#voxel #graphics #encoding


Parser for MagicaVoxel's .VOX file format

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jul 23, 2021

#90 in Data formats

30 downloads per month
Used in vox-tool

MIT license


crates.io docs.rs MIT license Maintenance


vox-format is a parser and encoder for MagicaVoxel's VOX files.


In your Cargo.toml add:

vox-format = "0.1"


let vox_data = vox_format::from_file("test_files/glider.vox")?;
println!("{:#?}", vox_data);



This crate provides a reader and write for MagicaVoxel's VOX files. It was designed with the in mind to keep copying to a minimum. While you can read a full VOX file into a VoxData and then read or manipulate its data, there's also an interface to construct your own voxel data from a VOX file.

If you're looking for a command-line utility to manipulate VOX files, take a look at vox-tool. vox-tool is written using vox-format. so everything it does, can also be achieved using only this crate in Rust.


image support

This crate has support for some conversion between its types and image types. Specifically between crate::types::Color and Rgba<u8>. But it also provides methods to read and write palettes from images.

mint and nalgebra support

The feature mint and nalgebra enables conversion for crate::types::Vector for these crates.

palette support

This feature enables conversion between crate::types::Color and Srgb<u8> from the palette crate.


Enables serialization using serde for types in crate::types and crate::data::VoxData.

This crate is work-in-progress

Although this crate has a very limited scope and already mostly implements it, it is missing some features and isn't well-tested yet. This will change soon, but if you just can't wait, you're welcome to contribute 🥺.


Reads crate::data::VoxData from path:

let vox_data = vox_format::from_file(path).unwrap();
println!("{:#?}", vox_data);


~53K SLoC