14 unstable releases (5 breaking)

0.5.1 May 12, 2024
0.5.0 Mar 15, 2024
0.4.1 Oct 12, 2023
0.3.0 Jul 18, 2023
0.0.6 Nov 28, 2022

#280 in Network programming

MIT license

7.5K SLoC


The fast library for querying game servers/services.
This library brings what node-GameDig does (and not only), to pure Rust!

Warning: This project goes through frequent API breaking changes and hasn't been thoroughly tested.


Checkout the GameDig Community Discord Server here.
Note that it isn't be a replacement for GitHub issues, if you have found a problem within the library or want to request a feature, it's better to do so here rather than on Discord.


Minimum Supported Rust Version is 1.65.0 and the code is cross-platform.

Pick a game/service/protocol (check the GAMES, SERVICES and PROTOCOLS files to see the currently supported ones), provide the ip and the port (be aware that some game servers use a separate port for the info queries, the port can also be optional if the server is running the default ports) then query on it.

Team Fortress 2 query example:

use gamedig::games::teamfortress2;

fn main() {
    let response = teamfortress2::query(&"".parse().unwrap(), None);
    // None is the default port (which is 27015), could also be Some(27015)

    match response { // Result type, must check what it is...
        Err(error) => println!("Couldn't query, error: {}", error),
        Ok(r) => println!("{:#?}", r)

Response (note that some games have a different structure):

  protocol: 17,
  name: "Team Fortress 2 Dedicated Server.",
  map: "ctf_turbine",
  game: "tf2",
  appid: 440,
  players_online: 0,
  players_details: [],
  players_maximum: 69,
  players_bots: 0,
  server_type: Dedicated,
  has_password: false,
  vac_secured: true,
  version: "7638371",
  port: Some(27015),
  steam_id: Some(69753253289735296),
  tv_port: None,
  tv_name: None,
  keywords: Some(
  rules: [

Want to see more examples? Checkout the examples folder.


The documentation is available at docs.rs.
Curious about the history and what changed between versions? Everything is in the CHANGELOG file.


If you want to see your favorite game/service being supported here, open an issue, and I'll prioritize it (or do a pull request if you want to implement it yourself)!

Before contributing please read CONTRIBUTING.


~305K SLoC