2 releases

0.1.0-alpha.1 May 2, 2024
0.1.0-alpha Apr 23, 2023

#72 in Build Utils

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11K SLoC

CMake Parser for Rust

cmake-parser is a Rust library that provides a set of tools for parsing CMake files and working with the data they contain. The library includes a parser for reading CMake files, as well as several structs and enums for representing the data defined in CMake files.

CMake version: v3.26

CMake Language specification:



The cmake-parser library provides the following features:

  • Parsing of CMakeLists.txt files: The library includes a parser for reading CMakeLists.txt files and extracting the data defined in them.
  • Error handling: The library provides a set of error types for handling errors that may occur during parsing and processing of CMake files.


Add dependency to Cargo.toml:

cmake-parser = "0.1"

Example src/main.rs:

use cmake_parser::{parse_cmakelists, Doc};

let cmakelists = br#"""
  COMMAND someHasher -i "$<TARGET_FILE:myExe>"
                      -o "$<TARGET_FILE:myExe>.hash"

let cmakelists = parse_cmakelists(cmakelists).expect("valid CMakeLists.txt");
let doc = Doc::from(cmakelists);
let commands = doc.commands().expect("valid CMake commands");

Supported Commands

Implemented: 102 of 127.

Scripting Commands

These commands are always available.

  • block
  • break
  • cmake_host_system_information
  • cmake_language
  • cmake_minimum_required
  • cmake_parse_arguments
  • cmake_path
  • cmake_policy
  • configure_file
  • continue
  • else
  • elseif
  • endblock
  • endforeach
  • endfunction
  • endif
  • endmacro
  • endwhile
  • execute_process
  • file
  • find_file
  • find_library
  • find_package
  • find_path
  • find_program
  • foreach
  • function
  • get_cmake_property
  • get_directory_property
  • get_filename_component
  • get_property
  • if
  • include
  • include_guard
  • list
  • macro
  • mark_as_advanced
  • math
  • message
  • option
  • return
  • separate_arguments
  • set
  • set_directory_properties
  • set_property
  • site_name
  • string
  • unset
  • variable_watch
  • while

Project Commands

These commands are available only in CMake projects.

  • add_compile_definitions
  • add_compile_options
  • add_custom_command
  • add_custom_target
  • add_definitions
  • add_dependencies
  • add_executable
  • add_library
  • add_link_options
  • add_subdirectory
  • add_test
  • aux_source_directory
  • build_command
  • create_test_sourcelist
  • define_property
  • enable_language
  • enable_testing
  • export
  • fltk_wrap_ui
  • get_source_file_property
  • get_target_property
  • get_test_property
  • include_directories
  • include_external_msproject
  • include_regular_expression
  • install
  • link_directories
  • link_libraries
  • load_cache
  • project
  • remove_definitions
  • set_source_files_properties
  • set_target_properties
  • set_tests_properties
  • source_group
  • target_compile_definitions
  • target_compile_features
  • target_compile_options
  • target_include_directories
  • target_link_directories
  • target_link_libraries
  • target_link_options
  • target_precompile_headers
  • target_sources
  • try_compile
  • try_run

CTest Commands

These commands are available only in CTest scripts.

  • ctest_build
  • ctest_configure
  • ctest_coverage
  • ctest_empty_binary_directory
  • ctest_memcheck
  • ctest_read_custom_files
  • ctest_run_script
  • ctest_sleep
  • ctest_start
  • ctest_submit
  • ctest_test
  • ctest_update
  • ctest_upload

Deprecated Commands

These commands are deprecated and are only made available to maintain backward compatibility. The documentation of each command states the CMake version in which it was deprecated. Do not use these commands in new code.

  • build_name
  • exec_program
  • export_library_dependencies
  • install_files
  • install_programs
  • install_targets
  • load_command
  • make_directory
  • output_required_files
  • qt_wrap_cpp
  • qt_wrap_ui
  • remove
  • subdir_depends
  • subdirs
  • use_mangled_mesa
  • utility_source
  • variable_requires
  • write_file


~39K SLoC