
  1. tower

    modular and reusable components for building robust clients and servers

    v0.4.13 3.6M #request-response #service #tower-middleware #future #async-io #io #async
  2. aws-sdk-sts

    AWS SDK for AWS Security Token Service

    v1.22.0 1.1M #amazon-web-services #aws-security #aws-sdk #user #service #credentials #service-request
  3. secret-service

    interface with Secret Service API

    v3.0.1 144K #linux #keychain #password
  4. sconectl

    transform cloud-native applications into cloud-confidential applications. It supports to transform native services into confidential services and services meshes into confidential service meshes.

    v5.8.5 #service-mesh #confidential #applications #cloud-native #scone #container #command
  5. ias

    API definitions, tools, and client for the Intel Attestation Service

    v0.2.1 330 #intel-sgx #attestation #client #service #sgx-enclave #api #definition
  6. sessions

    General sessions module for web services

    v0.6.0 #web-services #web #http-service #service #http #async #web-framework
  7. mosec

    Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud

    v0.8.4 140 #ml-model #machine-learning #serving #service #cloud #framework #user
  8. aws-types

    Cross-service types for the AWS SDK

    v1.2.0 1.1M #aws-sdk #types #service #generator #generation #part #cross-service
  9. reqsign

    Signing API requests without effort

    v0.15.0 86K #signature #http-request #api-request #credentials #requests #service #effort
  10. windows-service

    that provides facilities for management and implementation of windows services

    v0.7.0 38K #service #daemon #windows #api-bindings
  11. ntex

    Framework for composable network services

    v1.2.1 6.1K #async-networking #framework #networking #composable-networking #async #future
  12. gstreamer-editing-services

    Rust bindings for GStreamer Editing Services

    v0.22.3 800 #gstreamer #gnome #api-bindings #multimedia #nle #thread-safe
  13. motore

    modular and reusable components for building robust clients and servers. Motore is greatly inspired by Tower.

    v0.4.1 8.9K #async-io #service #io #non-blocking #future #async #futures
  14. aws-sdk-elasticsearch

    AWS SDK for Amazon Elasticsearch Service

    v1.24.0 1.1K #aws-sdk #elasticsearch #domain #amazon #service #http-request #configuration
  15. tokio-graceful-shutdown

    perform a graceful shutdown on a Tokio based service

    v0.15.0 6.8K #graceful-shutdown #shutdown #tokio #subsystem #tasks #service #signal
  16. aws-sdk-mediaconvert

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaConvert

    v1.25.0 1.2K #aws-sdk #output #input #service
  17. viceroy

    local testing daemon for Fastly Compute

    v0.9.6 850 #fastly #compute #local #wasm #daemon #service #machine
  18. aws-sdk-iotdeviceadvisor

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Core Device Advisor

    v1.22.0 330 #iot-devices #aws-iot #aws-sdk #advisor #web-services #testing #service
  19. aws-smithy-xml

    XML parsing logic for Smithy protocols

    v0.60.8 1.1M #xml-parser #aws-sdk #smithy #deserialize #serialization #aws #service
  20. sd-notify

    Lightweight crate for systemd service state notifications

    v0.4.1 207K #systemd #notifications #service #state #sending
  21. aws-sdk-opensearch

    AWS SDK for Amazon OpenSearch Service

    v1.27.0 400 #aws-sdk #opensearch #domain #service-configuration #amazon #information #web-services
  22. aws-sdk-databasemigration

    AWS SDK for AWS Database Migration Service

    v1.22.0 360 #amazon-web-services #database-migrations #aws-sdk #dms #postgresql #service #oracle
  23. aws-sdk-medialive

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaLive

    v1.27.0 800 #aws-sdk #input #output #service #information #media-live #client
  24. aws-sdk-migrationhubrefactorspaces

    AWS SDK for AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces

    v1.22.0 340 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #service #environment #spaces
  25. r53-ddns

    Set an Amazon Route 53 DNS record for the server/network

    v1.0.7 #ip-address #dns-records #routes #amazon #service #applications #domain
  26. esp-idf-sys

    Bindings for ESP-IDF (Espressif's IoT Development Framework)

    v0.34.1 14K #esp32 #esp-idf #idf #sys #build-script #service
  27. shuttle-service

    The core traits for running services on Shuttle (https://www.shuttle.rs/)

    v0.44.0 12K #shuttle #service #deployment #traits #running
  28. typedmap

    A hash map (dash map). A type of value is defined by trait implemented on key type

    v0.5.0 5.1K #hash-map #typemap #dashmap #anymap #derive-debug #service #key-store
  29. tower-fallback

    A Tower service combinator that sends requests to a first service, then retries processing on a second fallback service if the first service errors

    v0.2.41-beta.12 260 #tower-service #tower #batch #error #fallback #zebra #retries
  30. sequoia-ipc

    Interprocess communication infrastructure for Sequoia

    v0.34.1 1.9K #interprocess-communication #sequoia #ipc #background #service #mechanism #communicate
  31. service-async

    A Service like tower in async style

    v0.2.3 220 #tower-service #service #async #factory #future #worker-thread #style
  32. aws-sdk-cleanrooms

    AWS SDK for AWS Clean Rooms Service

    v1.25.0 550 #aws-sdk #collaboration #query #service #rooms #clean #member
  33. poem-grants

    Authorization extension for poem to protect your endpoints

    v3.0.0 240 #poem #security #grant #permissions #authz #grants #service
  34. circadian

    Linux auto-suspend/wake power management daemon

    v0.8.4 #power #linux #daemon #suspend #service
  35. shawl

    Windows service wrapper for arbitrary commands

    v1.5.0 #service #run-command #wrapper #programs #running #entry-point #exit
  36. actix-utils

    Various utilities used in the Actix ecosystem

    v3.0.1 802K #framework #future #async #network #networking #service
  37. libmdns

    mDNS Responder library for building discoverable LAN services in Rust

    v0.8.0 24K #mdns #dns #lan #service #responder #dns-sd #tokio
  38. ssd

    A service and data description format + a code generator based on rhai scripts and templates

    v0.20.1 320 #template-generator #script-file #data #service #description #rhai #generation
  39. aws-sdk-pcaconnectorad

    AWS SDK for PcaConnectorAd

    v1.22.0 330 #active-directory #aws-sdk #certificate #private #connector #service #ca
  40. gamedig

    Query game servers and not only

    v0.5.0 130 #game-server #query #status #check #server-status #server #service
  41. erbium

    Network services for small/home networks

    v1.0.5 #networking #dhcp #service #dns #protocols #small-home
  42. viz

    Fast, robust, flexible, lightweight web framework for Rust

    v0.8.4 400 #web-framework #service #async #tower-service #http-service #framework #web
  43. pinenote_dbus_service

    A DBus service for the Pine64 Pinenote

    v0.2.1-dev3 #dbus #pinenote #control #pine64 #service #interface #settings
  44. nydus-api

    APIs for Nydus Image Service

    v0.3.1 4.7K #container-image #nydus #api #service #data #accelerator #docker
  45. aws-sdk-freetier

    AWS SDK for AWS Free Tier

    v1.20.0 310 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #free #tier #service #api
  46. rosrust

    Pure Rust implementation of a ROS client library

    v0.9.11 1.4K #ros #client #message #pure #topic #parameters #service
  47. azure_mgmt_apimanagement

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #service
  48. http-client

    Types and traits for http clients

    v6.5.3 106K #async-http #async #future #service #http-service #client #futures
  49. azure_mgmt_datamigration

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure #service #azure-sdk
  50. azure_svc_attestation

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 110 #azure-rest #azure-sdk #attestation #generated-bindings #api-bindings #service #specification
  51. nydus-utils

    helpers for Nydus Image Service

    v0.4.3 4.6K #nydus #service #container-image #sha256 #blake3 #channel #inode
  52. allup

    A CLI to check that all (configured) services are currently up

    v0.1.1 150 #check #cli #status #service
  53. vhost-user-backend

    A framework to build vhost-user backend service daemon

    v0.15.0 11K #virtio #vhost-user #backend #queue #daemon #framework #service
  54. geosuggest-core

    Suggest by name or find nearest by coordinates cities

    v0.6.2 550 #geocoding #service #http-service #coordinates #name #nearest #find
  55. parsec-client

    Parsec Client library for the Rust ecosystem

    v0.16.0 750 #parsec #client #ipc #ecosystem #endpoint #workload #service
  56. janitor-service

    A service that cleans up your downloads folder

    v0.1.26 260 #download #configurable #file #pattern #service #folder #directory
  57. ehelply

    SuperStack SDK

    v1.1.118 #api-client #service #open-api #sdk #version #super-stack #superstack
  58. stateroom

    A lightweight framework for building WebSocket services

    v0.2.8 #websocket #websocket-server #service #wasm-module #framework #single-threaded #building
  59. k8-metadata-client

    Trait for interfacing kubernetes metadata service

    v7.0.0 6.7K #kubernetes #metadata #interfacing #service
  60. azure_mgmt_web

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 100 #service #azure-sdk #resource-manager
  61. azure_mgmt_network

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 120 #service #resource-manager #azure-sdk
  62. istio-api-rs

    A collection of CRDs for api used in Istio

    v0.8.0 220 #service #destination #set
  63. webdev_guide

    Learn how to build a webservice in Rust!

    v0.6.0 260 #postgresql #web-services #actix-web #tutorial #json-response #web-framework #service
  64. cita_cloud_proto

    cita-cloud proto library

    v6.7.3 220 #cita #cloud #proto #grpc #service
  65. ssd-data

    A service and data description format + a code generator based on rhai scripts and templates

    v0.20.1 350 #data #generator #template #description #format #service #language
  66. integrationos-domain

    Shared library for IntegrationOS

    v3.0.5 1.9K #integration-os #json #data-structures #shared #utilities #service #domain
  67. aruna-rust-api

    API build for the Aruna Object Storage (AOS)

    v2.0.0-beta.12 430 #object-storage #service #section #storage-api #interface #internal #models
  68. girolle

    A nameko like lib in rust

    v1.3.1 240 #microservices #architecture #nameko #service #lib #rpc #response
  69. goodmetrics

    Unlimited cardinality, fast metrics recording - for services

    v4.0.3 600 #metrics #performance #service
  70. raws

    AWS CLI in Rust

    v0.0.3 #aws-cli #aws-sdk #service #output
  71. dndtrigger

    cli/service for MacOS to execute scripts when Do Not Disturb is toggled on or off

    v0.1.0 140 #macos #script #off #execute #disturb #service #cli-service
  72. product-os-configuration

    Product OS : Configuration provides a structured format for configuring Product OS : Server to run with different features and services. This crate is intended to be used with Product OS : Server.

    v0.0.17 490 #product-os #server #configuration #settings #service #ecosystem
  73. runitctl

    A proper CLI utility for managing services on systems that use Runit. (Void Linux, etc...)

    v1.0.0 130 #linux #utility #service #void #runit #command-line-tool
  74. freta

    Project Freta client

    v0.22.0 100 #security #image #service #memory-forensics #client #command-line #volatile
  75. hc_service_check

    checking the health of tx5 network services

    v0.1.0-dev.0 #health #checking #service #tx5 #networking
  76. ceviche

    Rust daemon/service wrapper

    v0.6.0 550 #service #daemon #wrapper #macos #events #stop #daemon-service
  77. reconcile

    A reconciliation service to sync a key-value map over multiple instances

    v0.1.4 #key-value #instance #sync #map #service #reconciliation #key-value-store
  78. cmd_cachier

    A caching service for your cli commands using redis

    v0.3.4 550 #redis #cli-command #command-output #cache #service #linux #save
  79. aldrin

    Message bus for service-oriented RPC and interprocess communication

    v0.4.0 200 #interprocess-communication #rpc-service #rpc #service #async #message-bus #networking
  80. amdfand

    AMDGPU fan control service

    v1.0.14 #amd-gpu #hardware #fan #control #speed #service #temperature
  81. p7m-phone

    Rust bindings for the telephone and queue services API of P7M

    v0.3.5 #api-client #queue #service #p7m #bindings #api-service #api-bindings
  82. mozilla/megazord_ios

    Firefox Application Services

    GitHub 0.1.0 #ios #firefox #service #applications #artifact #binary #platform
  83. polaris-specification

    Service Governance Specification

    v1.5.1 320 #specification #polaris #governance #solution #proxyless
  84. env-url

    env composable service urls

    v2.0.4 #url #env #service #composable #component
  85. appbiotic

    Tools to package to build services that can be managed similarly

    v0.1.3 #service #error #applications #collection #build #package #metadata
  86. wildbird

    Rust Framework

    v0.0.10 290 #framework #tokio #async #prelude #optional #service #environment
  87. droplet

    assist small organizations/groups in distributing a service across multiple machines

    v0.1.14 #service #hosting #sync #minecraft-server #freedns
  88. app-frame

    Compile-time dependency-injected application framework with a service orchestrator

    v0.3.1 #framework #service #injection #inject #dependencies
  89. tasker_service

    a service for executing time based commands

    v0.1.8 250 #task-scheduling #service #command #task-execution #cron #executing #execution-time
  90. pamsm

    Rust wrappers around PAM Service Modules functions

    v0.5.4 #pam #module #wrapper #service #ffi
  91. nakago

    A lightweight Rust framework for sharp services 😎

    v0.19.1 #service #framework #async #sharp #http
  92. interlink

    Framework for writing async code

    v0.1.6 #tokio #service #framework #message #link #run-time #sending
  93. momento-protos

    Generated GRPC and Protocol Buffers types for Momento clients

    v0.110.1 1.6K #cache #performance #grpc-client #service
  94. aws-sdk-ecs

    AWS SDK for Amazon EC2 Container Service

    v1.23.0 13K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #task #service #instance #cluster #elastic
  95. service_conventions

    Conventions for services

    v0.0.16 2.4K #services #conventions #tracing #setup
  96. rosrust_msg

    Generates Rust implementations for all messages available on the system

    v0.1.7 1.1K #ros #messages #rosrust #generate #bindings #client #service
  97. sod

    Service Oriented Design

    v0.3.2 #service-oriented #service #pattern #design-pattern #traits #input #service-chain
  98. fastly-api

    Fastly API client

    v4.5.0 210 #service #api-key #fastly #api-service #configuration
  99. mozilla/megazord

    Firefox Application Services

    GitHub 0.1.0 #firefox #applications #service #sync #component #account #integration
  100. envchain-rs

    version of envchain, but support only Linux secret service

    v0.1.2 #secret #version #linux #service #envchain
  101. yew-websocket

    Rust yew websocket service written with love :)

    v1.21.0 250 #websocket #yew #service #love #original #part #wasm
  102. fregate

    Framework for services creation

    v0.19.0-3 230 #grpc #http #service #http-server
  103. sod-actix-web

    Service Oriented Design - Actix Web

    v0.3.1 #actix-web #service-oriented #service #web-services #pattern #handler #abstraction
  104. envchain

    version of envchain, but support only Linux secret service

    v0.1.0 150 #secret #version #linux #service
  105. tower-http-client

    Extra Tower middlewares and utilities for HTTP clients

    v0.3.0 220 #http-client #tower-http #tower-middleware #utilities #http-request #service #http-service
  106. dns-updater

    A service that periodically checks and synchronises the internet facing ip to AWS Route53, useful for running home services behind changing ip addresses

    v1.0.0 #ip-address #amazon-web-services #service #dns #internet #addresses #route53
  107. atm0s-sdn-key-value

    KeyValue service for atm0s-sdn

    v0.1.9 190 #key-value #key-value-store #del #key-set #replication #service #network
  108. mssf-com

    Azure Service Fabric. The COM base layer.

    v0.0.5 430 #fabric #azure #service #com #layer #api #user
  109. pict-rs-aggregator

    image aggregation service for pict-rs

    v0.5.0 #aggregator #image #aggregation #service #pict-rs #collector #port
  110. oo7

    James Bond went on a new mission and this time as a Secret Service provider

    v0.3.0 8.9K #secret #service-provider #service #portal #keyring #keychain #linux
  111. mozilla/rc_crypto

    Firefox Application Services

    GitHub 0.1.0 #applications #numbers #service #encryption #firefox #hmac #ring
  112. core-services

    Bindings for CoreServices.framework

    v0.2.1 900 #apple #launch-services #lsopen #uti #service
  113. service-skeleton

    The bare bones of a service

    v0.3.0 140 #service #logging #daemon #signal #env-var #configuration-management
  114. aldrin-gen

    Aldrin code generator

    v0.4.0 180 #interprocess-communication #rpc #rpc-service #service #async #networking #service-bus
  115. systemd-run

    running processes as Systemd transient services

    v0.7.1 110 #systemd #service #running #processes #manager #transient #per-user
  116. rustpad

    Multi-threaded Padding Oracle attacks against any service

    v1.8.1 #oracle #padding #multi-threaded #attacks #run #service #shell
  117. krata

    Client library and common services for the krata hypervisor

    v0.0.10 1.2K #hypervisor #service #client #container
  118. yazi-dds

    Yazi data distribution service

    v0.2.5 390 #yazi #distribution #data #service #file-manager #async-io #terminal-file
  119. dtx

    service integration

    v0.1.1 #http #integration #service
  120. serviceless

    actor model in rust, like actix

    v0.1.2 #actor-model #actix #service #async #async-api #handler #message
  121. aws-sdk-pricing

    AWS SDK for AWS Price List Service

    v1.24.0 600 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #service #price #list #pricing
  122. msft

    Windows service API

    v0.0.22 1.7K #windows #scm #service #api
  123. aws-sdk-elasticache

    AWS SDK for Amazon ElastiCache

    v1.24.0 3.9K #cache #aws-sdk #cluster #amazon #web-services #service
  124. msft-service

    Windows service API

    v0.0.22 1.7K #service #scm #windows #api
  125. sod-crossbeam

    Service Oriented Design - Crossbeam

    v0.3.1 #service-oriented #crossbeam #queue #service #pattern #design #sod
  126. chafka

    Extensible service for real-time data ingestion from Kafka to ClickHouse

    v0.2.1 300 #clickhouse #kafka #data #service #real-time #extensible #table
  127. aws-sdk-workdocs

    AWS SDK for Amazon WorkDocs

    v1.22.0 550 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #user #service #metadata #applications
  128. tcp-client

    Convenient client-side TCP service. Based on tcp-handler.

    v0.2.0 #tcp #client #client-side #networking #service #tcp-handler #error
  129. actix-service

    Service trait and combinators for representing asynchronous request/response operations

    v2.0.2 801K #service #async-networking #async #framework #future #network #networking
  130. amdgpu

    Subcomponent of AMDGPU fan control service

    v1.0.12 170 #hardware #control #fan #service #amdfand #amdvold #amdmond
  131. aws-sdk-autoscalingplans

    AWS SDK for AWS Auto Scaling Plans

    v1.22.0 400 #aws-sdk #scaling #auto #capacity #resources #plans #service
  132. sod-tungstenite

    Service Oriented Design - Tungstenite

    v0.3.3 #service-oriented #service #websocket #tungstenite #pattern #non-blocking #design
  133. tower-test

    writing client and server Service tests

    v0.4.0 62K #testing #tower #service #client-server #request #async #mocking
  134. aws-sdk-datapipeline

    AWS SDK for AWS Data Pipeline

    v1.22.0 330 #data-pipeline #task-runner #aws-sdk #data-processing #data-management #web-services #service
  135. aws-sdk-amp

    AWS SDK for Amazon Prometheus Service

    v1.22.0 320 #aws-sdk #prometheus #group #workspace #service #amazon #rule
  136. aws-sdk-connectparticipant

    AWS SDK for Amazon Connect Participant Service

    v1.23.0 340 #aws-sdk #participant #connect #service #amazon #api-service #contact
  137. aws-sdk-sms

    AWS SDK for AWS Server Migration Service

    v1.22.0 500 #aws-sdk #applications #server #migration #service #web-services #region
  138. aws-sdk-swf

    AWS SDK for Amazon Simple Workflow Service

    v1.22.0 490 #workflow #aws-sdk #task #swf #amazon #service #control
  139. aws-sdk-ssmcontacts

    AWS SDK for AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager Contacts

    v1.22.0 480 #contact #aws-sdk #manager #incident #systems #plan #service
  140. aws-sdk-sagemakerruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon SageMaker Runtime

    v1.23.0 600 #aws-sdk #amazon #run-time #sage-maker #api #client #service
  141. aws-sdk-appstream

    AWS SDK for Amazon AppStream

    v1.22.0 340 #aws-sdk #user #applications #streaming #app-stream #service #page
  142. aws-sdk-fms

    AWS SDK for Firewall Management Service

    v1.24.0 500 #firewall #aws-sdk #manager #resources #service #action #information
  143. aws-sdk-iotthingsgraph

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Things Graph

    v1.22.0 340 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #graph #service #devices #measure #units
  144. aws-sdk-appintegrations

    AWS SDK for Amazon AppIntegrations Service

    v1.22.0 330 #aws-sdk #applications #integration #amazon #service #external #connect
  145. aws-sdk-applicationcostprofiler

    AWS SDK for AWS Application Cost Profiler

    v1.22.0 320 #aws-sdk #applications #profiler #aws #report #data-access #service
  146. aws-sdk-controltower

    AWS SDK for AWS Control Tower

    v1.23.0 330 #amazon-web-services #web-services #control #aws-sdk #control-api #tower #service
  147. service-manager

    adapters to communicate with various operating system service managers

    v0.6.0 17K #operating-system #service #manager #generator #freebsd #interface #management
  148. aws-sdk-cloudsearchdomain

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudSearch Domain

    v1.22.0 340 #aws-sdk #domain #amazon #cloud-search #document #endpoints #service
  149. aws-sdk-marketplaceentitlement

    AWS SDK for AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service

    v1.23.0 460 #aws-sdk #marketplaces #customer #capacity #product #entitlement #service
  150. aws-sdk-codebuild

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeBuild

    v1.28.0 4.9K #build #aws-sdk #operation #source #artifact #environment #service
  151. aws-sdk-forecastquery

    AWS SDK for Amazon Forecast Query Service

    v1.22.0 350 #aws-sdk #forecast #amazon #query #service #query-api #client
  152. aws-sdk-supportapp

    AWS SDK for AWS Support App

    v1.22.0 480 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #slack #service #channel #workspace
  153. aws-sdk-securitylake

    AWS SDK for Amazon Security Lake

    v1.23.0 430 #amazon-web-services #aws-security #web-services #aws-sdk #lake #amazon-s3 #service
  154. aws-sdk-resourceexplorer2

    AWS SDK for AWS Resource Explorer

    v1.23.0 950 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #resources #index #service #explorer
  155. mpesa

    A wrapper around the M-PESA API in Rust

    v1.1.0 #mobile #client #safaricom #service #account-balance #transaction-status #api
  156. parsec-service

    A language-agnostic API to secure services in a platform-agnostic way

    v1.4.0 470 #security #service #hardware #platform #parsec #cryptography #api
  157. servicer

    Simplify Service Management on systemd

    v0.1.14 #service #systemd #process #dbus #file-path #cli-tool #command-line-interface
  158. azure_svc_imds

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 2.1K #azure-rest #azure-sdk #api-bindings #generated-bindings #service #tags #version
  159. aws-sdk-entityresolution

    AWS SDK for AWS EntityResolution

    v1.24.0 600 #aws-sdk #resolution #entity #name #web-services #service #record
  160. aws-sdk-marketplaceagreement

    AWS SDK for AWS Marketplace Agreement Service

    v1.19.0 330 #aws-sdk #marketplaces #agreement #service #interface #agreements #user
  161. sn-node-manager

    A command-line application for installing, managing and operating safenode as a service

    v0.7.5-alpha.3 950 #node #service #safenode #applications #operating #manager #command-line
  162. aws-sdk-cloudtraildata

    AWS SDK for AWS CloudTrail Data Service

    v1.22.0 320 #aws-sdk #data #cloud-trail #events #service #applications #ingest
  163. aws-sdk-kinesisvideowebrtcstorage

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis Video WebRTC Storage

    v1.22.0 340 #aws-sdk #web-rtc #video #kinesis #amazon #client #service
  164. aws-sdk-bcmdataexports

    AWS SDK for AWS Billing and Cost Management Data Exports

    v1.20.0 310 #aws-sdk #export #data #billing #web-services #management #service
  165. azure_svc_marketplacecatalog

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 120 #azure #azure-sdk #service #operations #api-bindings #version #generated
  166. aws-sdk-marketplacedeployment

    AWS SDK for AWS Marketplace Deployment Service

    v1.19.0 340 #aws-sdk #marketplaces #aws #deployment #service #launch #quick
  167. azure_mgmt_arcdata

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #service #azure #azure-sdk #resource-manager #active #tags #operations
  168. azure_mgmt_dns

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #dns #azure-sdk #service #resource-manager #operations #tags #generated
  169. external-ip

    Asynchronous library to retrieve the system external IP

    v5.2.0 1.2K #ip-address #external #dns #source #http #service #retrieve
  170. aws-sdk-kinesisvideo

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

    v1.23.0 8.7K #video-stream #aws-sdk #operation #amazon #kinesis #service
  171. azure_svc_quantum

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 130 #azure-sdk #quantum #service #blob #operations #generated #tags
  172. azure_mgmt_attestation

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #attestation #service #azure-rest #azure-sdk #operations #resource-manager #tags
  173. azure_mgmt_activedirectory

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure-sdk #operations #service #active #versions #tags #api-bindings
  174. azure_svc_containerregistry

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 120 #azure #tags #azure-sdk #service #bindings #repository #specification
  175. gusto-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Gusto API

    v0.7.0 180 #gusto #api-client #client-token #generated #opinionated #service #client-secret
  176. azure_mgmt_eventgrid

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #service #azure-sdk #operations
  177. azure_svc_mixedreality

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 130 #azure #azure-sdk #api-bindings #service #generated #api-service #blob
  178. azure_svc_confidentialledger

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 110 #ledger #azure #azure-sdk #service #api-bindings #operations #generated
  179. foundations

    service foundations library

    v3.3.0 16K #metrics #settings #telemetry #service #seccomp #service-configuration #foundation
  180. zino

    Next-generation framework for composable applications in Rust

    v0.21.2 1.1K #http #web-framework #web #framework #jwt #service
  181. rotonda

    composable, programmable BGP engine

    v0.1.0 #bgp #routing #routes #composable #engine #programmable #service
  182. azure_svc_monitor

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 130 #azure-sdk #api-bindings #versions #generated #operations #service #monitor
  183. azure_mgmt_workloadmonitor

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 110 #azure #azure-sdk #api-bindings #service #operations #specification #generated
  184. azure_mgmt_changeanalysis

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure-sdk #service #api-bindings #resource-manager #operations #generated #tags
  185. azure_svc_schemaregistry

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 140 #azure-sdk #tags #bindings #versions #generated #service #api-bindings
  186. azure_mgmt_servicemap

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 100 #azure-sdk #service #generated #api-bindings #resource-manager #version #service-map
  187. monitord

    ... know how happy your systemd is! 😊

    v0.8.2 320 #service #systemd #units #linux #systemd-unit #daemon #mode
  188. momento

    Client SDK for Momento services

    v0.34.0 500 #cache #client #sdk #serverless #service #requests #auth-token
  189. azure_mgmt_devops

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #devops #azure-sdk #bindings #generated #operations #api-bindings #service
  190. azure_mgmt_windowsiot

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 110 #azure #azure-sdk #service #operations #api-bindings #generated-bindings #tags
  191. azure_mgmt_softwareplan

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 100 #azure-sdk #operations #api-bindings #generated #service #package-2019-12-01 #softwareplan
  192. azure_mgmt_serialconsole

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure #azure-sdk #api-bindings #operations #generated #tags #service
  193. azure_svc_queuestorage

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 140 #azure-sdk #storage #generated #api-bindings #service #version #operations
  194. azure_mgmt_operationsmanagement

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure-sdk #operations #bindings #generated #tags #api-bindings #service
  195. azure_mgmt_cloudshell

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure-rest #azure-sdk #bindings #generated #service #api-bindings #package-2018-10-01
  196. azure_mgmt_windowsesu

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 110 #azure-sdk #api-bindings #generated #tags #service #operations #package-2019-09-16-preview
  197. systemctl

    Small crate to interact with systemd units

    v0.3.1 3.6K #systemd-unit #interact #service #structs #serde #structure
  198. azure_mgmt_customerlockbox

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure #azure-sdk #rest #generated #bindings #operations #service
  199. azure_mgmt_edgeorderpartner

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #generated-bindings #api-bindings #edgeorderpartner #specification #service
  200. openstack_sdk

    OpenStack SDK

    v0.4.0 160 #open-stack #response-body #query #service #api-bindings #sdk #control
  201. azure_mgmt_enterpriseknowledgegraph

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure-sdk #azure-rest #api-bindings #generated #generated-bindings #tags #service
  202. conjure-runtime

    An HTTP client compatible with Conjure-generated services

    v4.7.0 6.8K #http-client #client-server #conjure #http-server #service #blocking-client #interface
  203. azure_mgmt_marketplacecatalog

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure-sdk #api-bindings #operations #generated #service #marketplacecatalog #package-2022-02-02
  204. zram-generator

    Systemd unit generator for zram swap devices

    v1.1.2 #systemd-unit #devices #swap #configuration #generator #zram #service
  205. aws-sdk-controlcatalog

    AWS SDK for AWS Control Catalog

    v1.3.0 270 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #control #catalog #service #api
  206. azure_mgmt_syntex

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 100 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #syntex #api-bindings #service #generated #tags
  207. aws-sdk-polly

    AWS SDK for Amazon Polly

    v1.23.0 4.9K #speech-synthesis #aws-sdk #markup-language #web-services #operation #polly #service
  208. aws-sdk-resourcegroupstagging

    AWS SDK for AWS Resource Groups Tagging API

    v1.22.0 7.0K #aws-sdk #resources #tagging #group #operation #service #api-service
  209. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  210. aws-sdk-backup

    AWS SDK for AWS Backup

    v1.24.0 14K #amazon-web-services #backup #web-services #aws-sdk #operation #service
  211. aws-sdk-textract

    AWS SDK for Amazon Textract

    v1.22.0 5.0K #aws-sdk #document #amazon #operation #information #textract #service
  212. aws-sdk-docdb

    AWS SDK for Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility

    v1.24.0 3.5K #aws #aws-sdk #amazon #operation #document-db #mongo-db #service
  213. aws-sdk-apigatewaymanagement

    AWS SDK for AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi

    v1.22.0 5.7K #api-gateway #aws-sdk #run-time #amazon-api-gateway-management-api #api-client #service #operation
  214. aws-sdk-codestarconnections

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeStar connections

    v1.24.0 340 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #connection #web-services #repository #operation #service
  215. aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2

    AWS SDK for AWS CloudHSM V2

    v1.22.0 1.6K #aws-sdk #cloud-hsm #service #client #information #operation #user
  216. aws-sdk-resourcegroups

    AWS SDK for AWS Resource Groups

    v1.23.0 500 #group #aws-sdk #resources #tags #operation #web-services #service
  217. aws-sdk-proton

    AWS SDK for AWS Proton

    v1.22.0 380 #service #amazon-web-services #client-token #template #proton #aws-sdk #operation
  218. aws-sdk-servicecatalog

    AWS SDK for AWS Service Catalog

    v1.23.0 1.2K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #operation #service #catalog #organization
  219. aws-sdk-servicecatalogappregistry

    AWS SDK for AWS Service Catalog App Registry

    v1.22.0 440 #aws #aws-sdk #applications #resources #operation #web-services #service
  220. aws-sdk-apprunner

    AWS SDK for AWS App Runner

    v1.23.0 350 #amazon-web-services #web-services #aws-sdk #runner #service #operation #web-apps
  221. aws-sdk-emr

    AWS SDK for Amazon EMR

    v1.24.0 550 #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #emr #operation #service #hadoop
  222. aws-sdk-cloudcontrol

    AWS SDK for AWS Cloud Control API

    v1.22.0 750 #control-api #web-services #aws-sdk #operation #cloud #service #user
  223. aws-sdk-savingsplans

    AWS SDK for AWS Savings Plans

    v1.23.0 500 #aws-sdk #saving #plans #web-services #operation #service #instance
  224. aws-sdk-xray

    AWS SDK for AWS X-Ray

    v1.22.0 700 #web-services #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #service #x-ray #operation #trace
  225. aws-sdk-servicequotas

    AWS SDK for Service Quotas

    v1.22.0 500 #web-services #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #service #quota #operation
  226. aws-sdk-outposts

    AWS SDK for AWS Outposts

    v1.24.0 500 #aws-sdk #web-services #operation #outposts #service #resources #data-processing
  227. aws-sdk-snowdevicemanagement

    AWS SDK for AWS Snow Device Management

    v1.22.0 470 #aws-sdk #devices #web-services #snow #management #operation #service
  228. aws-sdk-amplify

    AWS SDK for AWS Amplify

    v1.24.0 420 #aws-sdk #amplify #operation #applications #hosting #service #deployment
  229. aws-sdk-cloudsearch

    AWS SDK for Amazon CloudSearch

    v1.22.0 330 #aws-sdk #domain #operation #configuration #service #amazon #cloud-search
  230. aws-sdk-kinesisanalyticsv2

    AWS SDK for Amazon Kinesis Analytics

    v1.23.0 340 #data-analytics #aws-sdk #amazon #service #managed #operation #flink
  231. aws-sdk-qldb

    AWS SDK for Amazon QLDB

    v1.22.0 460 #aws-sdk #operation #qldb #service #client #information #github
  232. aws-sdk-directory

    AWS SDK for AWS Directory Service

    v1.22.0 340 #web-services #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #directory #active-directory #operation #service
  233. aws-sdk-lakeformation

    AWS SDK for AWS Lake Formation

    v1.24.0 500 #aws-sdk #operation #lake #formation #information #service #client
  234. aws-sdk-timestreamquery

    AWS SDK for Amazon Timestream Query

    v1.23.0 650 #aws-sdk #query #timestream #operation #amazon #client #service
  235. aws-sdk-lookoutmetrics

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lookout for Metrics

    v1.22.0 350 #aws-sdk #metrics #operation #amazon #information #service #client
  236. aws-sdk-iot1clickdevices

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT 1-Click Devices Service

    v1.22.0 330 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #devices #operation #service #1-click #api
  237. aws-sdk-nimble

    AWS SDK for AmazonNimbleStudio

    v1.22.0 340 #amazon-web-services #studio #aws-sdk #operation #resources #client #service
  238. aws-sdk-mediapackage

    AWS SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage

    v1.22.0 410 #aws-sdk #operation #media-package #client #service #output #elemental
  239. aws-sdk-robomaker

    AWS SDK for AWS RoboMaker

    v1.22.0 410 #aws-sdk #operation #service #api #information #call #documentation

Search for: service operation, …aws-sdk, …async, …operations, …api, …applications, …linux, …oriented, …http