
  1. futures

    streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces

    v0.3.31 10.0M #asynchronous-programming #future #stream #async #zero-allocation #composability #control-flow
  2. async-stream

    Asynchronous streams using async & await notation

    v0.3.6 4.3M #async-await #stream #notation #macro #error #traits #elements
  3. futures-util

    Common utilities and extension traits for the futures-rs library

    v0.3.31 11.1M #future #stream #async-io #async-write #async-read #sink #utilities
  4. ws_stream_wasm

    A convenience library for using websockets in WASM

    v0.7.4 227K #websockets #wasm #async #stream #async-io #web-api #api-bindings
  5. futures-concurrency

    Structured concurrency operations for async Rust

    v7.6.2 108K #async #concurrency #future #stream #structured #operations #multiple
  6. yamux

    Multiplexer over reliable, ordered connections

    v0.13.3 394K #network-protocol #connection #reliable #protocols #ordered #networking #stream
  7. quiche

    πŸ₯§ Savoury implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3

    v0.22.0 31K #quic #http-3 #protocols #connection #stream #applications #data
  8. async-h1

    Asynchronous HTTP 1.1 parser

    v2.3.4 110K #http-parser #async-http #parser #async #stream #http-1 #http1
  9. minidump

    A parser for the minidump format

    v0.22.2 25K #file-format #debugging #stream #crash-reporting #symbols #breakpad #analysis
  10. tokio-stream

    work with Stream and tokio

    v0.1.16 5.6M #stream #async-stream #tokio #async-io #io-stream #networking #utilities
  11. ws_stream_tungstenite

    Provide AsyncRead/AsyncWrite over Tungstenite WebSockets

    v0.14.0 32K #websocket #async-io #websockets #async #websocket-server #stream #async-api
  12. io-extras

    File/socket handle/descriptor utilities

    v0.18.3 272K #io #io-stream #stream #api
  13. hypercore

    Secure, distributed, append-only log

    v0.14.0 210 #merkle #stream #feed #dat #log-entries #secure-storage #p2p
  14. reqwest-eventsource

    Helper to build an Eventsource using reqwest

    v0.6.0 65K #event-source #server-sent-events #reqwest #sse #events #byte-stream #stream
  15. futures-async-stream

    Async stream for Rust and the futures crate

    v0.2.12 8.9K #async-stream #stream #future #async #futures #macro
  16. sval

    Streaming, structured value serialization

    v2.13.2 921K #text-format #serialization #streaming-json #value #stream #serde #self-describing
  17. iggy

    persistent message streaming platform written in Rust, supporting QUIC, TCP and HTTP transport protocols, capable of processing millions of messages per second

    v0.6.33 500 #consumer-group #http-transport #quic #topic #stream #messaging #partition
  18. supports-unicode

    Detects whether a terminal supports unicode

    v3.0.0 474K #npm #unicode #detect #terminal #packages #whether #stream
  19. pdf-writer

    A step-by-step PDF writer

    v0.12.0 9.6K #pdf #writer #document #stream #content #builder-pattern #buffer
  20. futures-buffered

    future concurrency primitives with emphasis on performance and low memory usage

    v0.2.9 83K #future #low-memory #thread-safe #concurrency #stream #capacity #processing
  21. fluvio

    The official Fluvio driver for Rust

    v0.23.4 1.6K #data-streaming #streaming #data-processing #queue #stream
  22. aws-sdk-ivs

    AWS SDK for Amazon Interactive Video Service

    v1.53.0 950 #amazon-web-services #key-pair #web-services #video-streaming #aws-sdk #stream #live-streaming
  23. stream-download

    streaming content to a local file-backed cache

    v0.11.1 380 #streaming-media #stream #media #http-request #audio-stream #local-storage #audio-streaming
  24. axum-streams

    HTTP body streaming support for Axum: json/csv/protobuf/arrow/txt

    v0.19.0 7.4K #http-response #web-framework #http-body #web #json-stream #stream #http
  25. scanner-rust

    text scanners which can parse primitive types and strings using UTF-8 or ASCII

    v2.0.17 170 #string-parser #data-stream #scanner #input-stream #text-parser #stream #stdin
  26. wasm-streams

    Bridging between web streams and Rust streams using WebAssembly

    v0.4.2 1.9M #stream #wasm #web-api #bridge #readable-stream #bridging #writable-stream
  27. lzma-sys

    Raw bindings to liblzma which contains an implementation of LZMA and xz stream encoding/decoding. High level Rust bindings are available in the xz2 crate

    v0.1.20 741K #lzma #xz #bindings #codec #liblzma #stream #xz2
  28. supports-hyperlinks

    Detects whether a terminal supports rendering hyperlinks

    v3.0.0 426K #terminal #hyperlink #detect #rendering #whether #stream #families
  29. eventsource-stream

    A basic building block for building an Eventsource from a Stream of bytes

    v0.2.3 70K #event-source #server-sent-events #stream #event-stream #sse #events #parse
  30. pharos

    Observer pattern which generates a futures 0.3 stream of events

    v0.5.3 257K #event-stream #stream #pub-sub #observer #future #broadcast #data-stream
  31. twitch-hls-client

    Minimal CLI client for watching/recording Twitch streams

    v1.3.12 600 #hls #low-latency #twitch #stream #client #command-line-tool #player
  32. cros-codecs

    Hardware-accelerated codecs for Linux

    v0.0.5 1.8K #hardware-accelerated #codec #frame #decoding #stream #video-stream #decoded
  33. sea-streamer

    🌊 The stream processing toolkit for Rust

    v0.5.0 2.1K #stream-processing #async-stream #stream #kafka #async-io #async-api #async
  34. async-fn-stream

    Lightweight implementation of async-stream without macros

    v0.2.2 30K #async-stream #stream #async
  35. gst-plugin-ndi

    GStreamer NewTek NDI Plugin

    v0.13.3 #audio-video #gstreamer #ndi #multimedia-video #plugin #source #stream
  36. libp2p-mplex

    Mplex multiplexing protocol for libp2p

    v0.42.0 39K #p2p #peer-to-peer #multiplexing #mplex #protocols #stream #decentralization
  37. aws-sdk-dynamodbstreams

    AWS SDK for Amazon DynamoDB Streams

    v1.48.0 2.5K #aws-sdk #dynamo-db #stream #stream-processing #records #operation #client
  38. async-walkdir

    Asynchronous directory traversal for Rust

    v2.0.0 40K #directory-traversal #async #directory #async-io #recursion #walk #stream
  39. udp-stream

    UdpSocket same as TcpStream

    v0.0.12 8.9K #udp #dtls #stream #udp-packet
  40. reqwest-websocket

    WebSocket connections with reqwest

    v0.4.3 7.7K #websocket #reqwest #stream
  41. aws-sdk-chimesdkmediapipelines

    AWS SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Media Pipelines

    v1.49.0 490 #aws-sdk #media #pipeline #amazon #stream #operation #chime
  42. reqwest-streams

    HTTP body streaming support for reqwest: JSON/CSV/Protobuf and others

    v0.8.0 2.4K #http-response #http-body #web #stream #http #streaming-json #http-request
  43. creek

    Realtime-safe disk streaming to/from audio files

    v1.2.2 1.1K #audio-streaming #audio #disk #io #stream
  44. interruptible

    Stops a future producer or stream from producing values when interrupted

    v0.2.4 280 #stream #future #interrupt #producer #signal #ctrl-c #producing
  45. uwheel

    Embeddable Aggregate Management System for Streams and Queries

    v0.2.1 #aggregation #wheel #aggregate #stream #query #streaming #optimization
  46. rabbitmq-stream-client

    client for RabbitMQ Stream

    v0.6.0 480 #stream #messaging #amqp #iot #amqp-client #load-balancer
  47. callysto

    Stream processing framework

    v0.1.11 #stream-processing #distributed-database #stream #microservices #distributed #database
  48. mpart-async

    Asynchronous (Futures-Base) Multipart Requests for Rust

    v0.7.0 5.7K #multipart #requests #future #async-client #stream #client-server #hyper-client
  49. cjseq

    Create/process/modify CityJSONSeq

    v0.3.1 #processing #city-json #city-json-seq #convert #stream #dataset #modify
  50. gix-archive

    archive generation from of a worktree stream

    v0.16.0 17K #version-control #archive #git #stream #tar #worktree #generation
  51. base64-stream

    To encode/decode large data with the standard Base64 encoding

    v4.0.0 3.8K #base64 #data-encoding #data-stream #data-file #stream #reader-writer #codec
  52. stream_throttle

    Stream combinator, to limit the rate at which items are produced

    v0.5.1 45K #async-stream #rate-limiting #stream #future #async #throttle #throttling
  53. debounced

    building delayed Futures and debounced Streams that wait a given duration before yielding the most recent item

    v0.2.0 6.3K #stream #future #delay #duration #debounce #recent #wait
  54. iroh-quinn-proto

    State machine for the QUIC transport protocol

    v0.12.0 8.8K #quic #state-machine #connection #protocols #stream #networking #low-level
  55. channels

    Bidirectional channel-like communication over generic Read/Write streams

    v0.13.0 170 #io-stream #communication-channel #channel #data-stream #stream #async-io #async-channel
  56. elgato-streamdeck

    HidApi driver for Elgato Stream Decks

    v0.8.0 370 #stream #elgato #driver #devices #decks #hidapi #streamdeck
  57. gst-plugin-togglerecord

    GStreamer Toggle Record Plugin

    v0.13.3 #gstreamer #plugin #recording #input #live #toggle #stream
  58. ufotofu

    Abstractions for lazily consuming and producing sequences

    v0.4.3 #error #sequence #processing #stream #consuming #producing #abstraction
  59. basic-text

    Basic Text strings and I/O streams

    v0.19.2 #io-stream #text-format #plain-text #string-literal #stream #basic #string-format
  60. mp4parse

    Parser for ISO base media file format (mp4)

    v0.17.0 5.6K #media-file #iso #file-format #mp4 #base #stream #aka
  61. s3m

    CLI for streams of data in S3 buckets

    v0.10.0 150 #amazon-s3 #s3 #stream #upload #bucket #resume #database-server
  62. sgxs

    working with the SGX stream format

    v0.8.0 1.1K #sgx-enclave #intel-sgx #sgx #enclave #file-format #stream #cross-platform
  63. ofilter

    fast thread-safe Bloom filter

    v0.4.3 #bloom-filter #filter #bloom #stream
  64. stream-vbyte

    Compress and decompress numbers efficiently in the Stream VByte encoding

    v0.4.1 6.1K #compression #varint #numbers #simd #encoding #stream #stream-processing
  65. asciinema

    Terminal session recorder

    v3.0.0-rc.3 #terminal-session #recording #command-line-tool #recorder #http-server #stream #screen-recording
  66. scoped-stream-sink

    Easy way to make streams and sinks

    v1.2.2 #sink #stream #async-stream #async
  67. jppe

    byte stream structured serialization and deserialization library

    v1.1.0 #byte-stream #serialization #packet-parser #byte #stream #parser #networking
  68. seekable-stream-cipher

    Seekable stream cipher and encryption/decryption

    v0.2.3 #stream-cipher #stream #cipher #keccak #encryption #ascon #cryptography
  69. srt-tokio

    SRT implementation in Rust

    v0.4.4 #video-streaming #srt #live-streaming #tokio #connection #stream #high
  70. snocat

    Streaming Network Overlay Connection Arbitration Tunnel

    v0.8.0-alpha.5 110K #tunnel #stream #connection #quic #dynamic #streaming #overlay
  71. rustyo

    radio that uses mpv to play radio streams from publically available internet radiostations

    v1.0.8 #radio #mpv #stream #internet #play #station #list
  72. lending-stream

    A lending version of Stream

    v1.0.1 490 #stream #lending #projection #version #pin
  73. mapped_futures

    A collection of futures based on FuturesUnordered that supports insertion, removal and mutation of futures by key

    v0.1.13 1.1K #future #stream #async-stream #async #hash-map #futures-unordered #data-structures
  74. indicator

    Abstractions for stream aggregation, we call them Indicator s

    v0.4.4 #stream-processing #stream #aggregation #date-time
  75. futures-macro

    The futures-rs procedural macro implementations

    v0.3.31 9.6M #asynchronous-programming #proc-macro #future #stream #control-flow #combinator #procedural
  76. encoding_rs_io

    Streaming transcoding for encoding_rs

    v0.1.7 207K #io-read #io #transcoding #io-stream #encoding #read #stream
  77. collate

    Traits and a data structure to support collation and bisection

    v0.4.2 1.4K #collation #bisect #stream #bisection #order #structure #data-structures
  78. layered-io

    I/O traits extending Read and Write

    v0.23.1 #read-write #io-write #io #io-stream #stream #api
  79. selium

    An extremely developer friendly, composable messaging platform with zero build time configuration

    v0.5.0 #messaging #streaming #stream #queue #build-time #message-queue #send-message
  80. bzip2-sys

    Bindings to libbzip2 for bzip2 compression and decompression exposed as Reader/Writer streams

    v0.1.11+1.0.8 2.4M #bzip2 #bindings #stream #streaming #exposed #libbzip2 #reader-writer
  81. pipebuf

    Efficient byte-stream pipe buffer

    v0.3.2 800 #buffer #stream #queue #collection #stream-processing #data-stream #handler
  82. picomux

    A protocol to multiplex multiple AsyncRead/Write streams over a single one, inspired by smux and http2

    v0.1.8 600 #network-communication #stream #http2 #networking #network-protocol #protocols #connection
  83. trivet

    Parser Library

    v2.0.2 #low-level #recursion #parser #character #recursive-descent #stream #consume
  84. drop-stream

    A stream that wraps another stream with a closure that is called once it is dropped

    v0.3.2 1.8K #stream #data-transfer #closures #data-stream #drop #future #connection
  85. wasm-ws

    A convenience library for using websockets in WASM

    v0.2.1 3.6K #websocket #wasm #async-stream #async #stream #tokio
  86. lightws

    Lightweight websocket implement for stream transmission

    v0.6.12 600 #stream #async #networking #heap-allocation #io-stream
  87. streamtools

    Additional stream combinators

    v0.7.5 1.6K #stream #combinator #tokio #utilities #testing #test-util #tokio-time
  88. ordered-stream

    Streams that are ordered relative to external events

    v0.2.0 589K #async-stream #stream #event-stream #data-stream #async #timestamp #data-source
  89. tiktoklive

    library. Use it to receive live stream events such as comments and gifts in realtime from TikTok LIVE No credentials are required.

    v0.0.19 #live #tiktok #stream #reverse-engineering #api-bindings #programming-language #api
  90. misanthropic

    An async, ergonomic, client for Anthropic's Messages API

    v0.4.2 950 #api-client #async-client #anthropic #async-stream #messages #async #stream
  91. bevy_streamdeck

    Elgato Stream Deck plugin for Bevy

    v0.4.0 190 #bevy #bevy-plugin #deck #stream #streamdeck #elgato #input-event
  92. fun_run

    The fun way to run your Rust Comand

    v0.2.0 290 #run-command #command-output #command-name #command #run #stream #execute
  93. asynk-strim

    Lightweight stream generator library

    v0.1.2 650 #async-stream #stream #async #no-alloc #no-std
  94. splaycast

    Stream-specific broadcast channel

    v0.4.5 700 #broadcast-channel #subscriber #stream #tokio #message #sync #high
  95. tbon

    TinyChain Binary Object Notation is a compact and versatile stream-friendly binary serialization format

    v0.6.0 #binary-encoding #serialization #binary-format #binary #binary-data #deserialize #stream
  96. flood-rs

    Bit and octet streams

    v0.0.12 600 #network-communication #network-protocol #ipc #stream #file-format #data #deserialize
  97. redsumer

    Lightweight implementation of Redis Streams for Rust

    v0.5.0 #consumer-group #redis #stream #message #redis-streams #streaming #produce
  98. futures_ringbuf

    Mock Type implementing AsyncRead/AsyncWrite for testing and examples

    v0.4.0 2.9K #async-io #async-stream #async-networking #testing #mocking #async #stream
  99. changes-stream2

    couchdb follower

    v0.2.18 #couch-db #stream #events #read-stream #parser #api #rustls
  100. fluvio-smartmodule

    Used by Fluvio SmartModule

    v0.7.5 2.5K #wasm-module #fluvio #stream #streaming #wasm #data-streaming
  101. dynwave

    Dynamic audio player based on fixed samples stream

    v0.2.0 500 #stream #audio-samples #audio-stream #wave #cross-platform #audio
  102. ipstack

    Asynchronous lightweight userspace implementation of TCP/IP stack for Tun device

    v0.1.0 750 #tun #stack #devices #userspace #async #stream #udp
  103. destream

    async stream (de)serialization

    v0.8.0 120 #async-stream #deserialization #serialization #stream #streaming #streaming-json #codec
  104. sval_dynamic

    Object-safe versions of sval::Stream and sval::Value

    v2.13.2 950K #serialization #object-safe #value #sval #stream #versions #no-std
  105. data-stream

    serialization library based on streams

    v0.2.1 #serialization #stream #binary-data #read-stream #binary-serialization #read-write #traits
  106. async-shared-timeout

    Async timeout that can be reset and shared

    v0.2.2 700 #timeout #tokio #sleep #shared #async #stream #reset
  107. destream_json

    decoding & encoding a JSON stream

    v0.13.0 #json-stream #json #deserialize-json #codec #stream #serialization
  108. binary-util

    A panic-free binary utility crate to read/write binary streams over the wire

    v0.3.4 100 #binary-data #read-write #varint #stream #data-stream #panic-free #reading
  109. same-content

    Determine whether data from different sources are the same

    v0.1.10 #file-reader #file-content #stream #reader #file #data-stream #data-file
  110. rw-stream-sink

    Adaptator between Stream/Sink and AsyncRead/AsyncWrite

    v0.4.0 284K #async-io #stream #async-write #async-read #sink #read-stream #read-write
  111. rs-tool

    A command-line tool to perform reservoir sampling on a file or a stream

    v0.1.1 #log-file #reservoir #log #stream #sample #statistics #input-file
  112. music-player-playback

    The playback logic for music player

    v0.1.13 #music-player #audio-playback #audio-player #audio-streaming #self-hosted #media-player #stream
  113. mozilla/neqo-http3

    Neqo, an implementation of QUIC written in Rust

    GitHub 0.7.0 #firefox #quic #ietf #mozilla #stream #server #http3
  114. stream-tungstenite

    A streaming implementation of the Tungstenite WebSocket protocol

    v0.3.2 600 #websocket #tungstenite #events #connection #event-listener #stream #error
  115. telemetry-server

    receiver of telemetry over HTTP POST/WS to sqlite3, Postgres, DuckDB or JSON files

    v0.1.0 160 #duck-db #postgresql #json #sqlite3 #server #storage #stream
  116. libp2p-stream

    Generic stream protocols for libp2p

    v0.2.0-alpha 3.5K #p2p #stream #peer-to-peer #protocols #control #applications #generic
  117. mostlybot

    twitch bot that I use for my stream on twitch

    v0.3.0 600 #twitch #bot #stream
  118. future-queue

    Adapters to manage a queue of futures, where each future can have a different weight

    v0.3.0 54K #future #futures #stream #async #buffer-unordered
  119. utf8-io

    Traits and types for UTF-8 I/O

    v0.19.1 200 #utf-8 #read-write #io-stream #stream #error #traits #encoding
  120. spring-stream

    rust microservice framework

    v0.2.1 290 #microservices #stream #kafka #framework #redis #data #command-line
  121. icy-metadata

    parsing Icecast metadata

    v0.1.3 #audio-stream #stream #header-parser #icecast #http-request #media #audio
  122. tokio-dl-stream-to-disk

    A micro-library for downloading from a URL and streaming it directly to the disk

    v1.0.1 420 #download #tokio #streaming #disk #url #stream #async-download
  123. ruchei

    working with many streams

    v0.0.95 300 #async-stream #stream #async
  124. rust-box

    odd set of tools for Rust programming

    v0.12.0 420 #sink #stream #collection #events #task #collections
  125. fire-stream

    A more or less simple communication protocol library

    v0.4.3 #encryption #stream #plain-text #fire #how #directory #api
  126. jw_client

    API wrapper for the JW Player media management API. List or stream library into native Rust structs and download renditions.

    v0.5.0 480 #media #download #stream #player #api #api-client #management
  127. selium-log

    open-source implementation of a log-based message queue

    v0.1.0 #message-queue #messaging #selium #queue #streaming #stream #client-server
  128. stdecor

    Run a command with a decorated stdout/stderr

    v0.1.12 #command-line #shell #run-command #subprocess #stream #prefix #pipe
  129. zzz

    Fast progress bar with sane defaults

    v0.3.1 #progress-bar #iterator #stream #low-overhead #tqdm
  130. iof

    Read from and write data to console or file in simple formats

    v0.3.0 950 #input-output #input-stream #input #stream #formatted #read-write #oj
  131. tokio-io-rewind

    rewind tokio::io::AsyncRead and tokio::io::AsyncWrite streams

    v0.1.3 #tokio #read-stream #data-stream #async-io #stream #io #async-stream
  132. aurora-streams

    managing publish-subscribe channels using Tokio message passing channels

    v1.1.2 #pub-sub #channel #message #tokio #redis #events #stream
  133. llm_stream

    A very simple Rust library to simplify streaming api interaction with LLMs, free from complex async operations and redundant dependencies

    v0.3.1 #language-model #llm #api-bindings #stream #api #api-key #api-client
  134. oval

    A stream abstraction designed for use with nom, winnow, etc

    v2.0.0 10K #nom #parser #stream #data-stream #abstraction #winnow #buffer
  135. yosemite

    Asynchronous SAMv3 library

    v0.1.0 130 #stream #async #i2p #synchronous #sa-mv3 #sync #forwarding
  136. sval_nested

    A recursive variant of sval

    v2.13.2 193K #serialization #stream #recursion #sval #variant #api #no-std
  137. sea-streamer-socket

    🌊 SeaStreamer backend-agnostic Socket API

    v0.5.1 2.1K #stream-processing #async-stream #stream #kafka #async #data-stream #data-streaming
  138. futures-ticker

    An asynchronous recurring time event

    v0.0.3 88K #recurring #future #timer #events #stream #ticker #async
  139. omniqueue

    An abstraction layer over various queue backends

    v0.2.0 550 #rabbitmq #queue #abstraction-layer #sqs #back-end #redis #stream
  140. snapup

    Abstractions for handling snapshots with streams of subsequent updates

    v0.1.8 1.1K #snapshot #update #stream #abstraction #subsequent
  141. ts-analyzer

    analyzing packets in MPEG/Transport Stream files

    v0.2.1 #transport-stream #parser #stream #video-stream #transport #packet-parser #mpeg
  142. fe2o3-amqp-ws

    WebSocket binding stream for AMQP1.0

    v0.13.0 3.1K #websocket #amqp #messaging #binding #amqp1 #stream #protocols
  143. serser

    serialization crate

    v0.1.0 #serialization #tokens #intermediate-representation #stream #framework #macro-derive #seq
  144. sea-streamer-file

    🌊 SeaStreamer File Backend

    v0.5.2 2.1K #stream-processing #async-stream #data-stream #stream #binary-data #data-file #process-file
  145. av-bitstream

    bit writer/reader

    v0.2.0 500 #bit #byte #byte-reader #fixed-size #reader-writer #bitstream #stream
  146. le-stream

    De-/serialize objects from/to little endian byte streams

    v0.4.3 900 #byte-stream #endian #stream #byte #little #serialization
  147. rtmp

    rtmp library

    v0.6.5 #video-streaming #streaming #media-server #live-streaming #stream #streaming-media #audio-streaming
  148. tasmota-mqtt-client

    interacting with tasmota devices over MQTT

    v0.1.0 100 #devices #mqtt #mqtt-client #tasmota #ip #stream #tasmota-client
  149. bgp-rs

    parsing Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) formatted streams

    v0.6.0 #bgp #parser #protocols #gateway #border #message-parser #stream
  150. twitchalerts

    when it detect that a streamer is live which trigger the event handler, more features to be added

    v0.1.5 #event-handling #events #live #stream #streamer #alert #rate-limiting
  151. rocket-multipart

    multipart/mixed Responder implementation

    v0.2.1 #rocket #multipart #web-server #stream #response #responder #parser
  152. sea-streamer-stdio

    🌊 SeaStreamer Standard I/O Backend

    v0.5.0 2.3K #stream-processing #data-processing #async-stream #stream #async-io #async #back-end
  153. futures-stream-ext

    Asynchronous stream extensions for the futures(-core) crate

    v0.2.2 180 #async-stream #stream #async #extension #future #traits
  154. sea-streamer-redis

    🌊 SeaStreamer Redis Backend

    v0.5.0 2.2K #stream-processing #redis #stream #async-stream #async #async-api #async-client
  155. nature

    development support platform, it separates data definition from code, so it decouple the data from business system

    v1.5.0 #data-management #platform #management #distributed #stream #data-stream #distributed-systems
  156. swimos_multi_reader

    SwimOS Stream Aggregator

    v0.1.1 250 #swim-os #stream #stream-processing #distributed-systems #aggregator #applications #distributed-applications
  157. fermentation

    The good kind of decay; forward decay

    v0.6.0 #forward #decay #aggregation #stream #kind #paper #items
  158. blockwise_reader

    Reading the first bytes and pre-parsing of large files or streams

    v0.7.4 #stream #byte-stream #reading #header-parser #data #read #reader
  159. stream-wave-parser

    The stream-wave-parser is a crate that treats a stream from WAVE file

    v0.1.2 150 #stream #wave #wav #data-stream #treat
  160. h3i

    Low-level HTTP/3 debugging and testing

    v0.2.0 280 #http-3 #testing-debugging #quic #frame #header #low-level #stream
  161. futures-http

    http frameworks base on futures stream

    v0.2.8 #http-framework #future #stream #base #futures-based
  162. reydenx

    Reyden-X API. Reyden-X is an automated service for promoting live broadcasts on external sites with integrated system of viewers and views management.

    v0.1.6 #twitch #youtube #stream #viewer #trovo #vkplay #api-service
  163. futures-finally

    that executes a future after the completion of a future or stream regardless of the value or outcome

    v0.1.0-alpha.2 #future #completion #stream #execute #async #another #finally
  164. stream_assert

    Macros to simplify testing of Stream based APIs

    v0.1.1 2.4K #testing #api-testing #stream #macro #assertions
  165. respite

    An async reader for RESP streams

    v0.3.3 #stream #resp #reader #async #protocols #frame #reading
  166. gomander-engiffen

    Encodes GIF images from sequences of images. Includes an installable command line bin as well as the library. Forked from https://github.com/TooManyBees/engiffen

    v0.9.1 #gif #image #stream #image-encoding
  167. rlink

    High performance Stream Processing Framework

    v0.6.16 #stream-processing #stream #flink
  168. rust-tls-duplex-stream

    Full Duplex stream Wrapper around rust-tls

    v0.1.0 #duplex #stream #tls #background-thread
  169. simple-stream

    Building blocks for streaming chunks of data over io::Read and io::Write impls

    v0.11.0 180 #data-stream #stream #frame #data-streaming #frame-buffer #chunks #sockets
  170. rabbitmq-stream-protocol

    AMQP 1.0 message codec

    v0.6.0 480 #rabbitmq #amqp #codec #stream #message #client #rabbitmq-client
  171. uwheel-stats

    profiling utility for uwheel

    v0.2.1 #profiling #aggregate #uwheel #stream #embeddable #utility #system
  172. fluvio-smartengine

    The official Fluvio SmartEngine

    v0.8.2 110 #data-streaming #streaming #stream #execution-engine #queue #api-bindings
  173. selium-server

    The server-side binary for Selium, an extremely developer friendly, composable messaging platform with zero build time configuration

    v0.5.0 #messaging #selium #build-time #streaming #stream #queue #client-server
  174. kalosm-streams

    A set of streams for pretrained models in Kalosm

    v0.3.2 500 #ai #stream #models #kalosm #data-stream #pre-trained #local
  175. nimble-protocol-header

    Nimble Protocol Header

    v0.0.14-dev 160 #network-protocol #time #protocols #nimble #stream #client-side #header
  176. stream-reconnect

    Stream-wrapping traits/structs that automatically recover from potential disconnections/interruptions

    v0.4.0-beta.4 1.3K #stream #reconnect #retry #websocket #async-io #io
  177. pollable-map

    Utilites for storing futures and streams in as a pollable map

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 260 #stream #future #map #storing #pollable #utilites
  178. squinn-proto

    State machine for the QUIC transport protocol

    v0.11.8 #quic #state-machine #connection #protocols #networking #stream #events
  179. stdin-to-cloudwatch

    Send logs from stdin to AWS CloudWatch Logs

    v0.3.0 #stdin #logs #cloud-watch #aws #send #stream #group
  180. buffer-unordered-weighted

    Stream::buffer_unordered where each future can have a different weight

    v0.1.2 3.1K #future #stream #futures #async #buffer-unordered #networking
  181. stream-extractor

    The TCP Stream Extractor is a small utility that can read in a PCAP file, search through it for TCP streams, and write out each stream to a separate new PCAP file

    v0.4.0 #tcp-stream #stream #pcap #tcp #tcp-udp #write-file #file-search
  182. stream-rate-limiter

    A rate limiter for Tokio streams

    v0.4.0 500 #rate-limiting #stream #tokio #event-stream #element #delay #limiter
  183. essential-node

    State derivation and validation for Essential protocol

    v0.7.0 1.2K #node #validation #block #stream #derivation #state #protocols
  184. tokio-tls-upgrade

    Upgrade a TCP stream to a TLS stream using certificates and keys in PEM format

    v0.1.0 #tcp-stream #tls-stream #tls-server #tokio #stream #tls #tcp
  185. libre-url2audio-lib

    simple-to-use lib for playing audio streams

    v0.1.7 #audio-stream #stream #symphonia #player #audio-player #streams #audio
  186. tokio-socketcan

    Asynchronous Linux SocketCAN sockets with tokio

    v0.3.1 5.8K #socket-can #tokio #linux #sockets #async #future #stream
  187. async-utf8-decoder

    Convert AsyncRead to incremental UTF8 string stream

    v0.3.3 #utf-8 #stream #async #decoder #io #future #string
  188. sea-streamer-kafka

    🌊 SeaStreamer Kafka / Redpanda Backend

    v0.5.0 2.1K #stream-processing #async-stream #kafka #stream #async #back-end #async-api
  189. streamline

    Reversible futures::Stream-based state machines

    v0.0.7 #state-machine #stream #async-stream #future #futures #events
  190. skrillax-stream

    Combines skrillax-network crates to work nicely on top of a tokio tcp stream

    v0.2.0 #tcp-stream #stream #silkroad #tcp #tokio #read-stream #client-server
  191. tokio-stream_wasi

    work with Stream and tokio

    v0.1.11 110 #stream #tokio #async-stream #io-stream #async-io #networking #applications
  192. sea-streamer-types

    🌊 SeaStreamer Traits & Types

    v0.5.0 2.3K #stream-processing #async-stream #stream #async
  193. unix_sock

    unix control socket abstraction

    v0.7.0 170 #unix-socket #socket-programming #control #abstraction #text #capability #stream
  194. async-h1b

    hitdns fork of Asynchronous HTTP 1.1 parser

    v3.0.7 950 #http-parser #parser #async-http #http #stream #async #http1
  195. moosicbox_stream_utils

    MoosicBox stream utils package

    v0.1.0 150 #byte-stream #stream #byte #utilities #utility
  196. tokio-process-stream

    that wraps a tokio::process into a tokio::stream

    v0.4.0 1.8K #tokio #process #stream #async-stream #data-streaming
  197. cstream

    libc::FILE streams β€˜c streams’

    v0.1.4 #file-io #stream #libc #ffi #no-alloc
  198. ianaio-timers

    IanaIO crate for working with JavaScript timers

    v0.1.1 #timer #future #web #callback #stream #wasm #set-timeout
  199. callbag

    spec for reactive/iterable programming

    v0.14.0 #reactive-programming #reactive #iterable #stream #observable #frp
  200. creek-decode-symphonia

    Audio file decoding for creek

    v0.3.1 750 #audio-streaming #disk #io #stream #audio
  201. comfy-print

    Non-panicking versions of println! and friends. Async implementation.

    v0.3.0 #println #write #io #debug #error-message #io-stream #stream
  202. merkle-tree-stream

    A stream that generates a merkle tree based on the incoming data

    v0.12.1 300 #merkle-tree #tree-hash #hash-tree #data-integrity #stream #data-stream #incoming
  203. async-time-mock-async-std

    Mockable time for use in async runtimes (async-std compatibility)

    v0.1.1 #async-std #mocking #testing #future #run-time #clock #stream
  204. futuristic

    Extensions to the futures crate

    v0.5.0 1.1K #stream #sink #future #async #asynchronous #futures #streams
  205. preflate-rs

    Rust port of Preflate compression library

    v0.6.0 #cloud-storage #compression #deflate #binary-data #stream #decompression #reconstruction
  206. peekread

    Allows peeking ahead in Read streams

    v0.1.1 600 #read-stream #stream #read #peek
  207. time-key-stream-set

    A time-keyed stream set

    v0.1.6 #stream #deduplication #key #timestamp #ordered #set #user-id
  208. futures-io-preview

    The AsyncRead and AsyncWrite traits for the futures-rs library

    v0.3.0-alpha.19 8.1K #async-io #future #stream #traits #async-read #async-write #control-flow
  209. cj_ascii

    working with ASCII strings in Rust

    v0.2.0 #ascii #async-stream #string #stream #serialization #async
  210. rabbitmq_http_client

    RabbitMQ HTTP API client

    v0.8.0 #http-client #rabbitmq #http-api #api-client #amqp-client #protocols #stream
  211. wasmrs

    Base host and client implementations of the wasmRS RSocket protocol

    v0.17.0 130 #wasm-module #r-socket #protocols #stream #bidirectional #host #reactive
  212. yaml-split

    iterator over individual YAML documents in a YAML file or stream

    v0.4.0 250 #yaml #serde-yaml #world #document #iterator #file #stream
  213. scan2

    Some helpers to get the next items from an underlying stream

    v0.1.2 #stream #next #helper #items
  214. plumbing

    An async abstraction to pipeline requests through a channel

    v1.0.0 #request-response #channel #stream #pipeline #connection #requests #tcp-connection
  215. comfy-print-sync

    Non-panicking versions of println! and friends. Sync implementation.

    v0.1.1 #println #write #io-stream #debug #io #stream #error-message
  216. dlwp

    The DLWP library

    v0.1.0-alpha #protocols #stream #dark-light #found #send #receive #darklight-driver
  217. linurgy

    Manipulate the output of multiple newlines. Replace/Insert/Append newlines with text. Input and output from stdio/files/buffers

    v0.6.0 #text #newlines #text-input #text-editors #stream #line #crlf
  218. task-stream

    a global task executor, run in no_std

    v0.3.7 #task #executor #async-executor #async-task #stream #spawn
  219. roux-stream

    A streaming API for the roux Reddit client

    v0.2.0 #reddit #stream #api #roux #api-bindings
  220. lafere

    A more or less simple communication protocol library

    v0.1.0 #encryption #plain-text #how #stream
  221. jaesve

    A CLI utility for stream converting JSON objects to a series of CSV values

    v1.3.4 #json-stream #json #convert-json #csv #json-object #stream #convert
  222. crab-dlna

    A minimal UPnP/DLNA media streamer

    v0.2.1 #video #upnp #dlna #stream #networking #audio-video #audio-streaming
  223. vlsm-tree

    Versioned Log Stream Merkle Tree

    v0.1.0 #merkle-tree #key-value-store #tree-structure #versioned #log #stream #authenticated
  224. fopencookie

    interface between std::io and libc::FILE

    v0.1.1 #libc #file-io #stream #ffi
  225. menemen

    A streaming http request library

    v1.0.3 #http-client #http-request #http #request-response #streaming #stream #networking
  226. frappe

    Functional Reactive Programming library for Rust

    v0.4.7 #reactive-programming #functional-reactive-programming #reactive #event-stream #functional-programming #stream #frp
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. tokio-par-stream

    parallel streams powered by tokio

    v0.1.1 #stream #tokio #parallel #powered
  229. progress-streams

    Progress callbacks for types which implement Read/Write

    v1.1.0 2.3K #callback #progress #read-write #io-write #io-read #stream #read
  230. humphrey_ws

    WebSocket support for the Humphrey web server

    v0.5.1 #websocket #web-server #humphrey #stream #messages #handshake #websocket-server
  231. async-rx

    functions for async reactive programming

    v0.1.3 3.6K #reactive-programming #async #reactive #stream #batching #dedup #batch
  232. subunit-rust

    A subunit v2 protocol implementation in Rust

    v0.2.0 #subunit #protocols #stream #natively #reading #interface #packet
  233. stream_limiter

    Synchronously speed-limiting streams based on token bucket algorithm

    v3.2.0 330 #token-bucket #rate-limiting #stream #data-stream #rate #synchronous #byte-stream
  234. twitter-stream

    listening on Twitter Streaming API

    v0.13.0 #twitter #streaming #api-bindings #listening #stream #twitter-streaming-api #json
  235. progress_string

    Generate a progress bar string

    v0.2.1 400 #progress-bar #string #terminal #generate #display #stream #termion
  236. kvarn-quinn

    Temporary Kvarn fork: Versatile QUIC transport protocol implementation

    v0.11.0-alpha1 #quic #client-server #protocols #quinn #stream #performance #udp-socket
  237. watermill

    Blazingly fast, generic, and serializable online statistics

    v0.1.1 1.8K #statistics #stream #quantile #online #stream-processing #update #serialization
  238. juliet

    A safe stream multiplexing protocol

    v0.3.0 120 #protocols #stream #frame #multiplexing #secure #byte #channel
  239. fluvio_ws_stream_wasm

    A convenience library for using websockets in WASM

    v0.7.0 2.9K #websocket #stream #wasm #async #websockets #tokio #web-api
  240. cudarse-npp

    High-level bindings to the CUDA NPP libraries

    v0.1.0 180 #cuda #npp #bindings #stream #high-level
  241. chic

    Pretty parser error reporting

    v1.2.2 20K #error-reporting #error #reporting #stream #pretty
  242. byte_stream_splitter

    Splitting a stream of bytes by separator sequence

    v0.2.0 #byte-stream #byte-sequences #byte #stream #sequence #data-stream #split
  243. egzreader

    Read gzip/non-gzip stream easily

    v2.0.4 800 #gzip #stream #read #io #file #reader #gzip-non-gzip
  244. wasmrs-rx

    Base host and client implementations of the wasmRS RSocket protocol

    v0.17.0 200 #r-socket #wasm #flux #mono #wasm-rs #stream #protocols
  245. log-writer

    write a stream to disk while adhering usage limits

    v0.6.2 #limit #disk #stream #write #journald #adhering
  246. kconfig-parser

    Kconfig parser for the Kconfig file format from the Linux Kernel for the Cargo Kconfig crate

    v0.1.1 #linux-kernel #config-parser #kconfig #ast #lexer #stream #cargo
  247. rand_krull

    Krull64/65 random number generators

    v1.1.0 #64-bit #rng #numbers #generator #procedural-generation #stream #content
  248. json-walker

    JSON stream parser and deserializer. In this package you decide what part of json must be parsed

    v0.1.0 #json-stream #json-parser #json #deserialize-json #parse-json #deserialize #stream