#system #encrypting #encryption #data #store #text #recs


A confusing library for encrypting files and text

1 stable release

2.5.2 Jul 15, 2024

#1716 in Cryptography

Used in dusa

MIT and GPL-3.0-only


Rust Encryption Core System

Felt trendy at first now it's serious

RECS is aes-cbc-256 powered encryption library. It's purpose is to allow programs to store non-volatile data on the system and not allow prying eyes to snoop and or modify this data.

This is also a learning tool for me to better understand rust and working with unix-like systems.

Getting started

When using the recs it must be initialized by calling resc::initialize() before trying to read or write data This ensures all the maps( json file ) and the system array are in the right place and can be accessed

MORE documentation comming soon.


~751K SLoC