Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2023 2024

rustls-pki-types is used at run time in 3,822 crates (of which 1,173 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 155 crates. It's used at build time in 126 crates (of which 66 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 218 crates (of which 3 directly).

Number of dependers rustls-pki-types version Downloads/month
4,165 1.11.0 6.3M
1 0.2.3 1.1K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) rustls-pki-types version
11.4M 1033 rustls ^1.10
9.4M 72 rustls-webpki ^1.11
9.3M 515 rustls-pemfile ^1.9
8.0M 1015 hyper-rustls ^1
7.6M 405 webpki-roots ^1.8
6.3M 212 rustls-native-certs ^1.10
3.1M 38 quinn-proto ^1.7
7.9M 11375 reqwest optional ^1.1.0
3.2M 315 tungstenite optional ^1.0
2.8M 806 tokio-tungstenite optional ^1.0
2.3M 970 ureq optional ^1.11.0
892K 300 rcgen ^1.4.1
313K 39 futures-rustls ^1
197K 6 webpki-root-certs ^1.8
408K 103 bollard optional ^1.7
118K 8 rustls-connector ^1.4
320K 4 jsonrpsee-client-transport optional ^1
300K 17 actix-tls optional ^1
293K 139 async-tungstenite optional ^1.0.1
258K 106 axum-server optional ^1.7
27K 6 instant-acme ^1.1.0
62K 16 tokio-websockets optional ^1
13K 1 async-web-client ^1.0.0
13K 67 surrealdb ^1.7.0
11K 8 mail-send ^1
11K 1 zenoh-link-quic ^1.8.0
11K 1 zenoh-link-tls ^1.8.0
9.3K 5 iroh-quinn-proto ^1.7
4.7K 1 surrealdb-nightly ^1.7.0
3.1K 11 wtransport ^1.8.0
2.8K jmap-client ^1
8.4K 9 amqprs optional ^1.7.0
2.4K 3 rustls-ffi ^1
7.0K cf-reqwest optional ^1.1.0
2.1K 2 rustls-cert-file-reader ^1.3
2.1K 2 rustls-cert-read ^1.3
6.4K 38 tor-rtcompat optional ^1
5.5K 27 http_req optional ^1.10
1.6K rustls-cert-gen ^1.4.1
1.4K 3 dragonfly-client-config ^1.11.0
1.4K 1 dragonfly-client-backend ^1.11.0
1.4K 1 dragonfly-client ^1.11.0
1.4K 4 dragonfly-client-util ^1.11.0
1.3K ma ^1.1.0
1.2K 1 taxy-api ^1.10.0
1.2K 5 cargo-lambda-remote ^1.10.0
3.9K 8 volo optional ^1
900 inspect-cert-chain ^1
900 questdb-rs ^1.0.1
700 1 pingora-rustls ^1.7.0
700 1 edgee-server ^1.10.0
600 authly-client ^1
550 1 gel-stream ^1
450 witchcraft-server ^1.11.0
440 certificate_manager ^1.10.1
440 1 adb_client ^1.11.0
410 vproxy ^1.11.0
390 1 rustls-rustcrypto ^1.0.1
380 zenoh-backend-s3 ^1.1.0
380 hyper-client-io-wizard ^1
1.6K 15 product-os-security optional ^1.11.0
1.6K 1 tracing-gelf optional ^1.1.0
1.5K 5 oxhttp optional ^1.10
340 1 anypki ^1.10.0
1.3K 1 klickhouse optional ^1.4
280 2 product-os-proxy ^1.10.1
270 2 agp-config ^1.10.0
260 shotover ^1.0.1
250 18 fedimint-api-client ^1.10.1
240 2 crud-api ^1
240 3 lumina-node ^1.7.0
1.1K 1 ezk-sip-core optional ^1
180 hotfix ^0.2
180 portable-rustls ^1.11
1.0K 1 karyon_net optional ^1.9
160 zero-trust-rps ^1.10.1
160 1 mail-send-fork ^1
150 dufs ^1.2
150 2 mtop-client ^1.7.0
140 mtop ^1.7.0
130 surrealdb-beta ^1.7.0
120 jets ^1.11.0
120 rustls-graviola ^1.11
120 gst-plugin-quinn ^1
850 oha optional ^1.7.0
110 plane ^1.0.0
110 qcp ^1.11.0
110 nikau ^1.7
100 lmql ^1.11
100 bongonet-rustls ^1.7.0
flexible-hyper-server-tls ^1.10.0
surrealdb-alpha ^1.7.0
2 drawbridge-client ^1.4.1
stat_server ^1
2 samsa ^1.4.1
fast_websocket_client ^1
1 net-transport ^1.0.1
orchestra-toolkit ^1.0.1
socky ^1.7.0
650 2 renet2_netcode optional ^1.7
2 tls-helpers ^1.4.1
1 drawbridge-server ^1.4.1
1 small-acme ^1.1.0
mco-http-rustls ^1.0
7 htsget-config ^1
1 satex-serve ^1.0
15 netidx ^1
clia-rustls-mod ^1.2
certgenutil ^1.8.0
neo4j ^1.4.1
ockam_command ^1.7.0
socket-flow ^1
unleash-edge ^1.11.0
webpki-ccadb ^1
craftls ^1
1 typeline_ext_http ^1
hafnium ^1.10.0
http-mtls-proxy ^1.0.1
mumble-rs ^1.7.0
qslib ^1.10.1
simple-hyper-client-rustls ^1.11.0
tls-certificate-exporter ^1
vacuna ^1.0
310 7 bollard-next optional ^1.7
310 renet2_setup optional ^1.7
260 1 reqwest-h3 optional ^1.1.0
240 p12_polyfill optional ^1
230 faktory optional ^1.0.1
200 4 hyper-serve optional ^1.7
170 2 mozilla-root-ca optional ^1.10.1
110 1 rustmann optional ^1.0
110 8 thruster optional ^1
100 7 kern optional ^1.3.1
wtx optional ^1.0
3 remotefs-ftp optional ^1
2 rama-tls optional ^1
axum-serveplus optional ^1.7
1 axum-server2 optional ^1.7
bgpfu-netconf optional ^1.0
confab optional ^1.0.1
1 dusks-reqwest optional ^1.1.0
1 gneiss-mqtt optional ^1
instant-epp optional ^1
1 ldap-rs optional ^1
3 nex-socket optional ^1.7
reqwest-patched optional ^1.7.0
4 xwt-cert-fingerprint optional ^1
18K 8 dropshot dev ^1.10.0
18K 27 tokio-modbus dev ^1
14K 5 pgwire dev ^1.0
650 3 touche dev ^1.10
550 1 tower-server dev ^1
330 rustls-cng dev ^1
dash-mpd-cli dev ^1.9.0
argan dev ^1
drawbridge dev ^1.4.1
opensrv-mysql dev ^1.0
pki dev ^1