#complex-numbers #plane #operations #multiplication #addition #associated

bin+lib complex-plane

Simple implementation of complex numbers and their associated operations in the complex plane

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 25, 2022

#2075 in Math

MIT license

123 lines

Basic Outline

This is a simple implementation of numbers in the complex plane. Includes addition, subtraction, and multiplication. The main module is complex_numbers, and the actual implementation of a complex number is defined within under Complex.

Complex numbers are defined generically, and can be initialized with any type satisfying:

impl<T> Complex<T> 
where T: Add<Output = T> + Mul<Output = T> + 
Sub<Output = T> + Clone + 

The Complex implementation directly implements the above, so you can use the common operators +, -, * to work with them.

No runtime deps