1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 9, 2023

#9 in #binary-operator

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

This crate provides two types that are important for working with hardware designs. The [Bits] type is a fixed-size unsigned integer type with a variable number of bits. The [SignedBits] type is a fixed-size signed integer type with a variable number of bits. Both types are designed to mimic the behavior of fixed width binary-represented integers as typically are synthesized in hardware designs.

One significant difference between hardware design and software programming is the need (and indeed ability) to easily manipulate collections of bits that are of various lengths. While Rust has built in types to represent 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 bits (at the time of this writing, anyway), it is difficult to represent a 5 bit type. Or a 256 bit type. Or indeed any bit length that is not a power of two or is larger than 128 bits.

The [Bits] and [SignedBits] types are designed to fill this gap. They are generic over the number of bits they represent, and can be used to represent any number of bits from 1 to 128. The [Bits] type is an unsigned integer type, and the [SignedBits] type is a signed integer type. Both types implement the standard Rust traits for integer types, including Add, Sub, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Shl, Shr, Not, [Eq], [Ord], [PartialEq], [PartialOrd], Display, LowerHex, UpperHex, and Binary.
The [SignedBits] type also implements Neg. Note that in all cases, these types implement 2-s complement wrapping arithmetic, just as you would find in hardware designs. They do not panic on underflow or overflow, but simply wrap around. This is the behavior that best mimics real hardware design. You can, of course, implement detection for overflow and underflow in your designs, but this is not the default behavior.

The two types are also [Copy], which makes them easy to use just like intrinsic integer types. Some general advice. Hardware manipulation of bit vectors can seem counterintuitive if you have not done it before. The [Bits] and [SignedBits] types are designed to mimic the behavior of hardware designs, and so they may not behave the way you expect. If you are not familiar with 2's complement arithmetic, you should read up on it before using these types.

Constructing [Bits]

There are several ways to construct a [Bits] value. The simplest is to use the [From] trait, and convert from integer literals. For example:

use rhdl_bits::Bits;
let bits: Bits<8> = 0b1101_1010.into();

This will work for any integer literal that is in the range of the [Bits] type. If the literal is outside the range of the [Bits] type, Rust will panic.

You can also construct a [Bits] value from a [u128] value:

let bits: Bits<8> = 0b1101_1010_u128.into();

Note that the [Bits] type only supports up to 128 bit values. Larger bit vectors can easily be constructed using data structures (arrays, structs, enums, tuples). But arithmetic on them is not supported by default. You will need to provide your own arithmetic implementations for these types. This is a limitation of the [Bits] type, but it is a limitation that is not likely to be a problem in practice. Practical hardware limitations can mean that performing arithmetic on very long bit vectors is likely to be very slow.

Constructing [SignedBits]

The [SignedBits] type can be constructed in the same way as the [Bits] type. The only difference is that the [SignedBits] type can be constructed from a [i128] value:

let bits: SignedBits<8> = 0b0101_1010_i128.into();

Likewise, you can construct a [SignedBits] from a signed literal

let bits: SignedBits<8> = (-42).into();

Note the parenthesis! Because of the order of operations, the negation has a lower precedence than the .into(). As a result, if you omit the parenthesis, you will get a Rust complaint about not being able to decide what type the integer literal must assume. This is unfortunate, but unavoidable.


Only a subset of operations are defined for [Bits] and [SignedBits]. These are the operations that can be synthesized in hardware without surprises (generally speaking). In Rust, you can operate between [Bits] types and other [Bits] types of the same width, or you can use integer literals, which will be converted to [Bits] types of the appropriate width. For example:

let bits: Bits<8> = 0b1101_1010.into();
let result = bits & 0b1111_0000;
assert_eq!(result, 0b1101_0000);

Note that in case the result is being directly compared to an integer literal.

You can also operate on [Bits] types of different widths, but you will need to convert them to the same width first. For example:

let bits: Bits<8> = 0b1101_1010.into();
let nibble: Bits<4> = 0b1111.into();
let result = bits.slice(4) & nibble;
assert_eq!(result, 0b1101);

Here the slice operator will extract the upper 4 bits of the bits value, and they can then be operated on using the & operator. Note that the slice operator is generic over the width of the slice, so you can extract any number of bits from the [Bits] value. If you request more bits than the [Bits] value has, the extra bits will be initialized to 0.

let bits: Bits<8> = 0b1101_1010.into();
let word: Bits<16> = bits.slice(0);
assert_eq!(word, 0b0000_0000_1101_1010);

You can also slice [SignedBits] as well. However, in this case, extra bits are sign-extended, not zero-extended. And the end result is a [Bits] type, not a [SignedBits] type. For example:

let bits: SignedBits<8> = (-42).into();
let word: Bits<16> = bits.slice(0);
assert_eq!(word, 0xFF_D6);
  • Be careful * when using the slice operator on [SignedBits] values. If you slice a [SignedBits] value to a smaller size, the sign bit will be lost. For example:
let bits: SignedBits<8> = (-42).into();
let nibble: Bits<4> = bits.slice(0);
assert_eq!(nibble, 6);

To elaborate on this example, -42 in 8 bits is 1101_0110. If you slice this to 4 bits, you get 0110, which is 6. The sign bit is lost in the slicing.

Bit Widths and Binary Operators

All of the binary operators follow the same rules:

  • Both operands must be of the same width.
  • Both operands must be of the same type (e.g., [SignedBits] or [Bits]).
  • One of the operands may be a literal, in which case it will be converted to the appropriate type before the operator is applied.

These rules are entirely enforced in the Rust type system. So there is nothing special about following these rules that you are not already accustomed to. The following, for example, will fail to compile:

let x: Bits<20> = 0x1234.into();
let y: Bits<21> = 0x5123.into();
let z = x + y; // This will fail to compile.


Addition is supported for [Bits] and [SignedBits] types. You can add two [Bits] values together, or you can add a [Bits] value to an integer literal. For example:

let x: Bits<32> = 0xDEAD_BEEE.into();
let y: Bits<32> = x + 1;
assert_eq!(y, 0xDEAD_BEEF);

The order of the arguments does not matter:

let x: Bits<32> = 0xDEAD_BEEE.into();
let y: Bits<32> = 1 + x;
assert_eq!(y, 0xDEAD_BEEF);

Or using two [Bits] values:

let x: Bits<32> = 0xDEAD_0000.into();
let y: Bits<32> = 0xBEEF.into();
let z: Bits<32> = x + y;
assert_eq!(z, 0xDEAD_BEEF);

The AddAssign trait is also implemented for [Bits] and [SignedBits], so you can use the += operator as well:

let mut x: Bits<32> = 0xDEAD_0000.into();
x += 0xBEEF;
assert_eq!(x, 0xDEAD_BEEF);

Note that the addition operation os 2's complement wrapping addition. This is the behavior that is most useful for hardware designs. If you want to detect overflow, you will need to implement that yourself.

let mut x: Bits<8> = 0b1111_1111.into();
x += 1;
assert_eq!(x, 0);

In this case, the addition of 1 caused x to wrap to all zeros. This is totally normal, and what one would expect from hardware addition (without a carry). If you need the carry bit, then the solution is to first cast to 1 higher bit, and then add, or alternately, to compute the carry directly.

let x: Bits<40> = (0xFF_FFFF_FFFF).into();
let y: Bits<41> = x.slice(0) + 1;
assert_eq!(y, 0x100_0000_0000);


Hardware subtraction is defined using 2s complement arithmetic. This is pretty much the universal standard for representing negative numbers and subtraction in hardware. The Sub trait is implemented for [Bits] and [SignedBits], and operates much like the Wrapping trait does for the built in integers in Rust. Note that overflow and underflow are not detected in RHDL (nor are they detected in hardware either). You will need to explicitly check for overflow or underflow conditions if you want to take action in those circumstances.

let x: Bits<8> = 0b0000_0001.into();
let y: Bits<8> = 0b0000_0010.into();
let z: Bits<8> = x - y; // 1 - 2 = -1
assert_eq!(z, 0b1111_1111);

Note that in this case, we subtracted 2 from 1, and the result was -1. However, -1 in 2s complement is 0xFF, which is stored in z as an unsigned value of 255. This is the same behavior that you experience with u8 in standard Rust if you use Wrapping arithmetic:

let x : u8 = 1;
let y : u8 = 2;
let z = u8::wrapping_sub(x, y);
assert_eq!(z, 0b1111_1111);

I don't want to belabor the point, but wrapping arithmetic and 2s complement representations can catch people by surprise if they are unfamiliar with hardware implementations of arithmetic.

For [SignedBits], the result is the same, but interpreted correctly:

let x: SignedBits<8> = 0b0000_0001.into();
let y: SignedBits<8> = 0b0000_0010.into();
let z: SignedBits<8> = x - y; // 1 - 2 = -1
assert_eq!(z, -1);

The SubAssign trait is implemented for both [Bits] and [SignedBits], so you can use the -= operator as well:

let mut x: Bits<8> = 0b0000_0001.into();
x -= 1;
assert_eq!(x, 0);

Bitwise Logical Operators

All four of the standard Rust logical operators are supported for both [Bits] and [SignedBits]. They operate bitwise, and are implemented using the standard Rust traits. For completeness, the list of supported bitwise operators is:

  • Or and OrAssign for | and |=
  • And and AndAssign for & and &=
  • Xor and XorAssign for ^ and ^=
  • Not for ! Other, more exotic binary operators (like Xnor or Nand) are not supported. If you need these, you will need to implement them in terms of these more basic operators.

Here is an example of the binary operators in action:

let x: Bits<8> = 0b1101_1010.into();
let y: Bits<8> = 0b1111_0000.into();
let z: Bits<8> = x | y;
assert_eq!(z, 0b1111_1010);
let z: Bits<8> = x & y;
assert_eq!(z, 0b1101_0000);
let z: Bits<8> = x ^ y;
assert_eq!(z, 0b0010_1010);
let z: Bits<8> = !x;
assert_eq!(z, 0b0010_0101);

Note that you can apply these operators to [SignedBits] as well. The meaning of the result is up to you to interpret. The bitwise operators simply manipulate the bits, and do not care about the sign of the value. This is also true for Rust and intrinsic types.

let x: i8 = -0b0101_1010;
let y: i8 = -0b0111_0000;
let z = x ^ y; // This will be positive
assert_eq!(z, 54);


Shifting is a fairly complex topic, since it involves a few additional details:

  • The behavior of [Bits] and [SignedBits] are identical under left shifting.
  • The behavior of [Bits] and [SignedBits] are different under right shifting.
  • Right shifting a [Bits] will cause 0 to be inserted on the "left" of the value (the MSB).
  • Right shifting a [SignedBits] will cause the MSB to be replicated on the "left" of the value.

The net effect of these differences is that left shifting (to a point) will preserve the sign of the value, until all the bits are shifted out of the value. Right shifting will preserve the sign of the value. If you want to right shift a [SignedBits] value with 0 insertion at the MSB, then convert it to a [Bits] first.

The Shl and ShlAssign traits are implemented for both [Bits] and [SignedBits]. The Shr and ShrAssign traits are also implemented for both. Note that unlike the other operators, the shift operators allow you to use a different bit width for the shift amount. This is because in hardware designs, the amount of the shift is often controlled dynamically (using circuitry known as a Barrel Shifter). And the number of bits used to encode the shift will be related to the base-2 log of the number of bits in the register. For example, if you have a 32 bit register, you will need 5 bits to encode the shift amount. If you have a 64 bit register, you will need 6 bits to encode the shift amount. And so on.

In order to model this, the shift operators are generic over both the number of bits in the value being shifted, and the number of bits in the value that controls the shift. For example:

let x: Bits<8> = 0b1101_1010.into();
let y: Bits<3> = 0b101.into();
let z: Bits<8> = x >> y;
assert_eq!(z, 0b0000_0110);

You can also use an integer literal to control the shift amount

let x: Bits<8> = 0b1101_1010.into();
let z: Bits<8> = x >> 3;
assert_eq!(z, 0b0001_1011);

There is one critical difference between shift operators on [Bits]/[SignedBits] and the wrapping Rust operators on intrinsic integers. Rust will do nothing if you shift by more bits than are in the value. For example:

let x: u8 = 0b1101_1010;
let y = u8::wrapping_shl(x,10);
assert_ne!(y, 0b1101_1010); // Note that this is _not_ zero - the result is not even clearly defined.

This is not the case for [Bits] and [SignedBits]. If you shift by more bits than are in the value, the result will simply be zero (unless you are right shifting a [SignedBits] value, in which case it will converge to either zero or -1, depending on the sign bit). This is an odd case to cover, and it is not clear what the "correct" behavior should be. But this is the behavior that is implemented in RHDL.

let x: Bits<8> = 0b1101_1010.into();
let z: Bits<8> = x >> 10;
assert_eq!(z, 0);

Comparison Operators

The standard Rust comparison operators are implemented for both [Bits] and [SignedBits]. These operators are:

Note that the comparison operators are implemented using signed arithmetic for [SignedBits], and unsigned arithmetic for [Bits]. This is the same behavior that you would see in hardware designs. For example, with [Bits]:

let x: Bits<8> = 0b1111_1111.into();
let y: Bits<8> = 0b0000_0000.into();
assert!(x > y);

On the other hand with [SignedBits]:

let x: SignedBits<8> = (-0b0000_0001).into();
let y: SignedBits<8> = 0b0000_0000.into();
assert!(x < y);
assert_eq!(x.as_unsigned(), 0b1111_1111);


~16K SLoC