1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Mar 10, 2022 |
#79 in #signatures
Used in eip712-cli
Generates Solidity code to verify EIP-712 style signatures.
First, create an abstract contract implementing the functionality you want:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.11;
abstract contract NameRegistry {
mapping (string => address) public nameToAddress;
mapping (address => string) public addressToName;
// This `claim` function implements the functionality you want to expose
// via an EIP-712 signature.
// Importantly, the first argument must be the sender's address, and
// the function must be internal.
function claim(address sender, string memory name) internal {
require(bytes(addressToName[sender]).length == 0, "address already registered");
require(nameToAddress[name] == address(0), "name already registered");
addressToName[sender] = name;
nameToAddress[name] = sender;
// You can optionally expose your functionality using `msg.sender`.
function claim(string memory name) external {
claim(msg.sender, name);
// Finally, you should declare an abstract function that accepts a signature.
// The implementation will be generated for you.
function claim(string memory name, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external virtual;
On the Command Line
Install eip712-cli
$ cargo install eip712-cli
Then run it with:
$ eip712 \
--base NameRegistry \
--signing-domain NameRegistry \
--version 1 \
--output /tmp/output.sol \
As a Library
For advanced uses, this crate can be used as a library from Rust or JavaScript.
use eip712::Eip712;
use std::io::Write;
fn main() {
// Read the ABI file (normally generated by `solc`.)
let abi = include_str!("NameRegistry.json");
let mut output = String::new();
// Configure and run the generator.
Eip712::<()>::new("NameRegistry") // Name of the base contract.
.signing_domain("NameRegistry") // Name for the EIP-712 domain.
.version("1") // Contract version.
.generate(&mut output)
import { default as eip712, Eip712 } from './eip712.js';
async function main() {
await eip712();
// Read the ABI file (normally generated by `solc`.)
const resp = await fetch("./NameRegistry.json");
const abi = await resp.text();
// Configure and run the generator.
const output = new Eip712("NameRegistry") // Name of the base contract.
.error(console.log) // Error handler.
.warning(console.log) // Warning handler.
.signing_domain("NameRegistry") // Name for the EIP-712 domain.
.version("1") // Contract version.
let elem = document.createElement('pre');
elem.innerText = output;
~49K SLoC