› Stats

Rust crates ecosystem statistics.

Growth of the registry

Download history of all crates since 2015 32M 64M 96M 128M 160M 192M 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Daily downloads since Rust 1.0, 7-day average

Crate downloads are growing at a rate of 2.0× per year. has served 223.0 million downloads in a single day, which is more than all downloads in the first 29 months since the release of Rust 1.0 in May 2015.

Traffic during weekdays is typically 2.9× higher than during weekends (up from 2.8× a year before).

42712 crate owners registered on 7K 14K 21K 28K 35K 42K 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Number of users/teams owning a crate on

There are 42,712 users or teams that have a crate on The number of owners is growing at a rate of 1.2× per year. has indexed 163346 crates.


Number of direct dependencies

Number of libraries explicitly used by each crate. Includes dev, build-time and optional dependencies.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 ≥12 ≥14 ≥16 ≥18 ≥20 ≥25 ≥30 ≥40 ≥60 ≥80 ≥100 ≥120 ≥150
ruuvitag-upload ic-stable-structures systemd_socket futures-enum mongodb-gridfs arrow-digest cosmic-cli epsilonz tembo-telemetry fabric-system parrot-network google-plus1 globescraper koth kcheck oxidate tappet z_osmf bevy_remote speedrun-api crows-wasm cargo-index-transit cipherstash-grpc-web-client linera-alloy-signer-ledger imag-link cargo-upload lindera-dictionary mpstthree cueball-dns-resolver modio-logger-db ugdb krata-ctl highnoon turn-server manas_repo_layers gringron_api terra-rust-api async-acme flowrs-tui juniper_puff wasmut coyote tf-demo-parser presenterm i-slint-renderer-skia hc-wasmer tmkms ssstar drogue-bazaar lamellar bitomc northstar-runtime golem-cloud-cli sp1-core ibc-relayer serde_dynamo miraland-runtime hipcheck surrealdb-sql pingap nu-command staging-kusama-runtime lingua mindustry-mod-v7 polkadot-service coreutils zawk homestar-workspace-hack zero4rs forest-filecoin zigbee2mqtt-types uhg-custom-appollo-roouter

Number of transitive reverse dependencies (popularity)

How often each library crate is used as a dependency in other crates, directly or indirectly. Includes dev, build-time, and optional dependencies.

1 2 ≥5 ≥15 ≥50 ≥100 ≥300 ≥1000 ≥2500 ≥5000 ≥10000 ≥20000 ≥50000
grex qm-role-build cmsis_dsp_sys_pregenerated google-consumersurveys2 notion-async-api bison-http shine-stdext gtk-test log-tracing-layer sql_tool_core geo-booleanop geometry_msgs near-vm-vm near-contract-standards ewe_trace handlebars_misc_helpers fibers_global ratelimit zookeeper u-siem codspeed-criterion-compat eui48 re_types utoipa-swagger-ui femme tokenizers miniquad move-deps redb uname configparser color-backtrace jsonpath_lib ndarray-linalg nu-utils actix-testing if-watch tokio-openssl jsonrpsee open-fastrlp-derive gcd planus dary_heap is-wsl gix-trace x11rb-protocol impl-serde quinn-proto color-eyre wayland-protocols chacha20poly1305 pyo3-build-config servo_arc inventory memmap float-cmp termtree phf_macros predicates-core matrixmultiply tungstenite xattr codespan-reporting precomputed-hash signal-hook parking ucd-trie kernel32-sys phf polling der rdrand futures-executor windows-strings iovec tracing-subscriber redox_users num-rational flate2 tinyvec_macros termcolor bytemuck pin-project-internal env_logger thread_local rustix hyper cpufeatures crypto-common unicode-width httparse zerocopy-derive http mime pkg-config windows-sys windows_aarch64_msvc num-traits bitflags windows_x86_64_gnullvm smallvec itoa windows_i686_gnullvm syn windows_i686_gnu


How long a crate has been in development

Time between its oldest and newest release.

one-off ≤1 week ≤1 month ≤6 months ≤1 year ≤2 years ≤3 years ≤5 years ≤7 years ≤10 years ≤10 years
ya yesqlr oxidate blackjack_commons boing-internals static-self-derive console-codes epsilonz group-varint-offset-encoding cargo-vistree af_path impc nasoone-lib packtool caffe2op-enforce qst steel-engine ooproxy clap-utilities docufort flowcrafter portman_client resources genesis-impl copo num-digitize range_bounds_map signature_bls ops oxidux atsam4n16b-pac libusbk-sys workflow-rpc keebrs oml-game ms3d tuplex pause_console gd32f1x0-hal nodrop-union vec_map rio_turtle ghost histo cargo-hack chrono-humanize fletcher google-dfareporting2d8 block-utils base64-serde capnpc flate2

Time without any updates

Time since crate's most recent release. Keep in mind that some crates can be "done" and not need regular updates.

≤1 month ≤3 months ≤6 months ≤1 year ≤2 years ≤3 years ≤4 years ≤5 years ≤7 years ≤10 years ≤10 years
tergo-tokenizer ic-stable-structures pyo3-object_store mustafa_art swc_ecma_compat_es2015 tree-sitter-ursa v4-proto-rs-temp edrv-l3g4200d native-pkcs11 arrow-digest gin-tonic docufort rflow nanoserde hdp-cli text_maid impc screencapturekit cargo-gc-bin peon autoken-rustc ambient_pipeline_types cargo-vistree id_factory progpool clmm-cli clap-utilities pyportus group-varint-offset-encoding cat-loggr qmc javavm cfx-types consul-rs-plus repl_framework timbre usgs-espa-client mermaid-wasmbind c-closures-build supreme libcalc sumlibrary hypermud ln azurlane css lolapi gmagick vmx-just-a-test-001-maincrate libblockchain epsilonz free typekit this-should-be-deleted rung_vm


Time since crate's first release.

≤1 month ≤3 months ≤6 months ≤1 year ≤2 years ≤3 years ≤4 years ≤5 years ≤7 years ≤10 years ≤10 years
borrow boxed_error flowrs-tui VulkanLoaderRust isr-core v4-proto-rs-temp pswatch stac-duckdb docid kur cap_access stara googleapis-tonic-google-maps-unity bevy_blendy_cameras bogdan_hello_macro synthetic spawn64 xwt-anchor moq-native flakery-client basejmp fplus-cli kcheck partiql-ast-passes busstop noosphere-cli air-script mwa_hyperdrive lapce-xi-rope smallerpdf degauss cayenne time-humanize deno_bindgen_macro uvm_cli rustpat wat-ast slyce animation prs rustorm-cli imager hypermud wallet-app arg-derive rshader vmx-just-a-test-001-maincrate doug idem nakacli epsilonz free xsv iobuf portaudio

Number of releases per crate

Number of unique versions of each crate, excluding yanked versions.

1 2 ≥4 ≥8 ≥16 ≥32 ≥50 ≥100 ≥500
boing-internals ya yesqlr blackjack_commons fbnc stara epsilonz group-varint-offset-encoding systemd_socket static-self-derive stopwatch physfs-rs tower-sessions-surrealdb-store rustcord-sys tembo-telemetry git_mob rsocket_rust_transport_tcp reddit-fs tempfile-istream threescalers dingtalk-rs parrot-network micro_ndarray mpstthree josekit arrow-digest shuttle-next rust_icu_udat nanoserde sass-sys inferno aws-sdk-trustedadvisor elastic_types rasn-mib cargo-audit oculante aws-sdk-dynamodb pijul pax-cli simd-json rustc-ap-rustc_cratesio_shim rustc-ap-syntax_pos rustc-ap-rustc_data_structures rustc-ap-syntax oni-comb-parser-rs

Number of crates per user

How many crates a single account (user or team) owns. Excluding all other people in the world who have 0 crates.

1 2 3 ≥6 ≥25 ≥50 ≥75 ≥100 ≥150 ≥200
dgoodlad nakajima kouky ernesto-jimenez shanesveller agemocui michaelmelanson robey raggi deontologician zacbrown ratmice auser bjc oleganza cablehead gnosek mpalmer vyfor srid RandyMcMillan cloudflare yvan-sraka archer884 omarabid drmingdrmer rklaehn labra ubnt-intrepid LPGhatguy jdonszelmann rust-embedded kvinwang FredrikNoren vercel tyleo AbstractSDK zicklag zippy wasmcloud-automation casey sudo-shashank Xuanwo jeremyBanks yayanyang boozook folex valff rust-lang madsmtm gridbugs uutils tony-iqlusion strake miralandlabs matthewkmayer kayabaNerve sunfishcode mingyang91 cart aws-sdk-rust-ci benesch Azure vkill heaths paritytech newpavlov awslabs


Crate size (KB)

Amount of data downloaded as a compressed tarball. Size of code + bundled data files. Individual crate pages show size of uncompressed code.

≤1KB ≤10KB ≤50KB ≤100KB ≤500KB ≤1MB ≤5MB ≤10MB ≤41MB
zenoh-backend-sql ipkv sekai resx cnidarium optional_take stara group-varint-offset-encoding setwallpaper cwe-api tappet arrow-digest standalone-quote emap ffmpeg-sys frame-system cross-socket rusty_express threescalers lares sidh spark-connect-rs gaal marseille mysql_async centerline ttf-noto-sans dayendar poro quilkin tauri-app-vue-example molar_powersasa telraam-rs zinzen libnet-sys my_tools rs1090 elfkit elikar_egui mwa_hyperdrive ffmpeg4-sys wandio-sys kube-custom-resources-rs occt-sys musix

Crate total bandwidth (GB)

Amount of data downloaded as a compressed tarball × number of downloads per month.

≥1MB ≥10MB ≥100MB ≥1GB ≥10GB ≥100GB ≥1TB ≥5TB ≥10TB
kcheck ruuvitag-upload vbscript ingest apollo-hyper-libretro-core-beetle-wswan speedrun-api moq-native hwlocality-sys cf async_zmq poly-mesher google-displayvideo1 terminal3d file-format actix-form-data wasmtime-winch langchain-rust chemfiles openblas-provider mathcat cosmian_findex write16 slog-term libp2p parity-scale-codec-derive gtk concurrent-queue objc2 lindera-ipadic ciborium objc2-foundation fnv hex serde tracing-subscriber mio rayon tokio-util cc time nom http-types windows_x86_64_gnullvm regex-automata librocksdb-sys syn winapi aws-lc-sys tokio encoding_rs windows_aarch64_gnullvm regex-syntax windows windows-sys libsqlite3-sys ring windows_aarch64_msvc winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu windows_x86_64_gnu windows_x86_64_msvc linux-raw-sys windows_i686_gnu


Number of crates in each category. The area is proportional to the number of distinct crate owners publishing in each category. Colors are only for decoration.

Procedural macros (6897 crates, 4635 authors) Procedural macros (6897 crates, 4635 authors)Proc macros 6897 6897 crates, 4635 authors Rust patterns (4939 crates, 3297 authors) Rust patterns (4939 crates, 3297 authors)Rust patterns 4939 4939 crates, 3297 authors Concurrency (1857 crates, 1315 authors) Concurrency (1857 crates, 1315 authors)Concurrency 1857 1857 crates, 1315 authors Web programming (7350 crates, 4180 authors) Web programming (7350 crates, 4180 authors)Web programming 7350 7350 crates, 4180 authors HTTP server (2292 crates, 1643 authors) HTTP server (2292 crates, 1643 authors)HTTP server 2292 2292 crates, 1643 authors WebAssembly (2427 crates, 1162 authors) WebAssembly (2427 crates, 1162 authors)WebAssembly 2427 2427 crates, 1162 authors HTTP client (836 crates, 749 authors) HTTP client (836 crates, 749 authors)HTTP HTTP client (836 crates, 749 authors)client 836 836 crates, 749 authors WebSocket (514 crates, 456 authors) WebSocket (514 crates, 456 authors)WebSocket 514 514 crates, 456 authors Development tools (3974 crates, 2796 authors) Development tools (3974 crates, 2796 authors)Development tools 3974 3974 crates, 2796 authors Testing (1417 crates, 1162 authors) Testing (1417 crates, 1162 authors)Testing 1417 1417 crates, 1162 authors Debugging (1309 crates, 1068 authors) Debugging (1309 crates, 1068 authors)Debugging 1309 1309 crates, 1068 authors Build Utils (1130 crates, 977 authors) Build Utils (1130 crates, 977 authors)Build Utils 1130 1130 crates, 977 authors Cargo plugins (1059 crates, 970 authors) Cargo plugins (1059 crates, 970 authors)Cargo Cargo plugins (1059 crates, 970 authors)plugins 1059 1059 crates, 970 authors Profiling (582 crates, 499 authors) Profiling (582 crates, 499 authors)Profiling 582 582 crates, 499 authors FFI (474 crates, 417 authors) FFI (474 crates, 417 authors)FFI 474 474 crates, 417 authors Command line utilities (7529 crates, 5436 authors) Command line utilities (7529 crates, 5436 authors)Command line utilities 7529 7529 crates, 5436 authors Command-line interface (1612 crates, 1230 authors) Command-line interface (1612 crates, 1230 authors)Command-line interface 1612 1612 crates, 1230 authors Network programming (8969 crates, 4497 authors) Network programming (8969 crates, 4497 authors)Network programming 8969 8969 crates, 4497 authors Asynchronous (3429 crates, 2050 authors) Asynchronous (3429 crates, 2050 authors)Async 3429 3429 crates, 2050 authors Math (2989 crates, 2245 authors) Math (2989 crates, 2245 authors)Math 2989 2989 crates, 2245 authors Machine learning (1704 crates, 999 authors) Machine learning (1704 crates, 999 authors)Machine learning 1704 1704 crates, 999 authors Science (1460 crates, 930 authors) Science (1460 crates, 930 authors)Science 1460 1460 crates, 930 authors Geospatial (387 crates, 291 authors) Geospatial (387 crates, 291 authors)Geo 387 387 crates, 291 authors Biology (455 crates, 222 authors) Biology (455 crates, 222 authors)Biology 455 455 crates, 222 authors Robotics (385 crates, 187 authors) Robotics (385 crates, 187 authors)Robots Parser implementations (5109 crates, 3972 authors) Parser implementations (5109 crates, 3972 authors)Parser implementations 5109 5109 crates, 3972 authors Parser tooling (513 crates, 382 authors) Parser tooling (513 crates, 382 authors)Parser tooling Text processing (3026 crates, 2249 authors) Text processing (3026 crates, 2249 authors)Text processing 3026 3026 crates, 2249 authors Template engine (965 crates, 758 authors) Template engine (965 crates, 758 authors)Template Template engine (965 crates, 758 authors)engine 965 965 crates, 758 authors Text editors (734 crates, 556 authors) Text editors (734 crates, 556 authors)Editors 734 734 crates, 556 authors Value formatting (518 crates, 496 authors) Value formatting (518 crates, 496 authors)Value Value formatting (518 crates, 496 authors)formatting Hardware support (3333 crates, 2051 authors) Hardware support (3333 crates, 2051 authors)Hardware support 3333 3333 crates, 2051 authors Embedded development (3559 crates, 1427 authors) Embedded development (3559 crates, 1427 authors)Embedded Embedded development (3559 crates, 1427 authors)development 3559 3559 crates, 1427 authors No standard library (654 crates, 433 authors) No standard library (654 crates, 433 authors)No standard No standard library (654 crates, 433 authors)library Database interfaces (4693 crates, 3019 authors) Database interfaces (4693 crates, 3019 authors)Database interfaces 4693 4693 crates, 3019 authors Database implementations (596 crates, 402 authors) Database implementations (596 crates, 402 authors)Database Images (1478 crates, 1168 authors) Images (1478 crates, 1168 authors)Images 1478 1478 crates, 1168 authors Audio (1750 crates, 1071 authors) Audio (1750 crates, 1071 authors)Audio 1750 1750 crates, 1071 authors Video (744 crates, 477 authors) Video (744 crates, 477 authors)Video Multimedia (609 crates, 405 authors) Multimedia (609 crates, 405 authors)Multimedia Algorithms (4039 crates, 2984 authors) Algorithms (4039 crates, 2984 authors)Algorithms 4039 4039 crates, 2984 authors Game dev (3856 crates, 1790 authors) Game dev (3856 crates, 1790 authors)Game dev 3856 3856 crates, 1790 authors Games (1376 crates, 1159 authors) Games (1376 crates, 1159 authors)Games 1376 1376 crates, 1159 authors Data structures (3876 crates, 2867 authors) Data structures (3876 crates, 2867 authors)Data structures 3876 3876 crates, 2867 authors Encoding (3711 crates, 2819 authors) Encoding (3711 crates, 2819 authors)Encoding 3711 3711 crates, 2819 authors Magic Beans (11866 crates, 2748 authors) Magic Beans (11866 crates, 2748 authors)Crypto Magic Beans 11866 11866 crates, 2748 authors Unix APIs (1524 crates, 1140 authors) Unix APIs (1524 crates, 1140 authors)Unix APIs 1524 1524 crates, 1140 authors Operating systems (1156 crates, 966 authors) Operating systems (1156 crates, 966 authors)OS 1156 1156 crates, 966 authors Windows APIs (679 crates, 289 authors) Windows APIs (679 crates, 289 authors)Windows APIs macOS and iOS APIs (336 crates, 184 authors) macOS and iOS APIs (336 crates, 184 authors)Apple Cryptography (4093 crates, 2354 authors) Cryptography (4093 crates, 2354 authors)Cryptography 4093 4093 crates, 2354 authors Filesystem (2617 crates, 2069 authors) Filesystem (2617 crates, 2069 authors)Filesystem 2617 2617 crates, 2069 authors Graphics APIs (1644 crates, 1014 authors) Graphics APIs (1644 crates, 1014 authors)Graphics Graphics APIs (1644 crates, 1014 authors)APIs 1644 1644 crates, 1014 authors Rendering (504 crates, 374 authors) Rendering (504 crates, 374 authors)Rendering 504 504 crates, 374 authors Data formats (185 crates, 167 authors) Data formats (185 crates, 167 authors)Formats Rendering engine (121 crates, 104 authors) Rendering engine (121 crates, 104 authors)Engine Authentication (1655 crates, 1293 authors) Authentication (1655 crates, 1293 authors)Auth 1655 1655 crates, 1293 authors Configuration (1487 crates, 1257 authors) Configuration (1487 crates, 1257 authors)Config 1487 1487 crates, 1257 authors Programming languages (1865 crates, 1226 authors) Programming languages (1865 crates, 1226 authors)Lang 1865 1865 crates, 1226 authors GUI (2162 crates, 1200 authors) GUI (2162 crates, 1200 authors)GUI 2162 2162 crates, 1200 authors Memory management (1138 crates, 954 authors) Memory management (1138 crates, 954 authors)Memory management 1138 1138 crates, 954 authors Compression (1144 crates, 893 authors) Compression (1144 crates, 893 authors)Compression 1144 1144 crates, 893 authors Date and time (818 crates, 756 authors) Date and time (818 crates, 756 authors)Date and Date and time (818 crates, 756 authors)time 818 818 crates, 756 authors Visualization (718 crates, 582 authors) Visualization (718 crates, 582 authors)Visualize 718 718 crates, 582 authors Caching (536 crates, 484 authors) Caching (536 crates, 484 authors)Cache Simulation (607 crates, 465 authors) Simulation (607 crates, 465 authors)Sim 607 607 crates, 465 authors Email (534 crates, 381 authors) Email (534 crates, 381 authors)Email 534 534 crates, 381 authors Internationalization (i18n) (683 crates, 370 authors) Internationalization (i18n) (683 crates, 370 authors)i18n 683 683 crates, 370 authors Finance (499 crates, 367 authors) Finance (499 crates, 367 authors)Finance 499 499 crates, 367 authors Emulators (523 crates, 345 authors) Emulators (523 crates, 345 authors)Emulators 523 523 crates, 345 authors Accessibility (97 crates, 67 authors) Accessibility (97 crates, 67 authors)a11y


Number of crates that have each of the alternatives in their dependencies. More popular doesn't mean better. These crates and categories were hand-picked.

Web frameworks
TLS clients
git clients
Error handling
Argument parsers
Markdown parsers
TOML parsers
Binary encoders
JSON parsers
Parser generators
XML parsers
Temp files

Rustc compatibility

Percentage of crates (in their current version) that can be compiled with a given Rust version. The data is based on sampling of cargo check and clippy::incompatible_msrv on Linux/aarch64. Excludes crates that never built (e.g. because they need nightly, or Windows, or unusual C dependencies).

These stats are best-case scenarios that assume use of a most-compatible Cargo.lock file. Fresh projects without a lockfile will be less compatible due to too-new transitive dependencies.

Compatibility weighed by crates' popularity is not a realistic representation of ecosystem-wide compatibility. Actual compatibility is always worse, because MSRV of projects is not an average of their dependencies MSRV, but entirely dependent on their least-compatible dependency.

All crates, including unmaintained ones

RustcOK / No data / Broken deps / Incompatible
1.82 97% compatible 2% no data 0% not compatible because of dependencies 0% not compatible
1.81 95% compatible 4% no data 0% not compatible because of dependencies 0% not compatible
1.80 95% compatible 4% no data 0% not compatible because of dependencies 0% not compatible
1.79 90% compatible 7% no data 1% not compatible because of dependencies 1% not compatible
1.78 89% compatible 8% no data 2% not compatible because of dependencies 1% not compatible
1.77 79% compatible 16% no data 3% not compatible because of dependencies 2% not compatible
1.76 78% compatible 16% no data 4% not compatible because of dependencies 2% not compatible
1.75 76% compatible 17% no data 5% not compatible because of dependencies 3% not compatible
1.74 74% compatible 17% no data 7% not compatible because of dependencies 4% not compatible
1.73 72% compatible 16% no data 10% not compatible because of dependencies 5% not compatible
1.72 71% compatible 16% no data 11% not compatible because of dependencies 5% not compatible
1.71 70% compatible 16% no data 12% not compatible because of dependencies 6% not compatible
1.70 69% compatible 17% no data 13% not compatible because of dependencies 6% not compatible
1.69 66% compatible 15% no data 18% not compatible because of dependencies 9% not compatible
1.68 64% compatible 16% no data 19% not compatible because of dependencies 9% not compatible
1.67 63% compatible 16% no data 19% not compatible because of dependencies 9% not compatible
1.66 62% compatible 16% no data 21% not compatible because of dependencies 10% not compatible
1.65 60% compatible 17% no data 22% not compatible because of dependencies 10% not compatible
1.64 56% compatible 17% no data 25% not compatible because of dependencies 12% not compatible
1.63 54% compatible 15% no data 29% not compatible because of dependencies 13% not compatible
1.62 50% compatible 16% no data 32% not compatible because of dependencies 15% not compatible
1.61 50% compatible 16% no data 33% not compatible because of dependencies 16% not compatible
1.60 47% compatible 16% no data 35% not compatible because of dependencies 17% not compatible
1.56 38% compatible 17% no data 44% not compatible because of dependencies 25% not compatible
1.55 30% compatible 3% no data 65% not compatible because of dependencies 63% not compatible
1.50 27% compatible 3% no data 68% not compatible because of dependencies 65% not compatible
1.45 24% compatible 3% no data 71% not compatible because of dependencies 68% not compatible
1.40 20% compatible 5% no data 74% not compatible because of dependencies 70% not compatible
1.35 15% compatible 4% no data 80% not compatible because of dependencies 74% not compatible
1.31 12% compatible 4% no data 83% not compatible because of dependencies 77% not compatible
1.30 5% compatible 1% no data 92% not compatible because of dependencies 92% not compatible
1.25 4% compatible 2% no data 93% not compatible because of dependencies 92% not compatible

4000 most recently updated crates

RustcOK / No data / Broken deps / Incompatible
1.82 93% compatible 6% no data 0% not compatible because of dependencies 0% not compatible
1.81 82% compatible 14% no data 2% not compatible because of dependencies 2% not compatible
1.80 77% compatible 15% no data 6% not compatible because of dependencies 5% not compatible
1.79 63% compatible 23% no data 12% not compatible because of dependencies 8% not compatible
1.78 58% compatible 22% no data 19% not compatible because of dependencies 11% not compatible
1.77 50% compatible 26% no data 23% not compatible because of dependencies 13% not compatible
1.76 46% compatible 26% no data 26% not compatible because of dependencies 15% not compatible
1.75 43% compatible 25% no data 31% not compatible because of dependencies 17% not compatible
1.74 37% compatible 22% no data 39% not compatible because of dependencies 21% not compatible
1.73 34% compatible 20% no data 45% not compatible because of dependencies 23% not compatible
1.72 32% compatible 20% no data 47% not compatible because of dependencies 23% not compatible
1.71 31% compatible 20% no data 48% not compatible because of dependencies 24% not compatible
1.70 28% compatible 14% no data 57% not compatible because of dependencies 25% not compatible
1.69 20% compatible 10% no data 69% not compatible because of dependencies 29% not compatible
1.68 18% compatible 11% no data 70% not compatible because of dependencies 29% not compatible
1.67 18% compatible 11% no data 70% not compatible because of dependencies 29% not compatible
1.66 16% compatible 11% no data 71% not compatible because of dependencies 30% not compatible
1.65 14% compatible 13% no data 72% not compatible because of dependencies 30% not compatible
1.64 12% compatible 10% no data 77% not compatible because of dependencies 32% not compatible
1.63 11% compatible 9% no data 79% not compatible because of dependencies 33% not compatible
1.62 8% compatible 9% no data 82% not compatible because of dependencies 34% not compatible
1.61 6% compatible 9% no data 83% not compatible because of dependencies 35% not compatible
1.60 5% compatible 8% no data 86% not compatible because of dependencies 35% not compatible
1.56 1% compatible 6% no data 91% not compatible because of dependencies 46% not compatible
1.55 0% compatible 0% no data 98% not compatible because of dependencies 97% not compatible
1.50 0% compatible 0% no data 99% not compatible because of dependencies 98% not compatible
1.45 0% compatible 0% no data 99% not compatible because of dependencies 98% not compatible
1.40 0% compatible 0% no data 99% not compatible because of dependencies 98% not compatible
1.35 0% compatible 0% no data 99% not compatible because of dependencies 98% not compatible
1.31 0% compatible 0% no data 99% not compatible because of dependencies 98% not compatible
1.30 0% compatible 0% no data 99% not compatible because of dependencies 99% not compatible
1.25 0% compatible 0% no data 99% not compatible because of dependencies 99% not compatible

Usage of Rust versions based on traffic

This is based on request log data from the last week. This is not limited to real users, and includes automated traffic like CI. 86% of requests were from stable (non-nightly) Rust versions. Less than 0.22% of requests came from Rust versions older than 1.63.

This many requests… 0% 5% 43% 68% 76% 86% 88% 90% 92% 95% 96% 98% 99.2% 99.3% 99.6% 99.7%
…use this stable version of Rust or newer 1.84 1.83+ 1.82+ 1.81+ 1.80+ 1.79+ 1.78+ 1.77+ 1.76+ 1.75+ 1.73+ 1.70+ 1.67+ 1.66+ 1.65+ 1.63+
This many requests… 4% 5% 6% 7% 13% 13% 13% 13% 14%
…use this or newer nightly version of Rust 1.84+ 1.83+ 1.82+ 1.81+ 1.80+ 1.79+ 1.78+ 1.77+ 1.76+