#actor-framework #order #processing #message #sqlite #ingestion #received

bin+lib arrows

An actor framework in rust with message durability and ingestion order processing of of messages

17 releases

0.1.16 Jan 25, 2022
0.1.15 Jan 24, 2022
0.1.0 Oct 16, 2021

#856 in Concurrency




An actor framework in rust with message durability and ingestion order processing of messages. Message persistence via an embedded sqlite instance. Message content can be text or binary. Messages themselves get stored as binany in the backing store.

use crate::{Actor, Mail, Msg, Producer};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

//A sample actor
pub struct DemoActor;
impl Actor for DemoActor {
    fn receive(&mut self, incoming: Mail) -> Option<Mail> {
        match incoming {
            Mail::Trade(msg) => println!("Received: {}", msg),
            bulk @ Mail::Bulk(_) => println!("Received bulk msg: {}", bulk),
            Mail::Blank => println!("DemoActor received blank"),
        Some(Msg::from_text("Message from DemoActor").into())

//Producer implementations are called to produce actor instances.

//Produces DemoActor instances
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
pub struct ActorProducer;

//Producer implementations need to be tagged with `typetag` marker.

impl Producer for ActorProducer {
    fn produce(&mut self) -> Box<dyn Actor> {

//The `define_actor` - macro actually defines a new actor `instance` in the system. The
//actor instance along with the producer - get persisted in the backing store, the actor
//instance gets activated and receives a startup signal and becomes ready to process
//incoming messages. The producer defintion is used to restart/restore the actor as

use arrows::define_actor;

let producer = ActorProducer::default();
define_actor!("demo_actor", producer);

//At this stage - the actor instance `demo_actor` is ready for incoming messages. It
//should have already received the startup signal.

use arrows::send;

let m1 = Msg::from_text("Message to demo actor");
let m2 = Msg::from_text("Message to demo actor");
let m3 = Msg::from_text("Message to demo actor");

send!("demo_actor", (m1, m2, m3));

//Create another actor instance - demo_actor1

define_actor!("demo_actor1", ActorProducer::default());

let m4 = Msg::from_text("Message to demo actor1");
let m5 = Msg::from_text("Message to demo actor1");

let m6 = Msg::from_text("Message to demo actor");
let m7 = Msg::from_text("Message to demo actor");

//Send out multiple messages to multiple actors at one go

send!("demo_actor1", (m4, m5), "demo_actor", (m6, m7));

//Actors running in remote systems - need to be identified by the `Addr` construct:

use arrows::Addr;

let remote_actor = Addr::remote("remote_actor", "");

let m1 = Msg::with_text("Message to remote actor");
let m2 = Msg::with_text("Message to remote actor");

send!("remote_actor", m1, m2);

//While sending to a single actor - its not recessary to group messages within braces.

How to get started:

  • Clone the github repository.
  • Do a cargo build in the project directory.
  • Launch an extra terminal
  • Fire the register.sh script in the project directory.
  • In another terminal launch the server.sh script in the same directory
  • From previous termainal launch the send.sh script - actors should start receiving messages


This project is still evolving. Contributions are welcome.


~624K SLoC