#kinematics #unit-system #math #operation


A small library that contains some basic units to help structuring kinematics and robotic programming in rust

9 releases

0.2.1 May 25, 2024
0.2.0 May 25, 2024
0.1.6 May 17, 2024
0.1.2 Apr 26, 2024
0.1.1 Feb 24, 2024

#19 in Robotics

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641 lines


A small library that contains some basic units to help structuring kinematics and robotic programming in rust. The library uses rusts tuple structs to create a zero-overhead and compile-time checking of correct unit, variable and function usage.

Quick introduction

In many functions for kinematics and robotics, it sometimes becomes unclear which type of unit is desired to be used, especially when it comes to distances.

/// Relative movement
fn move_distance(dist : f32, speed : f32) {
    // ...

/// Absolute movement
fn move_to_distance(dist : f32, speed : f32) {
    // ...

Even if most code is not as horribly documented and uses such terrible names, nothing stops a developer from accidently plugging in an absolute distance into a function that takes a relative one. Here comes this library into play:

use syunit::*;

/// Relative movement
fn move_distance(dist : Delta, speed : Velocity) {
    // ...

/// Absolute movement
fn move_to_distance(dist : Gamma, speed : Velocity) {
    // ...

// Delta => Relative distance
// Gamma => Absolute distance
// Naming choice will be explained later

Each unit is represented by a 32bit float enclosed into a tuple struct. Why these units are helpful not only for documentation is explained in the flowing chapters:

Creation and conversion

As rust always prefers implicit syntax, so does this library. The unit types cannot be converted back to a f32 without calling into().

use syunit::*;

fn requires_f32(value : f32) {
    // ...

fn requires_velocity(value : Velocity) {
    // ...

// Every unit is created by the tuple struct constructor using a `f32` value
let gamma = Gamma(10.0);

// error[E0308]: mismatched types
// | requires_f32(gamma) // ERROR! => Type `Gamma` cannot be used as `f32`
// | ------------ ^^^^^ expected `f32`, found `Gamma`
// | |
// | arguments to this function are incorrect
// |

// error[E0308]: mismatched types
// |
// | requires_f32(gamma);
// | ------------ ^^^^^ expected `Velocity`, found `Gamma`
// | |
// | arguments to this function are incorrect
// |


As the units are all named after their purpose, the context of functions, their parameters and other variables becomes clear easier. However the library does not differentiate between linear and rotary movement in terms of naming.

However there are three units for distances with different names:

  • Gamma: Represents an absolute distance in the actuators "perspective", often refered to as component angle/distance
  • Phi: Represents an absolute distance in the machines "perspective", often refered to as mathematical angle/distance in a lot of documentations. This angle is for example used to describe the rotation of a robot joint, where the Gamma angle has an offset compared to the Phi angle.
  • Delta: Represents a relative distance

Operations and automatic type evaluation

Especially with distances, a lot of operations between them are restricted, as they would fail to make any sense. For example a Gamma distance cannot be added with either a Phi or another Gamma distance, as it does not make any sense to add two absolute distances. However a Delta distance can be added to a Gamma or Phi distance to extend/shorten said Gamma or Phi distance.

use syunit::*;

let gamma = Gamma(2.0);
let phi = Phi(4.0);
let delta = Delta(1.0);

assert_eq!(gamma + delta, Gamma(3.0));
assert_eq!(phi + delta, Phi(5.0));

Also it is for example possible to subtract two absolute distances, which gives the relative Delta distance between them.

use syunit::*;

assert_eq!(Gamma(5.0) - Gamma(3.0), Delta(2.0));

A very special unit is Time, dividing or multipling by it often changes units.

use syunit::*;

// Travelling a distance of 6mm in 2 seconds gives a velocity of 3mm/s
assert_eq!(Delta(6.0) / Time(2.0), Velocity(3.0));
// Accelerating to a velocity of 3mm/s in 2 seconds gives an acceleration of 1.5mm/s^2
assert_eq!(Velocity(3.0) / Time(2.0), Acceleration(1.5));
// Travelling with 3mm/s for 3 seconds gives a total distance of 9mm
assert_eq!(Velocity(3.0) * Time(3.0), Delta(9.0));

Physical background

Each unit of course represents a physical unit, in almost all cases their standardized values. Only difference is distance, it is represented by millimeters. Meaning velocity becomes millimeters per second, acceleration becomes millimeters per second squared ...

serde implementation

All the units implement serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize if the "serde" feature is enabled, which is the case by default.

Issues and improvements

Please feel free to create issues on the github repo or contact me directly.


~23K SLoC