#binary #roblox #serialization #model #format #place #rbxm

yanked guido_rbx_binary

Implementation of Roblox's binary model (rbxm) and place (rbxl) file formats

0.6.7 Jan 8, 2023

#61 in #roblox

MIT license



rbx_binary on crates.io rbx_binary docs

More details about this crate are available on the rbx-dom GitHub.

Implementation of Roblox's binary model formats, rbxm and rbxl, for the rbx-dom ecosystem.


rbx_binary aims to support all property types from rbx_dom_weak, but it currently lags behind rbx_xml due to implementation complexity.


Implementation of Roblox's binary model (rbxm) and place (rbxl) file formats.


Read a model file

To read a model or place file using rbx_binary's default settings, use from_reader. The Deserializer API exposes additional configuration options.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;

// Using buffered I/O is recommended with rbx_binary
let input = BufReader::new(File::open("MyModel.rbxm")?);

let dom = rbx_binary::from_reader(input)?;

// rbx_binary always returns a DOM with a DataModel at the top level.
// To get to the instances from our file, we need to go one level deeper.

println!("Root instances in file:");
for &referent in dom.root().children() {
let instance = dom.get_by_ref(referent).unwrap();
println!("- {}", instance.name);

Write a model file

To write a model or place file using rbx_binary's default settings, use to_writer. The Serializer API exposes additional configuration options.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufWriter;

use rbx_dom_weak::{InstanceBuilder, WeakDom};

let dom = WeakDom::new(InstanceBuilder::new("Folder"));

// Using buffered I/O is recommended with rbx_binary
let output = BufWriter::new(File::create("PlainFolder.rbxm")?);
rbx_binary::to_writer(output, &dom, &[dom.root_ref()])?;


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