4 releases (2 stable)

1.1.0 Oct 5, 2023
1.0.0 Jun 8, 2023
0.1.9 Jun 8, 2023
0.1.8 Sep 16, 2022

#1666 in Web programming

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MIT license

1.5K SLoC

Smartcar Rust SDK

Crate Documentation Tests

Rust library crate for sending requests to Smartcar API


Smartcar API lets you read vehicle data and send commands to vehicles (lock, unlock) using HTTP requests.

To make requests to a vehicle from a web or mobile application, the end user must connect their vehicle using Smartcar Connect. This flow follows the OAuth spec and will return a code which can be used to obtain an access token from Smartcar.

The Smartcar Rust SDK provides methods to:

  1. Generate the link to redirect to Connect.
  2. Make a request to Smartcar with the code obtained from Connect to obtain an access and refresh token
  3. Make requests to the Smartcar API to read vehicle data and send commands to vehicles using the access token obtained in step 2.

Before integrating with Smartcar's SDK, you'll need to register an application in the Smartcar Developer portal. If you do not have access to the dashboard, please request access.

Note that the Rust SDK only supports version 2.0 of Smartcar API.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

smartcar = "1.0.0"


  1. Create a new AuthClient struct with your client_id, client_secret, and redirect_uri.

  2. Redirect the user to Smartcar Connect using <AuthClient>.get_auth_url with required scope.

  3. The user will login and then accept or deny your scope's permissions.

  4. If the user accepted your permissions:

    a. Handle the get request to your redirect_uri. It will have a query code, which represents the user's consent.

    b. Use <AuthClient>.exchange_code with this code to obtain an Access struct. This struct contains your tokens: access_token (lasting 3 hours) and refresh_token (lasting 60 days) *.

  5. Use get_vehicles to get a Vehicles struct that has all the ids of the owner's vehicles.

  6. Create a new Vehicle (singular) struct using an id from the previous response and the access_token from Step 4.

  7. Start making requests to the Smartcar API!

* In order to make subsequent requests, you will need to save this the tokens in the Access struct somewhere.

** When your access token expires, use <AuthClient>.exchange_refresh_token on your refresh_token to get a fresh set.

Getting Started

Let's see a basic use case of smartcar using the axum web framework. In this example, we will set up a simple server running on localhost 3000 to run through the flow described above, in order to get the make, model, and year of a vehicle.

See the code in ./example/getting-started.rs.

For a much simpler example without a web framework integration, check out ./example/getting-started-cli.rs.


How to run this example

  1. Clone this repo cd into the directory.
  2. Set up a new redirect URI in your Smartcar dashboard.
    • Add http://localhost:3000/callback
  3. Find get_auth_client in ./example/getting-started.rs and replace the fake credentials with your actual client credentials from your dashboard.
    • The fake credentials are prefixed with "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_".
  4. Run the example by using the cargo run with the example flag:
cargo run --example=getting-started
  1. In a browser, go http://locahost:3000/login to see the Smartcar Connect flow. This example runs connect in Test Mode, which uses randomized data and fake cars.

    • Normally, your users will be the one going through this flow. In this example, you will be going through it yourself.
    • Choose any make and type in a fake email/password
    • e.g. username: "blah@blah.com", password: "blah"
  2. After logging in and approving permissions, you should get a JSON response with the vehicle's make, model, year, and id.

Follow along with the print statements in your terminal to see the steps!

** example/getting-started.rs has print statements that correspond to the 7-step Flow above. To minimize noise, the code below does not include the print statements.

Getting started (with axum web framework)

use axum::extract::Query;
use axum::http::StatusCode;
use axum::response::{IntoResponse, Redirect};
use axum::Json;
use axum::{routing::get, Router};
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_json::json;

use smartcar::*;

use auth_client::{AuthClient, AuthUrlOptionsBuilder};
use response::{Meta, VehicleAttributes};
use vehicle::Vehicle;

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/login", get(login))
        .route("/callback", get(callback));


/// Helper for creating an Auth Client instance with your credentials
fn get_auth_client() -> AuthClient {

/// Smartcar Connect Flow
async fn login() -> Redirect {
    // Flow - Step 1
    let auth_client = get_auth_client();
    let scope = ScopeBuilder::new().add_permission(Permission::ReadVehicleInfo);
    let auth_url_options = AuthUrlOptionsBuilder::new().set_force_prompt(true);

    // Flow - Step 2
    let auth_url = auth_client.get_auth_url(&scope, Some(&auth_url_options));


struct Callback {
    code: Option<String>,
    error: Option<String>,

async fn callback(q: Query<Callback>) -> impl IntoResponse {
    // Flow - Step 3 completed, starting 4a

    // If user denies you access, you'll see this
    if let Some(_) = &q.error {
        return (
            Json(json!("User delined during Smartcar Connect")),

    // This is the code that represents the user’s consent to grant you permission
    // to read their vehicle's attributes. This code must be exchanged for an
    // access token to start making requests to the vehicle.
    let code = &q.code.to_owned().unwrap();

    match get_attributes_handler(&code).await {
        Err(_) => {
            return (
                Json(json!("attributes request failed")),
        Ok((attributes, _)) => {

async fn get_attributes_handler(
    auth_code: &str,
) -> Result<(VehicleAttributes, Meta), smartcar::error::Error> {
    let client = get_auth_client();

    // Flow - Step 4b
    let (access, _) = client.exchange_code(auth_code).await?;

    // Flow - Step 5
    let (vehicle_ids, _) = smartcar::get_vehicles(&access, None, None).await?;

    // Flow - Step 6
    let vehicle = Vehicle::new(&vehicle_ids.vehicles[0], &access.access_token);

    // Flow - Step 7
    let (attributes, meta) = vehicle.attributes().await?;

    Ok((attributes, meta))


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