#oxigraph #sparql #server #wikibase #instance #web-server #mediawiki

app oxigraph_wikibase

SPARQL server based on Oxigraph for Wikibase instances

9 releases

0.2.5 Jul 11, 2021
0.2.4 Apr 28, 2021
0.2.2 Mar 18, 2021
0.2.1 Jan 16, 2021
0.1.1 Aug 14, 2020

#703 in HTTP server



Oxigraph Wikibase

Latest Version Crates.io Docker Image Version (latest semver) Docker Image Size (latest semver) Docker Pulls actions status Gitter

Oxigraph Wikibase is a SPARQL web server able to synchronize with a Wikibase instance. It is based on Oxigraph.

Oxigraph and Oxigraph Wikibase are in heavy development and not been optimized yet.


You need to have a recent stable version of Rust and Cargo installed. You also need clang to build RocksDB.

To download, build and install the latest released version run cargo install oxigraph_wikibase. There is no need to clone the git repository.

To compile the server from source, clone this git repository, and execute cargo build --release in the wikibase directory to compile the full server after having downloaded its dependencies. It will create a fat binary in target/release/oxigraph_wikibase.


To start a server that is synchronized with test.wikidata.org you should run:

./oxigraph_wikibase --mediawiki-api https://test.wikidata.org/w/api.php --mediawiki-base-url https://test.wikidata.org/wiki/ --namespaces 0,120 --file test.wikidata

It creates a SPARQL endpoint listening to localhost:7878/query that could be queried just like Blazegraph.

The configuration parameters are:

  • mediawiki_api URL of the MediaWiki API to use
  • mediawiki_base_url Base URL of MediaWiki pages like https://test.wikidata.org/wiki/ for test.wikidata.org or http://localhost/w/index.php?title= for "vanilla" installations.
  • namespaces The ids of the Wikibase namespaces to synchronize with, separated by ,.
  • file Path of where Oxigraph should store its data.

You can then access it from your machine on port 7878. No GUI is provided.

# Make a query
curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/sparql-results+json' -H 'Content-Type: application/sparql-query' --data 'SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 10' http://localhost:7878/query

Using a Docker image

Display the help menu

docker run --rm oxigraph/oxigraph-wikibase --help

Run the Web server

Expose the server on port 7878 of the host machine, and save data on the local ./data folder

docker run --init --rm -v $PWD/wikibase_data:/wikibase_data -p 7878:7878 oxigraph/oxigraph-wikibase -b -f /wikibase_data --mediawiki-api http://some.wikibase.instance/w/api.php --mediawiki-base-url http://some.wikibase.instance/wiki/

Warning: the Wikibase instance needs to be accessible from within the container. The clean way to do that could be to have both your wikibase and oxigraph_wikibase in the same docker-compose.yml.

You could easily build your own Docker image by running docker build -t oxigraph-wikibase -f wikibase/Dockerfile . from the root directory.


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~1M SLoC