#logger #temp #write #applications #log-file #write-file #directory


A really simple application to write files to a log in the /tmp dir

3 stable releases

1.2.3 Jul 25, 2024
1.2.2 Jul 22, 2024
1.2.1 Jul 15, 2024

#1 in #tmp

Used in 2 crates


116 lines

Why is this

I have a few existing rust progects sact (superuser act) and rest (new encore) that share alot of similar code... This is the code. There will be another one like this just to keep code organize and seperate. This also allow be to update diffrent components with a cargo build as oppose to having to change the same file multiple times.

This is a really simple "logger" it writes stuff to a file in /tmp so it cant get to big but it exists


~526K SLoC