
  1. wasmtime

    High-level API to expose the Wasmtime runtime

    v28.0.1 305K #wasm-module #wasm-engine #memory #instance #run-time #wasm-binary #host
  2. names

    A random name generator with names suitable for use in container instances, project names, application instances, etc

    v0.14.0 261K #name #random-string #random #instance #generator #container #applications
  3. field-offset

    Safe pointer-to-member implementation

    v0.3.6 367K #offset #field #safe #pointers #pointer-to-member #offset-of #instance
  4. afterburn

    cloud provider agent

    v5.7.0 1.7K #cloud #ssh-key #metadata #instance #agent #platform #provider
  5. aws-sdk-ecs

    AWS SDK for Amazon EC2 Container Service

    v1.61.0 13K #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #task #service #instance #cluster #resources
  6. aws-sdk-neptune

    AWS SDK for Amazon Neptune

    v1.55.0 4.0K #database-engine #graph-database #parameters #aws-sdk #neptune #amazon #instance
  7. sozu-command-lib

    configuration library to command a sozu instance

    v1.1.0-rc.1 500 #reverse-proxy #unix-socket #proxy-config #sozu #sockets #instance #protobuf
  8. aws-sdk-codedeploy

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeDeploy

    v1.55.0 600 #aws-sdk #deployment #auto-scaling #web-services #instance #aws #applications
  9. gitlobster

    cloning all available repositories in a GitLab instance

    v1.4.3 #gitlab #repository #cloning #download #instance #tool #command
  10. aws-sdk-lightsail

    AWS SDK for Amazon Lightsail

    v1.57.0 1.7K #database #amazon-web-services #aws-sdk #web-services #instance #lightsail #resources
  11. aws-sdk-computeoptimizer

    AWS SDK for AWS Compute Optimizer

    v1.56.0 800 #auto-scaling #aws-sdk #web-services #recommendations #optimization #service-configuration #instance
  12. aws-sdk-autoscaling

    AWS SDK for Auto Scaling

    v1.61.0 8.4K #auto-scaling #aws-sdk #instance
  13. aws-sdk-elasticloadbalancing

    AWS SDK for Elastic Load Balancing

    v1.54.0 390 #load-balancer #aws-sdk #instance
  14. census

    Keeps an inventory of living objects

    v0.4.2 185K #inventory #reference-counting #object #garbage #track #tantivy #instance
  15. aws-sdk-servicediscovery

    AWS SDK for AWS Cloud Map

    v1.54.0 800 #health-check #aws-sdk #service-discovery #dns-records #cloud #instance #map
  16. tauri-plugin-single-instance

    Ensure a single instance of your tauri app is running

    v2.2.1 19K #tauri-plugin #instance #single #ensure #running #platform #manager
  17. rbx_dom_weak

    Weakly-typed Roblox DOM implementation for Rust

    v2.9.0 550 #roblox #dom #instance #external #weakly-typed #representation #weak
  18. aws-sdk-savingsplans

    AWS SDK for AWS Savings Plans

    v1.54.0 600 #aws-sdk #web-services #plans #saving #operation #client #instance
  19. wikibase

    access Wikibase

    v0.7.2 270 #wikidata #mediawiki #json-api #instance #free #io #reading
  20. bevy_eventwork

    Event based networking library for Bevy

    v0.10.0 220 #bevy-networking #instance #events #chat-client #client-connect #solution #client-server
  21. rbx_reflection

    Roblox reflection database and ambiguous type resolution

    v4.7.0 480 #roblox #reflection #resolution #instance #enums #property #database
  22. countme

    Counts the number of live instances of types

    v3.0.1 256K #instance #count #live #numbers #allocated #quickly #types
  23. gemfreely

    Synchronize Gemini protocol blogs to the Fediverse

    v0.1.9 #gemini #fediverse #blog #protocols #write-freely #sync #instance
  24. aws-sdk-ec2instanceconnect

    AWS SDK for AWS EC2 Instance Connect

    v1.53.0 370 #aws-sdk #ssh-key #public-key #ec2 #instance #connect #amazon
  25. aws-sdk-licensemanagerusersubscriptions

    AWS SDK for AWS License Manager User Subscriptions

    v1.54.0 390 #aws-sdk #user #subscription #manager #ec2 #operation #instance
  26. structdiff

    zero-dependency crate for generating and applying partial diffs between struct instances

    v0.7.1 1.8K #difference #struct #struct-fields #delta-compression #diff #partial #instance
  27. aws-sdk-licensemanagerlinuxsubscriptions

    AWS SDK for AWS License Manager Linux Subscriptions

    v1.54.0 340 #aws-sdk #manager #subscription #ec2 #instance #operation #service
  28. chrome_server

    Chrome proxy API to manage chrome in Cloud Providers

    v0.2.4 600 #chrome #headless-chrome #instance #cloud #health-check #provider #proxy-server
  29. am2am

    A proxy that is designed to handle incoming webhooks from Alertmanager and forward them to another Alertmanager instance

    v0.1.10 230 #alert #instance #alertmanager #webhook #proxy #another #incoming
  30. linera-wasmer-vm

    Runtime library support for Wasmer

    v4.4.0-linera.6 1.6K #wasm #wasmer #run-time #memory #web-assembly #instance #vm
  31. cubic

    lightweight command line manager for virtual machines. It has a simple, daemon-less and rootless design. All Cubic virtual machines run isolated in the user context. Cubic is built on top of QEMU…

    v0.3.0 #virtual-machine #vm #command-line #instance #command-line-interface #ubuntu #manager
  32. rojo

    Enables professional-grade development tools for Roblox developers

    v7.4.4 240 #roblox #visual-studio #version-control #engineering #instance #git #lua
  33. arcshift

    Replacement for std::sync::Arc<T> that supports updating the value, with some caveats

    v0.1.10 #smart-pointers #arc #atomic #value #linked-list #instance #thread
  34. globalcache

    Cache utility that allows per-process managent of many cache instances

    v0.3.2 8.9K #cache #instance #utility #per-process #managent
  35. aws-sdk-bcmpricingcalculator

    AWS SDK for AWS Billing and Cost Management Pricing Calculator

    v1.6.0 650 #aws-sdk #estimate #commitment #reserved #pricing #calculator #instance
  36. ra_ap_load-cargo

    Loads a Cargo project into a static instance of rust-analyzer for analysis

    v0.0.258 6.8K #cargo #ide #analysis #rust-analyzer #static-analysis #load #instance
  37. htsget-actix

    A webserver instance of htsget-rs using actix-web

    v0.7.2 #actix-web #web-server #bioinformatics #http-response #htsget #web-framework #instance
  38. wasmer-vm

    Runtime library support for Wasmer

    v5.0.5-rc1 80K #run-time #wasm #wasmer #memory #instance #table #vm
  39. ra-multiplex

    share one rust-analyzer server instance between multiple LSP clients to save resources

    v0.2.5 #cargo-workspace #instance #lsp #rust-analyzer #language-server #editor #clients
  40. influxive-writer

    efficiently writing metrics to a running InfluxDB instance

    v0.0.3-alpha.1 1.2K #influx-db #metrics #running #instance #writer #influxive #token
  41. htsget-axum

    A webserver instance of htsget-rs using Axum

    v0.2.2 #bioinformatics #http-response #axum #web-server #instance #http-request #service
  42. dunge

    portable 3d render library

    v0.3.3 #desktop-applications #graphics #wgpu #shader #graphics-api #instance #group
  43. deislabs/agent

    A Kubernetes Resource Interface for the Edge

    GitHub 0.12.20 #devices #instance #kubernetes #discovery #edge #interface #resource
  44. codegen

    generating Rust code

    v0.2.0 26K #builder #scope #generate #api #elements #add #instance
  45. doubloon

    Money datatype that supports both statically and dynamically typed currencies

    v0.2.0 #currency #money #currencies #traits #bounds #amount #instance
  46. hc-wasmer-vm

    Runtime library support for Wasmer

    v4.3.6-hc.1 600 #wasmer #wasm #run-time #memory #instance #table #vm
  47. lsrmod

    lsmod written in rust and outputs into std and json

    v0.1.3 #json #automation #instance #output #memory #scripting #lsmod
  48. assign

    macro to allow mutating instance with declarative flavor

    v1.1.1 10K #declarative-macro #macro #instance #mutation #initialization #flavor #default-value
  49. use-memos-cli

    A CLI tool for interacting with the Memos API through a self hosted instance

    v0.1.2 #memos #cli #self-hosted #api #memo #instance #tool
  50. quote2

    An alternative lightweight version of quote

    v0.9.0 800 #quote #proc-macro #token-stream #version #performance #instance #direct
  51. htsget-lambda

    A cloud-based instance of htsget-rs, using AWS Lambda, which can be configured using htsget-config

    v0.5.2 #aws-lambda #bioinformatics #serverless #htsget #instance #run-time #htsget-rs
  52. shared-buffer-rs

    combines Arc and RefCell for Send and Sync

    v0.1.1 #buffer #thread-safe #send-sync #refcell #arc #instance #access
  53. midenc-frontend-wasm

    Wasm frontend for the Miden compiler

    v0.0.7 #wasm-module #wasm-component #miden #instance #translation #front-end
  54. cargo-nebular-setup

    An setup script for the nebular store

    v0.1.4 #setup #store #nebular #script #cargo #instance #up
  55. busstop

    A command and query bus

    v0.2.2 #command-handler #bus #query #web #web-dev #register #instance
  56. r1

    v0.7.6 650 #instance #single #one-instance #run #command #systems #help
  57. nile-client-rs

    client for the thenile.dev/

    v0.0.5 #control-plane #api-client #thenile #env-vars #entity #dev #instance
  58. ommx

    Open Mathematical prograMming eXchange (OMMX)

    v2.0.0-rc.0 330 #optimization #math #linear-programming #artifact #exchange #instance #random
  59. kvarnctl

    Communication with Kvarn from the command line

    v0.2.1 #command-line-interface #web-server #kvarn #ipc #communication #instance #send
  60. kith

    A TUI for accessing Teleport databases

    v0.1.2 #postgresql #database-access #tui #terminal #teleport #instance #terminal-session
  61. serde_literals

    Support for serialising and deserialising literals directly into enum unit variants

    v0.1.2 160 #literals #serde #enums #variant #deserialize #unit #instance
  62. drg

    A command line tool to interact with a drogue-cloud instance

    v0.11.0 #command-line-tool #cloud #drogue #management #apps #drogue-cloud #instance
  63. aware

    AWS Resource Explorer

    v0.0.36 #aws #explorer #resources #ec2 #vpc #instance #networking
  64. RustBook_Instances_CN

    一个包含了RustBook程序实例的学习项目,a project that contains instances of RustBook with Chinese,for studing

    v0.7.2 420 #rustbook_instances_cn #chinese #rust-book #instance #studing
  65. relax

    Derive Partial<T>

    v0.1.1 #instance #relaxed #partial #struct #derive #types #generate
  66. mpvipc

    A small library which provides bindings to control existing mpv instances through sockets

    v1.3.0 130 #mpv #control #sockets #bindings #instance #playback #sock
  67. remodel

    read, modify, and write Roblox objects

    v0.10.0 #roblox #instance #place #assets #read-write #write-file #lua
  68. single-instance

    single instance application

    v0.3.3 11K #single #instance #singleton #applications #unix-domain-socket #mutex #running
  69. reconcile

    A reconciliation service to sync a key-value map over multiple instances

    v0.1.4 #key-value #key-value-store #sync #instance #map #reconciliation #consistent
  70. nanotemplate

    A minimal templating engine that renders a string from the template, replacing all instances of {placeholder} with given values

    v0.3.0 2.4K #template-engine #templating #string #instance #replacing #renders #pair
  71. noir-bignum-paramgen

    command line tool to convert a modulus into bignum instance parameters for https://github.com/noir-lang/noir-bignum

    v0.1.5 #parameters #bignum #noir #field #instance #circuit #run-time
  72. spacetimedb-standalone

    An executable for running a single SpacetimeDB standalone instance

    v1.0.0-rc3 110 #spacetime-db #standalone #executable #instance #single #running
  73. config-it

    Centralized dynamic configuration management

    v0.9.2 #configuration-management #dynamic-config #config #centralized #template #applications #instance
  74. ureeves-wasmtime

    High-level API to expose the Wasmtime runtime

    v27.0.3 260 #wasm-module #memory #instance #wasmtime #host #run-time #engine
  75. ztimer

    A block-based, non-circular double-linked list implementation for Rust

    v0.1.2 #timer #applications #clock #numbers #thread #overhead #instance
  76. sn_node_rpc_client

    Safe Node RPC Client

    v0.6.36 140 #rpc-client #decentralized-storage #network-communication #safenode #p2p-communication #instance #node
  77. diffogus

    calculate the difference between 2 instances of a type

    v0.3.0 300 #diff #instance #difference #collection #serde #diffing #calculate
  78. statement

    An event-driven state machine library for Rust

    v0.1.4 #state-machine #event-driven #events #instance #information #how #set
  79. spsd

    state persistent serverless devboxes

    v0.1.4 #instance #serverless #persistent #firecracker #command-line #docker #fly
  80. oc-hook-macros

    Some convenient macros for hooking Objective-C functions

    v0.1.1 #hook #macro #class #instance #objective-c #functions #fn
  81. hc-runner

    Command runner for healthchecks.io

    v0.4.4 #health-check #command-runner #io #command-line #instance #report #url
  82. wasmer-deploy-schema

    Utilty crate that holds shared types and logic used in Wasmer Deploy

    v0.0.21 3.8K #wasmer #schema-definition #deployment #workload #token #metadata #instance
  83. random-access-storage

    Abstract interface to implement random-access instances

    v5.0.0 100 #random-access #interface #instance #abstract #storage #traits #back-end
  84. guest-server

    HTTP server implementation

    v0.1.6 550 #server #http-server #guest #routes #instance #home #register
  85. rscls

    A language server for rust-script

    v0.2.2 #language-server #rust-script #receive #id #package #instance #configuration
  86. aws-lib

    Helper functions and types for AWS operations

    v0.4.0 110 #aws #helper #tags #operations #api-bindings #functions #instance
  87. plectrum

    An easy way to represent lookup tables in a db as rust enums

    v0.1.0 #lookup-tables #enums #database-table #mapping #db #proc-macro #instance
  88. singletonThread

    thread in a singleton

    v1.1.0 #singletonthread #thread #singleton #instance #fn-mut #pattern #run #defined
  89. objective-rust

    Seamlessly bind Rust and Objective-C code

    v0.1.1 #objective-c #class #macos #ffi #objrs #instance #methods
  90. boxes

    Quick and easy CLI to create and manage Minecraft servers

    v0.1.5 #minecraft-server #local-server #instance #manage #configure #create #locally
  91. db-core

    dbms engine

    v0.2.1 #database-engine #dbms #instance #schemaless #database #db #acid
  92. pidfile2

    PID Files as process locks in Rust

    v0.1.1 310 #process #pid #file-management #instance #locking #process-running #pid-file
  93. symbolic_math

    performing symbolic mathematics. Supports basic arithmetic operations, expression simplification, and expansion, and evaluation.

    v0.1.2 #math #arithmetic-operations #expression #expr #instance #evaluation #symbols
  94. rship-sdk

    rship sdk in rust

    v0.1.6 #sdk #rship #client-sdk #target #instance #action #emitter
  95. rbxm

    Reader for Roblox model files

    v0.3.0 #roblox #instance #model #mesh #format #reader #read
  96. tsfile-writer

    TsFile writer in rust with a sync sender to import tsfiles to Apache IoTDB instances

    v0.2.1 #apache #writer #compression #sync #iotdb #ts-file #instance
  97. multipass

    Rust SDK for Canonical Multipass

    v0.2.0 #canonical #instance #sdk #command #image
  98. execute-command-macro

    Create Command instances using the command! macro or the command_args! marco

    v0.1.9 15K #execute-command #command #execute #macro #instance #command-args
  99. hornbill_apilib

    rust api library for connecting to a hornbill instance

    v0.3.0 #hornbill #instance #xmlmc #connecting #endpoint #response #api
  100. je

    Allows to upload and download content to and from AEM instance

    v0.3.0 #content #aem #download #upload #instance #synchronization #exchange
  101. singleton-manager

    A programatical singleton manager

    v0.1.4 #singleton #thread-safe #service-factory #manager #instance #state #object
  102. jvm-hprof

    A parser for JVM hprof heap dumps

    v0.1.0 #heap #jvm #dump #java #hprof #file-format #instance
  103. rdlock

    distributed redis locks written in rust

    v1.0.3 #redis #distributed-lock #locks #lock-file #instance #set #multiple
  104. consistent_hasher

    consistent hashing, a technique commonly used in distributed systems to map keys (such as data items or requests) to nodes (e.g., servers or storage units) in a way that minimizes disruptions…

    v0.1.5 470 #consistent-hashing #node #node-key #load-balancer #distributed-systems #virtual #instance
  105. mongo_data_exporter

    MongoDB data exporter to another MongoDB instance

    v0.1.3 #mongo-db #export #exporter #another #database #instance #data
  106. chromedriver-manager

    downloading and managing ChromeDrivers

    v0.3.5 #chromedriver #thirtyfour #download #chrome-drivers #manager #instance #automatic
  107. clerk-sdk-rust-community

    The Clerk REST Backend API, meant to be accessed by backend servers. Please see https://clerk.com/docs for more information.

    v1.0.4 #phone-number #email #user #organization #authentication #create-user #instance
  108. raii-counter

    RAII Counter

    v0.4.1 950 #counter #raii #numbers #count #tracking #instance #transactions
  109. clipboard-sync

    Synchronizes the clipboard across multiple X11 and wayland instances running on the same machine

    v0.2.0 #clipboard #wayland #instance #x11 #across #synchronization #run
  110. i2p_client

    A SAMv3 I2P client for the local I2P router instance

    v0.2.9 #i2p #client #architecture #local #service #instance #service-bus
  111. kvarn_signal

    IPC signaling library, mainly used for kvarnctl

    v0.2.1 #unix-socket #kvarn #ipc #communication #sockets #signaling #instance
  112. kay

    Experimental high-performance actor system framework for Rust

    v0.5.1 #actor-system #instance #real-time #messages #framework #entities #experimental
  113. cobble-core

    managing, installing and launching Minecraft instances and more

    v1.2.0 #minecraft #minecraft-server #minecraft-mod #instance #async #game #java-class
  114. substrate-wasmtime

    High-level API to expose the Wasmtime runtime

    v0.19.0 600 #wasm-module #wasmtime #instance #memory #run-time #api #store
  115. chris

    client library

    v0.5.0-a.2 #plugin #client #data #instance #feed #cube #user
  116. drop-move

    support moving out of drop

    v0.1.0 1.3K #drop #move #moving #pass #instance #dropped #dropping
  117. nacos-api

    Nacos - Rust Client

    v0.2.1 #nacos #instance #service #client #delete #list #register
  118. sc-executor

    that provides means of executing/dispatching calls into the runtime

    v0.41.0 147K #run-time #calls #execution #instance #substrate #cache #executing-dispatching
  119. mysqlbinlog-network

    mysqlbinlog from MySQL instance

    v1.0.9 #mysql #binlog #instance #events #mysqlbinlog #networking #runner
  120. io_tee

    Tee Read, BufRead, and Seek instances to a writer

    v0.1.1 17K #read-stream #read-write #reader-writer #seek #tee #buf-read #instance
  121. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  122. spark-orderbook-sdk

    Spark Rust SDK for Orderbook contract interaction

    v0.2.1 #spark #orderbook #market #interaction #deployment #instance #owner
  123. qbdi-sys

    QBDI library rust binding (use rust bindgen)

    v0.1.2 #vm #instance #callback #qbdi #register #binding #virtual
  124. proget

    A client for the ProGet API

    v0.2.4 100 #client #repository #api-client #api-bindings #rustls #index-map #instance
  125. osu-file-parser

    parse an osu! beatmap file

    v1.1.0 160 #osu #beatmap #error #parsed #equals #assert #instance
  126. mersenne-twister-m

    mersenne twister pseudorandom number generator

    v0.3.0 #numbers #mersenne #generator #twister #mersenne-twister #mt19937 #instance
  127. oxigraph_wikibase

    SPARQL server based on Oxigraph for Wikibase instances

    v0.2.5 #oxigraph #sparql #server #wikibase #instance #web-server #mediawiki
  128. audir

    Low-level audio library

    v0.1.0 #audio #low-level #instance #api
  129. svgen

    Runit service generator

    v0.2.0 #service #template #instance #name-service #runit #run #generate
  130. rds_proxy

    Connect existing Postgres tools to an RDS instance using IAM Authentication

    v0.2.0 #rds #postgresql #iam #instance #proxy #connect #authentication
  131. type-census

    Track the number of extant instances of your types

    v0.3.1 #instance #numbers #track #types #extant #counter #census
  132. lambda_cli

    application to interact with the Lambda Cloud GPU API

    v0.1.0 #api-key #instance #gpu #cloud #lambda #ssh-key #start
  133. serdine

    A tiny serialization library for storing types in a raw (but safe), memcpy-like, format

    v0.3.0 #serialization #binary-format #instance #binary-serialization #binary-data #deserializing #tiny
  134. firebase-app-sdk

    Firebase-App Sdk

    v0.1.4 #firebase #sdk #instance #services #authentication #applications #real-time
  135. sozu-command-futures

    configuration library to command a sozu instance

    v0.13.6 #reverse-proxy #sozu #instance #unix-socket #http #driving #command
  136. fates

    creating reactive declarations

    v0.1.9 #declaration #reactive #fate #reactive-programming #macro #reference #instance
  137. structured-output

    structured CLI output that can be displayed as either printed lines or JSON

    v0.1.1 #output #structured #line #cli #instance #arguments #printed
  138. aws-ec2

    run commands on AWS EC2 instances

    v0.5.0 #ec2 #instance #aws #run-command #key #group #resources
  139. csheap

    A heap implementation over a vector

    v0.1.12 330 #heap #vector #priority-queue #min-max #element #u32 #instance
  140. mys_villa

    provide simple access to villa open api

    v0.3.0 #villa #bot #request #api-request #open-api #instance
  141. to-syn-value

    Defines a derive macro to implement a trait converting values to instances of syn::ToDeriveInput

    v0.1.1 370 #syn #instance #macro-derive #traits #values #converting #defines
  142. tlayuda

    A derive procedural macro for structs that adds a static method that generates instances of the struct with minimal configuration

    v0.1.6 #instance #struct #proc-macro #generates #procedural #static #testing
  143. piholectl

    Command line tool to manage Pi-Hole instances

    v0.2.0 #command-line-tool #instance #host #manage #api-key #group #config-file
  144. smfnotify

    Notify webhook of new posts in Simple Machines Forum instance

    v0.5.0 #webhook #forum #post #instance #machines #notify #file
  145. delta-struct

    Delta struct provides a rust-lang Deriveable trait, Delta, that can be used to compute the difference (aka delta) between two instances of a type

    v0.1.0 420 #delta #instance #compute #struct #traits #difference #aka
  146. twitter/rustcommon-metrics

    Common Twitter Rust lib

    GitHub 0.1.2 #metrics #twitter #instance #registered #counter #lib #name
  147. enum_primitive

    Macro to generate num::FromPrimitive instances for enum that works in Rust 1.0

    v0.1.1 125K #enums #num #primitive-integer #generate #instance #macro #conversion
  148. monit-agregator

    Watchdog Monit agregator, like M/Monit

    v0.1.3 #monitoring #instance #monit #web-interface #process #unix #directories
  149. factory

    Factory trait and its implementations

    v0.1.2 200 #instance #traits #default #create #u8 #default-factory
  150. getrandom-runtime-seeded

    A collection of standardized messages, state structs, and helper functions a contract can use to implement contract migration

    v1.0.0 #random #cryptography #run-time #getrandom #cha-cha-rng #instance #set
  151. tokio-notify-aggregator

    A tokio-based notify event aggregator

    v0.1.1 #notify #tokio #instance #async #events #notifications #aggregator
  152. wasmer-vm-x

    Runtime library support for Wasmer

    v2.4.1 120 #table #wasm #instance #memory #run-time #wasmer #vm
  153. app-db-schema

    a common package for app with surreal

    v0.1.2 #surreal #execute #execute-silent #instance #delete #str #fn
  154. flatbuffers-rust

    FlatBuffers in Rust (To be continue)

    v0.1.2 #flat-buffers #byte #instance #vec #fields #flat-buffer #flatbuffer-var
  155. penpal-runtime

    A parachain for communication back and forth with XCM of assets and uniques

    v0.27.0 1.3K #run-time #assets #parachain #instance #relay #parent #polkadot
  156. bookstack-exporter

    Export a BookStack instance as a hierarchy of files

    v0.1.0 #export #instance #bookstack #book-stack #hierarchy #pages #exporter
  157. default-test

    A default trait that can be used in tests

    v0.1.1 180 #default #testing #unit-testing #mocking #instance #values #user
  158. apool

    Async generic pool crate for rust

    v0.1.3 #pool #async-pool #generic #sync #instance #created
  159. immutable_string

    Immutable Single Instance Strings for Rust

    v0.1.1 #immutability #string #instance #single
  160. static-instance

    Create mutable static instances of an object

    v0.1.1 #instance #static #global
  161. restart

    ensures only one instance of a command is running at a time

    v0.1.0 #process #instance #ensure #long-running #time #command #process-running
  162. dlq

    a CLI tool for polling the messages from your AWS DLQ instance

    v0.1.0 #amazon-sqs #aws #messages #polling #tool #command-line-tool #instance
  163. moniclock

    Monotonic clock

    v0.1.0 850 #clock #monotonic #duration #serialization #instance
  164. seekable_reader

    Seek implementation for every Read

    v0.1.2 #seek #read #seekable #io-read #reader #byte-reader #instance
  165. libphonenumber-sys

    rust ffi bindings to libphonenumber

    v0.1.1 #phone-number #numbers #bindings #libphonenumber #string #instance #valid
  166. wasm-message-passing-3nweb

    Allows message passing between WASM instance and its embedding (like 3NWeb client platform)

    v0.2.0 #message #instance #wasm #platform #embedding #communication #send
  167. ec2_instance_metadata

    fetching AWS EC2 instance metadata

    v0.3.0 2.0K #instance #metadata #ec2 #fetching #aws #api
  168. beep

    PC speaker

    v0.3.0 #speaker #pc #frequency #thread #play #tone #instance
  169. norgopolis-client

    client for Norgopolis

    v0.6.0 #norgopolis #instance #client #response #connection #connect #module
  170. serde-deserialize-over

    Deserialize structs onto existing struct instances via serde

    v0.1.1 #serde-json #instance #struct
  171. vultr-api

    api client

    v0.1.0 #api-client #vultr #dns #instance #billing #account #status
  172. tower-reconnect

    Automatically recreate a new Service instance when an error is encountered

    v0.3.0-alpha.2 #tower #automatic #error #instance #service #reconnect #recreate
  173. coldcard

    Wallet Interface Library in Rust

    v0.12.2 430 #wallet #bitcoin #interface #protocols #instance #connected #passphrase
  174. maa-framework

    Rust bindings for MaaFramework

    v0.5.0 #bindings #computer-vision #controller #black-box-testing #automation #instance #adb
  175. wei-single

    single instance application

    v0.3.6 #single #applications #singleton #instance #named #unix-domain-socket #file-path
  176. dummy-queue

    A dummy implementation of queue in rust

    v1.1.0 #queue #box #custom #generic #instance #enqueue #dummy
  177. jam-types

    JAM protocol datatypes for interoperation between node internals, services and authorizers

    v0.1.9 #service #jam #types #instance #node #authorizer #pvm
  178. looking-glass

    reflection & type-erasure library for Rust

    v0.1.1 #looking #reflection #instance #glass #look #enums #text
  179. mathjax

    interface to MathJax

    v0.1.1 130 #render #interface #svg #instance #output
  180. ptracer

    Debugger library

    v0.3.1 #debugging #syscalls #ptrace #warnings #platform #x86-64 #instance
  181. color-code

    work with color

    v0.1.0 #color #rgb #luminance #instance
  182. as-bytes

    Get the memory underlying a struct

    v0.2.0 #struct #slice #memory #byte #tiny #instance #backs
  183. tor_client

    A client for the local TOR router instance

    v0.0.11 #tor #local #instance #client #router #service
  184. stackpin

    data that should be pinned to the stack at the point of declaration

    v0.0.2 #pinned #point #declaration #stack #expose #instance #stack-pinned
  185. seximal

    (base6) equivalent of Rust's type system

    v0.1.5 #decimal #base6 #arithmetic #system #decimal-number #numbers #instance
  186. ak_arith_crate

    perform arithmetic operations on i32 data type instance

    v0.1.0 #arithmetic-operations #i32 #math #perform #instance #data
  187. glutton-westend-runtime

    Glutton parachain runtime

    v15.0.0 #run-time #parachain #glutton #relay #westend #chain #instance
  188. projfs

    Bindings for Windows Projected Filesystem API

    v0.1.2 #directory #projected #windows #bindings #api #instance #enumeration
  189. jsonsv

    CLI validator for JSON schema

    v0.1.2 #json-schema #schema-validation #instance #valid #error #stderr #stdout
  190. rfw

    Rendering framework for implementing new rendering algorithms and creating graphics applications

    v0.2.0 #framework #rendering #3d-rendering #wgpu #performance #graphics #instance
  191. deref-map

    extensions for Deref allowing returning of Deref instances for inner types

    v0.1.0 #deref #inner #returning #instance #allowing #extension #type
  192. susy-jsonrpc-test

    test framework for JSON-RPC

    v10.1.0 #json-rpc #susy #framework #test-framework #io-handler #request #instance
  193. redisfs

    A small CLI tool to use Redis as a file server

    v0.1.2 #redis #redis-server #cli #file-server #command-line-tool #download #instance
  194. cloud-meta

    Cloud metadata client

    v0.2.0 #cloud #metadata #client #platform #async #instance #oracle
  195. transfer

    that exposes a Transfer trait, that is to move what Clone is to copy

    v0.1.0 #clone #move #copy #traits #expose #instance #value