0.4
2 seqknock-common ^0.12
simple2fa ^0.11.0
slack-http-verifier ^0.7
sphincs-plus-cry4 ^0.12.1
spring-sms ^0.12
welds-sqlx-mssql ^0.12.0
aws_signer ^0.12
badtouch ^0.10
bybit-async ^0.12
cotp ^0.12.1
cryptid-rs ^0.12.1
double-ratchet-rs ^0.12
ed25519-dalek-bip32-black ^0.11.0
ed25519-dalek-xkeypair ^0.11.0
3 edm-core ^0.12.1
4 epic_keychain ^0.11
1 facebook-signed-request ^0.12
fetch-cli ^0.12.1
filecoin-signer ^0.8.1
galileo-osnma ^0.12
hc_merklicious_sdk ^0.12.1
hyper-auth-proxy ^0.12
inngest ^0.12
jwt_boiler ^0.12.1
jwt_rs ^0.12
kormir-server ^0.12.1
light-double-ratchet ^0.12.1
macaroon-asml-fork ^0.12
1 mega ^0.12.1
message-packetizer ^0.12.1
mfa-cli ^0.12
mg-shamir ^0.12.1
milenage ^0.10.1
mongodb-h2co3 ^0.6.2
oauth-1a ^0.7.1
onise ^0.12
2 over-there-auth ^0.7.1
performant_encryption ^0.12.1
pink-s3 ^0.12.1
psdevbot ^0.12.0
1 raystack ^0.11
seqknock-nftables ^0.12
shoes ^0.12.1
simple-api ^0.12
simple-tencent-sms ^0.12
1 soda_resource_tools_lib ^0.12.1
2 soroban-env-host-zephyr =0.12.1
stedy ^0.12.1
stefn ^0.12.1
tc_coblox_bitcoincore ^0.7
telegram-auth-rs ^0.12.1
tencentcloud-sdk-sms ^0.12.1
1 tiny-bip39-feeless ^0.8.1
totp-sm-rs ^0.12
tuta_poll ^0.12.1
valence_network ^0.12.1
3 walletd_bip39 ^0.7.0
walleth ^0.12.1
EasyDist ^0.12.1
double-ratchet-signal ^0.7
factoriauth ^0.12.1
haondt-medea ^0.12.1
hook0-output-worker ^0.12.1
jose ^0.12
kaps ^0.12
kinode ^0.12
kraken-cli-rs ^0.12.1
mcs3 ^0.12
mexc-rust-sdk ^0.12.1
1 miniaturs_shared ^0.12
msal-cert ^0.12.1
my-cargo ^0.12.1
oauth1-client ^0.12
obfs4 ^0.12.1
oiplease ^0.12
openidconnect-lax ^0.12.1
6 openlibspot-core ^0.12
1 openlibspot-discovery ^0.12
palpo ^0.12
poem-middleware ^0.12.1
proof-fair ^0.12.1
reticulum ^0.12
rpay ^0.12.1
rustmacaroon ^0.12.1
rustywt ^0.12.1
sbctl ^0.11.0
signed_tokens ^0.12.1
simple_totp_generator ^0.12.1
smb2-rs ^0.12.1
snops ^0.12
1 sqlx-build-trust-postgres ^0.12.0
ssh-link ^0.12.1
1 sspi-bobbobbio ^0.12
stupid-2fa ^0.12.1
tencentcloud-sdk-sms-wasi ^0.12.1
ton-crypto-primitives ^0.12.1
tower-image-xform ^0.12.1
2 ultimate-common ^0.12
uncensored-greats-dao ^0.12
yubico_otp ^0.12.1
zitane-s3-async ^0.12
450 texp optional ^0.12.1
410 freta optional ^0.12
370 2 concordium_base optional ^0.12
290 libes optional ^0.12
270 1 translation-api-cn optional ^0.12
260 1 ton-contracts optional ^0.12
200 udpexposer optional ^0.12.1
190 pso2packetlib optional ^0.12.1
2.7M 596 blake3 dev ^0.12.0
1.5M 157 oauth2 dev ^0.12
100K 14 oci-client dev ^0.12
92K 23 actix-web-lab dev ^0.12
18K 17 oci-distribution dev ^0.12
10K 7 iroh-blake3 dev ^0.12.0
1.8K kbkdf dev ^0.13.0-pre.4
1.6K wolf-crypto dev ^0.12.1
1.3K 1 esp32c3-hal dev ^0.12.1
900 esp32s3-hal dev ^0.12.1
750 esp32s2-hal dev ^0.12.1
650 esp32c6-hal dev ^0.12.1
220 esp32h2-hal dev ^0.12.1
180 ksi-double-ratchet dev ^0.12.1
160 garage dev ^0.12
140 1 sthash dev ^0.12.1
rocket-jwt-authorization dev ^0.12
2 fleek-blake3 dev ^0.12.0
rigel dev ^0.7.0
distrand dev ^0.7.0
git-credential-keepassxc dev ^0.12.0
2 go_true dev ^0.12.1
1 double-ratchet dev ^0.7
go_true_redux dev ^0.12.1
mio_license dev ^0.8
scal3 dev ^0.12.1
vru-sphinx dev ^0.9
fluence-blake3 dev ^0.12.0
1 hyphae-handshake dev ^0.12.1
kvapi dev ^0.12.1