sys …api-bindings? …bindings? …ffi?

  1. sys-mount

    High level FFI binding around the sys mount & umount2 calls

    v3.0.1 148K #mount #linux #syscalls #umount #high-level #sys
  2. sysinfo

    get system information such as processes, CPUs, disks, components and networks

    v0.30.11 1.2M #system-information #disk #process #network #cpu #component #raspberry-pi
  3. winapi-util

    A dumping ground for high level safe wrappers over windows-sys

    v0.1.8 3.3M #utilities #win #safe-wrapper #windows-sys #high-level #windows
  4. esp-idf-sys

    Bindings for ESP-IDF (Espressif's IoT Development Framework)

    v0.34.1 12K #esp32 #esp-idf #idf #sys #build-script #service
  5. apple-sys

    The auto-managed -sys crate for Apple platforms using bindgen directly from build environment

    v0.2.0 45K #apple #macos #api-bindings #sys #build-environment #bindgen
  6. yeslogic-fontconfig-sys

    Raw bindings to Fontconfig without a vendored C library

    v5.0.0 61K #font #bindings #fontconfig #sys
  7. gloo-utils

    Convenience crate for common web_sys features

    v0.2.0 311K #wasm #web-sys #api #api-bindings #web-apps #toolkit #modular
  8. dart-sys

    Statically generated, Opt-in style bindings to the Dart SDK

    v4.1.5 57K #dart #bindings #generated-bindings #flutter #ffi #dart-native
  9. block-sys

    Raw bindings to Apple's C language extension of blocks

    v0.2.1 185K #blocks #objective-c #ios #macos-ios #block #sys #macos
  10. librna-sys

    Low-level bindings for the ViennaRNA library

    v0.2.2 #bioinformatics #ffi #rna #sys #unsafe-bindings #viennarna
  11. lcms2-sys

    Bindings for liblcms2 (Little CMS) with support for Linux, macOS, and Windows. See lcms2 crate for a safe Rust wrapper

    v4.0.5 12K #color #profile #lcms #icc #safe-wrapper #sys #linux-macos
  12. matlab-sys

    Rust bindings for the Matlab C API

    v0.3.1 #matlab #api-bindings #mex #matrix #scientific #sys #env-vars
  13. objc-sys

    Raw bindings to the Objective-C runtime and ABI

    v0.3.3 186K #objective-c #macos-ios #macos #ios #sys #objc-msg-send
  14. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on

  15. ngx

    FFI bindings to NGINX

    v0.4.1 #nginx #module #sys #web-server #log-debug #proxy-server #setup
  16. quork

    A collection of small things that don't deserve their own crate

    v0.6.3 500 #network #admin #linux #sys #windows
  17. leptonica-plumbing

    Safe wrapper of leptonica-sys

    v1.4.0 3.0K #leptonica #image #safe #memory-safety #api #memory-safe #version
  18. libdav1d

    bindings, with libdav1d-sys

    v0.10.2 #av1 #bindings #dav1d-rs #libdav1d-sys
  19. ptex

    High-level Ptex bindings over ptex-sys

    v0.3.0 160 #texture #graphics #vfx #render #gamedev
  20. lz4-sys

    Rust LZ4 sys package

    v1.9.4 846K #compression #lz4 #lossless #multi-threading #bindings #speed #limit
  21. tesseract-plumbing

    Safe wrapper of tesseract-sys

    v0.11.0 1.4K #tesseract #ocr #image #leptonica
  22. indexed_db_futures

    Future bindings for IndexedDB via web_sys

    v0.4.1 10K #indexed-db #future #wasm #idb #key-value-store #web-assembly #event-listener
  23. blitzar

    High-Level Rust wrapper for the blitzar-sys crate

    v2.1.0 350 #bls12-381 #zero-knowledge-proofs #curve25519 #bn254 #cpu-gpu #ristretto255 #gpu-cryptography
  24. libnv

    Safe and rustic wrapper around libnv-sys

    v0.4.3 170 #bindings #wrapper #api-bindings #pair #libnv-sys #rustic #type
  25. libheif-rs

    Safe wrapper around the libheif-sys crate for parsing heif/heic files

    v1.0.1 2.8K #heif #libheif #heic
  26. libaom-sys

    Builds and statically links libaom. Part of libavif-sys

    v0.16.0+libaom.3.8.1 850 #codec #image #av1 #avif #aom #ffi
  27. softfloat-wrapper

    a safe wrapper of Berkeley SoftFloat based on softfloat-sys

    v0.3.4 700 #soft-float #safe-wrapper #api-bindings #softfloat #nan
  28. libmimalloc-sys

    Sys crate wrapping the mimalloc allocator

    v0.1.35 286K #allocator #memory-allocator #performance #encrypted-heap #api-bindings
  29. ioctls

    IO Control for POSIX-and-beyond systems (numerous ioctl specifications, see ioctl-sys for core functions & macros)

    v0.6.2 2.1K #ioctl #file-descriptor #control-system #command #call #syscalls #io
  30. sys-kaleido

    one-stop management for some new opensource system tools, such as ls, rm, cp .etc

    v0.1.2 #system #packages #configuration-management #tool #kaleido #installed #version
  31. wasmer-sys-utils

    Wasmer utilities for a sys environment

    v0.18.4 110 #wasmer #wasm #utilities #run-time #environment #webassembly
  32. fetsig

    Web-sys based browser fetch library using futures-signals with optional MAC

    v0.2.6 440 #browser #fetch #web-sys #optional #futures-signals #mac
  33. abpfiff

    Interaction with Linux BPF(2). No libbpf-sys.

    v0.1.1-alpha.with.debug #bpf #linux #kernel #interaction #userspace #state-management #bindings
  34. fsevent

    Rust bindings to the fsevent-sys macOS API for file changes notifications

    v2.1.2 27K #file #notifications #macos #bindings #api #fsevents #fsevent-sys
  35. obs-wrapper

    Safe wrapper of obs-sys

    v0.4.1 #obs #wrapper #filter #effect #source #api #plugin
  36. inkwell

    aims to help you pen your own programming languages by safely wrapping llvm-sys

    v0.4.0 18K #llvm #programming-language #safe #safe-wrapper #wrapper #compile-time
  37. libbpf-rs

    safe, idiomatic, and opinionated wrapper around libbpf-sys

    v0.23.0 8.1K #ebpf #bpf #libbpf #semver
  38. cyclors

    Low-level API for the native CycloneDDS bindings (libddsc-sys)

    v0.2.0 3.0K #cyclone-dds #dds #native-bindings #api-bindings
  39. libsqlite3-sys

    Native bindings to the libsqlite3 library

    v0.28.0 1.6M #sqlite #native-bindings #sql-cipher
  40. onig_sys

    onig_sys crate contains raw rust bindings to the oniguruma library. This crate exposes a set of unsafe functions which can then be used by other crates to create safe wrappers around Oniguruma…

    v69.8.1 258K #safe-wrapper #regex #bindings #oniguruma #unsafe-bindings #onig #set
  41. windows

    Rust for Windows

    v0.56.0 2.4M #win32 #api #projection #language #call #generated #building
  42. netlink-sys

    netlink sockets, with optional integration with tokio

    v0.8.6 379K #netlink #linux #ip #tokio
  43. libz-sys

    Low-level bindings to the system libz library (also known as zlib)

    v1.1.16 2.3M #zlib #zlib-ng #bindings #low-level #programs #libz #system
  44. jemalloc-sys

    Rust FFI bindings to jemalloc

    v0.5.4+5.3.0-patched 428K #jemalloc #memory #memory-allocator #bindings #allocator #jemallocator #platform
  45. libgit2-sys

    Native bindings to the libgit2 library

    v0.16.2+1.7.2 959K #native-bindings #libgit2 #git2 #version
  46. libusb1-sys

    FFI bindings for libusb

    v0.6.4 94K #usb #libusb #hardware #bindings
  47. web-sys

    Bindings for all Web APIs, a procedurally generated crate from WebIDL

    v0.3.69 2.9M #web-api
  48. llvm-sys

    Bindings to LLVM's C API

    v181.0.0 36K #llvm #api-bindings #bindings #version #llvm-ir #compiler #variables
  49. libz-ng-sys

    Low-level bindings to zlib-ng (libz-ng), a high-performance zlib library

    v1.1.15 58K #zlib #zlib-ng #bindings #api #native #programs #linker
  50. sys-compare

    Track Filesystem Integrity via 'Snapshots' which contain a HashMap of the files and their corresponding hash signature from a specified directory

    v0.2.5 480 #file-hashing #file-integrity #filesystem-hashing #filesystem-integirty #folder-hashing
  51. libfuzzer-sys

    A wrapper around LLVM's libFuzzer runtime

    v0.4.7 289K #lib-fuzzer #llvm #run-time #fuzz-testing #wrapper #linux
  52. sys-locale

    Small and lightweight library to obtain the active system locale

    v0.3.1 223K #locale #localization #internationalization #i18n #no-std
  53. libsodium-sys-stable

    Maintained FFI bindings for libsodium stable

    v1.20.5 7.5K #libsodium #cryptography #nacl #api-bindings #crypto
  54. openssl-sys

    FFI bindings to OpenSSL

    v0.9.102 3.8M #openssl #bindings #version
  55. libz-rs-sys

    A memory-safe zlib implementation written in rust

    v0.1.1 #zlib #world #inflates #memory-safe #api #hello-world #gz
  56. jemallocator

    allocator backed by jemalloc

    v0.5.4 370K #allocator #jemalloc #api-bindings
  57. ndk-sys

    FFI bindings for the Android NDK

    v0.5.0+25.2.9519653 235K #android-ndk #ndk #android
  58. mdbx-sys

    Rust bindings for libmdbx

    v12.9.0 16K #bindings #storage-engine #mdbx #database #library
  59. rust_icu_sys

    Native bindings to the ICU4C library from Unicode

    v5.0.0 1.5K #icu #localization #unicode #internationalization #native-bindings #cargo-build #directory
  60. duckdb

    Ergonomic wrapper for DuckDB

    v0.10.2 15K #ffi #database #sqlite #wrapper #arrow #parameters #bindings
  61. coreaudio-sys

    Bindings for Apple's CoreAudio frameworks generated via rust-bindgen

    v0.2.15 86K #macos-ios #audio #ios #api-bindings #unit #macos #osx
  62. sys_metrics

    Cross-platform library to gather stats/information from the host

    v0.2.7 500 #metrics #system-information #heim #psutil #stats #api-bindings #system-info
  63. libpulse-mainloop-glib-sys

    FFI bindings for the PulseAudio libpulse-mainloop-glib system library

    v1.21.1 1.2K #pulse-audio #glib #audio #ffi
  64. cplex-sys

    Low level bindings to the Cplex C-API

    v0.9.1 #optimization #api-bindings #algorithm
  65. libbpf-sys

    Rust bindings to libbpf from the Linux kernel

    v1.4.0+v1.4.0 20K #linux-kernel #ebpf #bpf #xdp #bindings-generator
  66. wasmedge-sys

    WasmEdge Runtime is a high-performance, extensible, and hardware optimized WebAssembly Virtual Machine for automotive, cloud, AI, and blockchain applications

    v0.17.5 2.5K #wasm-edge #run-time #api #extensible #low-level #api-bindings #host
  67. precord

    Command line tool for recording process or system performance data

    v0.7.12 #performance #command-line-tool #performance-monitoring #process #recording #data #gpu
  68. ffmpeg-sys-next

    FFI bindings to FFmpeg

    v7.0.0 17K #ffmpeg #video #bindings #audio-video #build #audio
  69. rb-sys

    Rust bindings for the CRuby API

    v0.9.97 46K #ruby #bindings #api #libruby #rb #gem #c-ruby
  70. intel-mkl-sys

    Rust binding of unique functions in Intel(R) MKL

    v0.8.1 #mkl #intel #ffi #vector-math #intel-mkl #binding #functions
  71. sys-info

    Get system information in Rust. For now it supports Linux, Mac OS X, illumos, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Windows

    v0.9.1 359K #information #cpu-memory #disk #cpu #memory #system-information #macos
  72. windows-sys


    v0.52.0 8.5M #win32-foundation #windows-api #win32-security #projection #language #metadata #package
  73. aws-lc-sys

    AWS-LC is a general-purpose cryptographic library maintained by the AWS Cryptography team for AWS and their customers. It іs based on code from the Google BoringSSL project and the OpenSSL project.

    v0.15.0 125K #aws #bindings #aws-lc #openssl #aws-security #cryptography #boring-ssl
  74. tikv-jemalloc-sys

    Rust FFI bindings to jemalloc

    v0.5.4+5.3.0-patched 696K #jemalloc #memory #memory-allocator #bindings #allocator #platform #tikv-jemallocator
  75. libwebp-sys

    Bindings to libwebp (bindgen, static linking)

    v0.9.5 26K #webp #codec #decoder #encoder #image #linker #env-var
  76. get_sys_info

    Get system information

    v0.1.21 #info #network #system-information #diskinfo #informantion #os #system
  77. fts-sys

    File hierarchy traversal functions (FTS)

    v0.2.9 17K #hierarchy #tree #fts #filesystem #unsafe-bindings #file-tree
  78. kn-cuda-sys

    A wrapper around the CUDA APIs

    v0.7.2 250 #cuda #neural-network #onnx #inference #gpu #graph #machine-learning
  79. picnic-sys

    Declarations for using Picnic's shared library

    v3.0.20 #picnic #declaration #bindings #shared #libpicnic-sys #signature #deprecated
  80. clap-sys

    Rust bindings for the CLAP audio plugin API

    v0.4.0 800 #plugin-api #clap #audio #bindings #framework
  81. vitasdk-sys-build-util

    Internal build utilities for raw bindings to vitasdk

    v0.2.0 #vitasdk #vita #psvita
  82. gmp-mpfr-sys

    Rust FFI bindings for GMP, MPFR and MPC

    v1.6.2 13K #gmp #rational-numbers #bignum #complex-numbers #math #ffi #numeric
  83. rdkafka-sys

    Native bindings to the librdkafka library

    v4.7.0+2.3.0 435K #native-bindings #rdkafka #apache-kafka #kafka #version #librdkafka #build
  84. a121-sys

    Raw bindings to the A121 radar sensor C SDK

    v0.2.0 600 #a121 #radar #embedded
  85. aws-lc-fips-sys

    AWS-LC is a general-purpose cryptographic library maintained by the AWS Cryptography team for AWS and their customers. This is the FIPS validated version of AWS-LC.

    v0.12.7 61K #bindings #cryptography #aws #aws-security #fips #aws-lc #validation
  86. nw-sys

    Raw wasm_bindgen bindings for the NWJS API

    v0.1.6 550 #nwjs #node-webkit #nw #api-bindings
  87. wdk

    Safe idiomatic bindings to APIs available in the Windows Development Kit (WDK)

    v0.2.0 600 #windows #wdf #wdm #ffi #win32 #safe-bindings #model
  88. known-folders

    A safe wrapper around the Known Folders API on Windows

    v1.1.0 27K #path #known-folder #app-dirs #windows #api-bindings
  89. libduckdb-sys

    Native bindings to the libduckdb library, C API

    v0.10.2 15K #duck-db #ffi #database #api-bindings #duckdb #native-bindings
  90. wasm-timer

    Abstraction over std::time::Instant and futures-timer that works on WASM

    v0.2.5 332K #wasm #instant #abstraction #delay #timeout #interval #re-exports
  91. env-libvpx-sys

    Rust bindings to libvpx

    v5.1.3 120 #bindings #vp8 #webm #video #vp9 #continuous-integration #encoding
  92. spirv-to-dxil

    Rust bindings to spirv-to-dxil

    v0.4.7 1.1K #spir-v #dxil #bindings #depth #spirv-to-dxil-sys

Narrow the search: sys api-bindings, …bindings, …ffi, …web, …linux, …wasm, …macos, …native-bindings