1 unstable release

0.1.0-alpha Jul 5, 2024

#373 in Date and time

Used in dlcns

MIT license



        DarkLight Web Protocol Library

This library is used for interacting with darklight_driver to create or connect to DarkLight streams and send or receive Messages. Documentation can be found on docs.rs, examples can be found in the tests and test_streams/


As mentioned in the darklight_driver setup, libudev is needed to compile on Linux OSes if the use_io feature is enabled.

Features in Cargo.toml:

# Enable if testing a stream
test_stream = []
# If enabled the serde and serde_json crates will be publicly available from dlwp
include_serde = ["serde/serde_derive", "serde/std"]
# If enabled the chrono crate will be publicly available from dlwp
include_chrono = ["chrono"]
# Used by DarkLight driver, this is not needed for regular use
use_io = ["serialport"]


~172K SLoC