#name #human-readable #dark-light #server #id #centralized #port


A library for interacting with the DarkLight Centralized Name Server

1 unstable release

0.1.0-alpha Jul 5, 2024

#6 in #centralized

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


DarkLight Centeralized Name Serice (library) is used for getting human-readable names that are asociated with the Id and port of a DarkLight server. This library can get the Id of a name or a name from an Id. See examples/ for usages.

use dlcns::get::CNSGet;

fn main() {
    let mut cnsget = CNSGet::new();

    let id = cnsget.get_owner_name(String::from("test"));

    if id.is_some() {
        println!("{:?}", id.unwrap());
    } else {
        println!("Not found");


~153K SLoC