
  1. libm

    libm in pure Rust

    v0.2.11 6.8M #math #pure #musl #port #goal #short #target
  2. supports-color

    Detects whether a terminal supports color, and gives details about that support

    v3.0.2 980K #terminal-colors #env-var #variables #detect #give #port #details
  3. dlmalloc

    port of the dlmalloc allocator

    v0.2.8 425K #allocator #port #default #target
  4. rustc_apfloat

    Rust port of C++ llvm::APFloat library

    v0.2.2+llvm-462a31f5a5ab 101K #floating-point #llvm #soft-float #port #precision #compile-time #decimal
  5. earcutr

    port of MapBox's earcut triangulation code to Rust language

    v0.4.3 228K #polygon #triangulation #earcut #triangle #port #computer #hole
  6. rsmq_async

    Async RSMQ port to rust. RSMQ is a simple redis queue system that works in any redis v2.4+. It contains the same methods as the original one in https://github.com/smrchy/rsmq

    v15.0.0 19K #redis-queue #rsmq #system #port #async-await #original #methods
  7. letmein

    Authenticated port knocking - Client

    v10.0.1 370 #port-knocking #port #firewall #knock #nftables #tcp-port #networking
  8. sketches-ddsketch

    A direct port of the Golang DDSketch implementation

    v0.3.0 1.6M #quantile #sketch #dd-sketch #golang #port #direct #merge
  9. rphonetic

    Rust port of phonetic Apache commons-codec algorithms

    v3.0.2 600 #phonetic #algorithm #soundex #metaphone #apache #caverphone #port
  10. oxc-browserslist

    Rust-ported Browserslist for Oxc

    v2.0.0 14K #web #oxc #version #browserslist #port #performance #query
  11. havn

    A fast configurable port scanner with reasonable defaults

    v0.2.0 #port-scanning #port #docker #scan #tokio
  12. fastdivide

    partial port of libdivide. It makes it possible to reduce the cost of divisions.

    v0.4.2 259K #division #integer #u64 #port #divide #reduce #partial
  13. i3bar-river

    A port of i3bar for wlroots-based compositors

    v1.1.0 440 #status-bar #window-manager #wayland-compositor #i3bar #wlroots #hyprland #port
  14. tauri-plugin-positioner

    Position your windows at well-known locations

    v2.2.0 4.1K #tauri-plugin #position #locations #tray #port #place #tray-icon-builder
  15. netavark

    A container network stack

    v1.14.0 410 #networking #container #firewall #json-configuration #stack #podman #port
  16. project-absence

    👁️ Uncover the unseen

    v0.2.1 220 #tool #command-line #uncover #clipboard #absence #unseen #port
  17. difflib

    Port of Python's difflib library to Rust

    v0.4.0 2.8M #diff #text #python #port #sequence #unified-diff #comparing
  18. port_check

    Get a free local port or check if a port somewhere is reachable

    v0.2.1 23K #port #networking #check #local #free #ipv4 #remote
  19. upnp-daemon

    A daemon for continuously opening ports via UPnP

    v0.6.1 #open-ports #upnp #port #ip-address #daemon #mapping #csv
  20. rustscan

    Faster Nmap Scanning with Rust

    v2.3.0 1.5K #port-scanning #port-scanner #nmap #scanning #port #arch-linux
  21. lidoom

    DOOM port for Project Lighthouse

    v1.1.1 #doom #lighthouse #port #directory #gui #token #control
  22. catppuccin-whiskers

    😾 Soothing port creation tool for the high-spirited!

    v2.5.1 210 #color-palette #color-themes #catppuccin #template #whiskers #port #flavor
  23. scanr

    lightweight, fast, and configurable port scanner built in Rust for reliable multi-platform network scanning

    v0.1.14 #port #scan #port-scanner #tokio #docker #networking
  24. re_rav1d

    Rust port of the dav1d AV1 decoder

    v0.1.3 13K #flags #bit-depth #av1 #decoder #decoding #assembly #port
  25. lepton_jpeg

    Rust port of the Lepton JPEG compression library

    v0.4.2 170 #jpeg #compression #lossless #port #lepton #progressive #safety
  26. swc_ecma_transforms_proposal

    rust port of babel and closure compiler

    v11.0.1 68K #javascript-compiler #typescript #swc #babel #closures #port #web
  27. markdown-it

    Rust port of popular markdown-it.js library

    v0.6.1 1.7K #markdown-syntax #markdown #markdown-html #common-mark #gfm #port #ast
  28. elf2uf2-rs

    Port of elf2uf2 to rust

    v2.1.1 950 #pico #programming #deployment #raspberry-pi #serial #port #devices
  29. hgvs

    Port of biocommons/hgvs to Rust

    v0.18.1 290 #sequence #cache #port #genome #genetic #database-access #vcf
  30. laz

    Rust port of Laszip compression. of the LAS format

    v0.9.2 7.1K #data #read-write #laszip #format #las #reader #port
  31. rinkey

    Keyset manipulation command-line tool for Rust port of Google's Tink cryptography library

    v0.3.0 #key-management #key-set #cryptography #tink #port #command-line-tool #google
  32. s2

    S2 geometric library

    v0.0.13 8.6K #geometry #geospatial #geometric #port #google #spherical #coordinates
  33. earcut

    port of the Earcut polygon triangulation library

    v0.4.4 8.1K #computational-geometry #polygon #triangulation #graphics #2d-3d #port #coplanar
  34. rustix-dlmalloc

    port of the dlmalloc allocator, ported to rustix

    v0.2.1 800 #allocator #rustix #dlmalloc #port #ported #linux
  35. rusty-chromaprint

    Pure Rust port of Chromaprint

    v0.3.0 2.2K #audio-stream #audio-samples #fingerprint #chromaprint #port #duplicates #fingerprinting
  36. killport

    A command-line tool to easily kill processes and containers running on a specified port

    v1.1.0 10K #port #process #kill #command-line-tool #command-line-arguments #linux #linux-macos
  37. dragonbox

    Fast floating point to string conversion

    v0.1.10 260 #string-conversion #floating-point #float #performance #benchmarking #port #no-alloc
  38. gday

    Command line tool to securely send files (without a relay or port forwarding)

    v0.3.0 #file-transfer #command-line-tool #relay-server #send-file #port #forwarding #encryption
  39. portpicker-cli

    Pick a free unused port (CLI)

    v0.2.2 140 #free #unused #port #pick #portpicker
  40. librsmsx

    a MSX emulator written in rust, a port from gomsx

    v0.5.1 2.3K #msx #gamedev #emulator #port #gomsx
  41. augmented-dsp-filters

    Audio filters (port of C++ DSPFilters)

    v2.5.0 #filter #audio #port #rbj #augmented #dsp-filters #ported
  42. rserve

    v0.1.9 460 #rserve #port #file-or-dir
  43. smolagents-rs

    port of the the HuggingFace smolagents library. Build LLM agents with tools and code execution.

    v0.1.2 100 #agent #openai #hugging-face #execution #port #llm #google-search
  44. crc32-v2

    A port of the CRC-32 algorithm to Rust

    v0.0.5 2.9K #crc32 #crc #algorithm #port #little #crc-algorithms #byfour
  45. netstat-rust

    Cross Platform netstat-rust program for windows/linux/mac

    v0.1.2 140 #cross-platform #netstat #tool #processes #port #windows-linux-mac #show
  46. d3_geo_voronoi_rs

    A port into rustlang of the javascript library d3-geo-voronoi

    v0.10.4 1.7K #delaunay-triangulation #voronoi-diagram #coordinates #spherical #points #port #geospatial
  47. letmeinfwd

    Authenticated port knocking - Firewall backend daemon

    v10.0.1 120 #port-knocking #port #nftables #firewall #knock #network-security #tcp-port
  48. tetrominal

    Terminal Port of the classic game Tetris

    v0.1.1 #tetris #classic #port #terminal #game
  49. scopegraphs

    A well-documented port of scopegraphs to Rust

    v0.3.3 #scope #graph #programming-language #name #resolution #port #query
  50. reserve-port

    For finding free local ports and reserving them

    v2.1.0 102K #port-scanner #port #scanner #local #free #reserving #finding
  51. letmeind

    Authenticated port knocking - Server

    v10.0.1 120 #port-knocking #port #network-security #firewall #knock #nftables #access-control
  52. listeners

    Get processes listening on a TCP port in a cross-platform way

    v0.2.1 5.4K #tcp-port #process #tcp-listener #tcp #tcp-socket #port #process-id
  53. caracat

    A fast ICMP/UDP IPv4/v6 Paris traceroute and ping engine

    v1.4.2 160 #ping #traceroute #port #packet #paris #was #experimental
  54. lucide-yew

    Yew port of Lucide

    v1.1.0 1.8K #lucide #port #yew #book
  55. five8

    Fast base58 encoding and decoding for 32-byte and 64-byte arrays

    v0.2.1 200 #codec #base58 #decoding #encoding #port #array #32-byte
  56. iptools

    Python iptools port for Rust

    v0.3.0 3.8K #ip-address #ip #networking #network-programming #python #utilities #port
  57. sfbinpack

    read Stockfish Binpacks

    v0.4.1 440 #position #read #stockfish #binpacks #binpack #port #chess
  58. sl-rs

    Pure Rust port of the SL, an old joke command. SL (Steam Locomotive) runs across your terminal when you type "sl" as you meant to type "ls"

    v2.0.1 230 #joke #sl #terminal #steam #pure #port #ls
  59. ports

    List listening ports

    v0.5.0 #listen #port #cli
  60. direct-share

    Share any files easily from your machine

    v1.0.0 440 #sharing #share #upnp #download #port #host-port #url
  61. goog_cc

    A direct Rust port of the Google Congestion Control algorithm from WebRTC

    v0.1.4 240 #web-rtc #congestion #control #port #google #direct #gcc
  62. crab_nat

    providing a pure Rust implementation of a client for both the NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP) and the Port Control Protocol (PCP)

    v0.7.0 #port #nat #udp-socket #protocols #mapping #pcp #nat-pmp
  63. decmathlib-rs

    Port of the Intel Decimal Floating-Point Math Library decimal128 type to Rust

    v0.4.0 #decimal #floating-point #math #intel #port #decimal128 #language
  64. swc_css_prefixer

    Port of stylis

    v9.0.0 5.1K #swc #javascript-compiler #web #typescript #port #stylis #babel
  65. microui

    (immediate mode GUI) library in pure rust

    v0.2.5 #immediate-mode #gui #pure #port #rxi #c2rust #original
  66. rterm

    A port of suckless terminal to rust

    v0.0.9 420 #terminal #st #suckless #port #licensed #apache-2 #wide-char
  67. microui-redux

    Idiomatic Rust MicroUI (immediate mode GUI) library port

    v0.2.4 #immediate-mode #gui #micro-ui #port #idiomatic #container #original
  68. lz-str

    A port of lz-string to Rust

    v0.2.1 2.4K #compression #lz-string #port #performance #rustc-hash #internal #maps
  69. single-svdlib

    port of LAS2 from SVDLIBC

    v0.1.0 #svd #sparse-matrix #singular #port #compute #las2 #input
  70. btree_monstrousity

    a code port of BTreeMap but with comparator functions

    v0.0.5 400 #btree-map #b-tree #comparator #collection #functions #port #partial
  71. unicodeit

    Converts LaTeX to Unicode (rust port)

    v0.2.0 120 #port #convert #latex #unicode #unicode-characters #net
  72. oss-sdk-rs

    Aliyun OSS SDK

    v1.2.4 500 #oss #sdk #aliyun #object #api #fork #port
  73. diligent

    A port of the Diligent Engine to Rust

    v0.1.0 #engine #port #stages #linux #samples #warnings
  74. swc_css_utils

    Port of stylis

    v8.0.0 7.4K #typescript #web #swc #typescript-compiler #javascript-compiler #port #stylis
  75. relnet

    A minimal implementation of telnet with tls support

    v0.1.1-alpha.1 #telnet #tls #host #port #client
  76. portmatching

    Fast Graph Matching for Port Graphs

    v0.4.0-rc.6 1.6K #pattern-matching #graph #port #data-structures #embedding #subgraph-isomorphism #trie
  77. rust-auth-utils

    port of @better-auth/utils

    v1.0.0 #encode-decode #authentication #random #base64 #port #generate-keys #hash
  78. bunyan

    A CLI to pretty print structured logs. A Rust port of the original JavaScript bunyan CLI.

    v0.1.9 3.6K #logging #structured #pretty-print #nodejs #port #original #log-format
  79. floating-ui-leptos

    Floating UI for Leptos

    v0.2.1 #web-ui #floating #leptos #port
  80. flexihash

    Consistent hashing following the API and compatible with flexihash-php and flexihash-py

    v0.1.8 260 #consistent-hashing #hash #write #compatible #lookup #port #following
  81. rav1d-cli

    Rust port of the dav1d AV1 decoder CLI tools

    v1.0.0 #av1 #decoder #port #dav1d
  82. bencher

    port of the libtest (unstable Rust) benchmark runner to Rust stable releases. Supports running benchmarks and filtering based on the name. Benchmark execution works exactly the same…

    v0.1.5 202K #benchmark #stable #unstable #runner #filtering #libtest #port
  83. ldap-test-server-cli

    Command line for running OpenLDAP server for testing

    v0.1.2 130 #ldap-server #ldap #testing #command-line #open-ldap #directory #port
  84. xgolib

    port of XGO-PythonLib

    v0.1.8 470 #robotics #port #rider-pi #xgo-python-lib
  85. esp-hal-mfrc522

    mfrc522 library for esp-hal (can be used on any hal that implements embedded-hal-async)

    v0.2.1 130 #esp-hal #embedded-hal-async #rfid #non-blocking #mfrc522 #arduino #port
  86. clap-port-flag

    Easily add a --port flag to CLIs using Structopt

    v0.4.0 1.6K #port #clap-parser #flags #cli-parser #networking #future #cli-applications
  87. proc-ctl

    A helper library for querying and manipulating processes

    v0.4.1 #process #process-id #querying #port #helper #find #ctl
  88. pulsar_web

    fast and reliable web framework

    v0.1.2 #web-framework #pulsar #reliable #pulse #port #server
  89. omeganum

    Stores numbers up to 10{N}9e15

    v1.0.1 #port #bignum #math #no-std
  90. slog-envlogger

    Port of de facto standard logger implementation for Rust, to slog-rs framework

    v2.2.0 150K #logging-framework #env-logger #env-vars #slog-rs #drain #variables #port
  91. lucide-leptos

    Leptos port of Lucide

    v1.1.0 130 #lucide #port #leptos #book
  92. certstreamrs

    streaming Certificate Transparency Log events from the certstream service

    v0.1.2 160 #certificate-transparency #events #log #streaming #stream #certstream #port
  93. seqrepo

    Port of (read-only) functionality of biocommons/seqrepo to Rust

    v0.10.3 260 #vcf #access #port #read #read-only #genetic #biocommons-seqrepo
  94. nut

    Bolt DB Port in Rust

    v0.1.3 160 #key-value-store #bolt #database #db #transaction #port #page
  95. floating-ui-utils

    Rust port of Floating UI. Utilities for Floating UI.

    v0.2.1 210 #web-ui #floating #utilities #functions #port #across #projects
  96. dawproject

    A port of DAWproject in Rust

    v0.8.2 #audio #digital #file-format #user-data #daw #port #read
  97. portForwarder

    a TCP/UDP port multiplexer which forwards connection based on content of traffic

    v0.1.3 170 #portforwarder #tcp-udp #traffic #connection #port #multiplexer #forwarding #forward
  98. floating-ui-core

    Rust port of Floating UI. Positioning library for floating elements: tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, and more.

    v0.2.1 220 #ui-elements #floating #positioning #web-ui #element #tooltip #port
  99. clustersort

    Rust port of xklb's cluster-sort util

    v0.0.3 #document #collection #port #vector #calculate #x-tfidf #xklb
  100. portpicker

    Pick a free unused port

    v0.1.1 308K #port #tcp-udp #networking #unused #free #pick
  101. unicodeit-cli

    The command line interface to unicodeit

    v0.2.0 120 #unicodeit #cli #port #interface #line #command #command-line-interface
  102. lucide-dioxus

    Dioxus port of Lucide

    v1.1.0 #lucide #port #dioxus #book
  103. floating-ui-dom

    Rust port of Floating UI. Floating UI for the web.

    v0.2.1 110 #ui #floating #web-ui #dom #port #logic #original
  104. crnlib

    Rust port of crunch, to decode .crn file

    v0.1.2 120 #port #file #open-file #decode #end #found #file-io
  105. hafnium

    secure port forward reverse proxy

    v0.1.0 #port #reverse-proxy #forward #key #key-pair #local #hf
  106. what-the-port

    Quickly lookup what a port is used for

    v0.5.1 #tcp-udp #port #lookup #tool #command-line-tool
  107. py3langid_rs

    A high-performance, pure Rust port of py3langid

    v0.1.0 100 #pure #py3langid #port #language #language-identifier
  108. homo-rs

    HOMO argumentator in Rust

    v0.2.0 210 #homo #argumentator #port #homo的rust移植,但没有分解小数功能。 #一个可以将整数分解成114514算式的库。 #本库是itorr #将任何数分解成114514算式
  109. shark-scan

    An async multi-threaded port scanner supporting user specified port ranges, timeout durations, and thread quantity

    v0.1.2 #port #port-scan #scan #tcp-port #async #threaded #ip-address
  110. portforwarder-rs

    Forwards ports on UPnP-enabled gateways. Inspired by portmapper (written in Java). Command line and lib.

    v0.1.1 #upnp #port #networking #forward #forwarding #gateway #command-line
  111. pandoc_types

    Rust port of pandoc-types

    v0.6.0 140 #pandoc #port #haskell
  112. hyperminhash

    Fast, constant-memory cardinality approximation

    v0.1.3 170 #cardinality #approximation #intersection #union #constant-memory #operation #port
  113. goxoy-address-parser

    Goxoy Address Parser

    v0.0.10 #address #parser #ip-parser #ip-address-parser #goxoy #port #string
  114. r-matrix

    Rust port of cmatrix

    v0.2.7 #terminal #terminal-window #character #memory-safe #ncurses #cmatrix #port
  115. libcfd

    A port of cloudflared (Cloudflare Tunnel Client) to Rust

    v0.1.1 #tunnel #connection #cloudflare #access #zero #trust #port
  116. drawille

    Draw to the terminal using braille characters

    v0.3.0 19K #terminal-graphics #braille #characters #draw #interface #port #shapes
  117. portify

    easy HTTPS/SVCB record support

    v1.0.1 #record #svcb #url #https-svcb #port #resolve #hint
  118. pfrs

    Quickly find the an available dynamic port

    v0.1.2 390 #port #dynamic #light-weight #performance #fast #easy
  119. host-port-pair

    Host-port pair type

    v0.2.2 #host-port #host #port
  120. tfconfig

    Rust port of HashiCorp's terraform-config-inspect Go library

    v0.2.3 420 #hashi-corp #port #go #terraform-config-inspect #path #required-providers
  121. ru_annoy

    annoy(https://github.com/spotify/annoy) (Index serving only). Providing C api as well

    v0.1.3 #annoy #index #port #serving #api #github #java
  122. port-selector

    that provides port availability checking, port filtering based on conditions and occupy specified ports

    v0.1.6 6.0K #port #check #free #select
  123. dom-accessibility-api

    Rust port of dom-accessibility-api

    v0.0.3 #web-api #dom #port #accessibility #element #name #accessible
  124. fish-oxide

    A port of fishdraw to rust

    v0.3.2 #port #fish #svg #fishdraw #graphics
  125. pliocomp

    PLIO Compression Library

    v0.2.0 110 #plio #compression #github #com #blob #statement #port
  126. ac-library-rs

    port of AtCoder Library (ACL)

    v0.1.1 850 #competitive #acl #at-coder #port
  127. azalea-auth

    A port of Mojang's Authlib and launcher authentication

    v0.11.0+mc1.21.4 #minecraft-bot #authentication #minecraft-launcher #azalea #mojang #authlib #port
  128. itsdangerous

    Rust port of the popular itsdangerous python library for signing strings and sending them over untrusted channels

    v0.4.1 94K #string #channel #untrusted #port #python #sending #popular
  129. can2040

    port for Rust

    v0.1.5 390 #rp2040 #can #canopen #port #usb #receive #devices
  130. readability

    Port of arc90's readability project to rust

    v0.3.0 6.0K #web-page #port #content #arc90 #primary #readable #scrape
  131. radix-yew-icons

    Yew port of Radix Icons

    v0.0.2 #radix #yew #icons #port
  132. speexdsp-resampler

    Pure rust port of the speexdsp resampler

    v0.1.0 14K #audio #resampler #pure #speexdsp #port #bindings
  133. vrchat-box

    Send stdin to VRChat as chatbox messages

    v1.1.0 #vr-chat #send #stdin #osc #messages #chatbox #port
  134. floating-ui-yew

    Floating UI for Yew

    v0.2.1 #web-ui #yew-web #floating #port
  135. reflecto

    A port of reflector

    v0.1.4 100 #arch-linux #mirror #list #port #reflector #sorting #status
  136. lua-rs

    Lua port written in Rust

    v0.0.11 #lua #port #version
  137. cors-proxy

    Quick and dirty cors proxy

    v1.0.2 #cors #proxy #quick #dirty #port #host #host-port
  138. letmein-proto

    Authenticated port knocking - Wire protocol

    v10.0.1 390 #port-knocking #port #firewall #knock #nftables #byte-stream
  139. trail-sense-sol

    science and math in the real world

    v0.2.0 #math #sol #real #world #port #science
  140. fwd

    Automatically forward ports to a remote server over ssh

    v0.9.0 380 #port #ssh #remote #server #forwarding #connection #automatic
  141. expose-rs

    Just exposes your port to public

    v0.1.3 #upnp #networking #port #forwarding #expose #public #wanip-connection1
  142. jsonm

    port for Rust. jsonm is a fast and safe way to compress JSON messages using memoization. jsonm makes messages up to several orders of magnitude smaller by getting rid of repeated names and values.

    v0.2.0 750 #json #compression #memoization #safe #messages #port #size
  143. rudir

    fast udp port forwarding tool

    v0.1.0 #forwarding #port #udp #tool
  144. letmein-conf

    Authenticated port knocking - Configuration parser

    v10.0.1 300 #port-knocking #port #firewall #nftables #knock #config-parser #config-file
  145. fakelish

    English-like word generator; port of Ryo Ota's fakelish

    v0.1.2 #word #generator #ota #port #ryo #english-like
  146. pug

    pug.js port to Rust

    v0.2.0 #template #jade #port #js
  147. sm64gs2pc

    Convert Super Mario 64 GameShark codes to SM64 PC port patches

    v1.0.5 #nintendo-64 #port #decompilation #gameshark #super-mario-64 #command-line-tool
  148. get-port

    Get an available TCP/UDP port

    v4.0.0 650 #port #tcp-port #tcp-udp #networking #range #localhost #udp-port
  149. htmx_llamacpp_server

    server for the htmx_llamacpp project

    v0.1.3 #htmx #llama #cpp #host #port #htmx-llamacpp #server
  150. autojump

    port and drop-in replacement of autojump

    v0.5.1 #filesystem #file #port #python #replacement #directory #system
  151. librqbit-upnp

    used by rqbit torrent client to lease port forwards on the router

    v1.0.0 #bittorrent #router #port #client #rqbit #lease #forward
  152. bcdec_rs

    Safe, no_std, pure Rust port of bcdec

    v0.2.0 900 #texture #texture-format #pure #dds #port #bcdec #bc1
  153. ei

    erl_interface for rust

    v0.2.0 #erlang #port #serde #erl-interface
  154. letmein-systemd

    Authenticated port knocking - Systemd support

    v10.0.1 130 #port-knocking #firewall #port #knock #nftables
  155. colossal

    Cave Adventure

    v1.0.1 #adventure #game #fortran #cave #player #original #port
  156. libyaml-safer

    Safer libyaml port, based on unsafe-libyaml

    v0.1.1 120 #yaml #safe #safer #libyaml #port #unsafe-libyaml #idiomatic
  157. letmein-seccomp

    Authenticated port knocking - Seccomp wrapper

    v10.0.1 130 #port-knocking #firewall #port #nftables #knock
  158. disrustor

    This project is a port of the LMAX Disruptor to Rust

    v0.4.0 #producer-consumer #disruptor #lmax #port #wait #strategy #blocking
  159. ftp-web

    v0.1.3 #port #password #user-name
  160. qsc

    Quick async network scanner CLI

    v0.4.3 1.5K #port-scanning #networking #scanning #port #async-io #async #port-scanner
  161. url_pest_parser

    A URL parser using pest for Rust

    v0.1.0 #parse-url #pest-parser #domain #subdomain #port #query #path
  162. letmein-fwproto

    Authenticated port knocking - Firewall backend communication protocol

    v10.0.1 340 #port-knocking #port #firewall #nftables #knock #byte-stream
  163. godsays

    Rust port of the programmer Terry Davis' (RIP) "god says" program

    v0.1.4 #terry #davis #templeos #programmers #port #rip #god
  164. radix-yew-use-size

    Yew port of Radix Use Size

    v0.0.2 #radix #port #yew #size
  165. onionpipe

    Onion addresses for anything

    v0.4.0 #onion-service #addresses #hidden #port #networking #anything #local
  166. readability-liveboat

    Port of arc90's readability project to rust, updated for use with liveboat

    v0.3.4 320 #readability #content #port #webpage #liveboat #readable #arc90
  167. magic_string_rain

    magic string

    v0.3.5 #magic #string #napi #driven #port
  168. librobotcontrol-sys

    Rust port of librobotcontrol

    v0.4.0 #port #low-level #librobotcontrol #beagle-bone #target #boards #cross-compilation
  169. budoux

    Rust port of BudouX (machine learning powered line break organizer tool)

    v0.1.1 #machine-learning #line-break #model #organizer #sentence #powered #port
  170. robmikh/minesweeper-rs

    A port of robmikh/Minesweeper using windows-rs

    GitHub 0.1.0 #port #minesweeper #windows #robmikh-minesweeper #winrt #windows-rs
  171. killp

    CLI tool to kill processes running on specified ports on Linux and macOS

    v0.1.0 #port #process #command-line-tool #cli #networking #process-running #linux-macos
  172. radix-yew-id

    Yew port of Radix ID

    v0.0.2 #radix #port #yew #id
  173. hyperecho

    echo server

    v0.2.1 #echo-server #http-request #web-server #request-body #requests #port #built
  174. netdog

    A tiny terminal-based TCP server/client

    v1.0.0 #tcp-server #client-server #tiny #terminal-based #port
  175. cmos

    read, write CMOS and RTC data. Standard library not required.

    v0.1.2 #rtc #osdev #read-write #io #port #date-time
  176. openport

    Find a free unused port

    v0.1.1 #tcp-udp #port #udp #tcp #networking
  177. vl53l1x-uld

    source port of the ULD driver for the VL53L1X

    v2.0.1 #vl53l1x #driver #i2c #sensors #hardware #port #distance
  178. world-transmuter-engine

    The engine part of the port of DataConverter to Rust

    v0.8.0 600 #converter #minecraft #port #world #part #java #transmuter
  179. portmonitor

    command to wait for a TCP port to open

    v0.1.0 #tcp-port #port #tcp #tcp-socket #command-line-tool #port-wait
  180. rmw-upnp

    upnp port map daemon

    v0.2.4 #upnp #daemon #map #rmw #port #link #part
  181. extended-isolation-forest

    rust port of the anomaly detection algorithm

    v0.2.3 #machine-learning #detection #forest #anomaly-detection #isolation #algorithm #port
  182. radix-yew-use-controllable-state

    Yew port of Radix Use Controllable State

    v0.0.2 #radix #port #yew #state #controllable
  183. radix-yew-use-previous

    Yew port of Radix Use Previous

    v0.0.2 #radix #port #yew #previous
  184. rustcat

    The Modern Port Listener and Reverse Shell

    v3.0.0 #reverse #shell #port #listener #networking #netcat #modern
  185. simple_proxy

    proxy with middlewares, easy to customize, easy to use

    v1.3.4 #middleware #proxy #logging #routes #router #environment #port
  186. radix-yew-primitive

    Yew port of Radix Primitive

    v0.0.2 #radix #port #yew #primitive
  187. radix-leptos-icons

    Leptos port of Radix Icons

    v0.0.2 #leptos #radix #icons #port
  188. sentryshot_util

    Port of FFmpeg's utils

    v0.1.2 #ffmpeg #bindings #port #ported #back #pure #time
  189. portunusd

    Avant-garde Network Application Server for illumos

    v0.3.0 #illumos #port #door #networking
  190. perfrecord-mach-ipc-rendezvous

    A subset of the ipc-channel mach functionality to establish two-way communication and exchange the mach_task_self port

    v0.2.1 #communication #mach #child-process #macos #exchange #port #perfrecord
  191. adafruit_gps

    GPS parser and reader for the adafruit Ultimate GPS or Adafruit Mini GPS PA1010D

    v0.4.1 #gps #adafruit #baud-rate #sentence #nmea #module #port
  192. to-socket-addrs

    A small ToSocketAddrs replacement to specify addresses without port

    v0.2.1 #socket-address #port #addresses #replace #default #net #specify
  193. sentryshot_scale

    Port of FFmpeg's image scaler

    v0.1.2 #ffmpeg #image #video #pixel-format #port #scaler #bicubic
  194. porttest

    web server to test if a port is open

    v0.1.1 #web-server #port #server-port #open #testing
  195. iptrap

    A fast, stateless TCP sinkhole

    v1.0.7 #tcp #stateless #sinkhole #ip #port #logging
  196. radix-leptos-toggle

    Leptos port of Radix Toggle

    v0.0.2 #radix #toggle #port #leptos
  197. radix-colors

    Rust port of Radix Colors

    v0.0.2 110 #color #radix #system #port #accessible #original #package
  198. wireguard-p2p

    A WireGuard peer-to-peer client

    v0.3.0 #peer #wireguard #p2p #up #ip #port #public
  199. sshrpc

    RPC through ssh port forwarding

    v0.2.0 #rpc-server #ssh #port #forwarding #remote #remote-procedure #channel
  200. td-rs

    port of my termDisplay/tdRGB library !!!LINUX ONLY!!!

    v0.1.5 #linux #port #term-display-td-rgb
  201. crfs

    Pure Rust port of CRFsuite: a fast implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)

    v0.2.0 #crf #conditional #fields #random #port #crfsuite #pure
  202. fpsdk

    FL Studio SDK

    v1.0.3 #plugin #studio #host #fl #sdk #port #notes
  203. suitcase

    A set of personal CLI tools to automate common tasks in software development (including Rust, Dart, and Flutter), written in Rust

    v0.1.4 #flutter #dart #script #personal #tasks #automate #port
  204. random-port

    Get an available port

    v0.1.1 8.6K #port #random #networking #utilities
  205. jtagdap

    JTAG access to CMSIS-DAP compatible probes

    v0.1.1 #jtag #access #probe #compatible #cmsis-dap #port #spidap
  206. mdurl

    URL parser and formatter that gracefully handles invalid input

    v0.3.1 1.9K #parse-url #url #parser #input #formatter #js #port
  207. sentryshot_convert

    Port of FFmpeg's pixel format converter

    v0.1.2 110 #pixel-format #format-conversion #ffmpeg #video #converter #convert #port
  208. hyper-scan

    Scan for services running on the open ports of a given host

    v0.1.1 #port-scanner #open-ports #port #multi-threaded #scanner #open #networking
  209. portsniffer

    port sniffer written in Rust

    v1.0.2 #sniffer #port #rust #networking
  210. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  211. basic_tcp_proxy

    synchronous TCP proxy crate for forwarding TCP connections

    v0.3.2 #tcp-connection #tcp #proxy #port #forward
  212. port-plumber

    bind ports with initialization commands

    v0.3.1 #tcp-port #port #tcp #daemon #cli
  213. r3_portkit

    writing a port of R3

    v0.2.3 #r3 #simulator #compile-time #port #rtos #static #r3-os
  214. rust-padbuster

    It's a port of python-paddingoracle (https://github.com/mwielgoszewski/python-paddingoracle)

    v0.1.2 #oracle #padbuster #github #port #com #python-paddingoracle #mwielgoszewski
  215. shadowsocks-rs

    personal port of shadowsocks in rust

    v0.9.0 130 #personal #port #shadowsocks #vpn #proxy #proxy-server
  216. polymur-hash

    Polymur hash function

    v0.2.1 #hash #polymur #universal #port
  217. identicon

    A port of GitHub's identicon algorithm to Rust

    v0.2.1 #github #port #algorithm #png #hubot #robots-txt
  218. port-desc

    Port service description library from internet assigned number authority

    v0.1.1 180 #port #description #service #protocols #information
  219. portable

    A minimal and portable low-level x86 IO port handling library

    v0.2.1 #low-level #port #osdev #x86-64 #no-std
  220. bghelper

    helper to use with nginx to have a working blue/green deployment

    v2.0.0 #health-check #helper #nginx #port #configuration #deployment #blue-green
  221. pennereq

    Port of the Penner easing equations to rust

    v0.3.1 2.2K #easing #equations #port #penner #ease #quad
  222. opscan

    A open port scanner

    v0.4.0 #port-scanner #port-scan #port #scanner #scan
  223. lzo1x

    Safe Rust port of the LZO1X compression algorithm

    v0.2.0 #lzo #port #performance
  224. ignofierplus

    rust port of https://github.com/sujang958/ignofier

    v0.2.0 #gitignore #port #selector #github #ignofier #com-sujang958-ignofier #improvements
  225. rustbolt_sources

    webpack-sources port

    v0.4.1 #source-map #source #port #webpack-sources
  226. remy

    quickly port Rust applications to different platforms

    v0.0.4 100 #platform #target #toolchain #port #applications #different #quickly
  227. pcg

    A port of the PCG random number generation library

    v4.1.0 #numbers #generator #generation #port #generate #pcg-random #sampling
  228. whereyoufrom

    A small network diagnostic tool that listens for incoming TCP/UDP connections and simply replies by telling them their IP and port

    v0.1.0 #tcp-udp #port #networking #udp #tcp #incoming-connection #network-tool
  229. sentryshot_filter

    Port of FFmpeg's filters

    v0.1.2 110 #ffmpeg #video #filter #port #crop #pad #experimental
  230. castled

    Best tunnel for development and kubernetes

    v0.0.1-alpha.3 130 #tunnel #kubernetes #port #remote #service #random #grpc
  231. radix-rect

    Rust port of Radix Core Rect

    v0.0.2 110 #radix #rect #port #package #original
  232. b15f

    port of the B15F client

    v0.1.0 #port #client #driver
  233. wordfreq

    port of wordfreq for looking up the frequencies of words in many languages

    v0.2.3 #nlp #frequencies #word #port #up #language #look
  234. rucene

    port of the popular Apache Lucene project. Rucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add full text search capabilities to applications.

    v0.1.1 #lucene #index #search #applications #full-text-search #port #apache
  235. tink-core

    Core crate for Rust port of Google's Tink cryptography library

    v0.3.0 42K #key #tink #cryptography #material #port #insecure #google
  236. radix-leptos-use-size

    Leptos port of Radix Use Size

    v0.0.2 #leptos #size #radix #port
  237. unicom-serial

    Serial port backend for unicom

    v0.4.0 200 #serial-port #serial #iot #port #unicom
  238. scan4j

    log4j port vulenability scan

    v0.1.0 #port #log4j #port-scanner #scan #server #aws #exploit
  239. makey-midi

    Makey Makey to send midi commands

    v0.1.0 #midi #makey #devices #send #port #command #key
  240. mqtt_actor

    An mqtt adapters (from port and adapters) to be used with actix actors

    v1.0.1 #mqtt #actor #adapter #topic #publisher #message #port