#wireguard #tokens #tun #online #digital #protocols #rich


an implementation of the WireGuard® protocol that uses rich online digital tokens for configuration and mutual authentication

4 releases

0.90.15 Oct 26, 2023
0.90.12 Oct 9, 2023
0.90.11 Oct 3, 2023
0.90.10 Sep 26, 2023

#8 in #rich

34 downloads per month
Used in cableguard-cli


7.5K SLoC

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CableGuard TUN Library

Most of the following information refers to cableguard-cli This library has not been tested yet Please check https://crates.io/crates/cableguard-cli

CableGuard TUN is an implementation of the WireGuard® protocol with Rich Online Digital Tokens (RODiT). RODiT are an implementation of non-fungible tokens that contain all the configuration, identity, and subscription information for Cableguard TUN endpoints. Cableguard TUN is based on Cloudflare's Borintung, a Rust implememtation of Wireguard. This project is part of a large ecosystem (Cableguard FORGE, Cableguard TOOL, Cableguard WALLET, Cableguard FIND and Cableguard AUTH), and consists of three parts:

  • The executable cableguard-cli, a userspace WireGuard implementation for Linux and macOS.
  • The library cableguard that implements the underlying WireGuard protocol, without the network or tunnel stacks that need to be that need to be implemented in a platform idiomatic way.
  • The rodtwallet.sh scripts (temporary implementation of Cableguard WALLET) that works with the NEAR CLI interface. It provides barebones command line crytographic commands for the management of RODiT and NEAR implicit accounts.


This project is released under the GPLv2. More information may be found at WireGuard.com.**


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the 3-Clause BSD License, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

If you want to contribute to this project, please contact vpn@cableguard.org.

How to Install from Source

  • sudo apt install pkg-config
  • git clone https://github.com/alanesmizi/cableguardvpn.git
  • cargo build --bin cableguard-cli --release By default the executable is placed in the ./target/release folder. You can copy it to a desired location manually, or install it using cargo install --bin cableguard --path ..

You may want to add to .bashrc these lines:

  • sudo setcap cap_net_admin+epi .//cableguard-cli
  • export BLOCKCHAIN_ENV=testnet (for testnet, mainnet for mainnet)

How to Use

To start a tunnel use: cableguard-cli [-f/--foreground] <filewithaccount.json>

Where <filewithaccount.json> is a NEAR implicit account created with ./wallet/rodtwallet.sh genaccount

cableguard will drop privileges when started. When privileges are dropped it is not possible to set fwmark. If fwmark is required, such as when using wg-quick, run with --disable-drop-privileges or set the environment variable WG_SUDO=1. You will need to give the executable the CAP_NET_ADMIN capability using: sudo setcap cap_net_admin+epi cableguard.

It may be possible to use with wg-quick by setting the environment variable WG_QUICK_USERSPACE_IMPLEMENTATION to cableguard. For example: sudo WG_QUICK_USERSPACE_IMPLEMENTATION=cableguard-cli WG_SUDO=1 wg-quick up CONFIGURATION

Supported platforms

  • It has only been tested in AMD/Intel
  • x86-64 architecture is supported.

Cableguard Ecosystem

  • Cableguard TUN: VPN tunnels
  • Cableguard TOOLS: local VPN tunnel configuration
  • Cableguard FORGE: RODiT minter
  • Cableguard WALLET: RODiT manager
  • Cableguard AUTH: RODiT authentication for interoperability with implementation of the Triangle of Trust.
  • Cableguard FIND: Server and peer finder

WireGuard is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld. Cableguard is not sponsored or endorsed by Jason A. Donenfeld.


~708K SLoC