#ascii-art #terminal-size #terminal-window #command-line-tool #display #random #picker

app random_ascii

A random [rainbow] ascii-art picker which matches your current terminal size

5 releases

0.1.5 Feb 10, 2024
0.1.4 Oct 17, 2023
0.1.3 Sep 11, 2023
0.1.2 Nov 25, 2022
0.1.1 Nov 24, 2022

#1491 in Command line utilities

21 downloads per month


185 lines

Contains (ELF exe/lib, 7MB) latest_release/dotacat, (ELF exe/lib, 5.5MB) latest_release/random_ascii


A command line utility that will randomly choose display an ascii-art file from your collection, taking care to discard those that do not fit in your current window

random_ascii is a simple binary that picks a random uncolored ascii art file

in your collection, which fits in your current terminal window by checking

terminal size and file size, considering the prompt-height to subtract to the

window height, so the chosen file will be entirely visible (no crop, no gap),

since you don't resize the window.

Concerning the "renderer" binary, you can :

  • let the default dotacat renderer (requires dotacat)
  • avoid the "rainbow colors" and dotacat dependency using cat
  • avoid to use cargo using the binary you want (eg : lolcat...)

File sizes are fully parsed just one time, and cached in fileDB, to offer better

performance and avoid unnecessary disk accesses...

  • GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0)
  • currently tested on Debian/Ubuntu, Arch/Manjaro
  • testers and feedbacks are welcome !

Breaking changes since v0.1.3

Due to the use of clap to normalize and enhance arguments parsing, the -h

parameter is now reserved to --help and no longer for the --prompt-height.

So please use -s if you want the shorter one.


The easiest way (with cargo)

Install dotacat or a renderer of your choice, and random_ascii

NB : Cargo binaries directory must be part of your $PATH

(eg : $HOME/.cargo/bin)

cargo install dotacat
cargo install random_ascii

Manually (if you don't want to use cargo)

Just put the binary somewhere in your $PATH,

(eg : /usr/local/bin)

sudo curl -fSsL https://gitlab.com/flashbios/rust_random_ascii/-/raw/main/latest_release/random_ascii?inline=false -o /usr/local/bin/random_ascii
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/random_ascii
# optional 
sudo curl -fSsL https://gitlab.com/flashbios/rust_random_ascii/-/raw/main/latest_release/dotacat?inline=false -o /usr/local/bin/dotacat
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dotacat


Case 1 : you're already ok with the default options

  • I want to use dotacat which is already installed
  • my ascii directory is writable and at ${HOME}/.config/random_ascii/
  • all my ascii files have the .ascii extension
  • my prompt is just 1 line height

Case 2 : you may want to change some option

  • -h, --help

    • just print help
  • -V, --version

    • just print version
  • -p <PATH>, --path <PATH>

    • (default is relative to $HOME/ : .config/random_ascii)

    • relative : from your HOME directory, without leading or trailing slashes

      (eg : --path Documents/path/to/random_ascii_files)

    • absolute : must be readable for your user !

      (eg : --path /opt/random_ascii_files)

  • -e <EXTENSION>, --extension <EXTENSION>

    • if you don't want to mass rename your collection

      (eg : --extension txt)

  • -s <PROMPT_HEIGHT>, --prompt-height <PROMPT_HEIGHT>

    • will be subtracted to the height of the terminal window,

      to filter out files that are too tall (default = 1)

  • -r, --reset-cache

    • reset cache db (just use once after updates, to force parsing files again)

      with obvious lower performance but fresh data

  • -d <DISPLAY_RENDERER>, --display-renderer <DISPLAY_RENDERER>

    • if you prefer cat, lolcat, dot2acat or whatever is installed...
random_ascii -p /opt/random_ascii_files -e txt -d cat -s 4 -r

When you're ok with the command options, you can append it to your .bashrc,

.zshrc (fits well just before a starship prompt)... to enjoy seeing it either

in new tabs and splits.


Just clone/update or download the latest version, and use the binaries,

playing with the arguments, and the samples directory :

cd "${HOME}/Downloads/random_ascii/latest_release/"

./random_ascii -r -d "${HOME}/Downloads/random_ascii/latest_release/dotacat" -p "${HOME}/Downloads/random_ascii/samples/"

NB : Do not forget to --reset-cache at least one time after that,

if you install for real and use the defaut --path option.


~213K SLoC