17 releases

0.2.0-alpha.5 May 22, 2024
0.2.0-alpha.4 Mar 23, 2024
0.2.0-alpha.2 Jan 25, 2024
0.1.7 Jun 13, 2023
0.1.0 Mar 19, 2022

#609 in Data structures

Download history 375/week @ 2024-04-02 385/week @ 2024-04-09 250/week @ 2024-04-16 512/week @ 2024-04-23 321/week @ 2024-04-30 293/week @ 2024-05-07 319/week @ 2024-05-14 604/week @ 2024-05-21 594/week @ 2024-05-28 544/week @ 2024-06-04 608/week @ 2024-06-11 566/week @ 2024-06-18 894/week @ 2024-06-25 399/week @ 2024-07-02 518/week @ 2024-07-09 372/week @ 2024-07-16

2,287 downloads per month
Used in 46 crates (25 directly)




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OxRDF is a simple library providing datastructures encoding RDF 1.1 concepts.

This crate is intended to be a basic building block of other crates like Oxigraph or Spargebra.

Support for RDF-star is available behind the rdf-star feature.

OxRDF is inspired by RDF/JS and Apache Commons RDF.

Use oxrdfio if you need to read or write RDF files.

Usage example:

use oxrdf::*;

let mut graph = Graph::default();

// insertion
let ex = NamedNodeRef::new("http://example.com").unwrap();
let triple = TripleRef::new(ex, ex, ex);

// simple filter
let results: Vec<_> = graph.triples_for_subject(ex).collect();
assert_eq!(vec![triple], results);


This project is licensed under either of

  • Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>)
  • MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>)

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Oxigraph by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~25K SLoC