#place #state #capital #country #countries #usa #detection


Get place capitals for countries and USA states

2 releases

0.1.1 Sep 6, 2023
0.1.0 Sep 6, 2023

#3 in #capital

24 downloads per month

MIT license

106 lines

Place Capitals Crate

The Place Capitals Crate is a Rust library designed to provide easy access to static data related to countries, their capitals, and USA states and their capitals. This crate offers convenient functions to check whether a given place is a country or a USA state, as well as the ability to retrieve the capital for a given place.


  • Place Type Detection: Determine whether a given place is a country or a USA state.
  • Capital Lookup: Retrieve the capital associated with a specific country or USA state.


To use the Place Capitals Crate in your Rust project, add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file:

place-capitals = "0.1.0"


First, import the crate in your Rust project:

extern crate place_capitals;
use place_capitals::PlaceDetector;

Example 1: Detecting Place Type

fn main() {
    // Create a new PlaceDetector instance
    let detector = PlaceDetector::new();
    // Check if a place is a country
    let is_country = detector.is_country("France");
    println!("Is it a country? {}", is_country); // Output: Is it a country? true
    // Check if a place is a USA state
    let is_usa_state = detector.is_usa_state("California");
    println!("Is it a USA state? {}", is_usa_state); // Output: Is it a USA state? true
    // Check an unknown place
    let is_unknown = detector.is_country("Mars");
    println!("Is it a country? {}", is_unknown); // Output: Is it a country? false

Example 2: Retrieving Capital

fn main() {
    // Create a new PlaceDetector instance
    let detector = PlaceDetector::new();
    // Get the capital of a country
    let country_capital = detector.get_capital("France");
    println!("Capital of France: {:?}", country_capital); // Output: Capital of France: Some("Paris")
    // Get the capital of a USA state
    let usa_state_capital = detector.get_capital("California");
    println!("Capital of California: {:?}", usa_state_capital); // Output: Capital of California: Some("Sacramento")
    // Get the capital of an unknown place
    let unknown_capital = detector.get_capital("Mars");
    println!("Capital of Mars: {:?}", unknown_capital); // Output: Capital of Mars: None


This crate is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions to this crate are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have ideas for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


~102K SLoC