#ascii #rendering #renderer #generic

no-std asciirend

no_std compatible ascii rendering core

4 releases (2 breaking)

0.3.1 Dec 5, 2023
0.3.0 Dec 5, 2023
0.2.1 Nov 24, 2023
0.2.0 Nov 24, 2023
0.1.0 Nov 22, 2023

#210 in Graphics APIs

36 downloads per month

MIT license

2.5K SLoC


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    . . .###%##########=============+===+=========++++++=====+      . . .
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  .. ..   . .#####%#######%####...........=+====+=====+=== ..    . .. ..
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  ..    .. . .  ##########%####...........+========+====     ..    ...  .
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 . .   .  . .   .  . ...   ##########+==++=++ ..... . . . .  .      .   .
 ....  ..    ... ....  ..    #%#####%==+===   .. .    .  .. .. . ....  ..
..   . ... .. .. ..     ...  ..##%###+=== .    ...   .  ..    .   .   . .

Generic ascii renderer

asciirend is a no_std compatible 3D rendering core. This crate renders objects in several stages:

  • Primitive shading (similar to vertex shading, albeit works on whole primitives).
  • Fragment shading.
  • Additional text pass.

Fragments are shaded in full sRGB float color space, which then is quantized to characters with a dithering algorithm. This allows the image to have clearer color transitions, as opposed to direct character shading. This also means the rendering backend is agnostic to the available color space (so long as it's not HDR!), which is important for a generic no_std compatible renderer.


Please see examples/sample.rs for usage sample.


asciirend has a javascript sample that uses WASM. Albeit the API surface is limited, it is possible to use it to draw basic interactive scenes. Please see web_sample directory for details.


In addition, there is a python sample (and pip package). Please see python subdirectory for more details, or install asciirend package, and run the python sample at sample.py.


~130K SLoC