8 releases

new 0.1.8 Apr 13, 2024
0.1.7 Feb 20, 2024
0.1.1 Jan 24, 2024

#252 in Command line utilities

39 downloads per month

MIT license

5.5K SLoC

RustyDumbTools (v0.1.8)

A collection of simple tools in Rust as Rust modules:

  • crate::arg::DumbArgParser: A simple argument parser. It can be useful for handling command line argument parsing for a Rust program.
  • crate::calc::DumbCalcProcessor: A simple infix calculation processor It can be used to implement a simple calculator in Rust.
  • crate::calculator::DumbCalculator: A simple calculator that accepts input keys acting like a real calculator. It can be used to implement a simple calculator UI in Rust.
  • crate::ltemp::DumbLineTemplate: A simple line template for formatting a line. It can be usee for printing values as a line with some template.
  • crate::lblscreen::DumbLineByLineScreen: A terminal / text-based "screen" update helper. It is extended from crate::ltemp::DumbLineTemplate, and should be helpful in managing the updates of the formatted lines that acts as a "screen".


For a demo program of using the tools, which is itself an application using DumbArgParser, you may want to run the included demo function rusty_dumb_tools::demo::run_demo like

use rusty_dumb_tools::demo;
demo::run_demo(None);  // get arguments from command-line         

Assuming new Rust project with Cargo.toml and main.rs like


rusty_dumb_tools = "0.1"


use rusty_dumb_tools::demo;
fn main() {

the demo can be cargo run like

  • cargo run -- -h
    the input demonstrates using DumbArgParser for showing "help message"
  • cargo run -- calc -h
    DumbArgParser is set up to parse arguments for a sub-command (with another DumbArgParser object); and the above input demonstrates showing of "help message" of the sub-command
  • cargo run -- calc 1.1 + 2.2 * (4.3 - 2.4) + 5
    the above demonstrates how to use a [sub-command] DumbArgParser to parse arguments for the sub-command calc, which in turn will show how to use DumbCalcProcessor for performing calculation of the sub-command arguments
  • cargo run -- calc-repl
    the above demonstrates how to invoke the sub-command calc-repl, which in turn show how DumbCalcProcessor like a REPL
  • cargo run -- ltemp Trevor
    the above demonstrates how to use DumbLineTemplate to format lines to show data
  • cargo run -- lblscreen
    the above demonstrates how to use DumbLineByLineScreen to implement a "progress info panel"
  • cargo run -- arg -f 0.2 5 --string2 VAL1 false 1 2 3

The output of running cargo run -- -h:

| USAGE: rusty_dumb_tools [-h] demo
| : Demos of rusty_dumb_tools.
| . -h, --help : HELP
| . demo ... : REQUIRED; e.g. calc ...
|   : a demo
|   : . [calc] : DumbCalcProcessor command-line input demo
|   : . [calc-repl] : DumbCalcProcessor REPL demo
|   : . [arg] : DumbArgParser demo (more like debugging)

The output of running cargo run -- calc -h:

| USAGE: rusty_dumb_tools calc [-h] input
| : DumbCalcProcessor command-line input demo.
| . -h, --help : HELP
| . input ... : REQUIRED; e.g. 123 ...
|   : infix expression

The output of running cargo run -- calc 1.1 + 2.2 * (4.3 - 2.4) + 5:

| = 10.28.

After running cargo run -- calc-repl, the demo will get in a loop to get input from the prompt:

* enter an infix expression
* can split the infix expression into multiple lines; e.g. a "unit" a line
* finally, enter "=" (or an empty line) to evaluate it
* can then continue to enter another infix expression ...


After running cargo run -- ltemp Trevor, the demo will show something like

| NAME :               Trevor |
| AGE  :        <undisclosed> |
|      :     and counting ... |
| +  1 | #                    |

+ 1 | # acts like a "progress indicator"; after 20 seconds:

| NAME :               Trevor |
| AGE  :        <undisclosed> |
|      :     and counting ... |
| + 20 | #################### |

After running cargo run -- lblscreen, the screen will show something like

|      ... wait ... loading 0% ...     |
| ........ |                    :   0% |

after 20 seconds, when 100% done, the screen will be like

|     ... wait ... loading 100% ...    |
| ........ |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>: 100% |

Additional Demos

Thank You!

Greeting from the author Trevor Lee:

Peace be with you! May God bless you! Jesus loves you! Amazing Grace!



Change History:

  • v0.1.8

    • bug fix ... 8/2(1+3) now is 1 (not 16)
  • v0.1.7

    • bug fix
    • enhanced DumbCalcProcessor and DumbCalculator
  • v0.1.6

    • bug fix
  • v0.1.5

    • bug fix
    • moved demo code around
    • added web-based calculator
  • v0.1.4

    • bug fix
  • v0.1.3

    • bug fix
    • added richer text-based calculator demo
  • v0.1.2

    • bug fix
    • added DumbLineTemplate, DumbLineByLineScreen and DumbLineByLineScreen
  • v0.1.1

    • bug fix
    • added more documentations, and via run_demo function
  • v0.1.0

    • initial release

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