Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

heck is used at run time in 29,956 crates (of which 2,425 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 886 crates. It's used at build time in 1,712 crates (of which 265 optionally, 41 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1,700 crates (of which 9 directly).

Number of dependers heck version Downloads/month
19,949 0.5.0 11.3M
7,401 0.4.1 8.8M
6,017 0.3.3 2.8M
1 0.2.1 26
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) heck version
12.3M 93 clap_derive ^0.5.0
11.5M 1443 strum_macros ^0.5.0
7.0M 486 prost-build >=0.4, <=0.5
5.5M 1 pyo3-macros-backend ^0.5
3.4M 2 snafu-derive >=0.4, <0.6
2.5M 166 cbindgen ^0.4
2.5M 100 enum-as-inner ^0.5
2.6M 3 sqlx-macros-core ^0.5
1.9M 1 ouroboros_macro ^0.4.1
1.5M 71 structopt-derive ^0.3.0
1.0M 20 is-macro ^0.5.0
2.2M 538 handlebars optional ^0.5
989K 1 tabled_derive ^0.5
894K 161 system-deps ^0.5
883K 4 sea-bae ^0.4
877K 2 typify-impl ^0.5.0
860K 20 pbjson-build ^0.5
798K 4 graphql_client_codegen ^0.4.0
782K 1 gherkin build ^0.4
739K 10 prost-wkt-build >=0.4, <=0.5
683K 3 substrait build ^0.5.0
600K substrait-validator ^0.5
600K 1 substrait-validator-derive ^0.5
597K 5 glib-macros ^0.5
430K 2 alloy-sol-macro-expander ^0.5
429K 3 alloy-sol-macro-input ^0.5.0
423K 1 sea-query-derive ^0.4
362K 2 jsonrpsee-proc-macros ^0.5.0
360K 3 sea-orm-macros ^0.4
349K 1 dsl_auto_type ^0.5
342K 3 subenum ^0.4.1
325K 4 libp2p-swarm-derive ^0.5
245K 201 tauri ^0.5
241K 31 tauri-build ^0.5
241K 3 tauri-macros ^0.5
239K 3 wasmtime-wit-bindgen ^0.5
708K 50 duplicate optional ^0.5
232K 1 sea-schema-derive ^0.4
229K 1 walrus-macro ^0.5.0
217K 1 mysql-common-derive ^0.5.0
206K 3 postgres-derive ^0.5
200K 29 wit-bindgen-core ^0.5
197K 2 subxt-codegen ^0.5.0
189K 1 refinery-macros ^0.5
165K 5 wit-bindgen-rust ^0.5
159K 2 rustler_codegen ^0.5
144K 5 progenitor-impl ^0.5.0
135K 12 uniffi_bindgen ^0.5
125K 7 serde-generate ^0.3.2
124K 33 anchor-syn ^0.3
124K 2 wiggle-generate ^0.5
114K 1 option_set ^0.5
111K 2 membrane_types ^0.4
110K 6 anchor-attribute-program ^0.3
106K 1 metered-macro ^0.4
101K 4 wai-bindgen-gen-rust ^0.3
101K 3 wai-bindgen-gen-rust-wasm ^0.3
97K 19 diesel-derive-enum ^0.4.0
84K 1 axum_typed_multipart_macros ^0.5.0
81K 2 protoc-gen-tonic ^0.5.0
76K 1 salsa-macros ^0.5.0
61K 15 cargo-generate ~0.5
55K 2 rust-analyzer-salsa-macros ^0.4
47K 2 skia-bindings build ^0.5.0
41K 1 diesel_cli ^0.5.0
38K 4 just ^0.5.0
37K 1 test-fuzz-macro ^0.5
34K 1 dropshot_endpoint ^0.5.0
34K 3 wit-bindgen-wrpc-rust ^0.5
31K 4 duckscriptsdk ^0.5
28K 1 cbordata-derive ^0.3.0
26K 1 measured-derive ^0.5.0
80K 1 const-str-proc-macro optional ^0.5.0
25K 20 yaserde_derive ^0.5
21K 85 vulkano build ^0.4
21K 4 anchor-attribute-interface ^0.3.2
21K 9 zksync_protobuf_build ^0.5.0
21K 1 zone_cfg_derive ^0.4
19K 2 tauri-bundler ^0.5
20K 5 wasm-compose ^0.4.0
18K 1 tree-sitter-cli ^0.5.0
17K 1 tauri-cli ^0.5
14K 10 bae ^0.3
15K 1 cargo-mobile2 ^0.5
14K 1 sea-strum_macros ^0.3
13K 127 nu-protocol ^0.5.0
13K 4 teloxide-macros ^0.4.0
41K 9 anchor-lang-idl optional ^0.3
12K 1 ra_ap_salsa-macros ^0.4
12K 11 typst-macros ^0.5
10K 4 anchor-idl ^0.4.0
11K 2 cargo-component ^0.5.0
10K 1 chromiumoxide_pdl ^0.4
10K 1 nu-derive-value ^0.5.0
11K 4 tree-sitter-generate ^0.5.0
9.7K 8 derive_is_enum_variant ^0.3.0
26K 29 derive-deftly optional >=0.4, <0.6
26K 1 derive-deftly-macros optional >=0.4, <0.6
8.6K 1 safer-ffi-gen-macro ^0.4.1
8.4K 1 wasm-bindgen-webidl ^0.3
7.8K 2 rsgen-avro ^0.5
7.6K 1 jnix-macros ^0.4
7.5K 2 sea-orm-codegen ^0.4
7.5K 1 lspower-macros ^0.3
7.3K nimiq-jsonrpc-derive ^0.5
7.3K 2 rrgen ^0.4.1
6.9K 3 loco-rs ^0.4.0
6.9K 3 tauri-specta ^0.4.1
6.6K 47 vulkano-shaders ^0.4
6.5K 1 deluxe-macros ^0.4.0
6.1K 1 config-derive ^0.4.0
17K 13 fluent-templates optional ^0.5
5.7K 1 kameo_macros ^0.5
5.7K 1 ink_codegen ^0.5.0
16K 7 paperclip optional ^0.4
16K 2 paperclip-core optional ^0.4
17K 3 paperclip-macros optional ^0.4
5.6K 2 wai-bindgen-gen-wasmer ^0.3
5.5K 3 strict_encoding_derive ^0.5.0
5.4K 2 apollo-router ^0.5.0
5.3K 10 contract-build ^0.5.0
5.3K tauri-specta-macros ^0.5.0
5.2K 1 confique-macro ^0.5.0
4.9K sea-query-attr ^0.5
4.9K wit-bindgen-rust-lib ^0.4
4.9K sanitizer ^0.3.2
4.6K 1 dync-derive ^0.3
4.5K 2 godot-codegen ^0.5
3.9K 8 amethyst_derive ^0.3.1
3.9K 1 enum-try-as-inner ^0.4
3.8K asn1-compiler ^0.4
3.7K 1 raffia_macro ^0.5
3.4K 2 ramhorns-derive ^0.5
3.3K 3 hdk_derive ^0.5
3.3K 3 usage-lib ^0.5
3.1K 7 structstruck ^0.4.1
3.1K 2 prost-validate-derive-core ^0.5.0
3.1K prost-validate-build ^0.5.0
3.1K 1 knuffel-derive ^0.4.1
3.1K 3 derivit-core ^0.4
3.0K 16 viewit ^0.4
3.0K mise ^0.5
2.5K diplomat-tool ^0.4
2.4K 2 wasmcloud-tracing ^0.5
2.4K diesel-json-derive ^0.5.0
2.4K 2 substreams-ethereum-abigen ^0.4
2.3K 1 substreams-ethereum-derive ^0.4
2.2K 1 keycode_macro ^0.3.1
2.1K 3 toml-cfg ^0.4.0
2.1K 3 pdl-compiler ^0.4.0
2.1K 1 gherkin_rust build ^0.3
2.1K 5 nu-cmd-extra ^0.5.0
2.0K 1 capnp_conv_macros ^0.5
1.9K necessist-frameworks ^0.5
1.8K 1 anchor-cli ^0.4.0
1.7K 1 easytier-rpc-build ^0.5
1.7K flapigen ^0.5.0
1.6K 2 redis-derive ^0.4.1
1.6K 3 mavinspect ^0.5.0
1.5K subxt-cli ^0.5.0
1.5K diesel_as_jsonb ^0.4.0
1.5K 1 serde_avro_derive_macros ^0.5
1.5K kopium ^0.5.0
1.5K 3 witgen_macro_helper ^0.4.0
1.4K 3 configure ^0.3.0
1.4K 1 configure_derive ^0.3.0
1.4K 3 catalytic ^0.5
1.4K 1 catalytic_table_to_struct ^0.5
1.3K 1 better-bae-macros ^0.4
1.2K 3 spacetimedb-bindings-macro ^0.4
1.2K 1 pilota-build ^0.5
4.2K 3 icu_provider_baked optional ^0.5
1.2K wgsl_bindgen ^0.5
1.1K loco ^0.5.0
1.1K 1 clap-config-file ^0.4
1.0K 10 wasm_client_solana ^0.5
1.0K 1 fastobo-derive-internal ^0.5.0
1.0K 2 mavspec_rust_derive ^0.5.0
1.0K 2 mavspec_rust_gen ^0.5.0
1.0K kaptn-cli ^0.5.0
950 2 webgl_generator ^0.3
3.4K 4 dylint optional ^0.5
950 1 generate_from_path ^0.5.0
900 1 v_utils_macros ^0.5.0
900 1 webidl2wit ^0.5
850 1 easy-jsonrpc-proc-macro-mw ^0.3.1
850 seaography ^0.4.1
850 clorinde ^0.5.0
850 7 soroban-spec-typescript ^0.4.1
800 4 soroban-cli ^0.5.0
800 2 volo-build ^0.5
750 2 planus-codegen ^0.5.0
750 3 wasm-bridge-macros ^0.5
750 1 wit-bindgen-csharp ^0.5
750 2 wit-bindgen-c ^0.5
750 1 spider_chromiumoxide_pdl ^0.4
750 1 wit-bindgen-markdown ^0.5
750 1 wit-bindgen-moonbit ^0.5
2.8K derive-adhoc optional ^0.4
2.7K 1 derive-adhoc-macros optional ^0.4
750 1 impl-enum ^0.4.0
750 1 clap_derive-v3 ^0.3.0
700 1 leptos-struct-table-macro ^0.4
700 1 rio-macros ^0.5.0
700 1 derive_state_machine_future ^0.3.0
700 1 gesha-rust-shapes ^0.5.0
700 1 kwui-sys build ^0.5.0
650 1 bevy_trenchbroom_macros ^0.5
650 14 gdnative_bindings_generator ^0.4
650 1 yew-callbacks ^0.4.0
650 2 openapi-types ^0.5.0
650 1 shank_idl ^0.3.3
650 cot-cli ^0.5
650 2 cot_codegen ^0.5
650 publisher ^0.4.1
650 1 instant-xml-macros ^0.5
600 1 cot_macros ^0.5
600 1 sqlx-macros-oldapi ^0.5
600 2 cfn-guard ^0.3.1
550 1 interoptopus_backend_csharp ^0.4.0
550 sanctum-macros >=0.4, <0.6
550 1 gh-workflow-macros ^0.5.0
550 wit-bindgen-teavm-java ^0.5
550 1 dbc-codegen ^0.4.0
550 4 ink_lang_codegen ^0.4.0
550 wit-bindgen-go ^0.5
550 adam ^0.4.1
550 substruct ^0.5.0
500 11 atelier_core ^0.3
500 1 cffi-impl ^0.3
500 1 derive_typst_intoval ^0.5.0
500 4 field_types ^0.3
500 1 clap_derive_cryo ^0.4.0
500 1 gsettings-macro ^0.5
500 qcp ^0.5.0
490 1 partial_struct ^0.5.0
1.9K fefix optional ^0.3
450 flexml ^0.5
450 1 include_folder_macros ^0.5.0
1.8K 4 iota-sdk optional ^0.4.1
430 1 deft-skia-bindings build ^0.5.0
420 1 quic-rpc-macros ^0.5.0
410 1 flexml_macro ^0.5
410 1 near-sdk-contract-tools-macros ^0.5
400 cargo-packager ^0.5
390 11 genotype_parser ^0.5.0
390 1 ts-macros ^0.4.1
380 1 terminal-spinner-data build ^0.3.2
380 gh-workflow-tailcall ^0.5.0
360 1 structopt-toml-derive ^0.4.0
360 1 udf-macros ^0.5.0
350 1 protobuf-convert ^0.4
340 4 cryo_freeze ^0.4.1
340 3 syntastica-macros ^0.5.0
330 2 numbat ^0.4.1
330 7 genotype_config ^0.5.0
320 1 gesha-rust-types ^0.5.0
320 1 wasmer-wit-bindgen-gen-rust ^0.3
310 2 linera-alloy-sol-macro-input ^0.5.0
310 2 wasmer-wit-bindgen-gen-rust-wasm ^0.3
310 1 droid-wrap-macros ^0.5.0
310 chart-js-rs build ^0.5.0
310 1 linera-alloy-sol-macro-expander ^0.4
310 1 trident-client ^0.4.0
300 ethabi-derive ^0.3.1
300 1 binaryen-sys build ^0.3
300 2 genotype_lang_ts_tree ^0.5.0
300 1 genotype_lang_rs_converter ^0.5.0
290 1 beet_flow_macros ^0.4
290 forje ^0.5.0
290 1 genotype_lang_py_converter ^0.5.0
290 sprinkles-rs build ^0.5
280 2 clockwork-anchor-idl ^0.4.0
1.3K 1 yarte_codegen optional ^0.4
280 genotype_cli ^0.5.0
280 21 farmfe_core ^0.4.1
280 rutile_colcon ^0.4.1
270 clap_config ^0.5.0
270 opl3-rs build ^0.5.0
270 1 siquery ^0.3.1
270 2 oo-bindgen ^0.4
260 2 disintegrate-macros ^0.5.0
260 2 nipdf ^0.5
260 rafx-shader-processor ^0.3
260 trident-cli ^0.4.0
260 1 conjure-macros ^0.5.0
250 10 maelstrom-macro ^0.5.0
250 2 rename-item ^0.4.1
250 bolt-cli ^0.5.0
250 cornucopia ^0.4.0
250 1 mockiato-codegen ^0.3.1
250 14 maelstrom-util ^0.5.0
240 sdml_error ^0.4.1
230 1 elm_rs_derive ^0.5.0
230 waypwr ^0.5.0
230 1 juniper-from-schema-code-gen ^0.3.0
220 1 wit-bindgen-test ^0.5
220 3 js-component-bindgen ^0.5.0
220 2 conjure-codegen ^0.5
220 1 seaography-generator ^0.4.1
210 1 conf_derive ^0.5.0
200 1 homestar-wasm ^0.4
200 project_init ^0.3
190 1 libtenx ^0.5.0
190 httpcodes build ^0.5
180 1 gluon-salsa-macros ^0.3
180 cargo-packager-resource-resolver ^0.5
180 1 portrait-framework ^0.4.1
180 droid-wrap-derive ^0.5.0
180 short ^0.3.2
180 2 uniffi-bindgen-alicorn ^0.5
170 1 seedle-macros ^0.4
170 1 enum-extract-macro ^0.4.1
170 1 linera-witty-macros ^0.4.1
170 telchar-codegen ^0.5.0
170 vulk-gen ^0.4.1
170 1 tera-text-filters ^0.3.1
170 1 hardlight-macros ^0.4.1
160 6 sdml-errors ^0.5
160 1 easy-jsonrpc-proc-macro ^0.3.1
160 1 portrait-codegen ^0.4.1
150 necessist ^0.5
150 3 necessist-core ^0.5
150 1 openbrush_lang_codegen ^0.3.1
150 1 staged-builder-internals ^0.4
150 openapi-client-gen ^0.5.0
150 gobley-uniffi-bindgen ^0.5.0
150 df-sol ^0.5.0
150 2 heck-but-macros ^0.3.1
140 1 sepserde_derive ^0.4.0
140 benzina ^0.5.0
140 1 necessist-backends ^0.5
140 1 uniffi-bindgen-java ^0.5
140 2 interoptopus_backend_c ^0.4.0
130 3 linera-wit-bindgen-gen-rust-lib ^0.3
130 volo-cli ^0.5
130 llvm-cov-pretty build ^0.5.0
130 1 ya-client ^0.4.1
120 cargo-compete ^0.3.3
120 dsync ^0.4
120 enum_to_vec ^0.5.0
120 2 loam-sdk-macro ^0.5.0
120 1 libdsync-hasezoey ^0.4
120 1 waynest-gen ^0.5.0
120 esphome-proto build ^0.5.0
120 1 kickstart ^0.5
120 tag2upload-service-manager ^0.5.0
120 1 xoev-xwasser-derive ^0.5
120 oapi_generator ^0.4.0
120 1 dora-ros2-bridge-msg-gen ^0.3
120 2 tower-grpc-build ^0.3
110 1 ooxmlsdk-build ^0.5.0
110 smartdeploy-cli ^0.4.1
110 i18n_codegen ^0.3.1
110 wig ^0.3.1
110 yewlish-fetch ^0.5
110 1 golem-rust-macro ^0.5.0
110 1 pop-contracts ^0.5.0
110 1 serenity-commands-macros ^0.5
110 1 anvil ^0.5.0
100 seahorse-dev ^0.4.0
100 1 structdoc-derive ~0.3
100 1 linera-wit-bindgen-gen-host-wasmtime-rust ^0.3
100 prpc-build ^0.5.0
100 1 farmfe_testing ^0.4.1
100 1 knus-derive ^0.4.1
800 windows-timezones optional ^0.5
1 juniper-eager-loading-code-gen ^0.3
1 arpy-macros ^0.4.0
800 derive-ctor optional 0.5.*
1 linera-wit-bindgen-gen-guest-rust ^0.3
3 caw_builder_proc_macros ^0.5
taurpc ^0.5.0
1 substreams-antelope-abigen ^0.4
1 wasmer-pack ^0.4.0
1 graphql-lint ^0.5.0
1 pyderive-macros ^0.5
2 sidevm-macro ^0.4.0
3 clap-cargo-extra ^0.4.0
avrogen ^0.5.0
hippotat >=0.4, <0.6
1 spindle_macros ^0.4.1
diesel_enum_derive ^0.4.0
2 raxb-derive ^0.5
1 nanosql_macros ^0.5.0
1 pink-extension-macro ^0.4.0
zamm_yang ^0.3.1
dtool ^0.3.1
1 pink-macro ^0.4.0
1 pbjsonrpc-build ^0.5
1 sqlx-model-macros ^0.4.0
1 ethbind-rust ^0.4
1 trans ^0.3
2 bevy_aseprite_derive ^0.4
yew-octicons build ^0.4.1
1 peace_params_derive ^0.5.0
3 to_and_fro ^0.5.0
1 cido-macros ^0.5
1 prutoipa-build ^0.4.1
cog-task ^0.4
1 mimeograph_router_codegen ^0.3.2
1 paperclip-ng ^0.4
1 betfair-typegen ^0.5
4 ethbind ^0.5
2 einvoice_deps_yaserde_derive ^0.5
teraron ^0.3.0
1 ethers_macros ^0.4
1 openai-magic-instantiate-derive ^0.4
atlas-core ^0.5.0
1 buffalo_macro ^0.3
1 sawp-ffi-derive ^0.3
5 znap-syn ^0.5.0
heckmv ^0.4.1
3 aldrin-parser ^0.4.1
4 nameless-clap_derive ^0.3.0
2 artemis_codegen ^0.3
cyme ^0.4.0
service-skeleton ^0.5
loam-cli ^0.5.0
tauri-mobile ^0.4
3 mv-abigen ^0.3.2
2 aldrin-codegen ^0.4.1
dbcc ^0.3
1 eosio_macros_internal ^0.3
1 rucksack-db ^0.4.1
wit-bindgen-gen-guest-teavm-java ^0.4
cargo-test-fuzz ^0.5
1 ex_em_ell_derive ^0.5.0
3 moore-derive ^0.3
rsmonad-macros >=0.4.1
600 1 mlang-rs optional ^0.5
wit-bindgen-gen-guest-c ^0.4
wit-bindgen-gen-markdown ^0.4
1 cido-ethereum-macros ^0.5
merlon ^0.4.1
1 serde-tc-macro ^0.3.2
1 service-skeleton_derive ^0.5
1 shank_gov_idl ^0.3.3
2 yy-typings ^0.4.1
1 com-shim-macro ^0.4.1
2 golem-wasm-rpc-stubgen ^0.5.0
leptos-lucide-icons build ^0.5.0
1 mkit-derive ^0.3.0
1 polymesh-api-codegen ^0.4
1 wit-bindgen-gen-guest-rust ^0.4
4 maudit_rolldown_error_fork ^0.5.0
1 tonic-rpc-macro ^0.4.1
1 wit-bindgen-gen-rust-lib ^0.4
clap-dispatch ^0.5
classic-bitfield ^0.4.0
2 wai-bindgen-gen-wasmtime ^0.3
2 wick-component-codegen ^0.4
easypassword ^0.4
1 i18nify-macro ^0.5.0
1 rlay_ontology_build ^0.3.0
2 wai-bindgen-gen-wasmer-py ^0.3
1 entity-async-graphql-macros ^0.3.1
fbs-build ^0.3.1
1 stellar-axelar-std-derive ^0.5
1 absinthe-macros ^0.4.1
1 fframes-skia-bindings build ^0.5.0
1 move-ts ^0.4.0
2 nacos-api_macro ^0.3.2
1 kuon_request_derive ^0.3.2
static-graph ^0.4
3 cargo-witgen ^0.4.0
pg_parse build ^0.4
susyabi-derive ^0.3
1 nacos-rs-sdk-macro ^0.3.3
1 runa-macros ^0.4.0
solores ^0.4.0
1 toql_derive ^0.3
1 wai-bindgen-gen-markdown ^0.3
1 wai-bindgen-gen-spidermonkey ^0.3
1 chrome-remote-interface-model-tools ^0.3
1 fieldset_macro ^0.5.0
nauman ^0.3.3
1 pendzl_lang_codegen ^0.3.1
1 rutin_proc ^0.5
1 srpc-macro ^0.4.0
2 wai-bindgen-gen-js ^0.3
2 wit-bindgen-wrpc-go ^0.5
2 aldrin-macros ^0.4.1
dicom-dictionary-builder ^0.5.0
snowchains >=0.3.1, <0.4.0
1 ts-bindgen-gen ^0.3.3
1 aqlgen-renderer ^0.4
2 daml-codegen ^0.4.0
db-to-code ^0.3.1
hacspec ^0.3.1
550 vglang optional ^0.5
1 zestors-codegen ^0.4
1 fromit ^0.4
hotfix-encoding build ^0.4
1 node_engine ^0.4
2 procmeta-core ^0.5
1 rotors-macros ^0.4
snakit ^0.5.0
summum-types ^0.4.1
2 gdnative_export_node_as_path ^0.5.0-rc.1
serde_eth ^0.3.2
2 tf-bindgen ^0.4.1
v_escape_codegen ^0.4
2 valence_entity build ^0.4.0
ch2rs ^0.5.0
1 cruiser_derive ^0.4.0
1 dioxus-web-component-macro ^0.5.0
kommand ^0.4.0
n3-core ^0.3
viewy build ^0.4
2 anchor-idl-tulip ^0.4.0
5 assemble-core ^0.4.0
1 axum-starter-macro ^0.4
1 gdrust_macros ^0.3
1 indigo-structopt-derive ^0.3.0
1 proto-mapper-core ^0.4.1
1 rclrust-msg-gen ^0.3
rust-exe ^0.4.0
3 tsproto-types build ^0.3
vf-rs build ^0.3.1
2 acick-config ^0.3.1
3 bolt-anchor-syn ^0.3
cargo-cocoapods ^0.3.2
1 enumit ^0.4
names-changer ^0.3.2
niftygate-bindgen ^0.4.0
sqlo ^0.4
uhg-custom-appollo-roouter ^0.5.0
1 yui_derive ^0.3.1
ast-description-lang ^0.4.0
ethbind-rust-macros ^0.4
flexgen ^0.4
golana-cli ^0.3.1
iroha ^0.3.1
1 smartnoise_validator build ^0.3.1
transaction-builder-generator ^0.3.2
cargo-solid ^0.3.1
gdnative-bindings-lily build ^0.3.0
sea-orm-verify ^0.4
1 serde_eetf ^0.3
1 sqlx-macros_wasi ^0.4
1 toql_fields_macro ^0.3
1 toql_paths_macro ^0.3
1 toql_query_macro ^0.3
1 brush_lang_codegen ^0.3.1
1 cosmian-wit-bindgen-gen-rust-wasm ^0.3
dbc-codegen-cli ^0.4.0
dnstap-utils ^0.4.1
2 hifa-xml-schema-derive ^0.4
8 mainstay-syn ^0.3
1 once-fn ^0.5.0
1 serde-bindgen-core-derive ^0.4
2 serde-generate-aptos ^0.3.2
2 simi-macros ^0.3
1 tf-bindgen-codegen ^0.4.1
1 toql_role_expr_macro ^0.3
1 toql_sql_expr_macro ^0.3
3 tsproto-structs ^0.3
value_from_type_macros ^0.3.0
13 vapabi-derive ^0.3
vert ^0.4.1
asnfuzzgen ^0.4
async-trait-ext ^0.3
atlas_77 ^0.5.0
1 bae2 ^0.4.1
fefast ^0.3
1 iroha-codegen ^0.3.1
1 may_rpc_derive ^0.5
1 nrc-protobuf ^0.3
1 phile ^0.3.0
prost-simple-rpc-build ^0.3.0
2 res ^0.3
rnet-gen ^0.3.3
sql_db_mapper ^0.3.2
1 thisslime-derive ^0.5.0
5 treeedbgen-souffle ^0.4
3 agui_macros ^0.4
1 akita_core ^0.3
1 asteracea_proc-macro-definitions ^0.3.1
dfx build ^0.4.0
1 diffogus_derive ^0.5.0
1 dotnetdll-macros ^0.4.0
1 dremoc-macro ^0.5.0
faust-build ^0.3.2
gcp_client build ^0.3
2 pbjson-build-any ^0.3
6 sardonyx_derive ^0.3.1
1 seed_style_macros ^0.3.1
2 thisslime-core ^0.5.0
1 bytestream_derive ^0.4.0
eio-okta-sync ^0.5.0
1 from-regex-macros ^0.3
hapi-sys build ^0.4.0
jsonschema-transpiler ^0.4.1
1 kfl-derive ^0.5
lavish-compiler ^0.3.1
1 ontio-codegen ^0.3.1
1 sana_derive ^0.3
thalo-macros ^0.4
1 turdle-client ^0.4.0
1 union-fn-macro ^0.4.0
2 canadensis_dsdl_frontend ^0.4.0
cargo-create ^0.3.1
fere ^0.3.1
4 hifa_yaserde_derive ^0.4.0
1 pandora-api-derive ^0.5
1 pinwheel_elements_macro ^0.3
sbg ^0.4
sig-proxy ^0.3.3
1 tetcore-subxt-proc-macro ^0.3.2
twine ^0.4
2 annotation-rs-codegen ^0.3.1
1 baburu-macros ^0.3.2
1 linera-wit-bindgen-gen-host-wasmer-rust ^0.3
ocypode-lang ^0.4.1
1 ontio-derive-codec ^0.3.1
1 roopes-derive ^0.4.1
1 ruukh-codegen ^0.3.0
act-zero-macro ^0.3.1
1 error-gen ^0.3.1
1 kconfig_compiler ^0.4
2 lento-skia-bindings build ^0.5.0
mantle-build ^0.3
1 mysql_enum_derive ^0.3.1
1 openapi-codegen ^0.3
1 polygraph-macro ^0.3.1
redirectionio ^0.5.0
specjam build ^0.5.0
spreadsheet-to-json ^0.5.0
1 wayland_protocol_code_generator ^0.3.1
1 wit-bindgen-gen-ts-near ^0.3
1 x12-types-macros ^0.5
balena-cdsl ^0.3
bloom42_diesel_as_jsonb ^0.3.0
1 clia-rustorm-codegen ^0.4
1 defunctionalize-proc-macro ^0.3.1
1 director_macros ^0.4
2 ffishim ^0
2 fsmentry-core ^0.5
1 memtable-macros ^0.3.1
1 om2 build ^0.3.1
1 pinwheel_macro ^0.3
1 proc-macro-kwargs-derive ^0.5
1 rslint_config ^0.3.1
rusty-gql-cli ^0.4.0
1 simpl_actor_macros ^0.4.1
1 singletonum-derive ^0.3.0
sqlite2mongo ^0.4.0
1 tagged-hybrid ^0.4
1 toql_enum_derive ^0.3
2 tracers-codegen ^0.3.1
1 agoraui-runtimes-dervie ^0.4
2 anchor-idl-mod ^0.4.0
1 derive-trait ^0.4.1
dge-gen ^0.3.3
dmm ^0.5
rsbind ^0.4.0
rvk_methods ^0.3
1 taikai ^0.3.0
1 waytogo-macro ^0.4
1 bincode-grpc-macro ^0.3
1 dfhack-proto build ^0.5.0
1 informalsystems-prost-build ^0.3
j2s ^0.4
1 model-mapper-macros ^0.5
nix-init ^0.4.1
1 octorest-build ^0.3.1
papito_codegen ^0.3.0
1 pilota-build2 ^0.4
simple-anchor-idl-ts ^0.4.1
snowchains_proc_macros ^0.3.1
test-shisho-gql-derive ^0.4.0
8 thalo ^0.4.1
1 ts-bookkeeping build ^0.3
1 valence_lang build ^0.4.0
1 aptos-sdk-builder ^0.3.2
assemble-exec ^0.4.0
bicycle ^0.5.0
caisin-macros ^0.4
1 dasn1-notation ^0.3.1
2 entity_macros_data ^0.3.1
3 hirola-macros ^0.4.1
iroha-derive ^0.3.1
4 ixc_core_macros ^0.5.0
prost-msg-build ^0.4
quote-data ^0.5.0
safe-goto ^0.4.0
symbols ^0.5.0
torn ^0.3
1 trans-schema ^0.3
1 typed-transaction-macros ^0.5.0
1 willow-codegen ^0.3.3
1 agsol-wasm-factory ^0.3
cargo-eosiocontract ^0.4.0
cargonauts-cli ^0.2.1
1 cherry-derive ^0.3.3
cyclonedx-rust ^0.3.2
double-dyn ^0.4.0
dustr ^0
2 enum_handler_core ^0.5.0
1 error-info-macros ^0.4
fit_no_io build ^0.3
1 gluesql-derive-proc ^0.4
1 macro-input-macros ^0.3
notes-rs ^0.3.1
oasis-cli ^0.3
openapi_generator ^0.3.1
pdf-doc ^0.5.0
2 pink-sidevm-macro ^0.4.0
1 rspack_swc_plugin_import ^0.5.0
1 rust-query-macros ^0.5.0
rust_swig ^0.3.1
1 sqly-macros ^0.5
1 stix_derive ^0.3.2
1 test-shisho-policy-sdk ^0.4.0
1 trdelnik-client ^0.4.0
witx-generate-raw ^0.3.2
wurst build ^0.3.0
2 ffi-gen ^0.4.0
futurize-derive ^0.3.0
git-work ^0.3.2
indra-proc-macro ^0.3.2
kumitateru 0.3.*
1 mainstay-attribute-program ^0.3
mdbook-utils ^0.4
1 near-contract-tools-macros ^0.4.0
nrc-protobuf-codegen ^0.3
objectify-bin ^0.4.1
pileks_uniffi-bindgen-cs ^0.4
2 pub-just ^0.5.0
rslint_cli ^0.3.1
rustabi-derive ^0.3
stark ^0.3
tobu-gen ^0.3
witx-bindgen ^0.3
xb ^0.4.1
xorc-notifications ^0.3
zettl ^0.3.2
2 beet_ecs ^0.4
1 beet_ecs_macros ^0.4
bicycle-plugin-echo ^0.4.1
cargo-proc-macro ^0.3.1
derive_lit ^0.3.1
2 edgedb_codegen_core ^0.5
gradio_macro ^0.5.0
2 hobo_css_macros ^0.4
1 jsondata-derive ^0.3.0
oasis-build ^0.3
polarpower build ^0.4
regen-lang ^0.4.1
seaography-derive ^0.4.0
1 skribble_core ^0.4
ssvm-evmc-declare ^0.3.1
1 tracers-macros-hack ^0.3.1
1 trailbase-refinery-macros ^0.5
vue_convert ^0.3.1
aa_similarity build ^0.3.1
abscissa_generator ^0.3
anchor-viz ^0.3.1
1 awto-macros ^0.3
behavior ^0.4
bolt-anchor-attribute-program ^0.3
1 cargho_derive ^0.3.1
1 diesel-factories-code-gen ^0.3
1 dioxus-table-macro ^0.4.0
dtd ^0.3.1
1 easy-sqlx-macro ^0.5
1 entity_macros ^0.3.1
1 ground-env-derive ^0.5.0
2 hotfix-codegen ^0.4
1 hotg-rune-compiler ^0.4.0
igdb-api-rust ^0.5.0-rc.1
1 infoit-derive ^0.4
1 informalsystems-pbjson-build ^0.4
3 keybase-protocol build ^0.3.1
2 knurdy ^0.4.0
maceats ^0.4.0
1 muggle_macros ^0.4.0
1 ntex-prost-build ^0.4
1 orga-macros ^0.3.3
pestast_gen ^0.4
rts ^0.4.1
2 runa-wayland-scanner-codegen ^0.4.0
3 scylla_orm ^0.3
1 scylla_orm_table_to_struct ^0.3
sea-orm-field-updater ^0.4
seahorse-lang ^0.4.0
singleton-derive ^0.3.0
srb-std-drv ^0.5.0
tfhe-c-api-bindgen ^0.4
1 tiberqueries_derive ^0.5.0
1 to_any_dervie ^0.4
1 trdelnik-sandbox-client ^0.4.0
1 xml-schema-derive ^0.4
yutani-codegen ^0.4.0
zk_hack_pendzl_lang_codegen ^0.3.1
awto-compile ^0.3
1 axum-resp-result-macro ^0.5.0
1 canadensis_codegen_rust ^0.4.0
1 celeste_derive ^0.3.1
2 easy-sqlx-core ^0.5
2 golem-rpc-macros ^0.3.1
4 homestar-workspace-hack ^0.4
1 hyperdrive-wrappers build ^0.4.1
idl-macro ^0.4.0
json2struct ^0.3.1
2 ldtk build ^0.3.2
1 modtype_derive ^0.3.1
musicbrainz ^0.4.0
pest-typed-tree ^0.3.1
3 rspack_plugin_css ^0.5.0
rust-query ^0.5.0
smtlib-build-util ^0.4.0
soroban-cli-hcnet-test ^0.4.1
soroban-cli-stellar-test ^0.5.0
sqlx-derive-with ^0.4
sqlx-model-tools ^0.4.0
static-atom-build ^0.3
1 stdto_derive ^0.4
test-shisho-datasource ^0.4.0
tina-build ^0.4.1
1 tina-core ^0.4.1
1 tractor-macros ^0.3
1 under_derive ^0.4.0
1 wai-bindgen-gen-wasmtime-py ^0.3
bicycle-plugin ^0.4.1
cargo-ease ^0.3.0
cargo-fvmc ^0.4.0
chainparser ^0.5.0
1 cog-gen-rust ^0.3.1
1 cosmian-wit-bindgen-gen-rust ^0.3
evmc-declare ^0.3.1
haddock ^0.4.1
hotg-rune-codegen ^0.3.2
insrcdata ^0.4.1
1 jsonapi_deserialize_derive ^0.5.0
1 juniper-compose-macros ^0.4.0
lsif-rust ^0.3.2
messagedb ^0.4
1 qjack_macros ^0.4
reframe ^0.4
1 rspack_binding_values ^0.5.0
1 rustpynet_macros ^0.3
seaography-discoverer ^0.4.0
serde_infer ^0.5.0
solarti-anchor-cli ^0.4.0
1 strunemix_macros ^0.5.0
1 textiler-core ^0.4.1
2 toql_core ^0.3
torchbear ^0.3
unite ^0.3
valence build ^0.4
2 wit-bindgen-mbt ^0.4.1
1 wrath-macros ^0.4.1
1 derive-quickcheck >=0.4
1 eip712 ^0.4.0
ethers-macros-rs ^0.4
fit-sdk build ^0.3
gltfgen ^0.4
1 gurkle_codegen ^0.3
1 hotfix-message build ^0.4
hsr-codegen ^0.4.0
jaffi ^0.4.0
loam-soroban-cli ^0.4.1
mcai ^0.4.0
1 mcai-workflow ^0.4.0
message_db ^0.4
nodex-macros ^0.4
oas_gen ^0.3
perforate ^0.4.1
1 quote-data-codegen ^0.5.0
1 redis-om-macros ^0.4.1
1 restify-macros ^0.4
1 reweb3-macros ^0.5
satori-cli ^0.3.3
1 sea-orm-try-into-active-model-macro ^0.4
serde_python ^0.3.0
1 sleuth-mutator >=0.4
soroban-cli-hcnet-test2 ^0.4.1
soroban-cli-hcnet-test3 ^0.4.1
structured-map ^0.5.0
1 variation ^0.3.1
1 wai-bindgen-gen-c ^0.3
1 whitenoise_validator build ^0.3.1
znap-cli ^0.5.0
g2json ^0.4
know-cli ^0.4.1
liquid-heck ^0.4
material-symbols build ^0.4
protoc_gen_ets ^0.5
pyo3-tonic ^0.4.0
quote-it-codegen ^0.5.0
rl_tatam-rs ^0.4.1
rsonpath-test-codegen ^0.4.1
1 rts_derive ^0.4.1
soroban-cli-hcnet-test1 ^0.4.1
1 sqlm-postgres-macros ^0.5
tonic-build-protobuf ^0.5
triemap ^0.5.0
uniffi_bindgen_kotlin_multiplatform ^0.4
2 wapo-macro ^0.5.0
wasm-bridge-jco ^0.4
1 wasmcloud-provider-wit-bindgen-macro ^0.5
480 1 sqlx-d1-macros optional ^0.5
340 1 wash-lib optional ^0.5
150 openapi-struct-gen optional ^0.4.0
140 codegame optional ^0.3
120 rexml optional ^0.5
100 2 cli-batteries optional ^0.4
wash optional ^0.5
1 scryfall optional ^0.5
6 peace_rt_model optional ^0.5.0
ria optional ^0.5.0-rc.1
2 iso-10303 optional ^0.3
2 agsol-borsh-schema optional ^0.3.3
4 euphony-node optional ^0.4
gin-tonic optional ^0.5.0
2 mainstay-lang-idl optional ^0.3
near-paperclip-core optional ^0.3
1 near-paperclip-macros optional ^0.3
5 northstar-runtime optional ^0.4.1
reweb3 optional ^0.5
1 thousand_birds_handlebars optional ^0.4
229K 64 const-str dev ^0.5.0
18K 4 hayagriva dev ^0.5
15K 4 keycloak dev ^0.5
9.4K 1 typos-dict dev ^0.5.0
4.8K wit-bindgen-cli dev ^0.5
750 7 rbx_binary dev ^0.4.0
700 7 rbx_xml dev ^0.4.1
250 17 maelstrom-base dev ^0.5.0
240 1 pulldown-latex dev ^0.5
140 codetypo-dict dev ^0.5.0
tree-sitter-wit dev ^0.5.0
grue dev ^0.3.1
guido_rbx_binary dev ^0.4.0