Did you mean authentication?

  1. axum-login

    🪪 User identification, authentication, and authorization for Axum

    v0.15.1 9.5K #authentication #axum #user-management #authorization #session-management #user-group #login
  2. bupt-net-login

    login BUPT net using student ID and password

    v0.1.1 270 #login #net #bupt #cli
  3. hmac

    Generic implementation of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)

    v0.13.0-pre.3 5.1M #message-authentication #digest #mac #hash #cryptography #crypto
  4. wow_login_messages

    Message definitions for World of Warcraft authentication servers

    v0.4.0 #auto-generate #wow #login #messages #message #authentication #packets
  5. google-oslogin1_beta

    A complete library to interact with Cloud OS Login (protocol v1beta)

    v5.0.4+20240225 #google-cloud #google-api #google #web-api #protocols #api #web
  6. axum_jwt_ware

    Axum Authentication Library

    v0.1.7 #jwt #auth-token #axum #authentication #middleware #refresh-token #user
  7. pinterest-login

    A Pinterest login library that uses chromiumoxide to emulate a browser and login to Pinterest

    v0.2.0-alpha.1 #login #pinterest #authentication #pinterest-api #api-key #api-bindings
  8. vaultrs-login

    Adds login support for Vault clients from vaultrs

    v0.2.1 4.0K #login #vault #hashi-corp #client #authentication #api-client #api
  9. wx-login-middleware

    that provides WeChat mini-program login and authentication functionalities in the form of middleware of popular web-frameworks, making it convenient to use

    v0.1.0 200 #login #middleware #web-framework #we-chat #forms #actix-web #axum
  10. llogin

    LPU WiFi Manager: A CLI tool for managing Lovely Professional University WiFi connections

    v0.1.2 390 #account-id #wifi #university #connection #login #store #securely
  11. auto-launch

    Auto launch any application or executable at startup. Supports Windows, macOS, and Linux.

    v0.5.0 9.6K #launch #startup #login #login-items
  12. cdwifi

    login script for public WiFi in ČD trains

    v0.1.2 #wifi #train #login #script #public #čd
  13. sqrl-protocol

    protocol for Secure Quick Reliable Login (SQRL)

    v0.1.2 360 #protocols #reliable #login #quick #secure #sqrl #client-server
  14. utmp-classic

    Parsing login records in classic UNIXv1 type UTMP files; still used in OpenBSD

    v0.1.6 550 #openbsd #unix #login #utmp #file-format
  15. utmp-classic-raw

    raw types for parsing login records in classic utmp (UNIXv1 & OpenBSD) file

    v0.1.3 290 #openbsd #unix #login #utmp
  16. ory-kratos-client

    SDK Client for Ory Kratos

    v1.1.0 #api-client #identity #session #identity-management #ory #recovery #login
  17. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on crates.io.

  18. rs-keycloak

    Faça a autenticação dos seus projetos usando Keycloak

    v0.4.4 #keycloak #graphql #rest #login #openid
  19. wow_srp

    Server and client library for the World of Warcraft flavor of SRP6 with support for reconnection

    v0.7.0 110 #client-server #wow #login #srp6 #authentication #world-of-warcraft
  20. wally

    Package manager for Roblox

    v0.3.2 #package-manager #roblox #registry #command-line-tool #install #publish #login
  21. fstn

    A CLI client for interacting with Faasten

    v0.10.1 #faasten #download #command-line #blobs #command-line-tool #login #key
  22. e-z

    Interact directly with the e-z.host API

    v0.3.0 #host #file-upload #delete #delete-file #url #video #login
  23. pam

    Safe Rust wrappers for PAM authentication

    v0.8.0 1.0K #authentication #module #pluggable #linux #wrappers #safe #api
  24. leptos_oidc

    A Leptos utility library for simplified OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication integration

    v0.7.0 2.3K #leptos #oidc #authentication #openid-connect #oauth #api-bindings #refresh-token
  25. google-oslogin1_beta-cli

    A complete library to interact with Cloud OS Login (protocol v1beta)

    v5.0.4+20240225 #google-cloud #google #google-api #oslogin #cli #command-line-interface
  26. google-oslogin1

    A complete library to interact with Cloud OS Login (protocol v1)

    v5.0.4+20240225 160 #google-cloud #google #google-api #protocols #api #web-api #web
  27. bitsrun

    A headless login and logout CLI for at BIT

    v0.4.0 130 #bit #srun #srun-login #srun-client #networking
  28. google-oslogin1-cli

    A complete library to interact with Cloud OS Login (protocol v1)

    v5.0.4+20240225 #google-cloud #google #cli #oslogin #google-api #command-line-interface
  29. auth-git2

    Authentication for git2

    v0.5.4 30K #ssh-key #credentials #git #authentication #git2 #auth #ssh-agent
  30. rsasl

    SASL framework, aimed at both middleware-style protocol implementation and application code. Designed to make SASL authentication simple and safe while handing as much control to the user as possible

    v2.0.1 900 #sasl #framework #authentication #middleware #sso #api-bindings #sha-1
  31. easytradeview

    A Rust-based wrapper library for the TradingView website's API, providing easy access to live trading data and indicators without requiring login credentials

    v0.2.0 260 #technical-analysis #data-access #api-access #api-wrapper #trading-view #ta #trade-data
  32. actix-web-httpauth

    HTTP authentication schemes for Actix Web

    v0.8.1 96K #web #web-framework #security #http #authorization-header #authentication #security-framework
  33. kvarn-auth

    JWT authentication for Kvarn

    v0.2.0 #jwt #kvarn #authentication #token #cookies #web-server
  34. fusionauth-rust-client

    FusionAuth server. Find out more at https://fusionauth.io. You need to set up an API key…

    v2.1.1 250 #api-key #api-client #api-calls
  35. msal

    Microsoft Authentication Library for Rust

    v0.1.24 700 #microsoft #auth-token #authentication #refresh-token #access-token #devices #request
  36. google-cloud-auth

    Google Cloud Platform server application authentication library

    v0.15.0 138K #google-cloud #gcp #authentication #jwt
  37. webauthn-authenticator-rs

    Webauthn Authenticator Client Library

    v0.5.0 2.1K #webauthn #authenticator #response #devices #authentication #security #challenge
  38. brize_auth

    A tiny async authentication library

    v0.11.1 #auth #web #authentication
  39. aws-mfa

    Authenticate to AWS with MFA 🔐

    v1.0.14 800 #mfa #aws #2fa #env-vars
  40. svc-authn

    An authentication library

    v0.8.0 110 #jwt #middleware #bearer #authentication #authn
  41. actix-4-jwt-auth

    OIDC authentication extractor for Actix 4

    v1.2.1 #actix-web #actix #web #actix-middleware #http #cryptography #web-apps
  42. cmac

    Generic implementation of Cipher-based Message Authentication Code

    v0.7.2 53K #message-authentication #mac #omac #cryptography #crypto
  43. axum-auth

    High-level http auth extractors for axum

    v0.7.0 9.0K #basic-authentication #basic-auth #axum #extractor #high-level #http #handler
  44. poly1305

    universal hash function and message authentication code

    v0.9.0-pre 904K #message-authentication #chacha20-poly1305 #chacha20 #salsa20 #universal-hashing #encryption #cryptography
  45. google-authenticator

    can be used to interact with the Google Authenticator mobile app for 2-factor-authentication

    v0.4.2 4.1K #totp #hotp #2fa #otp
  46. aws-sdk-eksauth

    AWS SDK for Amazon EKS Auth

    v1.23.0 410 #aws-sdk #amazon #identity #eks #pod #authentication #agent
  47. dtz-identity

    a generated client for the DTZ Identity API

    v1.0.2 800 #api-client #identity #generated-client #open-api #dtz
  48. matrix-commander

    but convenient CLI-based Matrix client app for sending and receiving

    v0.3.1 150 #messaging #send-message #command-line-tool #tool #send-receive #python-packages #matrix
  49. imap

    IMAP client for Rust

    v3.0.0-alpha.14 11K #email-client #mailbox #server #protocols #message #session #access
  50. diqwest

    Trait to extend reqwest for digest auth flow

    v3.0.0 1.4K #digest #reqwest #auth #async #http-client #send-request
  51. aws-sdk-cognitoidentity

    AWS SDK for Amazon Cognito Identity

    v1.25.0 2.6K #identity-provider #aws-sdk #cognito #pool #amazon #user #unique-identifier
  52. vauth

    Veeam API authentication library

    v1.1.0 #reqwest-client #backup #veeam #builder-pattern #authentication #replication #api-version
  53. phabricator-oauth

    OAuth2 authentication on Phabricator

    v0.1.8 100 #oauth2 #phabricator #oauth #authentication
  54. spake2

    password-authenticated key-exchange algorithm

    v0.4.0 8.1K #pake #shared-secret #message-authentication #authentication #cryptography #elliptic-curve #random
  55. firebase-auth

    Firebase authentication extractor for Actix Web and Axum

    v0.4.3 2.6K #firebase #actix-web #web-framework #web #authentication #actix-web-middleware #framework
  56. http-auth

    HTTP authentication: parse challenge lists, respond to Basic and Digest challenges. Likely to be extended with server support and additional auth schemes.

    v0.1.9 145K #basic-authentication #http #digest #authentication #basic #http-server #basic-auth
  57. factoriauth

    An unofficial authentication server for Factorio

    v1.0.0 #server #offline #factorio #ldap-server #authentication #user #file-server
  58. dtz-identity-auth

    authentication traits for DownToZero backends

    v1.0.3 470 #back-end #authentication #traits #down-to-zero #user #cloud #profile
  59. bessie

    an authenticated, chunked cipher based on BLAKE3

    v0.0.2 #encryption-key #encryption-decryption #authenticated #blake3 #nonce #chunked #message-authentication
  60. star-history

    Graph history of GitHub stars of a user or repo over time

    v1.0.21 #github #star #history #user #repo #graph #repository
  61. twitch-irc

    Connect to Twitch chat from a Rust application

    v5.0.1 1.3K #twitch #irc-client #twitch-api #api-bindings #async-client
  62. passkey-authenticator

    A webauthn authenticator supporting passkeys

    v0.2.0 5.1K #webauthn #fido2 #ctap #passkey #passwordless
  63. osauth

    Asynchronous OpenStack session and authentication

    v0.4.3 600 #open-stack #api #cloud #openstack #api-bindings #http-request #server-port
  64. ghash

    Universal hash over GF(2^128) useful for constructing a Message Authentication Code (MAC), as in the AES-GCM authenticated encryption cipher

    v0.6.0-pre.0 1.3M #message-authentication #aes-gcm #universal-hashing #cryptography #crypto
  65. yew-oauth2

    OAuth2 components for Yew

    v0.11.0 1.5K #oauth2 #yew #oidc #html #yew-prelude #web
  66. gcp_auth

    Google cloud platform (GCP) authentication using default and custom service accounts

    v0.11.1 75K #service-account #gcp #google #authentication
  67. libreauth

    Collection of tools for user authentication

    v0.16.0 11K #password-hashing #password #authentication #totp #hotp #oath #unicode-normalization
  68. cotp

    Trustworthy, encrypted, command-line TOTP/HOTP authenticator app with import functionality

    v1.7.0 240 #authenticator #totp #argon2 #google-authenticator #secure-password #command-line-interface #tui
  69. crypto-mac

    Trait for Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms

    v0.11.1 1.5M #message-authentication #mac #algorithm #traits #cryptography #crypto #rust-crypto
  70. rustweb2

    Rust-based web server

    v1.1.22 230 #web-server #password-hashing #email #database #transmission #replication #timed
  71. aliyundrive-webdav

    WebDAV server for AliyunDrive

    v2.3.3 #webdav #refresh-token #server #aliyun-drive #aliyundrive #阿里云盘
  72. sylvia-iot-auth

    The authentication/authorization module of the Sylvia-IoT platform

    v0.1.1 #iot #user-management #oauth2 #client #authorization #platform #authentication
  73. digest

    Traits for cryptographic hash functions and message authentication codes

    v0.11.0-pre.8 8.4M #message-authentication #hash #cryptography #crypto
  74. bitwarden

    Secrets Manager SDK

    v0.5.0 6.5K #secrets-manager #secret #sdk #client #authentication #settings #client-settings
  75. opaque-ke

    OPAQUE password-authenticated key exchange protocol

    v3.0.0-pre.4 7.7K #opaque #passwords #password #authentication #cryptography #crypto
  76. pmac

    Generic implementation of Parallelizable Message Authentication Code

    v0.7.1 #message-authentication #mac #parallel #cryptography #parallelizable #generic #pure
  77. sip2

    SIP2 Library

    v0.3.1 #sip #library #message #client #connection #specification #api
  78. ncryptf-rs

    Secure API authentication and end to end encryption

    v0.3.2 #request-body #rocket #encryption #request-response #ncryptf #authentication #api
  79. onedrive-fuse

    Mount OneDrive storage as FUSE filesystem

    v0.2.7 #fuse #one-drive #mount #filesystem #microsoft #user #storage
  80. galileo-osnma

    Galileo OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication)

    v0.8.0 #message-authentication #galileo #gnss #osnma #authentication #tree-root #cryptography
  81. serde-intermediate

    Intermediate representation of Serde serialization

    v1.6.0 180 #intermediate-representation #deserialize #formats #derive-debug #data #default #patch
  82. openssh

    SSH through OpenSSH

    v0.10.4 46K #ssh #remote #ssh-client #orchestration #api-bindings
  83. async-imap

    Async IMAP client for Rust

    v0.9.7 3.3K #imap #email #async #mailbox #server #client #protocols
  84. rbx_auth

    Constructs params for making authenticated requests to Roblox APIs

    v0.2.2 #header #api-request #requests #cookies #authenticated #auth #constructs
  85. loginmanager


    v0.2.2 #axum #web #http #user-id
  86. twitch_api2

    talking with the new Twitch API aka. "Helix", TMI and more!

    v0.6.1 320 #twitch #oauth #api #async #api-client
  87. ssli

    A useless CLI tool for interacting with Scratch

    v0.1.5 #scratch #cli-tool #cli #interact
  88. openpgp-card-ssh-agent

    ssh-agent backed by OpenPGP card authentication keys

    v0.3.2 170 #openpgp-card #ssh-agent #ssh-key #authentication #pin #user #rsa
  89. tauri-plugin-biometric

    Prompt the user for biometric authentication on Android and iOS

    v2.0.0-beta.4 180 #tauri-app #tauri-plugin #android #ios #biometric #authentication #user
  90. dccmd-rs

    A command line client for DRACOON

    v0.5.0 450 #dracoon #command-line #user #download #api-wrapper #encryption #upload
  91. twitch_api

    talking with the new Twitch API aka. "Helix", EventSub and more!

    v0.7.0-rc.7 500 #twitch #oauth #async
  92. entropy-game

    Game with enrtopy in memory

    v0.2.5 900 #api #guest #interface #control #docs #utoipa #swagger-ui
  93. mas-tower

    Tower layers used by the Matrix Authentication Service

    v0.9.0 650 #matrix #tower-layer #service #authentication #open-id

Narrow the search: login cryptography, …login, …user, …web, …api-bindings, …client, …server, …aead, …cli, …oauth