#opengl #collection #personal #elements #functional #serving


Personal collection of opengl and rust tools, also serving as an functional gui crate. See ./gui/elements for premade gui elements

32 releases

new 0.8.22 Jul 26, 2024
0.8.20 Apr 11, 2024
0.8.16 Mar 30, 2024
0.8.10 Aug 28, 2023
0.7.1 Mar 18, 2021

#93 in Graphics APIs

31 downloads per month
Used in dedup-advanced

MIT license

13K SLoC




Using in your project

grafix_toolbox = "*"

grafix_toolbox is a collection of my personal tools.

If you found this crate of your own accord you'll probably be interested in the GUI capabilities.

See ./gui/elements for my premade elements, and see the rust-demo on my github for a usage example.

./gui/parts contains parts to build gui elements - namely colored rectangle, line of text, sprite, 9sprite and an sdf 9sprite.

For my utilities you can explore from kit/mod.rs


~424K SLoC