12 unstable releases (3 breaking)

0.4.0 Jan 5, 2022
0.3.1 Dec 4, 2021
0.2.2 Sep 26, 2020
0.1.5 Aug 31, 2020
0.1.1 Feb 12, 2018

#453 in Hardware support

41 downloads per month

GPL-3.0 license


C++ 3.5K SLoC // 0.1% comments Rust 1K SLoC // 0.0% comments C 177 SLoC // 0.3% comments


Safe rust bindings on top of the C++ library rpi-rgb-led-matrix.


The examples have more detailed usage, but here is basic usage to get things rendering on your display.

use rpi_led_matrix::{LedMatrix, LedColor};

let matrix = LedMatrix::new(None, None).unwrap();
let mut canvas = matrix.offscreen_canvas();
for red in 0..255 {
    for green in 0..255 {
        for blue in 0..255 {
            canvas.fill(&LedColor { red, green, blue });
            canvas = matrix.swap(canvas);

Note that if you have wirings other than the libraries "default", you will need to construct arguments to the library to specify the layout. See LedMatrixOptions for more information.



Rust bindings for the C++ library rpi-rgb-led-matrix.

Example Usage

use rpi_led_matrix::{LedMatrix, LedColor};
let matrix = LedMatrix::new(None, None).unwrap();
let mut canvas = matrix.offscreen_canvas();
for red in (0..255).step_by(16) {
    for green in (0..255).step_by(16) {
        for blue in (0..255).step_by(16) {
            canvas.fill(&LedColor { red, green, blue });
            canvas = matrix.swap(canvas);


embeddedgraphics (default)

pulls in the embedded-graphics crate and implements DrawTarget so that you can use all of the embedded-graphics abstractions.


Pulls in clap, enabling the args module which adds LED matrix arguments for configuration to your clap::App.


Passthrough argument to rpi-led-matrix-sys. See their documentation for more info.

Passthrough argument to rpi-led-matrix-sys. See their documentation for more info.
