Parse …string-parser? …parser? …file-format?

  1. clap

    efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser

    v4.5.20 15.3M #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #parser #argument #parse #arg #procedural
  2. xmltree

    Parse an XML file into a simple tree-like structure

    v0.11.0 353K #xml-parser #xml #tree-structure #parse #file-tree #parser #parse-tree
  3. dateparser

    Parse dates in string formats that are commonly used

    v0.2.1 32K #parse-date #date-time #date-format #string-parser #date #parser #parse
  4. parse-variants

    Derive the syn::parse::Parse trait for enumerations and use it to comfortably parse a variant of the enumeration

    v1.0.3 2.8K #parser #enums #macro-derive #parse #variant #enumerations #speculative
  5. nbformat

    Parse Jupyter Notebooks

    v0.3.2 1.8K #notebook #jupyter #parse #format #cell #legacy
  6. structmeta

    Parse Rust's attribute arguments by defining a struct

    v0.3.0 331K #parse-attributes #attributes #parse #syn #derive #totokens
  7. flood-tide

    command line flag and option parse utilities

    v0.2.11 210 #command-line #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #flags #command #argument #parse
  8. short-uuid

    generate and parse short uuids

    v0.1.3 10K #uuid #short #generate #npm-package #alphabet #parse #string
  9. cargo_author

    Parse author fields (name <email> (url)) used by Cargo and npm

    v1.0.7 #cargo-metadata #author #metadata #parse #toml-parser #parse-url #string-parser
  10. crokey

    Parse and describe keys - helping incorporate keybindings in terminal applications

    v1.1.0 31K #key #command-line-interface #parse #parser #compile-time #string-parser #proc-macro
  11. webparse

    http1.1/http2 parse http解析库

    v0.3.0 #http-parser #websocket #http2 #parse #http-1 #http1 #http
  12. pcap-file

    parse, read and write Pcap and PcapNg

    v3.0.0-rc1 40K #read-write #pcap #pcap-parser #pcapng #read #write #parse
  13. atoi_simd

    Fast &[u8] to integer parser

    v0.16.0 109K #parser #simd #u8 #parse #atoi #parse-int #validation
  14. cargo-toml-workspace

    Parse cargo workspace and load specific crate

    v6.0.2 11K #cargo-workspace #binary #load #parse #projects #install
  15. confget

    Parse configuration files

    v5.1.2 #parser #config-parser #ini-parser #config-file #ini #arguments-parser #parse
  16. elementtree

    Parse an XML file into Python elementtree like structure

    v1.2.3 25K #xml-parser #xml #parse #config-file #parser
  17. escape_string

    Efficiently parse backslash-escaped strings

    v0.1.2 8.3K #string-parser #escaping #string #string-format #parse
  18. poetic

    parse and interpret poetic source code

    v0.3.1 290 #source #interpreter #interpret #parse #memory #opcode #instructions
  19. mf1-parser

    Parse ICU MessageFormat 1 syntax

    v0.1.5 #message-format #icu #syntax #parser #localization #parse #messageformat
  20. fancy-duration

    Fancy text representations for durations

    v0.9.2 13K #duration-parser #duration #time #duration-string #parse-time #parse #human
  21. prange2

    Parse numeric ranges for indexing

    v3.0.0 #range #parse
  22. sddl

    parse and analyse SDDL Strings

    v0.0.14 1.4K #string #acl #security #descriptor #parse #0x00 #control-flags
  23. azalea-chat

    Parse Minecraft chat messages

    v0.10.3+mc1.21.1 260 #minecraft-bot #chat #azalea #text #json-text #formatted #parse
  24. patch

    Parse patches in the unified diff format

    v0.7.0 7.1K #diff #git-diff #parse #nom #parser
  25. aoc-parse

    A little library for parsing your Advent of Code puzzle input

    v0.2.18 #parser #pattern-matching #parse #advent-of-code #aoc #single-line
  26. ulid-cli

    A very simple CLI to generate and parse ULIDs

    v0.1.12 #ulid #timestamp #generate #parse #unix-timestamp #output #cli
  27. py-ast

    Pin1Yin1 ast definition and parse for pycc-rs

    v0.0.4 190 #ast #compiler #pinyin #parse #generation #pycc-rs #parallel
  28. hcl-edit

    Parse and modify HCL while preserving comments and whitespace

    v0.8.3 7.4K #hcl #white-space #modify #comments #parse #preserving #toml
  29. us_address_parser

    that parses U.S. street addresses.

    v0.1.4 #parser #address #street #addresses #parse
  30. anylog

    that attempts to parse single log lines into records

    v0.6.4 750 #log-messages #log-parser #log-format #log #parse #single-line #timestamp
  31. sfdl

    Parse, encrypt and decrypt SFDL container files

    v0.2.1 490 #encryption-decryption #decryption #encrypted #parse #encryption #parser #decrypt
  32. delegation-feed

    Fetch and parse RIR delegation files and feed the data through BGP

    v0.2.0 #bgp #routing #delegation #feed #ipv6 #rir #parse
  33. parse2csv

    parse log-file and output to stdout as csv file by regex

    v0.2.0 #regex #stdout #csv #parse #ua #log-file #ip-d
  34. two_timer

    parser for English time expressions

    v2.2.5 #nlp #time-parser #expression-parser #parser #parse #parse-time #time
  35. wgsl-tools

    Various tools to parse, verify, evaluate and modify wgsl shader source

    v0.0.2 #wgsl #syntax-tree #shader #source #language #parse #extension
  36. usnrs

    parse USN Journal files

    v0.2.0 #journal #usn #file #filesystem #parse #system #extract
  37. mcvm_parse

    Package script lexing, parsing, and basic evaluation for mcvm

    v0.15.0 #minecraft-launcher #minecraft #launcher #parser #parse #mc #game
  38. wast

    Customizable Rust parsers for the WebAssembly Text formats WAT and WAST

    v219.0.1 699K #wasm-module #wasm-text #text-format #wat #parse #s-expr #combinator
  39. proxrs

    parse and format proxies between surge,clash,base64,loon,sing-box,etc

    v0.1.0 110 #clash #proxies #base64 #parse #format #surge #loon
  40. clap-num

    Number parsers for clap

    v1.1.1 193K #arguments-parser #unsigned-integer #integer-value #parser #argument #command-line-arguments #parse
  41. dbml-rs

    A DBML Parser for Rust

    v1.0.0-rc.1 #parser #dbml #parse
  42. length

    handle length/distances easyly. It can parse a string with several units (m, km, mi, ft, ...) into the Length-struct and converting into other units.

    v0.2.3 250 #distance #converter #units #parse #string #string-parser #converting
  43. utf8parse

    Table-driven UTF-8 parser

    v0.2.2 9.3M #utf-8 #parser #table #parse #state-machine #utf8 #virtual-terminal
  44. cargo-unlock

    Remove Cargo.lock lockfile

    v1.0.10 100 #cargo-lock #cargo-subcommand #lock-files #cargo #cargo-version #parse #subcommand
  45. clap_builder

    efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser

    v4.5.20 10.3M #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #arg #clap-parser #argument #arguments #parse
  46. derive-syn-parse

    Derive macro for syn::parse::Parse

    v0.2.0 289K #macro-derive #syn #parser #proc-macro #traits #parse-input #struct
  47. eventsource-stream

    A basic building block for building an Eventsource from a Stream of bytes

    v0.2.3 70K #event-source #server-sent-events #stream #event-stream #sse #events #parse
  48. fast-float

    Fast floating-point number parser

    v0.2.0 242K #decimal-number #float #parser #parse #parsing #string-parser #no-std
  49. seahorse

    A minimal CLI framework written in Rust

    v2.2.0 2.6K #arguments-parser #arg #parser #argument #parse #arguments #cli-applications
  50. picky-krb

    Encode/decode Kerberos ASN.1 DER structs

    v0.9.0 13K #codec #kerberos #asn1-der #asn-1 #asn1 #parse
  51. pem

    Parse and encode PEM-encoded data

    v3.0.4 4.0M #data-encoding #private-key #parser #encode #pem-encoded #tags #no-std
  52. fast-float2

    Fast floating-point number parser

    v0.2.3 #float #parse #decimal-number #parser #parsing #string-parser #no-std
  53. rsjsonnet-lang

    A Jsonnet evaluation library

    v0.3.0 170 #jsonnet #evaluation #language #library #evaluate #parse #programs
  54. rosu-map

    de- and encode .osu files

    v0.1.2 #osu #parser #beatmap #decode #parse
  55. uuid

    generate and parse UUIDs

    v1.11.0 10.0M #unique-identifier #unique #guid #distributed-systems #hex-string #network-protocol #generate
  56. comma

    Shell-style command parser with support for escaping and quotations

    v1.0.0 39K #shell #string-parser #parser #string #command #parse #unicode-characters
  57. allsorts

    Font parser, shaping engine, and subsetter for OpenType, WOFF, and WOFF2

    v0.15.0 2.4K #font #opentype #shaping #parser #true-type #parse #rendering-engine
  58. mazter

    Mazes in your terminal

    v2.1.1 380 #maze #terminal #key #parse #generator #terminal-size #game
  59. gura

    configuration language serializer/deserializer for Rust

    v0.5.4 #configuration-language #serialization #config-parser #deserialize #parser #dump #parse
  60. nameless-clap

    efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser

    v3.0.0-beta.2.2 #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #parser #arguments #argument #arg #parse
  61. rdf_dynsyn

    sophia-compatible and sophia-based rdf parsers/serializers, that can be instantiated against any of supported syntaxes dynamically at run time

    v0.3.1 #rdf #sophia #parser #parse #serialization #serializers
  62. itm

    A decoding library for the ARM Cortex-M ITM/DWT packet protocol

    v0.9.0-rc.1 1.5K #arm #cortex-m #parse #protocols #embedded #packet-parser #decoding
  63. tzif

    A parser for TZif files

    v0.2.3 #timezone #string-parser #parser #iana #posix #parse #format-time
  64. eml-parser

    parsing .eml files

    v0.1.4 4.7K #header-parser #eml #parser #email #parse #message-parser #email-parsing
  65. ion-cli

    Command line tool for working with the Ion data format

    v0.9.1 400 #command-line #command-line-tool #format #binary-data #binary-encoding #parse #format-text
  66. ircv3_parse

    IRCv3 parse

    v0.2.3 500 #irc-v3 #parser #twitch #message-parser #ircv3
  67. btparse

    A minimal deserializer for inspecting std::backtrace::Backtrace’s Debug format

    v0.2.0 #backtrace #parse #std #debugging #parser
  68. mdli

    v0.1.28 2.3K #markdown #translation #site #internationalization #tool #parse
  69. ansi2html

    v0.2.2 #html #terminal #ansi #convert-html #format #parse
  70. fs_mod_parser

    Mod File Parser for Farming Simulator

    v0.1.2 370 #parse #parser #farm-sim
  71. bc

    Use bc in the Rust Programming Language

    v0.1.15 #math #timeout #equation #parse
  72. hexf-parse

    Parses hexadecimal floats (see also hexf)

    v0.2.1 289K #hex #float #floating-point #parser #floats #hexf #decimal
  73. cafebabe

    parser for Java class files

    v0.8.0 340 #java-class #class #java #jvm #parse #parser #classfile
  74. docker_compose_spec

    docker-compose.yml <-> rust <-> serde_json

    v0.1.2 300 #docker-compose #serde #parse
  75. m-bus-parser

    parsing M-Bus frames

    v0.0.15 210 #parser #mbus #parse #m-bus #dataframe #wire
  76. getargs

    A truly zero-cost argument parser

    v0.5.0 6.6K #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #argument #arguments #arg #parse #parser
  77. fastpasta

    CLI for verifying or examining readout data from the ALICE detector

    v1.22.0 #data-analysis #verification #parse #command-line
  78. cliproc

    A fast, low-level, and configurable command-line processor

    v2.1.1 110 #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #cli-parser #parser #arg #parse #cli
  79. anstyle-parse

    Parse ANSI Style Escapes

    v0.2.6 10.0M #ansi #text-styling #ansi-colors #vte #ansi-term #terminal-colors #terminal-text
  80. parse-size

    Parse byte size into integer accurately

    v1.1.0 148K #parser #byte-size #byte
  81. fixcol

    reading and writing fixed width / column delimited data files

    v0.2.0 #fixed-width #data-file #fixed #column #file #parse #serialization
  82. golden_apple

    decoding and sharing Minecraft data types

    v0.19.0 #minecraft #codec #parse #api #networking #data-encoding
  83. pagetop-hljs

    PageTop package to display beautiful code snippets on web pages

    v0.0.14 #highlight #web-page #component #pagetop #parse #parser #web-components
  84. byte-transcoder

    A Rust+Typescript library to transcode higher-level data types to/from bytes

    v0.0.2 320 #byte #serialization #transcode #encode #parse #parser
  85. subtile

    utils to operate traitements on subtitles

    v0.3.0 #subtitle #parse #vobsub #parser #pgs #library #encoding
  86. rohanasantml

    An easy way to write your messy html code in a better way

    v0.0.2 #html-parser #html #compiler #interpreter #parse #parser
  87. jp_utils

    Utils for working with Japanese text

    v0.1.7 #japanese #language #charset #parse #parser #text-parser #languages
  88. parse-zoneinfo

    Parse zoneinfo files from the IANA database

    v0.3.1 1.8M #timezone #zone #time #date-time #text-format #time-parser #calendar
  89. hls-playlist

    serializing and deserializing HLS playlists (aka extended M3U playlists)

    v0.2.0 #hls #m3u #parse #extm3u #parser
  90. wenmeng

    a http server for rust

    v0.2.7 110 #websocket-server #server-client #http2 #server #parse #websocket-client #client
  91. atoi

    Parse integers directly from [u8] slices in safe code

    v2.0.0 2.3M #integer #conversion #convert
  92. tree-sitter-graph

    Construct graphs from parsed source code

    v0.11.3 16K #tree-sitter #graph #source #parsed #structures #dsl #construct
  93. ndm

    Parse standard polyhedral dice notation

    v0.9.10 #dice-notation #dice-roll #dice #random #gamedev #string-parser
  94. btoi

    Parse integers directly from ASCII byte slices

    v0.4.3 229K #byte-slice #ascii-byte #integer #conversion #byte-string #convert #string-parser
  95. alog

    Anonymize 'Combined Log Format' data

    v0.8.0 #log-file #log #log-parser #parse #file-format #anonymize #format-string
  96. pg_query

    PostgreSQL parser that uses the actual PostgreSQL server source to parse SQL queries and return the internal PostgreSQL parse tree

    v5.1.1 39K #sql-query #parse-tree #query-parser #sql-parser #postgresql
  97. promql-parser

    Parse PromQL query into AST

    v0.4.3 6.4K #query-parser #query-language #parser #prometheus #ast #expression-parser #promql
  98. simple-dns

    parse and write DNS packets

    v0.9.0 183K #dns #packet-parser #parser #write #rfc #pure
  99. iso8601-duration

    Parse ISO8601 duration format

    v0.2.0 33K #duration-parser #iso-8601 #duration #parser
  100. linux-perf-event-reader

    Parse Linux perf_event information from raw bytes

    v0.10.1 1.5K #perf-events #perf #linux #parser
  101. parsable

    A trait to easily parse data structures

    v1.0.0 310 #string-parser #traits #interpreter #operator #data-structures #integer #positive
  102. nid

    Generate and parse Nano IDs

    v3.0.0 260 #id #nano #unique-id #unique #uuid #string-parser #nanoid
  103. quake_serverinfo

    Parse QuakeWorld serverinfo strings

    v0.7.0 #parser #quake #server #quake-world
  104. japanese-address-parser

    parse japanese addresses

    v0.1.23 550 #parser #geo #wasm
  105. syn_derive

    Derive macros for syn::Parse and quote::ToTokens

    v0.2.0 2.4M #macro-derive #syn #parser #attributes #quote #tokens #boilerplate
  106. lancelot-flirt

    parse and match FLIRT signatures

    v0.9.1 470 #malware-analysis #reverse-engineering #byte-sequences #ida #signatures #matching #flirt
  107. zjson

    Parse JSON with zero allocation

    v0.1.5 100 #json-parser #json #zero-allocation #parse-json #parser #no-std
  108. junit-parser

    parse JUnit XML files

    v1.3.1 1.4K #xml-parser #junit #xml-data #xml #report #xunit #parser
  109. mdbook-metadata

    mdBook preprocessor to parse markdown metadata

    v0.1.1 #mdbook #parse-markdown #metadata #parser #content
  110. metaslang_graph_builder

    Construct graphs from parsed source code

    v0.18.3 600 #graph #source #analysis #solidity #parsed #construct #parser
  111. langtime

    parse english dates

    v0.2.1 #date-parser #date-time #english #date-format #parser #parse-date #date-and-time
  112. path-dedot

    extending Path and PathBuf in order to parse the path which contains dots

    v3.1.1 227K #path #dot #absolute #canonical #dedot
  113. anstyle-git

    Parse Git Style Descriptions

    v1.1.2 110 #ansi-colors #git #text-styling #ansi #ansi-term #terminal-colors #text-parser
  114. hostlist-parser

    Parses hostlist expressions into a Vec of Strings

    v0.1.6 7.4K #string-parser #vec-string #cluster #hpc #hostlist #expression-parser #pdsh
  115. cmake-parser

    parse cmake language

    v0.1.0-beta.1 #cmake #command #html #parser #error #org-cmake-help-v3 #txt
  116. parse-sap-atom-feed

    Parse an XML atom:Feed received from an SAP V2 OData service using code generated by crate parse-sap-odata

    v1.2.2 420 #xml-parser #odata #sap #atom #parser #opendata
  117. tsconfig

    Parse .tsconfig configuration files for TypeScript

    v0.3.1 600 #config-file #typescript #config-parser #configuration #json-configuration #json-parser #json-file
  118. accept-language

    Parse and compare Accept-Language header strings

    v3.1.0 12K #header-parser #header #internationalization #parser
  119. git-config-env

    Parse git's env configuration

    v0.2.2 170 #git-config #git-configuration #git #config-parser #env
  120. ignore-files

    Find, parse, and interpret ignore files

    v3.0.2 60K #ignore #find #file #gitignore #discover #file-format
  121. etc-os-release

    Parse /etc/os-release file

    v0.1.1 3.7K #operating-system #system-information #distribution #variables #data #data-structures #systemd
  122. spdx-rs

    Parse and interact with SPDX Documents

    v0.5.5 13K #spdx #json-parser #licensing #document #data #interact #license-management
  123. anstyle-ls

    Parse LS_COLORS Style Descriptions

    v1.0.4 110 #terminal-colors #ansi-colors #ansi-term #color #env-vars #terminal #ansi
  124. cliargs

    Parses command line arguments and prints the help

    v0.6.0 340 #command-line-arguments #arguments-parser #command-arguments #config-parser #command #line #subcommand
  125. ghrepo

    Parse & construct GitHub repository URLs & specifiers

    v0.6.0 #git-repository #github #parse-url #local-git #repository #git-hub #url-parsing
  126. uuhelp_parser

    A collection of functions to parse the markdown code of help files

    v0.0.27 11K #markdown-parser #parse-markdown #command-line-tool #help #text #coreutils #cross-platform
  127. renpy_parser

    Parse renpy script files with Rust

    v0.0.2 #parser #visual-novel #renpy #rpy
  128. shellish_parse

    Parses "command line" syntax inspired by Bourne shell ("shellish")

    v2.2.0 1.1K #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #shellish #bourne #sh #user-input
  129. qsv-dateparser

    Parse dates in string formats that are commonly used. Optimized for qsv.

    v0.12.1 2.0K #date-parser #parse-date #date-time #date-format #string-parser #date #parser
  130. protobuf-parse

    Parse .proto files. Files are parsed into a protobuf::descriptor::FileDescriptorSet object using either: pure rust parser (no dependencies) protoc binary (more reliable and…

    v3.7.1 328K #protobuf #serialization #proto-file #descriptor-set #file-descriptor #buffer #protocols
  131. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000097

    generate and parse UUIDs

    v1.11.0 #uuid #unique #guid #unique-identifier #hex-string
  132. python-pkginfo

    Parse Python package metadata from sdist and bdists and etc

    v0.6.3 68K #python-packages #package-metadata #python #metadata #pkginfo #parser
  133. parse-wiki-text-2

    Parse wiki text from Mediawiki into a tree of elements

    v0.2.0 #text-parser #wiki #text-format #mediawiki #format-text #text-document #tags
  134. parse_cfg

    Parse and evaluate Rust’s cfg(any(condition)) attribute syntax and target triples

    v4.1.1 16K #cfg #target #syntax #attr #rust #expression-parser
  135. liboci-cli

    Parse command line arguments for OCI container runtimes

    v0.4.1 2.8K #command-line-arguments #container #oci #arguments-parser #command-line-interface #youki #cli-parser
  136. recently-used-xbel

    Parse the ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel file

    v1.1.0 2.9K #recently #xbel #used
  137. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on

  138. from-attr

    that makes it easy to parse attributes

    v0.1.3 410 #macro-derive #parse-attributes #attributes #macro #derive
  139. twmap

    Parse, edit and save Teeworlds and DDNet maps

    v0.12.4 240 #edit #ddnet #save #teeworlds #map #maps #binary
  140. ucloud-cdn-log-parser

    Parse UCloud CDN log files to CSV

    v0.1.3 #log-parser #clickhouse #cdn #duck-db #csv #log-format #u-cloud
  141. positional

    author/parse positional files

    v0.4.3 550 #parser #authoring #row #proc-macro #procedural #traits #author-parse
  142. himmelblau_kerberos_asn1

    Parse/Build Kerberos ASN1 DER To/From Rust structs

    v0.4.1 #asn1-der #kerberos #asn-1 #protocols #string-parser #structures #structs
  143. hexspell

    A open source lib to parse executables in Rust

    v0.0.3 260 #parser #executable #pe #elf #binary #section-header
  144. trace-recorder-parser

    parse Percepio's TraceRecorder data

    v0.19.0 310 #parser #free-rtos #data #percepio #protocols #trace-recorder #kernel
  145. chrono-systemd-time

    parses systemd.time style timestamps into chrono types

    v0.3.0 480 #date-parser #chrono #time-parser #date-time #time #systemd #date
  146. parsercher

    Parses and searches Tag documents. (e.g. HTML, XML)

    v3.1.6 #parser #xml-parser #html-xml #html-parser #tags #html #xml
  147. interim

    parses simple English dates, inspired by Linux date command, and forked from chrono-english

    v0.1.2 12K #date-parser #date-time #time-parser #date-format #chrono #english #compatible
  148. emv_tlv_parser

    Parse emv tlv messages

    v0.1.11 250 #tlv #emv #parser #tags #data #tag-length-value #struct
  149. cronexpr

    parse and drive the crontab expression

    v1.1.0 700 #cron-expression #timestamp #expression-parser #schedule #drive #timezone #next
  150. vcard_parser

    Parses and validates vCard data according to RFC 6350 specification

    v0.2.2 #vcard #parser #rfc-6350 #validation
  151. tlparse

    Parse TORCH_LOG logs produced by PyTorch torch.compile

    v0.3.28 1.2K #log-parser #pytorch #structured #env-vars #data #compile #variables

Narrow the search: Parse string-parser, …parser, …file-format, …command-line-arguments, …json-parser, …format, …generate, …tree, …log-parser