
  1. bumpalo

    A fast bump allocation arena for Rust

    v3.16.0 4.4M #bump #memory #allocation #arena #bump-allocator #collection #pointers
  2. multimap

    A multimap implementation

    v0.10.0 2.4M #collection #hash-map #wrapper #thin #implemented
  3. vec_map

    map based on a vector for small integer keys

    v0.8.2 1.5M #collection #data-structures #contain-rs #collections
  4. radix_trie

    Generic radix trie data-structure

    v0.2.1 741K #trie #generic #prefix #patricia #trie-node #key-prefix #collection
  5. bounded-collections

    Bounded types and their supporting traits

    v0.2.0 193K #collection #bounded #limit #supporting #traits #type #projects
  6. leptos-use

    Collection of essential Leptos utilities inspired by SolidJS USE / VueUse

    v0.10.8 5.3K #leptos #utilities #component #hook #collection #reactive #solid-js
  7. bevy_macro_utils

    A collection of utils for Bevy Engine

    v0.13.2 58K #bevy #game-engine #macro #data-driven #collection #function #built
  8. wtools

    Collection of general purpose tools for solving problems. Fundamentally extend the language without spoiling, so may be used solely or in conjunction with another module of such kind.

    v0.2.20 140 #module #general-purpose #fundamental #problem #constructor #collection #solving
  9. dylint

    running Rust lints from dynamic libraries

    v3.0.1 1.5K #lint #dynamic #clippy #linting #collection #cargo #running
  10. fallible_collections

    adds fallible allocation api to std collections

    v0.4.9 60K #collection #fallible #error #allocation #b-tree #box #vec
  11. managed

    An interface for logically owning objects, whether or not heap allocation is available

    v0.8.0 100K #heap-allocation #ownership #collection #generic #objects #heap-memory #environments
  12. cool_asserts

    A collection of useful testing assertions and utilities

    v2.0.3 88K #assertions #utilities #pattern-matching #collection #testing
  13. gst-plugin-threadshare

    GStreamer Threadshare Plugin

    v0.12.4 240 #gstreamer #plugin #elements #threadshare #bindings #run-time #collection
  14. winx

    Windows API helper library

    v0.36.3 137K #windows-api #utilities #helper #miscellaneous #collection
  15. icu_collections

    Collection of API for use in ICU libraries

    v1.4.0 34K #unicode-characters #collection #icu #localization #querying #internationalization #data-structures
  16. unclog

    allows you to build your changelog from a collection of independent files. This helps prevent annoying and unnecessary merge conflicts when collaborating on shared codebases.

    v0.7.3 #changelog #markdown #entries #section #folder #collection #build
  17. sorted-vec

    Create and maintain sorted vectors and vector-backed sets

    v0.8.3 16K #sorting #vector #collection #maintain #elements #unique #sets
  18. cast5

    block cipher

    v0.11.1 54K #block-cipher #cryptography #algorithm #rust-crypto #pure #collection #crypto
  19. wyz

    myrrlyn’s utility collection

    v0.6.1 2.3M #module #collection #utility #myrrlyn #range #convenience #fmt
  20. kvdb-rocksdb

    kvdb implementation backed by RocksDB

    v0.19.0 151K #kv-db #rocks-db #collection #projects #parity #backed
  21. cc-traits

    Common collection traits

    v2.0.0 7.7K #collection #traits #data-structure #common
  22. nom-supreme

    A collection of excellent utilities for nom

    v0.8.0 112K #nom #utilities #collection
  23. av-metrics

    A collection of algorithms for measuring audio/video metrics

    v0.9.1 8.7K #video #metrics #audio-video #quality #psnr #ssim #collection
  24. todo_lib

    Collection of utilities for todo.txt format

    v7.1.0 #list #todos #todo-txt #sorting #utilities #format #collection
  25. typed-index-collections

    Typed index version of Rust slice and Vec containers

    v3.1.0 9.7K #slice #index #collection #vec #no-std
  26. sucds

    Succinct data structures in Rust

    v0.8.1 25K #data-structures #succinct #compression #collection
  27. kvdb-memorydb

    A key-value in-memory database that implements the KeyValueDB trait

    v0.13.0 150K #key-value-database #projects #in-memory #traits #key-value-db #collection #parity
  28. aws-sdk-opensearchserverless

    AWS SDK for OpenSearch Service Serverless

    v1.22.0 330 #aws-sdk #opensearch #serverless #collection #security #amazon #configuration
  29. range-set

    Smallvec-backed containers of sorted integer ranges

    v0.0.11 6.5K #range #small-vec #collection #integer #container #inclusive #sorting
  30. prefix-trie

    Prefix trie datastructure (both a set and a map) that provides exact and longest-prefix matches

    v0.3.0 4.5K #ip-address #prefix-tree #prefix #ip #trie #ip-lookup #collection
  31. differential-dataflow-master

    An incremental data-parallel dataflow platform

    v0.13.0-dev.1 1.8K #timely-dataflow #dataflow #differential #collection #input #operator #data
  32. ra_ap_profile


    v0.0.212 18K #profiling #tbd #collection
  33. impl-serde

    Serde serialization support for uint and fixed hash

    v0.4.0 524K #fixed-hash #uint #projects #collection
  34. value-trait

    Traits to deal with JSONesque values

    v0.8.1 158K #value #traits #representing #jso-nesque #collection
  35. bcc

    Idiomatic Rust bindings for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)

    v0.0.34 10K #bpf #bindings #idiomatic #kernel #collection #compiler #goal
  36. yew_icons

    Easily include a variety of SVG icons into your Yew app

    v0.8.0 600 #svg-icons #yew #yew-component #flags #collection #variety #included
  37. utote

    Stack allocated uint multiset, with optional SIMD implementations

    v0.6.1 #multiset #stack-allocated #simd #stack #data-structure #collection
  38. gazebo

    A collection of well-tested utilities

    v0.8.1 6.1K #utilities #dupe #collection #vec #tested #traits #well-tested
  39. skiplist

    in rust, providing fast insertion and removal. A normal skiplist is implemented, as well as an ordered skiplist and a skipmap.

    v0.5.1 4.1K #sorting #collection #node-index #sorted
  40. strict-num

    A collection of bounded numeric types

    v0.2.0 208K #bounded #finite #types #collection #ord #partial-ord #hash
  41. mem_tools

    Collection of tools to manipulate memory

    v0.5.0 5.7K #memory #memory-region #general-purpose #fundamental #pointers #collection #manipulate
  42. rusty_dumb_tools

    A collection of simply tools Rust modules

    v0.1.8 #arguments-parser #module #calculator #calculations #line #command-line #collection
  43. iter_tools

    Collection of general purpose tools to iterate. Currently it simply reexports itertools.

    v0.15.0 16K #general-purpose #fundamental #collection #re-exports #iterate
  44. chromadb

    client library for the ChromaDB vector database

    v0.5.0 #vector-database #database-client #language #api #embedding #collection #similarity-search
  45. ffi-convert

    A collection of utilities to ease conversion between Rust and C-compatible data structures

    v0.6.1 20K #ffi #data-structures #utilities #interface #conversion #ease #collection
  46. sugars

    An useful collection of macros to make tasks easier

    v3.0.1 2.7K #sugar #macro #collection #tasks
  47. basic_trie

    Trie implementation in Rust

    v2.0.0 130 #trie #generic #collection #data-structure
  48. map-macro

    Declarative macros for statically initializing collections

    v0.3.0 3.7K #declarative-macro #collection #macro #hash-map #hash-set #vec #collections
  49. differential-dataflow

    An incremental data-parallel dataflow platform

    v0.12.0 700 #timely-dataflow #dataflow #differential #collection #operator #input #data
  50. kempt

    Ordered collection types with no unsafe code and no_std support

    v0.2.4 440 #collection #key-value #no-std #no-std-compatible #ordered #alloc #ordered-map
  51. tl-proto

    A collection of traits for working with TL serialization/deserialization

    v0.4.6 650 #tl #traits #data-encoding #deserialize #collection #serialization #proto
  52. wayrs-protocols

    A collection of Wayland protocols to use with wayrs-client

    v0.14.0 1.6K #wayland-protocol #wayland #client #protocols #collection #events #wayrs
  53. bgpkit-commons

    common BGP-related data and functions

    v0.5.2 330 #bgp #bgpkit #data-structures #function #collector #collection #country
  54. derive_tools

    A collection of derive macros designed to enhance STD

    v0.20.0 6.7K #macro-derive #general-purpose #fundamental #collection #from-str #enhance
  55. strs_tools

    Tools to manipulate strings

    v0.11.0 550 #string #general-purpose #fundamental #manipulate #collection
  56. mmtk

    framework for the design and implementation of high-performance and portable memory managers

    v0.24.0 150 #gc #garbage-collection #allocation #collection #garbage #unit-testing #test-framework
  57. kvdb

    Generic key-value trait

    v0.13.0 153K #key-value #traits #store #projects #collection #key-value-store #generic
  58. sw-composite

    a collection of software compositing routines

    v0.7.16 8.5K #compositing #routines #collection
  59. meta_tools

    Collection of general purpose meta tools

    v0.9.0 6.0K #collection #meta #fundamental #general-purpose #constructor #variadic #function-style
  60. postman2openapi

    Convert a Postman collection to an OpenAPI definition

    v1.2.1 950 #open-api #collection #postman #definition #json #convert #object
  61. typescript_tools

    Tools for working with TypeScript monorepos

    v10.0.26 470 #monorepo #typescript #opinionated #utilities #collection
  62. manganis

    Ergonomic, automatic, cross crate asset collection and optimization

    v0.2.2 1.6K #assets #build-tool #build-time #automatic #image #optimization #collection
  63. data_type

    Collection of primal data types

    v0.6.0 1.2K #data #fundamental #general-purpose #collection #constructor #types #primal
  64. ergotree-ir

    ErgoTree IR, serialization

    v0.27.1 150 #serialization #collection #ir #ergo-tree #avl-tree #value #box
  65. ndstruct

    Structures for N-dimensions

    v2.2.0 #dimension #sparse #structure #dense #collection #data-structures
  66. bevy_utils

    A collection of utils for Bevy Engine

    v0.13.2 71K #bevy #game-engine #collection #utilities
  67. suggest

    A minimal library to provide similar name suggestions like "Did you mean?"

    v0.5.1 2.6K #suggestions #mean #did #distance #collection #run-time #standard
  68. more_collections

    Additional collections not found in std::collections

    v0.13.6 380 #collection #multimap #found #map #set #heap #small-vec
  69. cargo-bazel

    A collection of tools which use Cargo to generate build targets for Bazel

    v0.12.0 200 #bazel #build #targets #generate #collection #cargo #html
  70. wasmer-middlewares

    A collection of various useful middlewares

    v4.3.0-alpha.1 10K #middleware #wasm #wasmer #operator #collection #metering #tracking
  71. cdylib-link-lines

    Collection of link-lines useful to build correct cdylibs on targets

    v0.1.5 2.8K #build #cdylibs #correct #targets #helper #collection #metabuild
  72. uuhelp_parser

    A collection of functions to parse the markdown code of help files

    v0.0.26 15K #parse-markdown #help #parser #text #cross-platform #collection #function
  73. cl-aux

    elements that describe collections

    v4.4.0 220 #collection #traits #elements #length #methods #describe #single
  74. typing_tools

    Collection of general purpose tools for type checking

    v0.7.0 1.1K #checking #general-purpose #fundamental #collection
  75. groot

    The coolest guardian of the galaxy!

    v0.6.1 #role #collection #ansible #galaxy #host-port #server-port
  76. diagnostics_tools

    Diagnostics tools

    v0.7.0 1.1K #diagnostics #fundamental #general-purpose #collection #basic
  77. refi

    Rename files in numeric order

    v3.2.0 150 #file-rename #file #collection #tool #command-line-tool #cli-file #managing
  78. corlib

    A various ideas library

    v0.2.0 100 #events #collection #general #non-option #purpose
  79. milkbox

    A collections of daily utils

    v0.0.14 500 #daily #collection #milkbox
  80. pgn_filter

    For searching/filtering pgn files of chess games

    v1.1.0 #pgn #chess #position #filter #collection #piece #save
  81. alot

    A forbid-unsafe, generational slot map with usize-sized IDs

    v0.3.1 340 #collection #slot #generational #structure #id #order #unique
  82. grafix-toolbox

    Personal collection of opengl and rust tools, also serving as an functional gui crate. See ./gui/elements for premade gui elements

    v0.8.20 1.0K #opengl #collection #personal #elements #gui #functional #serving
  83. enum-collections

    Collections data structures optimized for Enum, initializable at runtime

    v0.10.0 #enums #collection #hash-map #enum-map #enum #collections
  84. solr_post

    command line tool and library to post files in a directory to a Solr server

    v0.1.5 600 #post #solr #directory #collection #regex #tool #server
  85. stremio-official-addons

    All of the stremio official addons

    v2.0.12 140 #add-on #stremio #collection
  86. btree_experiment

    implements a BTreeMap similar to std::collections::BTreeMap

    v0.1.84 5.5K #btree-map #collection #range #unsafe-optim
  87. apple-clis

    A collection of Apple command-line tool wrappers, library and CLI

    v0.0.12 600 #apple #ios #documentation #wrapper #command-line #collection #command-line-tool
  88. trying

    Basic trie crate

    v0.5.1 #trie #generic #collection
  89. rd-util

    collection library for resctl-demo

    v2.2.5 450 #information #control #benchmark #resources #resctl-demo #collection #package
  90. hotel

    Collection Data-structure to associate values with keys

    v1.0.5 #key #data-structures #key-value-store #collection #cache #hashing #associate
  91. async-transport

    Asynchronous transports with ECN information

    v0.5.0 1.7K #transport #networking #protocols #information #ecn #async #collection
  92. zbus_names

    A collection of D-Bus bus names types

    v3.0.0 545K #dbus #name #ipc #zbus #collection #types #bus
  93. deno_unsync

    A collection of adapters to make working with Tokio single-threaded runtimes easier

    v0.3.3 63K #single-threaded #tokio #adapter #runtimes #collection #multi-threaded #deno
  94. appbiotic

    Tools to package to build services that can be managed similarly

    v0.1.3 #service #error #applications #collection #build #package #metadata
  95. bevy_mod_speedup

    collection of ways to increase the performance of your application

    v0.2.0 #applications #bevy #performance #gamedev #collection #increase #ways
  96. bio-types

    A collection of common biomedical types for use in rust-bio and rust-htslib

    v1.0.1 8.1K #types #biomedical #collection #rust-htslib #rust-bio
  97. cnctd_server

    Collection of server APIs

    v0.2.0 1.8K #server #server-api #module #collection
  98. tortank

    Turtle/N3 parser

    v0.20.0 #parser #turtle #rdf #string #node #collection #turtle-doc
  99. eventio

    A collection of event I/O processors for event-processing applications

    v0.10.1 #event #processing #io #processors #event-processing #applications #collection
  100. indexical

    indexed collections

    v0.6.1 120 #collection #bit-set #indexed #index #structures #domain #data-structures
  101. filey

    A collection of utilities to make file operations more convenient

    v1.4.0 140 #file #operations #utilities #file-io #collection #link #symlink
  102. frazzers-utils

    A collection of command line tool that I use to make my life easier

    v0.3.2 #command-line #collection #command-line-tool #life #utilities #cli
  103. async-utility

    Collection of async utilities

    v0.2.0 3.2K #async #tokio #tokio-util #utilities #collection #utility
  104. samling

    App for managing apparel collections

    v0.7.0 #collection #apparel #organization #user #api #api-token #user-token
  105. product-os-http-body

    Product OS : Http Body is a derivative of the http-body and http-body-util crates restructured for both std and no_std environments

    v0.0.4 410 #http-body #product-os #std #environments #alloc #derivative #collection
  106. mpl-cli

    Manage local board game stashes and interact with BoardGameGeek from your terminal

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 #board-game #mpl #collection #local #management #profile #manage
  107. fallible_vec

    Fallible allocation functions for the Rust standard library’s Vec type

    v0.3.1 #vec #fallible #collection #no-std
  108. traiter

    Traits collection

    v4.0.0 #traits #collection #actions
  109. pocc

    A CLI to play with postman collections(v2.1.0) inspired by password-store

    v1.1.1 #collection #postman #password-store #curl #cli #password-manager
  110. houtamelo_utils_gdnative

    A collection of utilities shared between Houtamelo's GDNative projects

    v2.0.5 1.2K #gd-native #utilities #shared #collection #projects #houtamelo
  111. strict

    collections with strict bounds

    v0.2.0 12K #vec #collection #element #bounds #guaranteed #hold #non-empty-vec
  112. lookups

    Improve the data retrieval operations for collections

    v0.2.0 140 #collection #index #search #hash-table #filter #query #data-access
  113. usls

    integrated with ONNXRuntime, providing a collection of ML models

    v0.0.2 310 #models #integrated #collection #clip #ml #cuda #onnx
  114. pepegsitter

    Collection of Tree-Sitter parsers

    v0.2.2 #tree-sitter #language #parser #collection #single #included #query
  115. structures

    collection data structures

    v1.1.0 #linked-list #node #collection #traits #data-structures #binary-tree #key-value
  116. small-fixed-array

    providing fixed length immutable collections with a low memory footprint

    v0.4.4 1.6K #low-memory #collection #array-string #array #fixed-length #string
  117. kollect

    Collections made ergonomic for gamedev usecases

    v0.4.1 260 #collection #container #collections #containers
  118. mediumvec

    Vector types optimized for space, including a 32-bit Vec

    v1.3.0 #vec #size #collection #small-vec #small
  119. copse

    Direct ports of the standard library’s BTreeMap, BTreeSet and BinaryHeap collections, but that sort according to a specified total order rather than the Ord trait

    v0.4.1 #collection #binary-heap #b-tree #run-time #string-key
  120. appwrite_openapi

    AUTO-GENERATED client for Appwrite. For full API documentation and tutorials go to https://appwrite.io/docs

    v1.0.0 #user #attributes #appwrite #collection #client #auto-generate #documentation
  121. multi-map

    Like a std::collection::HashMap, but allows you to use either of two different keys to retrieve items

    v1.3.0 1.3K #hash-map #key #http #socket #collection #different #items
  122. collection_tools

    Collection of general purpose tools to manipulate collections( containers like Vec/HashMap/HashSet )

    v0.4.0 430 #collection #general-purpose #fundamental #container #manipulate #hash-set #hash-map
  123. hashers

    A collection of non-cryptographic hashing algorithms for Rust

    v1.0.1 155K #hasher #hash #hashing #hash-map #jenkins #fxhash #collection
  124. pipebuf

    Efficient byte-stream pipe buffer

    v0.3.1 250 #buffer #stream #queue #collection #no-alloc #no-std #read-write
  125. tnaps

    entity-component-system framework in Rust

    v0.1.0 #ecs #component #interactive-applications #entities #entity #systems #collection
  126. linfa-datasets

    Collection of small datasets for Linfa

    v0.7.0 600 #machine-learning #dataset #linfa #classical #collection #ecosystem #testing
  127. collection_literals

    macros for initializing std::collections

    v1.0.1 203K #collection #initialization #macro #initializing #literals #hash
  128. typed_index_collection

    Manage collection of objects

    v2.2.1 #collection #index #typed #identifier #indices #object #manage
  129. aatree

    in Rust

    v0.2.2 #tree #collection #set #map #data-structures
  130. myutil

    Rust Util Collections

    v3.0.1 #interprocess-communication #error-management #utilities #collection #unix #unix-socket #sockets
  131. libpt

    Personal multitool

    v0.4.2 #personal #library #multitool #collection #line
  132. rust-box

    odd set of tools for Rust programming

    v0.11.1 170 #task #stream #collection #event #sink #collections
  133. billios

    A soil library

    v0.2.0 #soil #formulae #data-structures #collection #dry-density #moisture-content #constructor
  134. cobalt-aws

    collection of wrappers around the aws-sdk-rust and lambda_runtime packages

    v0.13.2 1.2K #aws-sdk #wrapper #collection #packages #solution #ai #team
  135. cosmic-nom

    Is a collection of utilities for making using the great nom parser combinator easier to use

    v0.3.6 120 #nom #parser-combinator #cosmic #utilities #great #collection #part
  136. slice-utils

    A collection of slice utils, like itertools

    v2.1.0 750 #slice #iterator #collection #chain #together #itertools
  137. probabilistic-collections

    Various implementations of collections that use approximations to improve on running time or memory, but introduce a certain amount of error

    v0.7.0 6.2K #collection #probabilistic #data-structures #collections #big-data
  138. endpoints

    A collection of data structures for the OpenAI-compatible endpoints

    v0.7.0 340 #openai #data-structures #collection #endpoint #open-ai-compatible
  139. mset

    / multiset / bag implementation

    v0.1.1 1.4K #multiset #bag #collection #counter
  140. broxus-util

    A collection of utils used at Broxus

    v0.2.7 140 #profiling #config-parser #log4rs #object #helper #serde #collection
  141. harper

    implement SSGs

    v0.0.2 130 #static-site-generator #collection #metadata #data #index #ssg #items
  142. bevy_cell

    Attach Bevy's Handles/Entities statically to Types

    v0.13.3 #static #bevy #attach #type #statically #collection #handle
  143. ilyvion-util

    Collection of utility functions and types for use in my personal projects

    v0.10.0 #types #functions #utility #collection #personal #projects #ilyvion
  144. assertive

    Collection of assertions

    v0.0.2 #collection #assertions #add
  145. gitnr

    A CLI to generate '.gitignore' files using one or more templates

    v0.1.3 #template #gitignore #github #git #collection #cross-platform #file
  146. subranges

    manage non-interssecting integer intervals

    v0.3.3 #integer #intervals #collection #free #manage #free-intervals #struct
  147. parse_postman_collection

    A Postman Collection serialization & deserialization library

    v0.2.3 260 #postman #collection #deserialize #serialization #postman-collection #deserialization
  148. evento

    A collection of libraries and tools that help you build DDD, CQRS, and event sourcing

    v1.0.0-alpha.8 290 #event-sourcing #cqrs #ddd #help #build #collection
  149. gp-allocator

    Collection of allocator implementations

    v4.1.2 290 #allocator #collection #freeing-bump
  150. blart

    adaptive radix tree packaged as a BTreeMap replacement

    v0.1.2 #radix-tree #tree #map #collection
  151. piece

    A collection of composable allocators

    v0.2.1 #allocator #composable #collection #linear-allocator #chain-allocator #stable
  152. multi_containers

    Ergonomically work with multiple values per key

    v0.2.1 #multiple-values #multiset #container #multimap #key #per #collection
  153. cryptraits

    Cryptographic primitives traits collection

    v0.14.1 #cryptography #primitive #traits #collection #crypto
  154. cytos

    A collection of frequently used Bioinformatics scripts/tasks written in Rust

    v1.2.1 #bioinformatics #collection #command #scripts-tasks #list #frequently
  155. gauze

    Probabilistic set membership filters with a simple interface

    v0.1.4 #bloom-filter #filter #probabilistic #set #membership #collection #insert
  156. tokyodoves

    efficient board of Tokyo Doves and associated toolkits

    v1.0.2 #board-game #bitboard #associated #playing #collection #abstract #strategy
  157. fast_forward

    Quering collections blazing fast

    v0.0.2 #collection #index #search #filter #query #derive-debug #debugging
  158. k8s-openapi-ext

    Collection of fluent builder traits for Kubernetes objects

    v0.0.34 1.5K #kubernetes #builder #object #traits #fluent #collection
  159. kanjidic_types

    A collection of types encompassing the variety of data about kanji available from Kanjidic

    v0.1.4 #kanji #japanese #types #kanjidic #dictionary #collection #variety
  160. frclib-core

    A collection of utilities to be used across the FRC in rust ecosystem

    v0.2.1 #frc #ecosystem #projects #utilities #across #collection #hal
  161. arrayset

    An array-backed ordered set type

    v2.0.0 120 #set #collection #array #no-alloc #no-std
  162. stupid_utils

    that provides some simple and maybe stupid or useful tools

    v0.2.4 #utilities #stupid #utils #hash-map #collection #map-value #predule
  163. beetle-collatz

    A collection of functions relating to the Collatz conjecture

    v0.5.11 340 #collatz #conjecture #function #collection #relating
  164. iterable

    collection like types

    v0.6.0 4.4K #collection #lazy-evaluation #strict #traversable
  165. xx

    A collection of useful Rust macros and small functions

    v0.3.0 1.6K #script #macro #projects #functions #collection #helpful #different
  166. prefix_array

    A generic container for searching on prefixes of keys

    v0.3.2 #prefix #search #generic #array #collection #prefix-tree #data-structures
  167. mangadex-api-input-types

    A collection input types for mangadex-api

    v0.5.1 650 #manga-dex #input #type #mangadex-api #async #collection
  168. collectd-plugin

    ergonomic API ontop of collectd's C interface and macro for defining plugins easier

    v0.14.0 110 #collectd #plugin-api #plugin #write #statistics #collection #instance
  169. houtamelo_utils

    A collection of utilities shared between Houtamelo's projects

    v2.0.0 430 #collection #utilities #shared #projects #houtamelo
  170. fmap

    Functors in Rust

    v0.8.3 650 #monads #functor #collection #traits #bounds #functions #future
  171. tst

    Ternary search trie collection in rust with similar API to std::collections as it possible

    v0.10.1 #string-search #tree #ternary #data-structures #trie #collection #spell-checking
  172. hello_egui

    A collection of useful crates for egui

    v0.4.0 110 #egui #collection #ui #pull-to-refresh #drag-and-drop #infinite-scroll #virtual-list
  173. proper_path_tools

    Collection of algorithms and structures to handle paths properly

    v0.4.0 750 #path #general-purpose #fundamental #collection #handle #algorithm #properly
  174. borrow-bag

    A type-safe, heterogeneous collection with zero-cost add and borrow

    v1.1.1 3.1K #collection #borrow #heterogeneous #add #gotham #web #structures
  175. process_tools

    Collection of algorithms and structures to handle processes properly

    v0.3.0 750 #fundamental #general-purpose #collection #process #algorithm #handle #structures
  176. bai

    Create common files from a large collection of templates

    v1.0.2 #template #collection #file #configuration #variables
  177. url-hash

    types that provide secure and stable hash values for Urls

    v0.1.0 #hash-values #url #stable #secure #collection #cryptography #short
  178. fwdlist

    A simply linked (forward) list

    v0.3.0 #linked-list #list #linked #forward #collection #simply
  179. compare

    Experimental comparators for collections to be generic over

    v0.1.0 113K #comparator #collection #data-structures #generic #experimental #equals #natural
  180. pokemon-utils

    a collection of pokemon related utilities Project homepage: https://github.com/isaacadams/pokemon-utils

    v0.1.3 #pokemon #utilities #collection #index #conversion #entry #pokedex-entry
  181. extensions-rs

    File extension types in Rust

    v0.2.1 #file-extension #collection #type #image
  182. sideko_postman_api

    Rust API bindings - spostman_api

    v1.0.0 #user-id #http-status #collection #api-key #request-response #postman #response-status
  183. interpulse

    interacting with pulseflow apis

    v0.1.3 550 #api #worker #pulseflow #api-bindings #collection #models #methods
  184. meta_tools_min

    Collection of general purpose meta tools. Minimal Set.

    v0.2.13 5.3K #meta #fundamental #general-purpose #collection #constructor #set #sample
  185. optempty

    Tools for working types that may be empty. E.g., an empty String, Vec, HashMap, etc.

    v0.1.13 850 #empty #collection #hash-map #vec #options #serde-json
  186. nolock

    A collection of Lock-Free Datastructures

    v0.4.1 #lock-free #collection #algorithm #wait-free #data-structures #different
  187. b-tree

    A persistent B+ tree using freqfs

    v0.3.1 #persistent #collection #key-index #ordered #index #key
  188. elephantry-extras

    A collection of additional components for elephantry

    v0.5.0 100 #yew-component #tera #elephantry #pager #collection #create #html
  189. ord-collections

    offering collections which are pre-sorted automatically

    v0.1.2 #error #collection #ord #order #insert #pre-sorted #index
  190. sequence_trie

    Trie-like data-structure for storing sequences of values

    v0.3.6 39K #trie #data-structures #collection #tree-hash #hash #tree #list
  191. delay_map

    HashMap collections whose entries expire after a given time

    v0.3.0 25K #hash-map #hash-set #collection #delay #delay-queue #hashmap #hashset
  192. adts

    Common abstract data type traits and implementations

    v0.2.0 #collection #muds #adt #traits #data #abstract #map
  193. shredder

    Garbage collection as a library for Rust

    v0.2.0 #garbage-collection #garbage #gc #collection
  194. reflect_tools

    Collection of mechanisms for reflection

    v0.2.0 #reflection #fundamental #general-purpose #mechanism #collection
  195. tomt_async

    Primarily a dumping ground for personal async snippets that may be used in other ToMT projects. If this crate is useful to others please let us know.

    v0.1.3 #async #stack #collection #mutex #snippets #sync #personal
  196. vinylify

    Import Spotify playlists to Discogs

    v0.1.1 #spotify #playlists #discogs #import #collection #music #folder
  197. hicollections

    C-liked Collections

    v0.1.2 #collection #rb-tree #avl-tree #list #btree-map #c-liked
  198. bidimensional

    A collection of 2D utilities for coordinate representation and manipulation

    v0.3.5 #coordinate #operations #2d #representation #utilities #collection
  199. nested

    A memory efficient container for nested collections (like Vec<String> or Vec<Vec<T>>)

    v0.1.1 244K #collection #container #heap #vec #heap-allocated #packed
  200. coinutils-src

    Redistribution of Coin-OR CoinUtils as a crate

    v0.2.8+2.11.11 280 #coin-or #coin-utils #link #class #src #collection #helper
  201. easy_collections

    Wrappers around standard collections for ease of use and quick prototyping

    v0.4.0 #collection #map #set #operator #easy #wrapper
  202. associated_list

    An associated list, for cases when the key implements neither Hash nor Ord

    v0.2.0 #collection #map #key-hash #assoc #assoc-list #collections #no-std-compatible
  203. nanoservices-utils

    A collection of utilities for nanoservices

    v0.1.1 230 #error #nanoservices #jwt #config #api #utilities #collection
  204. pfds

    Purely Functional Data Structures

    v0.4.0 #data-structures #distributed-systems #functional #collection #purely #immutability #concurrency
  205. rs-tree-sitter-languages

    Collection of Tree-Sitter parsers

    v0.0.2 #tree-sitter #collection #parsing
  206. scialg

    A collection of scientific algorithms

    v0.3.0 #data-science #scientific #collection #linear-algebra #fft #optimization #science
  207. veilid-tools

    A collection of baseline tools for Rust development use by Veilid and Veilid-enabled Rust applications

    v0.3.1 500 #veilid #applications #collection #baseline #veilid-enabled #wasm-bindgen #link
  208. theta-chart

    Theta_chart is a collection of utilities to make performing certain calculations more convenient

    v0.0.8 140 #utilities #calculations #collection #chart #performing
  209. cl-traits

    traits that describe collections

    v7.0.0 #collection #traits #collections
  210. sorting_rs

    Collection of sorting algorithms implemented in Rust

    v1.2.10 #sorting #algorithm #vec #implemented #collection #library #mut
  211. segmentmap

    A collection that maintains insertion order

    v0.1.5 140 #collection #array #order #hash-map #insertion #iterator #generic
  212. audio-garbage-collector

    Wrapper on top of basedrop that provides a drop-in GC API that’ll collect reference-counted values on a background thread

    v1.2.0 300 #background-thread #reference-counting #smart-pointers #audio #values #gc #collection
  213. stdng

    An enhancement for Rust standard library

    v0.1.6 #enhancement #i32 #collection #order #standard #stand #binary-heap
  214. vector-store-flows

    Vector store integration for flows.network

    v0.1.2 #store #flows #flow #integration #vector #collection #points
  215. orzklv

    consisting various implementation for std and libs by Orzklv

    v0.0.5 #telegram-bot #utilities #standard #collection #liborzklv #cli #projects
  216. literally

    Macro literals for members of std::collections

    v0.1.3 18K #collection #macro #hash-map #hash-set #literals #hset #stdlib
  217. product-os-content

    Product OS : Content provides a complete solution for content management for the purpose of serving content via Product OS : Server

    v0.0.4 #product-os #content #management #packages #different #solution #collection
  218. try_map

    try_map and flip methods for Option. These allow more ergonomic error handling when mapping functions that return Result over Option.

    v0.3.1 174K #error #flip #map #option #methods #mapping #collection
  219. cryptimitives

    Cryptographic primitives collection

    v0.20.0 #cryptography #primitive #collection #crypto
  220. css_dataset

    CSS dataset about functions, properties, etc

    v0.3.0 #css #web #properties #dataset #data #functions #collection
  221. mongo_indexed

    derive macro to declaratively index mongo collections

    v0.2.2 #mongo-db #index #collection #indexing #macro-derive #indexed #serialization
  222. path-matchers

    A collection of path matchers

    v1.0.2 11K #path #matcher #glob #collection #expression #another
  223. opt_struct

    Optional collections

    v0.1.2 #collection #optional #opt-vec #opt-hash-set #opt-hash-map
  224. awzod

    Manager of Awesome Shakhzod

    v0.1.4 #quote #shakhzod #kudratov #awesome #collection #manager #source
  225. ainu-utils

    A collection of utilities for the Ainu language

    v0.2.0 250 #utilities #language #collection #ainu
  226. gaze

    small utility library with the goal of making it easier to scan/lex text and collections

    v0.5.0 #utility #experimental #goal #collection #process #text #scan-lex
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. restrepo

    A collection of components for building REST apis with actix-web

    v0.2.4 #actix-web #component #collection #utilities #service #building #opinionated
  229. cachedb

    In memory Key/Value store that stores RwLock<Value> which expire in LRU order when unused

    v0.8.2 #cache #key-value-store #lru-cache #collection #concurrency
  230. time_tools

    Collection of general purpose time tools

    v0.2.0 310 #time #general-purpose #fundamental #collection
  231. choose-rand

    A small crate for choosing random items from a set of weighted items

    v0.2.0 #random #rng #items #weighted #choose #foo #collection
  232. cnctd_redis

    Custom wrapper for Redis support

    v0.1.7 280 #redis #methods #collection #redis-rs
  233. libfj

    An unofficial collection of APIs used in FreeJam games and mods

    v0.7.4 #mod #collection #free-jam #info #robocraft #api #cardlife
  234. sqlite-collections

    Rust collection types backed by sqlite database files

    v0.1.0 #sqlite #collection #serialization #backed #set #structures #database
  235. mac

    A collection of great and ubiqutitous macros

    v0.1.1 507K #macro #collection #great #ubiqutitous
  236. cow_vec_item

    Copy-on-write Vec, available on stable rust

    v0.5.1 #copy-on-write #vec #collection #lazy-evaluation #cow #wrapper #cow-vec
  237. pvec

    RRB-Tree based persistent vector implementation

    v0.2.1 #persistent #collection #data-structures #collections
  238. rusty_helloworld

    Mastering Rust, step by playful step.Rusty_Helloworld is your one-stop shop for exploring the diverse landscape of Rust through practical examples. Whether you're a beginner diving…

    v0.1.0 #collection #learning #hello-world #practical #concepts #enums #error
  239. bevy_camera_extras

    containing a collection of utilities to making working with cameras in bevy easier

    v0.3.0 260 #camera #bevy #utilities #collection #containing
  240. prole

    collection of re-usable methods in Rust. Feel free to use them for your own work.

    v1.3.1 #collection #methods #free #own #follow #re-usable
  241. trace-time

    Easily trace time to execute a scope

    v0.1.3 470 #performance #scope #timer #projects #collection #logging #time
  242. dnutils

    A collection of Dragon Nest development utilities

    v0.1.12 #utilities #dragon #nest #collection
  243. sfo-net-utils

    A collection of network utilities

    v0.1.1 #networking #utilities #collection
  244. range-map

    Maps and sets implemented using ranges

    v0.2.0 111K #range #maps #key-set #integer #collection #primitive-integer #numbers
  245. nimble-steps

    Nimble Steps Collections

    v0.0.4 #collection #step #nimble
  246. algae-rs

    A collection of abstract algebraic structures implemented in Rust

    v0.1.252 #group #abstract #algebraic #structures #implemented #algae #collection
  247. slice-rbtree

    A slice-based Red-black tree

    v0.1.0 #tree #solana #memory-access #collection #tree-node
  248. unicase_collections

    Collection of UniCase datastructures

    v0.3.0 #case-insensitive #data-structures #collection #string-key #btree-set #btree-map #lookup

Search for: collection data-structures, …utilities, …general-purpose, …traits, …hash-map, …function, …no-std, …data, …module, …build