#tls #w5500 #wiznet

no-std w5500-tls

TLS client for the Wiznet W5500 internet offload chip

9 unstable releases (3 breaking)

0.4.0 Jun 9, 2024
0.3.0 Oct 2, 2023
0.2.0 Aug 6, 2023
0.1.3 Aug 7, 2022
0.1.0-alpha.0 Mar 20, 2022

#564 in Embedded development

Used in w5500-mqtt

MIT license

4.5K SLoC


TLS v1.3 client for the Wiznet W5500 SPI internet offload chip.

This requires roughly 19k of flash for a thumbv7em-none-eabi target with -O3, debug assertions enabled, and the p256-cm4 feature. Enabling all logging requires an additional ~40k of flash.


⚠️ This is in an early alpha state ⚠️

All the usual security disclaimers apply here, read the license, your hamster may explode if you use this, don't use this code in production, etc.

Additionally this is not secure from side channel attacks.

  • Encryption may occur in-place in the socket buffers, anything with access to the physical SPI bus or the SPI device registers can easily intercept data.
  • To facilitate the ill-advised encryption in-place in the socket buffers there is a hacky AES implementation that has little thought put towards constant-time evaluation.


At the moment this only supports pre-shared keys. This will not work for majority of web (HTTPS) applications.

  • Requires a local buffer equal to the socket buffer size.
    • TLS record fragmentation makes implementing socket buffer streaming impractical.
  • Limited cryptography support
    • Cipher: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
    • Key Exchange: secp256r1
  • Does not support certificate validation
  • Does not support client certificates (mutual TLS)
  • Does not support early data
  • Does not support serving TLS

Feature Flags

All features are disabled by default.

  • eh0: Passthrough to w5500-hl.
  • eh1: Passthrough to w5500-hl.
  • defmt: Enable logging with defmt. Also a passthrough to w5500-hl.
  • log: Enable logging with log.
  • p256-cm4: Use p256-cm4, a P256 implementation optimized for the Cortex-M4 CPU.


~68K SLoC